different warring states of japan

Chapter 1281 1 Powder Keg

Chapter 1281 A Gunpowder Keg
The Settsu strategy is a joint effort by Ashikaga Yoshiaki and Oda Nobunaga, and the Miyoshi family must be unlucky.Yixiang Zong himself insisted on going to Beijing to kill people, which annoyed Ashikaga Oda.

Now, it seems that the Venerable Master is in a dilemma when facing the Raiders of Setjin, and he wants to ask Yiyin to come forward to mediate, so Yiyin is too lazy to wade into this muddy water.

The Shiba family withdrew from Kyoto to leave the stage for both Ashikaga and Oda to perform.

Before Ashikaga Yoshiaki and Oda Nobunaga hit their heads, Yoshiyin resolutely kept a low profile and would never stand out.

Mutomune and Shiba's family are just economic partners in the Hokuriku Road trade route.Yoshigin will not change the Shiba family's grand strategy and return to the stage early just because of Master Xianru's plea.

Seeing Yiyin's perfunctory attitude, it seemed that the Master was obviously displeased, and she looked at the person who was accompanying her.

As the Master of the Yixiang School, Honganji seems to have a lot of things to say.She is a high-ranking lord of the law, and it is not easy to confide in secular disputes and profit from her mouth.

The man nodded slightly, took over Master Xianru's words, and bowed to Yiyin with clasped hands.

"My poor nun, Lai Lian, has seen Jin Duo Hall."

Yiyin smiled at her and nodded.

It turned out that this person was Xianru's right and left hand, General Shishan who was in charge of Shishan's specific affairs, and Xiajian Lai Lian.

From the beginning of the first dharma master, the Xiajian family is a samurai follower of Yixiangzong.

After the prosperity of the Yixiang sect, the Xiajian family even controlled the Fangguan system and mastered the secular affairs of Honganji Temple.

Lai Lian said respectfully next time.

"The Dharma Master understands the difficulties of the Jinduo Palace, you have become a monk and practiced, and you have ignored the affairs of the shogunate.

But for this Settsu strategy, His Highness Oda came to Sakai Port, so he took the initiative to cooperate with the shogunate.We ask for your understanding of our concern as it concerns the common interests of Hokuriku Province. "

Yiyin frowned slightly, but said nothing.Next time, Lai Lian took a careful look at Yiyin, seeing that he was calm, he continued to speak.

"The territory of the Oda family is far away in the Nobi Plains. Even if they want to expand outward, they should go and take down the Swing Samurai family in Northern Ise and the Kitabata family in Southern Ise.

However, His Royal Highness Oda came all the way to Setjin to help the shogunate avenge the ancestors.

Don't you think that's weird? "

In fact, Yoshihiro also couldn't figure out how Oda Nobunaga, a guy who didn't get up early without any advantage, would actively cooperate with Ashikaga Yoshiaki to start the Settsu Raiders.

Attacking the Miyoshi family and taking Settsu Kingdom is a great thing for Ashikaga Yoshiaki to gain his reputation and expand his prestige.

But for Oda Nobunaga, the price/performance ratio is a bit low.Wouldn't it be more beneficial for the development of the Oda family to take down the weeds in North Ise and the Kitabata family in South Ise, and swallow the entire Ise Bay?
I think Lai Lian's words are reasonable, but Yi Yin is not easy to speak.

Miyoshi went to Luo and killed his fiancée.Although the Miyoshi trio who were considered by everyone to be the culprit are dead, the stains on Miyoshi's family are not easy to wash off.

As a good husband who kept festivals for his dead wife and became a monk to pray for blessings, how could Yiyin question the justice of Setjin Raiders?

Shimoma Lai Lian carefully observed the changes in Yiyin's expression while talking.

"According to the information we have collected, not all the members of the Southern Barbarians Shangluo died.

There is a knight from the Nanban Order from Rhode Island, who has already served in the Oda family and is training the spear and iron cannon ashigaru for the Oda family. "

Yiyin's pupils shrank slightly, Yixiangzong's intelligence channels are very powerful, and this matter has been found out.

Oda Nobunaga had shown off with Yoshigin that she had blacks and knights from the southern barbarians under her command.

It turned out that the knight was not only a Spaniard, but also a military member from the Hospital Knights of Rhode Island, which was a bit troublesome.

The Knights Hospitaller was the first armed force in Europe to use firearms on a large scale. The Spaniards in the Liberian Peninsula were fanatics of the Southern Barbarian religion.

During the military exchanges in support of the Eastern Expedition, the two sides gradually perfected the new Spanish phalanx.

Thinking that the Oda family has such talents and is training the ashigaru and iron cannon ashigaru to fight together, Yoshigin felt his teeth ache.

The enfeoffment system of the traditional samurai family and the backward mobilization method can only recruit a small number of off-the-job ashigaru, and the combat effectiveness of most soldiers is extremely low.

Oda Nobunaga holds the large granary in the Nobi Plains, and while separating farmers from soldiers, he trains full-time ashigaru who can skillfully use iron cannons and spears to cooperate in combat. It is really a dimensionality reduction blow in the island country.

Ordinary civilians receive training with long guns and iron cannons, and they can form a good combat effectiveness in as little as three months and as long as half a year.

The traditional samurai family began to receive education at the age of three, and became an official in Yuanfu at the age of fifteen.It takes at least ten years to recruit a qualified Ji warrior.

The core of the traditional samurai army is the warrior Ji in these reserve teams.The high-frequency and low-intensity fighting methods among the warriors are also because they cannot afford to sacrifice too many Ji warriors.

Without Ji Wushi, no one manages the territory, and the army has no backbone, the traditional samurai regime will collapse.

And Oda Nobunaga wants to bring advanced tactics to the island country and reuse pawns selected from the civilian population.Even if she only learned a little superficial tricks, it is enough to sweep the land turtles of the sixty-six countries.

Seeing that Yiyin's eyes became serious, Xia Jian Lai Lian said with secret joy in his heart.

"His Royal Highness Oda decided to help the shogunate attack Settsu, because he listened to the advice of this Nanbanji samurai and tried to take Sakai Port in vain.

Because the Oda family needs to equip iron cannons on a large scale, it needs to consume a lot of gunpowder and projectiles.The island nation is short of saltpeter and lead ore, and must be replenished in large quantities through Nanban trade.

Jinda Temple, Sakai Port and Ishiyama are two sides of one body, creating the prosperity of commerce and trade in the coastal area.

His Majesty Oda is very aggressive. We cannot put the safety of the Hokuriku Road trade route on the sanity of others. We must plan ahead. "

Lai Lian's attitude is sincere, but Yi Yin knows that what she said is half true and half false.

The Ichigo sect valued the commercial profits of the Hokuriku Road trade route, but in fact, even if they lost the money, the foundation of Ishiyama Honganji Temple would not be shaken.

What really makes Master Xianru feel nervous is that once Oda Nobunaga sets his sights on Sakai Port, there is a high probability that he will not let Shishan go.

As Lairen Shimoma said, Sakai Port and Stone Mountain are one.

The Miyoshi family did not have the idea of ​​invading Ishiyama, because they had no strength and had a bad relationship with the clan. It was enough to set up a card to collect taxes at Sakai Port, but Oda Nobunaga was hard to say.

If the Nanman Cult came to the Oda family, it would not let Ishiyama Honganji pass the test easily.Today, they can encourage Oda Nobunaga to take Sakai Port, and tomorrow they can lure the Oda family to attack Ishiyama.

The location of Shishan is really important.

In ancient times, the Imperial Court of the Emperor established Namba Kyō here.The reason why Shishan is called Shishan is that when Honganji Temple was built, many ancient stone foundations were dug out and used as building materials.

Yiyin thought for a while and said.

"Even if the Oda family gets the right to manage Sakai Port, the shogunate will not allow the Oda family to mess around.

Ishiyama Honganji Temple is the front line of Buddhist sects resisting Nanbanism, and the sects in Kyoto will not just watch the Oda family dig up this city wall.

Guizong might be a little too worried, right? "

Lai Lian shook his head next time.

"The situation in Tsudaden and Sakai Port is more complicated. It has been a hub of domestic and foreign trade since ancient times.

The foreign trade of the island country is imported from Hakata Port in Kyushu to Sakai Port through the Seto Inland Sea.

Originally, there were only goods from China, North Korea, and Ryukyu on this route.Over the years, the Southern barbarians came to trade and brought their fallacies and heresies with them.

The daimyos in Kyushu have been blinded by commercial profits and corrupted by heresies.And Sakai Port is the next target of the Nanban Cult.

There are few people who are proficient in business in the samurai family. In recent years, Sakai Port has been maintained by ten people from the Sakai Congregation.

The ten most powerful merchant houses jointly manage Sakai Port, and the samurai daimyo who occupy this place can enjoy tariffs without any effort.

Sen Rikyu is the head of the ten people. It is said that the Sen family has noble blood and has a close relationship with the famous shogunate in Kyoto.

Imai Zongjiu followed Takada Yono-sama of the Shiba family, Tsuda Zongji followed the dead Miyoshi trio, and Nishi Ronzo, who disappeared last year, was a pious follower of the Nanman Sect.

These big merchants monopolized the food, armaments, and medicinal materials on the market in Sakai Port, and they had a very large influence.

Relying on the huge benefits of the Nanban trade, the Nanban religion has bought a small number of merchants in Sakai Port and lured them to convert.

Once the Oda family enters Sakai Port, even if the shogunate intends to maintain order, it is difficult to guarantee that someone will deliberately cause trouble with evil intentions.

I am afraid that at that time, there will be unexpected incidents in Sakai Port that will damage the Hokuriku Road trade route and affect the interests of all of us, so I beg Jin Taden to pay attention to this matter. "

Yiyin looked at Lai Lian's eloquence, but he sneered in his heart, the official left half of what he said.

The market in Sakai Port is divided into financial and cargo.

During times of war, the most in-demand supplies were food, ordnance, and medicinal materials.These are all military supplies, and they are indeed in the hands of ten members of the Sakai congregation.

But in terms of finance, it was the monastery that took the lion's share.

Finance in ancient times was not complicated, and Sakai Port mainly consisted of Dulaiqian and soil warehouses.The former is to make money by using the exchange rate difference of gold, silver and copper, while the latter is simply the rolling interest of sitting on the ground and collecting money.

Imai Zonghisa's business involves crossing money, traveling between the island countries of the Celestial Dynasty, and earning some hard work in exchanging copper coins.

And the Buddhist lady in the monastery likes to make quick money the most. Nine out of ten and thirteen returnees can be regarded as low interest with the heart of a bodhisattva. Who would dare not pay back the money owed to the monastery?

The Ichigo Sect is the strongest sect force in the vicinity. Back then when the Hokuriku Road trade road started, Takada Yono was cheated from the soil warehouses of these temples. .No, the first pot of gold was borrowed.

At this moment, Xiajian Lailian pretended to be a poor little white rabbit in front of Yiyin, as if the southern barbarians in Sakai Port used the additional terms of trade to instigate businessmen to make trouble and deliberately suppress Yixiangzong.

No matter how bad the Southern barbarians were, it was trade in kind, and the goods could be seen and touched.It's not like the big Bodhisattva who lends money in the monastery, he is really a white wolf with empty hands, and I don't know how many families have been ruined.

As long as the Buddha girls are a little more relaxed, the Nanman religion will not expand so fast.

The characteristic of the Nanman religion is that the church members help each other and love each other, which is very in line with the character of the islanders who live in groups to survive.

The power of the temple makes people unable to survive, and the fools of the whole village will turn around and fall into the arms of the Nanman religion, seeking asylum.

The incident between Yixiangzong and the Nanman Sect is a dispute of beliefs, but it is a conflict of interests.Blocking people's money is like killing your parents.

At this moment, Xiajian Lai Lian burst into tears in front of Yiyin, accusing the Nanman Cult of evil intentions, how could she have the nerve to say so?
The Buddha ladies are greedy, they don't reflect on their own deception, but they blame the ignorance of the people and bewitched by paganism. They are really thick-skinned.

But speaking of this, Oda Nobunaga's ambitions for Sakai Port did arouse Yoshigin's concerns.

Because of Ashikaga Yoshiki, Yoshigin has always been disgusted with the Miyoshi family, and the Miyoshi family is also scruples about the Shiba family.

But this does not prevent the two parties from forming a joint stock company and using the Hokuriku Road trade route to make money. What kind of enmity can be more important than real money?
Even if Shiba Yoshigin and Miyoshi Yoshitsugu want to fight each other, the samurai group below who are busy reaping benefits will try their best to persuade them, and peace is the most important thing.

Originally, Yoshigin's idea was very simple. Even if Ashikaga Yoshiaki and Oda Nobunaga reached in through the Settsu Raiders, it was just a matter of putting two more sets of bowls and chopsticks.

Miyoshi's family is useless, so just eat a few bites and leave the excess portion to the Ashikaga Oda family.

The mature Hokuriku Road trading route dividend system, a large number of benefits for nothing, are the Ashikaga and Oda two willing to give up?

But now seeing Xiang Zong's appearance as if he was facing a formidable enemy, Yi Yin was a little uncertain.

Religious matters have never been intellectual matters.Faith is an inexhaustible gold mine, and it is a life-and-death vital interest. Zongzong will never compromise on the issue of belief just because of rich business profits.

If the religious gunpowder barrel accumulated by the Nanman religion and the Ichigo sect for many years is really blown away by the fuse of Oda Nobunaga, the Hokuriku Road trade route will be in trouble.

Sakai Port is the source of the Hokuriku Road trade route, and there must be no problems here.

Yoshigin just threw a lot of coins at Shiba's house just now. He needs the continuous blood transfusion of Shibazhong Fund, and this is inseparable from the prosperity of the Hokuriku Road trade route.

If there is a problem with the Hokuriku Road trade route, Yiyin will die.The Sibo Zhong Fund can't make any money, so how can he use it to distribute annuity dividends and maintain the stability of Sibo's family?

The Ishiyama Honganji Temple near Sakai Port has always been an important force in maintaining the stability of the Hokuriku Road trade route.On the one hand, it looks at the Miyoshi Checkpoint in Sakai Port, and on the other hand, it presses the Hokuriku Road Ichikomune.

It seems that the Venerable Master asked Xiajian Lai Lian to come forward, and when he talked about this, he was already begging Yiyin for help.It's a matter of self-interest, it's really hard for Yiyin to refuse.

He pondered for a while and said.

"The Miyoshi family acted against the law, and they must pay the price for the evil deeds that were raging in Shangluo before.

But the people in Sakai Port are innocent, and we cannot just stand by and watch innocent townspeople suffer from war disasters. "

Seeing that Yiyin finally let go of his mouth, it appeared that the Venerable Master called out Namo Amitabha, revealing the expression of mourning for the people.

"Jinda hall is compassionate, and I admire you very much. The Pure Land Shinzong is willing to help you and bless you for peace."

Yiyin laughed.

"It won't cause trouble to the point where the lord of the law needs to take action. The shogunate still has loyal and sensible ministers.

I will write a letter to inform the new head of the shogunate, His Highness Hatakeyama Takamasa, about any misunderstanding between the Jodo Shinzong and the shogunate.Ask her to speak out for the Pure Land Shinzong in the shogunate review and maintain the reputation of the noble clan. "

(End of this chapter)

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