different warring states of japan

Chapter 1290 Grandmother and Granddaughter

Chapter 1290 Grandmother and Granddaughter

When Yoshigin crossed the Hokuriku Road, far away in the mountains of Shinano, an old man was near the end of his life, and his time was numbered.

Shinano country, Dongshin area, Ueda Castle.

Sanada Yutaka made great contributions to Takeda Shingen's attack on Dongshin, and he was granted the title of Hushicheng, an important town between Dongshin and Beixin, and took back the ancestral land of Sanada Township.

Afterwards, Yutaka Sanada ordered his daughter Masayuki Sanada to build Ueda Castle in the northern part of the Ueda Basin between Toishi Castle and Sanada Township, at Niyuan, a tributary of the Shinano River, as the new residence of the Sanada family.

This new city was built and moved in just this spring, and Sanada Yutaka's health was failing.

When it dragged on to Xia Tian, ​​she faintly felt something.I wrote a letter to Nishi Ueno, asking my granddaughter Nobushige Sanada to come to Toshin to see me for the last time.

In midsummer, it is cooler in the mountains than outside, but there are too many cicadas singing on the trees, making it so noisy that people can't sleep well.

In Sanada Yutaka's residence, his daughter Sanada Masayuki wanted to let people stick those Maemis away, but was stopped by Sanada Yutaka.

As she was dying, Sanada Yutaka liked these life-filled tweets, making her feel like she was still alive.

The cicadas have been living females at the bottom of the trees for several years, just to show their value for the hustle and bustle of this summer.When the cicadas stop singing, Xia Chan falls to the ground and dies.

On this day, Sanada Masayuki took his eldest daughter Sanada Yukiyuki to serve at his mother's bedside.Suddenly, Sanada Yutaka sat up by himself and looked at the two of them.

"Xin Fan is back."

Sanada Masayuki was taken aback and said.

"Mother, Xin Fan hasn't arrived yet."

Sanada Yutaka shook his head and said.

"Changing clothes for me, Xinfan will arrive soon, I want to get up and talk to her."

Sanada Masayuki was still a little puzzled, but looking at Sanada Yutaka's face that was gradually turning rosy, he seemed to understand something.She nodded silently and stepped forward to change her mother's clothes.

Koyuki Sanada looked at his grandmother and mother, his eyes flickered, and he stepped forward to help.

Koyuki Sanada, the eldest daughter and grandson, was supposed to be someone who could entrust the family business in the eyes of his grandmother and mother.But in the past two years, the second daughter, Nobushige Sanada, was born and took everyone's attention away.

The Sanada family is a branch of the Uno family. When the Takeda family attacked Toshin, they beat the Uno family and the Sanada family to flee their homes and exile in Agatsuma County.

After Takeda Shingen succeeded to the throne, he failed to win over the Unino family, so he turned to Sanada Yutaka.

Sanada Yutaka considered the third, abandoned the Unino family, and joined Takeda Shingen's family.Only then did he return to Dongxin to make contributions and restore the family business.

Takeda Shingen gave Sanada Yutaka the position of leader of the Takeda East believers, returned the ancestral land, rewarded Hushicheng, and the Sanada family was able to return to the list of Wanshi daimyo.

Yukitaka Sanada experienced ups and downs throughout his life, and finally he revived his family business, which can be called a generation of outstanding people.

But she, a hero, never imagined that the crazy girl Sanada Nobushige who caused her and her daughter Sanada Masayuki to die of headaches in the past turned out to be an inexhaustible evildoer.

Sanada Nobushige rescued Shiba Yoshigin during the Battle of Kawanakajima, and insisted on leaving the Takeda family.Sanada Yutaka was thinking of stepping on two boats at the time, and took advantage of the situation to drive Sanada Nobushige out of the Sanada family.

Since then, Nobushige Sanada, the thousand-mile horse of the Sanada family, has soared into the sky.

She was rewarded by Yoshihiro Shiba for the Zhixing Land of Sengoku of the Matsushiro Fan, and then conquered Azuma County, achieved the fame of Wanshi, and entered the Kanto Service Office to serve the public, ranking among the allies and ranking high.

In the spring of this year, Nobushige Sanada actually swallowed an elephant with a single snake, and took down the Nagano family in Minowa Castle with the power of Wanshi from Azuma Prefecture, occupying the land of Nishi Ueno.

That was the one-hundred-thousand-goku territory of Nishi Ueno that Nagano Karmasa had painstakingly managed for half his life. I didn't want her to pass away just now, and the wives led by Sanada Nobushige swept Nishi Ueno in ruins.

Nagano Yemasa's daughter, Nagano Yemori, was rescued by Kamiizumi Nobutsuna, and the Minoru crowd fell apart.

Even Sanada Yutaka, the outstanding governor who revived the family business, looked dim in front of Sanada Nobushige who suddenly rushed up, let alone Sanada Yukiyuki, the eldest daughter of his grandchildren.

At this time, Sanada Xingzhi felt a little hesitant in his heart.Seeing that the grandmother is returning to the light, she is ready to explain the funeral.

if. .If she recalls Sanada Nobushige back home, she may lose her position as the heir.

But on the surface, Sanada Xingyu, who is very rich in the city, is still calmly helping his mother to dress his grandmother, and there is nothing unusual at all.

After Sanada Yutaka finished dressing, he tightened his belt and walked out of the room with his head held high.Sanada Masayuki behind him wanted to help, but Sanada Yutaka waved to stop him.

Yukitaka Sanada walked to the pond in the courtyard, squinted his eyes to watch Jinglu play in the water, and listened to Xia Chan's weeping in his ears, his back straightened like a thousand-year-old pine that would not fall down.

Sanada Masayuki stood on the porch, looking at his mother's back, his eyes were a little red.

She said to Koyuki Sanada beside her.

"Go out and meet him, and see if Xin Fan has arrived."

Sanada Koyuki nodded slightly, turned around and left.

There is God's will in the dark, and people who are near the end of life always have a premonition that they are transcendent.

Sanada Yutaka saw that it was the last moment of returning to the light, and Sanada Masayuki also hoped that her intuition was correct and let the grandmother and granddaughter meet for the last time.

I don't know how long it has passed, Sanada Yutaka is still standing upright in the court, but Sanada Masayuki behind him is anxious.

Was mother's premonition wrong?Has Xinfan arrived yet?
At this moment, Sanada Nobushige's angry shout came from outside the court.

"Grandmother, I heard that you are going to die?"

Sanada Yutaka and Sanada Masayuki looked out the door together, and a heroic Hime Samurai appeared there, smiling and nodding to his mother on the porch.

Afterwards, she walked up to Yukitaka Sanada in a few steps, walked around in a circle, and said.

"It doesn't look like you're going to die, grandma, you called me all the way from Nishi Ueno, didn't you mean to trick me?"

Masaaki Sanada didn't come over, but just watched silently from a distance, leaving space for the grandparent and grandson.

Sanada Yutaka shook his head, annoyed and funny.She didn't answer Nobushige Sanada's question, but asked instead.

"What? The newly promoted Lord of West Ueno is busy recently? Why don't you have time to come back and see me, an old lady?"

Sanada Nobushige pursed his lips and said.

"At the beginning, you kicked me out of the door. Why? Seeing that I'm doing so well now, do you regret it?"

Sanada Yutaka scolded with a smile.

"Regret? Regret, regret not kicking you wild monkey out of the house sooner.

Speaking of which, he is a big man, why is he still with such shameless virtue?Is it fun to be a prince? "

Sanada Nobushige sighed.

"Cool, it's really cool.

Nobuzuna Kamizumi desperately escorted Nagano Yesheng to Dahucheng, and died as soon as he arrived at Shimao Katsumo's site. I was worried about how to explain to Jin Taden. "

Sanada Yukitaka shook his head.

"Umizumi Juggernaut is worthy of being Nishi Ueno's gun, worthy of a friend.

By the way, who is Jin Daden? "

Nobushige Sanada said with an unnatural expression on his face.

"The big royal platform supported the shogunate, and after setting up a general, he became a monk and practiced to pray for the ancestors, and he was named Jinduodian."

Sanada Kotaka glanced at his granddaughter and said.

"I heard that Nobuzuna Umizumi has an irreversible relationship with Jindaden?"

Nobushige Sanada nodded with a bitter face.

"That's why I'm worried.

I don't know what kind of madness the sword master of Shangquan went, blocked my gate in Minlun City for three days, and then escorted Nagano Yesheng to Dahu City.

This old man is really stubborn, he tossed his life away.It is said that Jin Duodian is already on his way back to Etsuhou Kingdom, I really don't know how to explain it.

In the land of Shiwanshixi Ueno, the Hojo family made a comeback and swallowed Hirai Castle, and Kobata Nobusada took back Kunimine Castle.I only occupy a small Minowon Castle, why all the troubles are directed at me?

Nagano Yesheng was fiercely guarded by Dao Sheng, and he was waiting for Jin Daden to come back and cry, and he wanted to sue me for the crime of arbitrarily provoking border wars, and the Sword Master Shangquan died in this matter again.

According to Jin Duodian's temper, I won't be able to get through this test. "

Sanada Yutaka looked at the frowning Sanada Nobushige and asked.

"Matsushiro, my wife, Minowa, you girl occupies a lot of territory, you must have [-] shi?"

Sanada Nobushige nodded.

"Mount Haruna is rounded from north to south, and the land has not been inspected. The exact number is uncertain, but it will not be less than [-] shi. In more terms, it can be regarded as a territory of [-] shi.

Don't look at the size of the land there, it's all poor mountains and valleys, and not much food can be grown. "

Sanada Yukiro laughed.

"No matter how poor you are, that's still fifty thousand stones.

You are capable, more capable than I am. I have been busy all my life, I have been busy working, and when I die, I only have more than [-] stones in my hand. "

Yukitaka Sanada finally mentioned the word death, and Nobushige Sanada, who had been laughing all the time, froze and said embarrassingly.


She was welcomed in by Sanada Yutaka from the outside, how could she not know about Sanada Yutaka's condition?It's just that I don't want to be like a child, and I'm sad and weeping.

But at this time, Sanada Yukitaka's indifferent attitude towards death made Nobushige Sanada's emotions suddenly overwhelmed.

She thought of how her grandmother cared for her when she was young, how she left home without authorization, and asked her grandmother for help several times, and her eyes were a little sour.

Seeing her red eye circles, Sanada Yutaka smiled slightly.

"Stop it, keep making trouble, keep having fun.

I'm used to seeing your heartless appearance like a little monkey, but I'm really not used to showing such a sad expression all of a sudden. "

Nobushige Sanada took a deep breath and forced a smile.

"I'm so worried, I beg my grandmother to give me an idea to fool Jin Duodian over."

Sanada Yukitaka shook his head.

"Jin Duodian is a male hero who has not been seen in a thousand years. He is unparalleled in the world. Who can fool him?

If you should admit your mistake, you will admit it.In the future, you will have to eat and drink with Jin Duodian, how dare you have such disrespectful thoughts of deceiving your majesty? "

Nobushige Sanada scratched his head and said.

"I can't return the hard-earned territory to Nagano Yesheng, right? Then my hard work was in vain?"

Sanada Yukiro laughed.

"Nowadays is a troubled time, and incompetent people occupy strategic places, and it is immature children who spend money in the busy market.

If Nagano Yesheng really couldn't think about it that much, it would be her courting death.Kamizumi Nobutsuna saved the Nagano family once with his life. This kind of fool is rare, and there will be no second time. "

Sanada Nobushige sighed.

"Who cares about Nagano Karamori not committing suicide, the key is what Jintaden will think."

Sanada Yutaka pointed at her, and laughed.

"Children can be taught.

By the way, do you know who the current Shirota Shiota is? "

Nobushige Sanada was taken aback, why did grandma take the topic so far?

The territory of the Sanada family is located in Sanada Township, Ueda Castle, and Toishi Castle in the northern part of the Ueda Basin in the Toshin region.Yantian City in the south of the Ueda Basin was the core territory of the Murakami family back then.

Murakami Yoshiki was defeated by Takeda Shingen, drove all the way to Beixin, and took refuge in Uesugi Terutora.

In the Battle of Kawanakajima, both Uesugi Takeda and his family were stunned.The strength of the opponent is beyond imagination, and the loss of the family is too tragic.

Just because Kawanakajima lost both sides in the fight, Shiba Yoshigin's mediation for the Uesugi Takeda family was so smooth. Only evenly matched opponents know how to respect each other.

Murakami Yoshiki was placed in Beixin Xinling by Uesugi Terutoro, acting as a buffer zone between Uesugi Takeda and his family.

The former leader of the samurai family in Yantian City was uprooted by Takeda Shingen, and Sanada Nobushige didn't know who was in charge of the house now.

Seeing her confused face, Sanada Kotaka continued.

"After His Highness Takeda reached an agreement with His Highness Uesugi, he turned around and went south to attack the Suruga country.

On the side of the Eastern Believers, she is not at ease to hand everything over to me. In Yantian City, there is a supervisor sent by the Takeda family to sit in the town, named Anayama Anji.

She is Anayama Nobukun's niece, and she is considered a trusted member of the Takeda family. "

Sanada Nobushige nodded, she knew Anayama Nobukun.The Takeda family is a powerful family, and the Anayama family has a lot of influence in the Kai country.

But she didn't understand, why did grandma mention Anayama Anji?

Yukitaka Sanada looked at Nobushige Sanada and said slowly.

"I have received news that His Highness Uesugi and His Highness Hojo have reached an agreement, and they have formed an alliance."

Nobushige Sanada was shocked.

"There is such a thing? Why don't I know?"

Sanada Yukitaka shook his head.

"As soon as you go back, you will know that this matter has already caused a lot of trouble.

In Beixin’s Zenkoji-hei, Echigo Kingdom’s imports of cheap materials stopped, and the free salt promised by Jindaden in the past also stopped. "

Nobushige Sanada narrowed her eyes, she has already sensed the seriousness of the situation, who will the Uesugi family and the Hojo family join forces to deal with?Is it the Takeda family?

Uesugi's doing so violated the grand plan for the Kanto strategy set by Jindadian, and Jindadian was on his way to Echigo Kingdom.

Nobushige Sanada looked at Yukitaka Sanada solemnly and asked.

"Grandmother means that I can take advantage of this incident, Anji Anayama?"

Sanada Yutaka said quietly.

"After the Uesugi and Takeda truces ceased fighting, the Shinano country was at peace for several years.

For us old people, peace is a great thing.But for young people with ambitions, this is the place where youth is buried.

Yasuji Anayama stayed in Yantian City for a few years, but he did not make an inch of merit. He watched the Kai people attack the city and plunder the Suruga country with great rewards.

You said, would she be happy if there was new tension between the Takeda Uesugi family? "

Nobushige Sanada understood a little bit.

"Grandma wants me to make myself rich?"

Sanada Kotaka raised his eyebrows and said.

"You child! Why do you speak so badly? You are sharing your worries and guarding against the border.

Usui Pass is an important town between Minowa Castle and Kunimine Castle in West Ueno, connecting the land of Toshin.

If the Takeda family and the Uesugi family turned against each other and tried to get their hands on the land of Guanbashu, the first target to bear the brunt would be Usui Pass, which would be Nishi Ueno.

Nagano Yesheng is a tiger bitch and dog girl, far less powerful than her mother.She can't even fight against you, how can she withstand the pressure of the Takeda family?
If Jin Duodian learns that there is a change on Dongxin's side, Ubing Pass will be in danger.The Takeda family is ready to move, and they may go out to attack Nishi Ueno at any time.

You said, would he still ask you to spit out the land and return it to Nagano Yesheng?

Does Jindadian believe that you, a mighty general under his command, can defend the land of Nishi Ueno, or do you believe in Nagano Yesheng who has been disgraced by you?
In troubled times, incompetence is a crime, and there is no reason to speak. "

Sanada Nobushige was overjoyed and said to his grandmother with a thumbs up.

"High, it is high!"

(End of this chapter)

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