different warring states of japan

Chapter 1301 Sweet 3 Peaks Mountain

Chapter 1301 Sweet Three Peaks Mountain

Terutor Uesugi woke up slowly, blinked his eyes, his mind was blank, and felt a little pain in the back of his head.

who I am?This is where?What just happened?
Clutching the back of her head, she sat up from the floor where the clothes were laid, and saw Yiyin lying beside her, her expression froze for a moment.

Just like her, Yiyin's body is open and without a thing.She was flustered, and vaguely recalled the past.

It seems that Yiyin tore open the curtain, came over to want to have sex with her, but she resolutely refused, Yiyin slapped her unconscious with a jug, and then. .

wrong. .Terutor Uesugi turned his neck in doubt and tilted his head.

Under the irresistible surreal power of the system, her memory was blurred, distorted, guided, and reorganized.

Shiba Yiyin is holy and innocent, how could she do something to force her, that is her own desire.In fact, she lost her morals after drinking, and she did shameless things to Yiyin who came forward to dissuade her from drinking.

Uesugi Terutoro slapped himself on the face, then covered his face with his hands, annoyed.After doing such scandalous things, she will no longer have the face to face Yi Yin.

After holding on to the innocence for two years, once he broke his merits, he became a shameless person like Takeda Shingen.Uesugi Terutora's heart was full of contempt and remorse. .There was also a little bit of relief.

She knew that she was greedy for Yiyin. What happened in front of her had happened countless times in her dreams. One day she couldn't control herself, it would happen in reality.

It's just that it happened at this moment, which is extremely embarrassing.She deliberately messed up the Kanto Raiders, trying to find out Yoshiyin's true feelings for her.

But if Yiyin cut off her friendship because of what happened today.She can no longer be sure whether Yiyin's feelings for her are true or not.

All the truth will be hidden in this sudden sex.

The crisp sound of the slap woke up Yiyin who had been sleeping for a while.He opened his eyes and looked at Uesugi Terutora who buried his head deeply in his hands.

Seeing Uesugi Terutoro's remorseful expression, Yoshigi finally felt relieved.System nb, career does not commit yyds, the scapegoat for humiliating himself has been pinned to Uesugi Terotora.

Knowing for a long time that Uesugi Terutora was obsessed with the line of pure love and was so stubborn that she would die, Yoshihiro simply gave her a ruthless blow, knocked her out of business, and took the opportunity to vent her anger.

Only half a year after I left Kanto, the whole strategy of Kanto was messed up by her.Anyway, there were jugs everywhere, and she was so drunk that she was easily knocked out.

Then, just pose casually.

Yoshigin coughed lightly, and Terotora Uesugi, who was beside him in shame, trembled and didn't dare to look up.

"You crushed my leg."

"Yes, sorry!"

Yoshigin's soft voice made Uesugi Terotora jump up in fright.

He shrank aside, not daring to look back.Yiyin looked at her beautiful back with admiration in his eyes.

Uesugi Terutora's height is half a head shorter than ordinary Ji Wushi, but her seemingly petite body is a properly scaled-down version of Yujie.

Her skin is fair and moist, and her body proportions are excellent. She should be big or small.Best of all, the scale is scaled down and it's terribly tight.

Yiyin has been at the top of his game in the past two years, and his height has exceeded 175 centimeters.Uesugi Terutora's 150+ centimeter figure fell in his arms, which is really special.

After this incident, the two can be regarded as good partners who have communicated in a simple way, and the feeling in their hearts is different from before.

The former Uesugi Terutora licked dogs and licked dogs, with a defeated mentality of licking until he had nothing, and he inevitably gave up on himself.

At this time, Uesugi Teruhu was content, but he was afraid that because of his Meng Lang's actions, he would not be able to lick him again in the future.

On top of that, she deliberately sabotaged the Kanto Raiders and tested Yiyin's true feelings, and she no longer knew how to deal with Yiyin.

At this time, if Yoshigin humiliated himself with her and proposed that the two families part ways, Terutoro Uesugi would never have the chance to confirm this relationship again in his life.

Her heart was full of apprehension and unwillingness, and she was ashamed because of the mistakes she made, and it was difficult to speak.

Yiyin couldn't help feeling proud when he saw her cowardly look, which was completely different from her fearless and heroic posture in the past.

What the hell do you have today?
Yiyin, who had completely taken the initiative, was in a happy mood. He stood up freely, put on the coat that was on the ground, turned around and left.

Hearing the movement behind him, Terotora Uesugi didn't dare to turn his head at first.When she heard footsteps getting farther and farther away, she realized that Yiyin was leaving.

Confused in her heart, she finally couldn't help turning her head and got up.


Yiyin looked back and saw that she was naked, but looked at him eagerly, and smiled.


Uesugi Terutora pursed his lower lip, pretending to speak normally.

"Just leave like this?"

Yiyin nodded indifferently.


Terutora Uesugi wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it, whether to persuade him to stay, to repent, or to show his love.

Thousands of thoughts came to my mind and turned into a silly sentence.

"Where to?"

Yiyin was amused by her stupidity, and then put on a serious face.

"Go back to my residence, take a shower and change clothes."

Thinking of the filth that he had stuck to Yoshigin's body, Terotora Uesugi subconsciously lowered his head with guilt, and then mustered up the courage to raise his head and ask.

"Is it okay if you don't go?"

Yiyin stroked his clean short hair with his hand, and replied.

"If you don't go back, how can you wash it clean?"

Uesugi Terutora's head became hot, and he pointed to the pool and said.

"I'll help you wash."

Yoshigin laughed, picked up Uesugi Terutoro's coat by Ikebe, and threw it to her forcefully.

"Take care of yourself first, fool, and be careful not to catch a cold."

Teruto Uesugi fumbled for the coat that was thrown over him, stared at the back of Yoshigin leaving, and couldn't find anything to say.

Suddenly, Yiyin froze, turned and said to her.

"I have already warned Daxiong Chaoxiu to let those guys in the Kanto Office calm down.

I also talked to Naoe Ketsuna, and I hope she can restrain the public opinion of Uesugi's retainers. "

Uesugi Terutora looked at Yoshigin, and his body trembled uncontrollably.She pursued desperately, even at the expense of ruining the answer to the strategy of Kanto, as if it was right in front of her eyes.

She swallowed, and asked Yiyin in a trembling voice.

"Why keep helping me? You can actually have a better choice."

Yi Yin showed her a sunny smile.

"You made mistakes, you did stupid things, and I will naturally find you to settle the score later.

But I have never forgotten my promise to you. When I was in Kyoto, I promised you that I would help you restore Kanto to a Qingming world.

Even if it is against the entire Kanto, I will stand by your side and fight side by side with you until death. "

After finishing speaking, Yoshigin pointed to the coat in Uesugi Terutora's hand, and said softly to her with a dull face.

"Put it on, the autumn night is cool, don't suffer from the cold. Also, if you have nothing to drink, drink less. If you drink to death, what will I do in the future."

After finishing speaking, Yiyin turned and left without staying any longer.

Behind him, Terutora Uesugi, who watched him disappear into the mountain path, couldn't help laughing out loud, tears streaming down his face.

She put on her coat casually, picked up the wine jug on the ground with joy, and was about to pour it into her mouth.But the movement of her hands suddenly stopped, and she giggled silly, talking to herself in a low voice.

"Don't drink, don't drink, what will he do if I drink to death?"

In the words, there was a faint cry, which was the joy of confirming the answer. She had never understood what happiness is like today.

At this moment, she finally confirmed one thing.Shibo Yoshihiro has me in his heart, he is affectionate and righteous to me, and will never leave.

The more she understood this matter, the more guilty she felt.

The strategy of Kanto is Yiyin's painstaking effort. For an answer, she destroyed Yiyin's hard work for more than two years. Is she worthy of Yiyin?
Recalling his recent actions, Uesugi Terotora only hated himself for being extremely stupid, and couldn't hold back for a while, and slapped himself again.Then, she couldn't stop laughing again.

Crying for a while, laughing for a while, beating for a while, like a brat who can't control his behavior.


Sanfeng Mountain, Wild Hot Springs, Shiba Yoshigin and Uesugi Terotora stayed here for three days.

These three days are the three days of Uesugi Terotora's happiness.Yoshigin's gentleness towards her made Uesugi Terutoro both happy and ashamed.

She never brought up the matter of Yantian City again, and that is not important anymore.

Takeda Shingen, this bastard, and her evil son, Terotora Uesugi will one day liquidate them and wash away the humiliation suffered by Yoshihiro.

Especially that evil breed. .From the bottom of her heart, she was unwilling to let Yi Yin know that Takeda Shingen had given birth to a daughter.

Terutora Uesugi, who got the answer he wanted most and fell into a gentle place, became very reasonable.

Yiyin talked about not using weapons for several years, and she agreed.Yoshigin asks to use the Samurai Giri Promotion Association to infiltrate Seki Yashu, and she agrees.

All in all, Yoshigin hadn't seen such an obedient Uesugi Terutora for a long time.

This Echigo dragon, who eats and tastes, is willing to agree to anything as long as Yoshihiro stops halfway and is in high spirits.

Unfortunately, the happy days are so short.The two lords were the focus of everyone's attention. After three days of leisure in Sanfeng Mountain, they had to go back to Numata City.

Looking at Yoshigin who fell asleep after lingering, Uesugi Terutoro gently stroked his short hair, his eyes full of pity.

The Kanto Raiders died prematurely, and she no longer has the face to propose to Yiyin, so she can only accumulate strength again, and then follow up.

Seeing him with the short hair of a family, Uesugi Terotora felt uncomfortable.

The relationship between the Hojo family and the Takeda family was messed up, and Terotora Uesugi's situation in Guan Yashu became extremely difficult.Fortunately, Shiba Yoshigin never left, and she was able to cheer up again.

She swore that she would definitely take Guan Yashu as a bride price and marry Shiba Yoshiyin.Even if it takes her whole life, she will do it.

Uesugi Terutora touched his stomach, thinking of Takeda Shingen's evil son, his complexion sank.

The yin man dared not announce the origin of the child, he really dared to do it.If I can have a child with Yiyin, I will definitely let the martial arts all over the world know, and bless this child!
Yoshigin didn't know that Uesugi Terutoro actually had such rebellious thoughts.If he knew her boldness, Yiyin would not dare to work hard for these three days, day and night.

He hoped that Uesugi Terutora's way of giving birth to a child was the adoption model adopted by Takeda Shingen, keeping it from the world's samurai families, and he didn't even know that he already had a child in the Takeda family.

However, Uesugi Terutora's approach to the public is to completely push him into a corner.

When that moment really came, how would he appease the Ji warriors who admired him?How can you continue to pretend to be a chaste widow in front of the world?
Yoshihiro Shiba and Terotora Uesugi's future arrangements for their children are destined to have a new crisis of trust waiting for them after a short honeymoon period.


Numata Castle, meeting hall.

The color director was really a little uneasy, and secretly looked at Shiba Yoshihiro who was in the main seat.

Although she has inherited the Irobe family and has become a powerful samurai among the Shikotsu people, she is still insignificant in the eyes of high-ranking people like Shiba Yoshigin.

Minoru Iroshi is very active these days, and gained Uesugi Terutoro's trust by exposing the Yantian Castle.

In the name of avenging her mother, she actively encouraged Uesugi's retainers and set off public opinion to counterattack Sano's territory.

With the Uesugi and Hojo two families reaching the Essame Alliance, Mori Keihiro of Stable Bridge City fled, and the Uesugi family soldiers returned to the Stable Bridge without bloodshed.

The powerful samurai families near the Sano collar, Nagao Tocho and Yura Chengshige, also expressed their full support for the Uesugi family's crusade against the treacherous Sano Masatsuna, and the Hojo family maintained their acquiescence in this matter.

Seeing that everything was going well, Yoshihiro Shiba rushed back from Jinji all the way.

Terutor Uesugi was invited by him to Sanfeng Mountain Hot Spring for three days. The two talked about something unknown, but news from Echigo's country indicated that Echigo's political situation had stabilized again.

Daxiong Chaoxiu was scared, and the concubines of the Guandong servants shut up and did not dare to mention the separation of the family.Naoe Jinggang wrote a letter to Uesugi's important ministers, expressing Shiba Yoshiyin's determination to maintain Echigo's duopolitics.

With Shiba Yoshiyin as the backbone, the hearts of the Echigo Samurai Group have settled down, and the rear of the Echigo army has finally stabilized.

This was originally a good thing for the crusade against the Sano leader, but Iroto was really worried.

If you don't know, you can do nothing.

What she did behind Yoshihiko Shiba's back, he knew best in his heart.For this unparalleled martial artist, she hated to the bottom of her heart, and even more so, she was afraid to the bottom of her heart.

Seeing him sitting in the hall now, looking at the concubines, Se Changshi always felt the coolness on the back of his neck, and had the illusion that he was being targeted by the blade.

Yi Yin swept around Zhu Ji, all of them were the military bosses of the Uesugi family, and powerful samurai families from all over the Ueno Kingdom, all of whom were old acquaintances.

He swept over one by one, made eye contact and nodded with a smile until he found Sechangshi.

While soaking in the hot spring, Yiyin made up his mind that this curse must be eradicated.

In Yantian City, he was taken turns by Takeda Shingen. In fact, many people knew about it, but no one dared to stab Uesugi Terotora in front of him.

Because he is a noble ancestor widow, the father of the samurai family, and the elder of Genji, who has the courage to pass these dirty rumors to the Uesugi Terotora case?

When Katsunaga Irobe heard his daughter mentioning this matter, his first reaction was to lock her up in Shimoetsu's hometown and not allow her to go out. This is a wise person's approach.

Shiba Yoshihiro's affair, is that something that can be exposed to the public?

No one knows whether Uesugi Terutora and Shiba Yoshigin will have a quarrel because of this.But the person who revealed the incident must be looking for death, and even bring the whole family into trouble.

Because of slandering the king, the crime is unforgivable.

(End of this chapter)

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