different warring states of japan

Chapter 1276: Qun Ji's Opposition

Chapter 1276: Qun Ji's Opposition

The Koyasan Shingon sect has a long history, and it is the orthodox sect of the island country Dongmi, with a strict hierarchy in the Temple of the Temple.

The island country has a strict hierarchy, not only the samurai family, but also the religion.Shiba Yoshigin was born noble, and he was the protector of the Shingon sect, so he naturally received preferential treatment.

Among the sixteenth rank nuns of the Shingon sect, Zhong Nizheng ranked third, second only to Danizheng, Quan Danizheng, and Koyasan gave the Shiba family enough face.

Although Yiyin is a fake monk who can't tell the difference between Tantra and Zen, who will take it seriously?
The Shingon sect recognizes him as a Daoist Gaoni, and Honganji Temple will treat him with courtesy. Everyone is a person who understands the rules.

Yoshigin goes to Ishiyama Honganji Temple in Settsu as Shingon Sogoni, and Ichimozu must protect Shiba Yoshinon's safety.

On the edge of the rocky mountain is Sakai Port. According to Honganji's usual arrogance, Miyoshi's family is not willing to provoke this group of fanatics. Yiyin's activities in Sakai Port have a layer of insurance.

Sakai Port is located near the outlet of the Yodogawa River where Izumi and Settsu countries meet. If Izumi and Hosokawa say hello, troops will naturally be sent to supervise, which is another layer of insurance.

With the double insurance, Yiyin took the elite team to Sakai Port, and it was absolutely safe.

Yiyin insists on going to Sakai Port to see Yukino, and his actions are thorough and the security is perfect.

Only Maeda Yili curled his lips in dissatisfaction, and Yiyin also pretended not to see it.

Nizi Shengjiu asked with some doubts.

"Why did Ishiyama Honganji send an invitation letter to the lord?

Even if it seems that the Venerable Master intends to share Buddhist principles, he would not bother you so presumptuously, would you? "

Akechi Mitsuhide smiled and bowed slightly to Yoshiyin.After getting permission, she explained to Zhongji.

"It appears to be in the Venerable Master's stomach, but he is holding his breath.

Before the Nanban sect went to Luojingdu, although it was not approved by the shogunate, it secretly left a few missionaries behind.They were sheltered by local believers in the castle town of Kyoto and engaged in underground missionary work.

After His Highness Oda went to Luo, he temporarily lived in Tofuku Temple.

I don't know how these missionaries got through their joints, became friends with His Royal Highness Oda, got the protection of the Oda family, and preached wantonly in the area of ​​​​Tofuku Temple.

The Buddhist sects originally regarded the Nanman religion as an enemy, so how could they tolerate these missionaries arrogance in the capital and taking the lead.

But the situation in Beijing has just settled down, and the Buddhist sects are unwilling to act as villains and offend the shogunate and the Oda family.

The Linji sect of the Dongfu Temple sent a letter to Shishan Hongan Temple, urging Master Xianru to come forward and deal with these missionaries.

Obviously the Venerable Master was also an honest person, so he really sent a group of congregants to kill those missionaries.

The Zaga crowd caused a massacre in Beijing, and the action was so big that it shocked the shogunate, and even annoyed His Highness Oda.

The Buddhist sects in Kyoto were relieved to see that all the Nanman missionaries had died.Tiantaizong came out again to pretend to be a good person, appease the general, and stabilize the shogunate.

His Royal Highness Oda held back his breath for the sake of the smooth passage of the legal system in Luozhong.

The Tiantai sect also pulled all the factions in Kyoto to speak out, supporting the new general's measures to stabilize the capital, and condemning some sect colleagues who deliberately caused bloodshed.

The Tiantai sect was a good person, but the blame was thrown on Shishan Honganji, it seemed that the master was very displeased.

Although the current general is from the Shingon sect, he is getting closer and closer to the Tendai sect of Mount Hiei.

Now, the shogun and His Highness Oda are going to cooperate again to attack Settsu country.Ishiyama Honganji had offended them just now, so he would naturally feel uneasy.

Obviously, it is not true that the Venerable Master invited the Lord to participate in the Buddhist meeting, but it is true to discuss the status of Yixiangzong in the Setjin Kingdom after the Settsu Raiders. "

After Akechi Mitsuhide finished speaking, Chong Yiyin smiled slightly.Yiyin looked away, too lazy to look at her face asking for credit.

After returning to the mansion, the strategy of keeping a low profile and biding one's time bears initial results, and wise Guangxiu's plan has indeed allowed Yiyin to take advantage of it.

Ashikaga, Shiba, and Oda played a three-party game in the center of the shogunate. Shiba withdrew from the whirlpool and gave the center to Ashikaga and Oda.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki and Oda Nobunaga did not intensify the conflict because of Shiba Yoshikin's withdrawal, but cooperated instead.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki has the status of a general, and Oda Nobunaga has enough strength. Once the two parties cooperate, the surrounding forces will feel the pressure.

The Miyoshi family and Ichimuzong successively expressed their goodwill to Shiba Yoshihiro, because they value Yoshihiro's influence on the shogunate, which is the power of neutrality.

As long as there is enough strength, neutrality itself is a bargaining chip with sufficient weight.But this is not enough. Keeping a low profile is not just sitting around and waiting, but something needs to be done.

Yoshigin looked at Ishida Mitsunari and said.

"Ishida Hime, I am temporarily adding a dividend annuity to the Shibazhong Fund, and I am causing you trouble."

Ishida Mitsunari kowtowed to the ground and said.

"The lord Zhesha minister is here. The money and food are prepared by Takada Yono-sama, and I just distribute them according to the order."

Yi Yin nodded and said.

"Two hundred thousand shi is nearly a few Sibo collars, and there are more than a thousand warriors. The brown rice is more than two thousand shi at a time, and four or five thousand shi is paid twice a year.

This is not a small number, how are you going to guide these brown rice into Warrior Ji's pocket? "

Ishida Mitsunari was taken aback. These days, she just wanted to gather up the amount of brown rice as soon as possible to ensure that this annuity can be released smoothly.As for the Lord being able to guide, what does it mean?
Seeing that Ishida Mitsunari was puzzled, Yi Yin shook his head and said.

"Recently, Sibo received [-] shi, and the four lords and six people received [-] shi in taxes. Most of these incomes have become Ji Wushi's salary and military reserves.

Less than [-]% of the grain that can enter the treasury is stored.The [-] shi left in the local area, except for the seeds of the next year, are not enough to feed the people.

If you spend four or five thousand shi of grain this year, can the local rice price remain stable? "

Ishida Mitsunari suddenly realized that the words of the lord hit the nail on the head.

The fixed price of copper coins and brown rice is always two stones.However, the market price is unstable, food is as valuable as gold in a disaster year, and the price of rice is often inverted. Even two copper coins may not be able to exchange for a stone of brown rice.

The annuity brown rice of the Shibachu Foundation is obtained through trade with samurai from various countries through the Hokuriku Road share.

Because it was brown rice that was imported directly into Shiba's territory, not copper coins.Therefore, Yiyin does not have to worry about the surplus of copper coins, and the market price of rice soars.

However, if a large amount of brown rice is imported, there will inevitably be a surplus, which will be sold by Ji Wushi on the market, which will cause the price of rice to be suppressed, and the price of grain will hurt farmers.

Yiyin wanted the Shibazhong Fund to be the ballast stone of the Shiba family's territory, but if a large amount of brown rice was imported to cause chaos in the rice market and turmoil in the territory, it would be shooting itself in the foot.

Ishida Mitsunari is proficient in internal affairs, Shiba Yoshihiro gave a little touch, and she understood the key point, nodded.

"I'm ashamed, this subordinate didn't even think of this."

Yi Yin said.

"It's not your fault. After all, there has never been a big name who would be stupid enough to give out food. Don't say you are not used to it. I guess everyone is not used to it."

Yiyin's words made all the concubines present feel uncomfortable.Everyone is a high-level martial artist, four stones of brown rice a year is nothing to them.

And the Sibozhong Fund's wooing of the middle and lower-level Ji warriors has a negative impact on the high-level warriors' control of the troops.

The lord passed them and sprinkled grain directly below to buy people's hearts.Even dog-licking admirers like Maeda Yoshiki felt uncomfortable.

Yi Yin glanced at the scene, and continued to speak to Ishida Mitsunari.

"The lower-level Ji warriors rarely come from a wealthy family, and if the brown rice is put down once or twice, it will not impact the rice market for the time being.

The food will be eaten by their families, and any more food will be saved for future shortages.

But in the future, the number of annuity distributions will reach three stones at a time, and the number of distributions will increase, and there will inevitably be a surplus of food in the territory.

So you need to take advantage of the past few years, before there is a surplus of food, to help them think of a way.

My idea is to encourage the expansion of commercial crops such as beans and radishes, and to grind brown rice into white rice.

I hope that Takeshi Ji of Shiba's family can have a few spoonfuls of white rice, a little white tofu, and a few slices of dried white radish on the table of every household from time to time. "

Ishida Mitsunari was dumbfounded when he heard that, according to what the lord meant, he was encouraging everyone to eat and drink well. .Isn't this encouraging luxury?
Nizi Shengjiu is in charge of housekeeping and internal affairs, and she is the most sensitive about it. She frowned, bowed out of the line, and said.

"My lord, it's a time of troubled times, and the world is full of females. All the powerful clans are expanding their armaments and sharpening their swords.

You have a kind heart, and in order to ensure that warrior Ji who has become an official can support the whole family, you have established the Shibazhong Fund, which is greatly admired by your ministers.

only. .Everything is too much, you are too lenient to your ministers.

There is a saying in the sky, it is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but it is difficult to go from extravagance to frugality.White rice, white radish, and white tofu, are such luxurious meals that the lower class Ji warriors and their families should consider?

Living a simple life, sharpening the art of war with heart, and dedicating to the master's duties are what they should do.Your generosity may wear down their will and make them no longer look like Ji warriors.

I implore you to think twice, my lord! "

After Nizi Shengjiu finished speaking, a group of Ji warriors came out one after another and bowed together to express their support for Nizi Shengjiu.

Ishida Mitsunari was very embarrassed.

She is the person in charge of the Sibozhong Fund, the executor of the annuity plan, and the beneficiary of the Sibozhong Fund after its establishment.It stands to reason that she should fully support the Lord.

But what Nizi Shengjiu said made sense, so it was inconvenient for her to object.The support of a group of high-ranking warriors made her unwilling to offend her colleagues.

So, Ishida Mitsunari silently kowtowed to the ground and followed the crowd.

Yiyin saw all the concubines bowing and pleading in unison, expressionless.

Shiba's vassal group was created by Yoshigi, among them were admirers, grateful, and promoted, and there had never been a scene of groups opposing Yoshihiro's decision-making.

But this time, they were united and hoped that Yiyin would make concessions.

The distribution of the annuity from the Shibazhong Fund has damaged the power of the high-ranking samurai family and weakened the financial resources of the Shiba family.

If extravagant consumption is further encouraged, it will weaken the fighting will of the Shibajiaji warrior.If there is a trend of extravagance in Siboling, it will put the family business in a disadvantageous position in troubled times.

The lord's whimsy finally made everyone unable to bear it anymore, and they all opposed the lord's new policy.

Yiyin knocked on the copy beside him and said.

"In your hearts, what do you think of Warrior Ji? Is it cannon fodder for power and profit? Or is it a slave to be consumed at will?

I have been thinking about a question, how did Wu Family World become what it is now?
Back then, the samurai family were lackeys of the emperor and the government, slaves guarding the manor, and servants responsible for killing people.

Ji warriors have been trying to change their destiny.They have tried to marry the Genpei blood of the emperor's heirs, and they have tried to integrate into the public and become a part of the imperial family.

The results of it?They found that the emperor, the nobles, and those noble people had never been on the same side as them, and had never regarded them as their own.

The Heike family, who became a member of the public, was finally defeated by Genji. Why?Because they betrayed their class, betrayed their sisters.

Kiyomori Ping thought that as long as he fell in love with the cage and the shackles, the Ping family could become a superior person.It's sad, it's sad, I'm in a cocoon and I don't know it.

The top of the Heike family is stepping on the corpse of the samurai class.Unwilling to continue to be slaves, Ji warriors raised Genji and won the Genpei battle.

The Samurai Empire replaced the Emperor's court.Ji warriors have become the masters of the world from nothing. "

Yiyin took a breath, looked at the concubines below, and sighed.

"At this moment, at this very moment.

The Ji warriors in the lower class have been busy all their lives, what have they got?Only hunger and death.

The grain in the field was stored as military supplies, bought weapons, used as military rations, and consumed in wars again and again.

Since the Rebellion of the Eight Generation Generals, the world has been in chaos for more than a hundred years.Since the battle of Genpei, Ji warriors have been fighting against each other for more than [-] years.

Ji warriors are already used to this kind of life, focusing on family business, fighting constantly, involuntarily, until they die.

The precious food is not willing to eat at all, but it is generously consumed in the war.

Why?You tell me, what is the reason for this?Some people were lucky enough to board the car, but forgot who was pushing the car they were sitting in.

Ji warriors changed from slaves of the emperor's court to slaves of high-ranking samurai families.

There are many high-level warriors who say that they are Ji warriors, and they are full of martial arts principles, but they never take the Ji warriors below them seriously in their minds.

There are still a lot of dirty things in the mind of the emperor, the public, and the ministers. I don't know what is Ji Wushi, what is the world of samurai, and what is the fundamental interest of samurai. "

Yiyin straightened his back and said.

"Nizi Shengjiu, the mountain was prosperous, Nizi's family fell, and Nizi's party became rogues, do you still remember?"

Nizi Shengjiu and Shanzhong Xingsheng kowtowed to the ground and said.

"The subject will never forget!" x2
"Maeda Masaru, the unrestrained and unrestrained person in Owari country back then.

You, who can't see the big names of the samurai who are greedy for battle, and who are devastated, and who refuse to fight for those injustices, do you still have the original intention of the year? "

Maeda profit said excitedly.

"I'm still me! I haven't changed!"

"Kamo Clan, do you still remember that your mother came to my seat with you in her arms and begged me to take you in, who was affected by internal strife in the family?"

Gamo's eyes glistened with tears.

"The subject is willing to follow the lord forever, until death."

"Dagu Jiji, do you still have memories of the ancestral land of Dagu Village? Do you remember those difficult days?"

Otani Kichitsu's face was full of determination.

"Your kindness is like the sea, you will never forget it!"

(End of this chapter)

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