different warring states of japan

Chapter 1299 Lovely Child

Chapter 1299 Lovely Child

"you are?"

A question mark slowly rose in Yoshihiko's mind. After carefully identifying the dirty and painted-faced loli, he suddenly realized that this child was Uesugi Jinghu.

At the beginning of the civil strife in the Numata family, the governor Numata Kenyasu killed the eldest daughter and the second daughter, and fled to Echigo with the three daughters.

The Numata retainers who had expelled the house governor could not find a direct heir, so they hoped to welcome the Hojo clan's son to inherit the family business, so the Hojo clan sent his daughter Hojo Sanniang to Numata to lead the family.

But Echigo's reaction was also very fast. In order to open up the passage to the land of Guan Yashu, the Numata Territory on the other side of the Echigo Mountains, Kawada Changqin's troops quickly moved south and captured Numata Castle.

Hojo Sanniang, who had not yet inherited the Numata family, failed to escape and was captured by the Uesugi family.

Seeing that the childish girl was pitiful, Yoshihiro persuaded Uesugi Terutora to save her life, thinking that the follow-up conquest of the Hojo family would be used to shake the will of the Hojo retainers to resist.

Uesugi Huihu simply took the child into Uesugi's family in the mountains, changed the name of Miao to Uesugi, and gave himself the old name Jinghu to show his value.

Originally, I thought that the Kanto strategy was advancing smoothly, and the Hojo family was gradually driven into a desperate situation. This child's blood could be used to divide some of the wavering Hojo retainers and break up the Hojo family.

But now, the Kanto Raiders have died halfway, and the two alliances of Uesugi and Hojo are fighting, and the whole plan has been disrupted.

Yoshiyin looked at Uesugi Keiko, a little lost in thought.Uesugi Jinghu thought that he couldn't see his appearance clearly, so he quickly rubbed his face with his hands, trying to make him recognize him.

"Father, it's me, it's me, Jinghu!"

Yoshihiro saw that Uesugi Jinghu's hands were gray and black, and when he rubbed his face like that, his painted face instantly turned into a big black face, making him even more unrecognizable.

He couldn't help smiling, stepped forward to hold the child's hand, and said softly.

"I know, I recognize you, why are you so dirty?"

As Yiyin was talking, he took her hand and walked to the pond, moistened a towel with the pond water, and wiped her face.

Uesugi Jinghu stared blankly at Yiyin gently wiping his face, and stared at him intently with his round and big eyes.

Yiyin said in surprise.

"what happened?"

Uesugi Jinghu shook his head slightly, squinting his eyes to enjoy the gentle strength of Yoshigin wiping her face, like a clingy kitten, she whispered.

"Father treats me very well."

Yiyin laughed and said.

"You're such a coaxing kid, we've only met a few times, how can we treat you so well?
Also, why do you call me foster father? "

Uesugi Jinghu's face darkened, and he said.

"I know that I survived because my adoptive father spoke for me and persuaded my adoptive mother.

Although foster father is not in the palace, the people here only started to treat me nicely after you got angry last time. "

Yi Yin also couldn't bear to see the child's self-pity at such a young age.

Her adoptive mother, Terutora Uesugi, adopted her last year, but she had no good intentions and wanted to use her to destroy the fighting spirit of the Hojo family.

Uesugi Xianzheng also hated Hojo Ujiyasu for killing his family, and wanted to design to kill Uesugi Jinghu.If Yiyin hadn't noticed the clue, the child might have disappeared.

Now Uesugi and Hojo Gouhe, this child has no use value for the Uesugi family.Coupled with the fact that Uesugi Kensei, who had his whole family killed by Yasushi Hojo, has been eyeing him, the future may be difficult.

Yoshigin's eyes were gentle, and Uesugi Jinghu summoned up his courage and said.

"It is said that you are the father of the world's martial arts, and you are as loving as a mountain. I have already taken Yuanfu, and I am also a Ji warrior. Naturally, I am your child, right?"

Yiyin stroked her small head, his eyes became softer.

This child advances to Yuanfu as an immature girl, it's just Uesugi Terutoro who wants to use her identity to make trouble, so it can't really be counted.It is also pitiful to be forced to break into the world of adults at a young age.

But the child's next sentence made Yiyin's face stiff again.

"Every time I mention you as a adoptive father, my adoptive mother will be very happy and treat me better."

Yiyin spat secretly.

Uesugi Uesugi, that bastard, is not enough to take advantage of me, and he still wants to flirt in front of the children, which is really speechless.

Yi Yin sighed and said.

"The adoptive father is the adoptive father, as long as your life is easier, you can shout as you like."

While talking, Yiyin didn't stop the movement of his hands.The white scarf gradually turned gray and black, and a delicate and lovely little loli slowly revealed her true face.

Yiyin patted her little face and said.

"Okay, wipe it clean, why did it get so dirty?"

Uesugi Jinghu bowed his head in embarrassment, looked at his toes, and said.

"They said you're back, and I want to see you, but they won't let you. I had no choice but to crawl into the inner courtyard through a dog hole."

Yiyin lost his voice.

"Dog hole?"

Uesugi Jinghu looked at him timidly and asked.

"Father, am I ashamed? But I miss my father very much, and I really want to see you."

Yiyin shook his head.

"It's not shameful, back then in Songcang City, you raised..."

In the middle of the conversation, Yiyin still didn't say anything.

Let Uesugi Terutoro know that he was burying her behind her back, and tell her adoptive daughter about the embarrassment that she was betrayed by the Shiina family and climbed the dog hole in Matsukura Castle, that face-saving guy will definitely go crazy.

Yiyin changed the subject.

"You said, someone won't let you come to see me?"

Uesugi Jinghu nodded depressedly and said.

"A few days ago, someone from Hojo's family came and said he was going to be my retainer.

Forced me to study, practice martial arts, and count every day. .Obviously no one cared about me before, and I was familiar with the Imperial Pavilion. "

Seeing her pouted, Yiyin was so cute, he couldn't help scratching her nose and mouth with his fingers, and said with a smile.

"Yeah, you've been lawless in the palace all day long, so you know where there are dog holes?"

Uesugi Jinghu patted his head in embarrassment, and said coquettishly while holding Yoshiyin's hand.

"Master foster father, I'm actually very good."

Yiyin looked at her with a smile, and he liked her more and more.

I am surrounded by prudish guys, even Naomasa Ii, the youngest girl, is still pretending to speak and act like an adult.

Uesugi Jinghu, a naughty little girl, made Yoshihiro feel novel and interesting.

While the two were talking, Gamo Shigo walked in from the door and saw Uesugi Keiko who should not have appeared in the inner courtyard.She frowned subconsciously, and stared straight at the little girl.

Uesugi Jinghu seemed to sense her unkindness, and carefully hid behind Yoshigin.

Yiyin stood up, casually tossed the dusty white scarf to Gamo Shixiang, and said.

"Smile, don't frighten my adopted daughter, who will show her serious and fierce face?"

Pu Sheng raised his eyebrows, somewhat inexplicable.

She glanced at Uesugi Jinghu, who was hiding behind Yoshiyin and carefully peeking at her, and forced a smile, but Uesugi Jinghu retracted his head in fright.

Gamo Shigo's eyes twitched, feeling that he had received a little blow, do I look like a bad guy?
Yiyin thought it was quite interesting and couldn't help laughing.He stroked Uesugi Jinghu's head, thinking that this little girl made him very happy, so the adopted daughter should be the adopted daughter.

He said softly.

"Since you are my adopted daughter, then I have the responsibility to discipline you, please listen to me.

From today onwards, you must follow the retainers sent by the Hojo family to complete your studies and become an excellent Ji warrior.

Do you understand, Jinghu? "

Yoshihiro knew in his heart that with the alliance between the Uesugi family and the Hojo family, the possibility of Uesugi Terutora using Uesugi Kagetora to drive a wedge between the Hojo family was almost gone, but Hojo Shiyasu seemed to have an idea again.

Terutora Uesugi has not yet married a husband and had a daughter. If she dies one day, the land of the Uesugi family will be a huge inheritance without an owner.

Although Uesugi Jinghu comes from the Hojo family, the samurai family emphasizes family name rather than blood.Uesugi Jinghu was adopted by Uesugi Teruohu as an adopted daughter, and she is eligible to inherit Uesugi's family business.

In fact, even if Terutora Uesugi has children, in theory, Jinghu Uesugi also has the right to inherit.

Hojo Ushiyasu obviously had a twisted brain, and the Uesugi family will not sit idly by.

The three branches of Echigo Nagao are connected with each other, and Nagao Masamori is dead, but she and Uesugi Terutora's son, Uesugi Keiko, are close blood relatives of Uesugi Terutora.

Uesugi Jingsheng has already obtained the Uesugi seedling name, and is also qualified to inherit the Uesugi family. The old forces of the Nagao family in Fuchu must be more inclined to her.

Also, Uesugi Constitution, the former Uesugi House Governor.She now hates the Hojo family deeply, but in the future, it is hard to say whether she will choose to kill Uesugi Kagetora or make peace with the Hojo family.

All in all, the child Uesugi Jinghu is deeply in the whirlpool. No matter what the future holds, she must become an excellent Ji warrior in order to survive well.

The reunion between the two today was due to fate, Yiyin took pity on her and admitted her identity as a righteous daughter, but she had to fight for herself.

After Uesugi Constitution failed to attack Uesugi Ketora, Honjo Shino became Uesugi Ketora's teacher and guardian.

But it seems that this important official Uesugi was not too close to Uesugi Jinghu, and Uesugi Jinghu who stayed in the palace was like a free-range.

Now, the Hojo family sees that the child is useful again, so they send someone to educate him. Although they have ulterior motives, it is a good thing for the child to receive strict samurai education.

Although Uesugi Jinghu was young and ignorant, he really relied on and trusted Yoshihiro.Seeing that he was serious at this time, he nodded obediently.

"Father, don't worry, I will study hard, I assure you."

Yiyin pinched her little face and sighed in his heart.

If Uesugi Terutora could have a child, Uesugi's family would be much more peaceful.Otherwise, most of the Uesugi retainers who were suppressed by her by force would split up after her death.

The nobles from Nagao in the mansion, the old guardian retainers, the old ministers of Uesugi in the mountains, the conquered people in Zhongyue and Xiayue, all the forces have their own little calculations, and sooner or later this pot of porridge will be boiled.

Yoshiyin teased Uesugi Jinghu, with a faint understanding in his heart.Perhaps, Uesugi Terutora should have a child.After having a child, will her lawless temperament be restrained?
If this is the case, Kanto will be peaceful for a few years, and Yiyin's new strategy of peacefully changing Kanto will have the time and space to implement it.

Yoshihiro was thoughtful, and Uesugi Jinghu looked up at the adoptive father whom he forcibly recognized.

A satisfied smile appeared on her immature face, and there seemed to be a trace of adult-like complexity in her innocent eyes.

She doesn't seem to be as innocent as she appears on the surface.


North of Numata City, Sanfeng Mountain.

Three days ago, Yoshigin went south from the Imperial Palace, took the Chuetsu Passage, passed through the Echigo Mountains and arrived at the territory of Sano.

He didn't go to Numata Castle, but met Uesugi Terutoro directly.Instead, he returned to the wild hot spring in Sanfeng Mountain on the grounds that he was tired from the journey.

Last winter, he and Uesugi Terutora returned north with the power of victory, and they took a hot spring together at Sanfeng Mountain.

At this time, Uesugi Terutora was dispatching troops in Numata City, preparing to attack Sano again.

If Yiyin went directly to stop her from sending troops, it would be to sweep her face in front of the concubines and reduce her dignity.

If Terutora Uesugi's stubborn temper erupts, the discord of the Echigo duopoly will be exposed to the light.

Therefore, Yoshihiro simply stayed at Sanfeng Mountain Hot Spring and invited Uesugi Terutora to come and talk.

At this time, the weather has gradually turned cold, and the coolness at night is dignified. The reason for soaking in hot springs is justified.

More importantly, the fond memories of the two of them in the same pool last year made Yoshihiro feel that the ambiguous atmosphere of revisiting the old place made it easier to sleep with Uesugi Terotora.

That's right, pajamas.

After meeting Uesugi Kagetora, a cute child in the imperial hall, Yoshihiro thought hard about how to persuade Uesugi Terutoro to give up the military conquest, and the method of peace for several years, suddenly had a glimmer of inspiration.

If Terutora Uesugi is pregnant, will she stop for a few years?
Find a way to sleep with her first, use your body to prevent her from going to Sano, and achieve the short-term goal.Then, find a way to sleep a few more times, and try to have a baby.

A person's energy is limited, so the child of me and Terutora Uesugi will definitely be regarded as a treasure by her, and will take up a lot of her energy, right?

In fact, Yiyin was not sure, because he had fucked many Ji warriors in the past few years, but so far, none of them had conceived.

Will Terotora Uesugi be the first to succeed?Yiyin didn't know, but he had to try.

The Echigo duo was politically unstable, and the Uesugi retainer group was even more undercurrent.If Terotora Uesugi can have a child and the inheritance rights are clarified, many people will keep their own place.

in particular. .The child's father is Shiba Yoshigin.

Ashikaga Yoshiki died, and Yoshinda became a monk.On the bright side, Uesugi Terutora's child can only be an abandoned baby picked up by the roadside.But in private, who would dare to pierce this layer of window paper?

Yoshigin thinks this idea is good, even if Zhu Ji sees that this is the child of Shiba Yoshigin and Uesugi Terutora, they will keep silent and dare not blindly bb.

Now there are only two biggest problems.

First, whether you can conceive or not depends on God's will.

Second, how to win Uesugi Terutora.

It is helpless to say that Yoshigin has also tempted Uesugi Terutora, but this guy just adheres to the pure line and remains unmoved.

She is full of thoughts about the fact that the media is marrying, and she is so innocent that she doesn't look like a famous samurai, but more like a dog licking in love.

Yoshigin wanted to use his body to open the way several times, and his goal was achieved, but Uesugi Terotora just resisted touching him.

Fortunately, this time Yoshihiro made up his mind to drag Uesugi Terutor into the water, the process is not important, the result must be Uesugi Terutoro's fault.

So what if he uses it strong?Under the brilliance of never committing crimes in life, Terutora Uesugi will definitely take the initiative to take the blame for this blasphemous male god.

As long as it happens once, Yiyin is confident that it will happen a second time.Once this kind of innocence is in the hands, it would be strange if you don't eat the marrow to know the taste.

But I don't know if God will give Yoshigin a chance to let Uesugi Terotora have a child.

Only when Teru Uesugi stopped, Kanto would be peaceful for a few years, giving the Samurai Giri Promotion Association time to infiltrate Kan Yashu and implement a strategy of peaceful change.

Yiyin spent three days recuperating in Sanfeng Mountain, sitting in a wooden house in the mountain, staring at the mountain scenery, wondering if he was becoming more and more a jerk.

The sliding door behind him opened, Gamo Shigo walked in, bowed and said.

"Zinda hall, His Highness Uesugi has arrived."

"I see. Please ask her to wait in Tangchi first, and I will be there later."


(End of this chapter)

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