different warring states of japan

Chapter 1306 Offer good advice on the bed

Chapter 1306 Offer good advice on the bed

But to Yiyin's surprise, Shimao Katsumoto's expression was a little strange, and he said in a low voice.

"His Highness Uesugi has ulterior motives for you, so naturally he will not easily abandon the cooperation between the two companies. He wants everything from your body to your family business."

Yi Yin stared at Shima Katsumoto in astonishment, you big-eyed Giriji samurai, have you learned how to gossip?

Dao Shengmeng was embarrassed by his gaze, and said in a low voice.

"I'm worried that you will be deceived."

Yoshigin curled his lips to deceive me, you just don't want Terotora Uesugi to climb into my bed.It's a pity that it's too late. Just three days and three nights ago, I've already had a good time.

He said solemnly.

"I'm not afraid of being deceived by others, but I'm afraid that I will be coerced by interests and lose my faith.

In a century of troubled times, the world's warriors have long been exhausted, and too many changes have made them at a loss as to what to do.Except for a few careerists, the hearts of the people are already thinking of peace, eager to return to the traditional order of the samurai family.

I can't shake my principle of doing things at will just for a little bit of petty profit in front of me.You should uphold righteousness and stick to righteousness.

In this world, not only change is power, but perseverance is also a power.Like if you suddenly sneezed, it must be me thinking about you.

Shimahime, do you understand? "

Shimao Katsuki looked at Yoshigin's face of holiness of dedicating himself to Takeshi Giri, his eyes were full of admiration.

This is the man she longs for, a strange man from the Wu family who has not been seen for three thousand years.Being able to have such a relationship with him, Dao Shengmeng felt that he would die without regret.

She respectfully kowtowed to the ground, held up her breasts, kissed them, and said solemnly.

"Your servant is dull, and the lord has to take the trouble to explain, so he understands your good intentions.

I will follow you, do my best for your giri, and do my best for the Shiba family. "

Yi Yin sees that Dao Shengmeng made a serious oath in a violent act, and the contrast between the two makes the children couldn't help but get excited.

He coughed and lifted Shimao up.My waist is still sore, so I can't be impulsive, let's talk about business first, and let my kidneys rest for a while.

Yiyin continued to talk about business.

"I heard that Hojo Genan, the diplomatic nun of the Hojo family, has been working in Musashi Shimono to confuse people's hearts. Is there such a thing?"

Shimao nodded sharply.

"His Highness Uesugi has been busy transporting supplies these days, and is preparing to attack Sano again.

The local samurai in the south are afraid that they will become the next target, and His Highness Uesugi will investigate their betrayal one by one.Therefore, they all expressed a friendly attitude towards Hojo Huanan.

It is said that at this time, Hojo Genan was being entertained by Yura Chengshige in Jinshan Castle, thanking her for her contribution to the harmony of the Hojo Uesugi two families. "

Yi Yin shook his head and said.

"His Highness Uesugi is too upright, far less sinister and cunning than Hojo Shiyasu."

Shimao Katsuki remained silent.

Yoshigin said that she wanted to maintain the cooperation between Shiba and Uesugi, but of course she couldn't say that Terotora Uesugi was an idiot who was tricked by Yasushi Hojo.

Hojo's Yasuaki supported Uesugi Terutora's crusade against the Sano leader, and secretly instigated rumors that the local samurai in the south panicked and sought shelter from the Hojo family.

Things have come to this point, and the turn of people's hearts is a foregone conclusion. It will be difficult for Uesugi Terutoro to return to the south in the short term.

Seeing that Dao Shengmeng was silent, Yiyin could only smile awkwardly.Who knows that Uesugi Terotora committed a big fool this time, but everyone dared not say it clearly.

He said.

"Have you read the letter I sent you earlier?

I want to go to the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River and persuade the local samurai to accept the diversion project of the Tone River, so that the Samurai Giri Promotion Association can penetrate into the core area of ​​Kanto.

I'm not very familiar with the recent situation in the south, do you have any ideas to teach me? "

Dao Shengmeng bowed slightly and said.

"Your words are really disheartening.

Your Majesty has a thousand eyes, I have nothing to teach you, I just know a little about the local customs, and I am willing to fill in the gaps for you.

In your letter, you said that you hope to persuade the mid- and lower-level land servants with thousands of stones and hundreds of stones to use the Samurai Giri Promotion Association to promote the diversion of the Tone River, so that the local grassroots will turn to Shiba.

This method is good, but you should go directly to the grassroots level, lest the powerful local warriors will make trouble secretly.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. If you want to reduce the resistance, you still have to start by uniting with local famous families.Only with the support of these upper-level figures can he go to the countryside to win the hearts of the grassroots warrior Ji. "

Yiyin nodded.

"It makes sense."

Shimao Katsuki continued.

"The middle and lower reaches of the Tone River can actually be divided into two parts.

The upper section of water flow is the actual dividing line between the Ueno Musashi and the two countries, and the lower section of the water flow is the actual dividing line of the Musashi Shimoso two countries.

If you want to change the course, you must first convince the samurai along the Ueno Musashi and Ryogoku. They are the main victims of the flooding in the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River, and they are also the people who are most likely to be moved by you.

Only after convincing them did the Tonegawa diversion project take its first successful step.

In the upper part are Ninja Castle Narita Chotai, Kinyama Castle Yura Narushige, Tatebayashi Castle Nagao Tocho, and the lower part are Iwatsuki Castle Ota Sukatsuki and Edo Castle Ota Yasushi.

These five family governors are all powerful warriors from famous families, their influence is deeply rooted in the local area, and they are also deeply troubled by the flooding in the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River.

If you can make them pay attention to the Tone River diversion project, and look forward to your going to the countryside to persuade the local servants to participate in it, and allowing the Samurai Giri Promotion Association to enter and leave various territories at will, then this matter will be easy to handle. "

Seeing that Dao Shengmeng spoke clearly and logically, Yiyin suddenly became interested, he said.

"You have been sealed in Dahu for less than a year, and you have found out the details of these local martial arts?"

Shimao Katsuki smiled reservedly.

"Know yourself and know the enemy, and you won't be in danger in a hundred battles."

Yiyin laughed.

"Go on, what good strategy do you have to help me persuade them?"

Dao Shengmeng said solemnly.

"The Ota Clan of the famous Musashi family in the lower section, whose ancestor was the head of the Ogaya Uesugi Clan, made great contributions to the rise of the Ogitani Uesugi Clan.

Ogiya Uesugi’s family is called Musashi Guardian. In fact, most of the important towns in Musashi have ancestors of Ota who participated in the construction of the city.

Today's Ota family is divided into two branches, Iwafujo and Edojo. Edojo is the descendant of the ancestors, and Iwafujo is the niece line.

But the Ota family in Edo Castle surrendered to the Hojo family early on, which led to a loss of righteousness.Ota Suzumasa of Iwafuki Castle has always been an unyielding standard-bearer holding high the anti-Hojo banner, and has a high prestige in Musashi.

This time His Royal Highness Uesugi defeated Xia Zongguo, the Hojo family made a comeback, and Musashi's idiots turned their backs one after another, Ota Susuma was under great pressure.

Others can surrender to the Hojo family, but she can't.If the anti-Hojo banner is lost, the influence of the Ota family in Iwafuki Castle will not be maintained.

I dare to say that Ota Zimasa will fully support you.Only under your protection, the Ota family in Iwafuki will not be afraid of being overthrown by the Hojo family.

As for Yasushi Ota of Edo Castle, the Ota family of Edo Castle has surrendered to the Hojo family since her mother's time.Hojo Ujiyasu seems to respect Ota Suzuru, but in fact he is very jealous.

The Hojo family set up the Sanjo Dai in Edo Castle, and Ota Kosuke ranked third.The dignified Ota family's descendants were guarded by the Hojo family, and they were about to be marginalized.

Sano led the battle, and Ota Kosuke seized the opportunity to encourage the Musashi samurai to retreat first, killing the other two Edo castle generations who were on the front line. After returning, they seized Edo castle to stand on their own.

The Hojo family returned to the Musashi Kingdom, and Ota Kosuke surrendered to the Hojo family again due to the situation.But the trust between the two parties has disappeared, and it is difficult to recover after breaking the mirror.

Hojo's Yasushi is old and cunning, and for the sake of the overall situation, she can tolerate Ota Yasuko's capriciousness.

However, the Hojo Clan, who had suffered a disastrous defeat in the Battle of Sano and had his prestige broken, was very disgusted with Ota Kosuke, and sooner or later he would liquidate this traitor.

The Hojo clan has succeeded to the Hojo family governor, and the Hojo clan can't manage it for a few years.Yasuzi Ota will definitely look for a way out and plan for the future.

I think that as long as you are willing to protect her, she should accept your kindness and allow the Samurai Giri Promotion Association to enter the Edo Territory, so that the Hojo family will not dare to attack her. "

Yiyin nodded in praise.

"Shimahime's clever plan, I want to reward you heavily."

He was happy in his heart, the originally foggy road to the south was illuminated by Dao Shengmeng's beam of sunshine, and he finally had some clues.

Yiyin leaned forward and smacked Dao Shengmeng's lips, making her face hot, and pretended to be indignant.

"My lord, will you let me finish?"

Daosheng turned his eyes slightly, his eyes cut water, and looked at Yiyin.Seeing that the two of them were about to get up, Yiyin held his waist and said with a wry smile.

"You keep talking."

With a slight disappointment in his eyes, Shimakatsu cheered up and said.

"The two Ota families in the lower section are easy to solve, but the real troubles you have to deal with are the three families in the upper section.

The Narita family in Shinobi Castle, the Yura family in Jinshan Castle, and the Nagao family in Tatebayashi Castle. These three families are related by marriage, and the core is the Yura family in Jinshan Castle.

Yurashige married the son of the Akai family in Tatebayashi City, and gave birth to two daughters and a son.

The eldest daughter, Yura Kunishoshige, was the heir of the Liang family. The second daughter married Nagao Nagao's son and entered the Ashikaga Castle Nagao family as the heir. The son married the daughter of Narita Nagayasu.

The Akai family in Tatebayashi Castle was on the wrong team when the Echigo army went south last year, and was assigned Nagao as the leader by His Highness Uesugi to attack and destroy.

As a result, Nagao Dōcho sits on the two major territories of Ashikaga Castle and Tatebayashi Castle, and his power has greatly increased.But she can stay firmly in Tatebayashi City, and she cannot do without the help of Yura Chengshige, who is married to the Akai family.

Yura Narushige is the core of the relationship between each family, and is the largest national public in Ueno. If you want to win these three, you must first convince the Yura family. "

Yi Yin frowned.

"You think Yura Shigeru will reject my offer?"

Shimao said fiercely.

"Hojo Genan is visiting Yura's family in Jinshan City. The Hojo family is very aware of Yura Narushige's influence in this area, and has been working hard to win her over."

Yi Yin sighed.

"It's really difficult."

Dao Sheng looked at the lord fiercely, and suddenly laughed.

"Actually, you have an advantage over Hojo Genan, it depends on whether you are willing to use this advantage."

Yiyin gave her a white look.

"Don't be too tight-lipped, just speak up."

Shocked by Yiyin's angry attitude, Shimao Katsuki's breathing sank three points, barely suppressing her accelerated heartbeat, she said.

"It was just mentioned that Shigeru Yurasari married the son of the Akai family in Tatebayashi City, and gave birth to three children, and today's alliance of in-laws is formed.

This son of the Akai family was also a generation of beauties who crowned the heroes back then, and the most famous thing is that she is proficient in the art of war, comparable to Warrior Ji. "

Yiyin raised his eyebrows, thoughtfully, and Dao Sheng looked at the lord affectionately, and continued.

"This son has now become a monk, and his Dharma name is wonderful, and he is deeply respected by the husbands of the local Wu family.

He is the leader of the fraternity in this area, and it is said that he is holding an event recently, and the location is Jinshan City.At that time, the husbands of Nagao, Narita and other famous local families will gather in Jinshan City. "

Yi Yin said.

"You want me to participate in their fraternity activities and take the husband's route. Through them, influence their wives' decisions? Is this my advantage?

I don't know these husbands, I can't even pronounce their names. Is it too childish to pin my hopes on them? "

Shimao smiled fiercely.

"The customs and customs in Kanto are very different from those in recent years. In recent years, they are rich and prosperous, and the husbands of the fraternity all love to enjoy flowers and tea, and compare their cultural accomplishments.

The husbands of the local samurai families in Kanto have the custom of practicing martial arts to protect themselves.Monk Miaoyin is highly skilled in martial arts and has a resolute character. He is a leader admired by local husbands.

You can guess, who is the person whom the Miaoyin monk admires the most? "

Yi Yin frowned.

"How would I know.."

Suddenly his heart moved, could it be? .

"It can't be me?"

Dao Shengmeng's eyes were full of worship, and he affirmed.

"Naturally you.

The Shibazong family was wiped out in Owari, and you have killed a bloody path among all the warriors of the Ji family, and the matter of restoring the family business is to bring honor to all the men of the samurai family.

Back then in Kyoto, the men of the Wu family all honored you as a man, and this is still under the circumstances that their husbands don't like to fight and kill in recent days.

Monk Miao Yin and other Kanto husbands respect you very much, but you have always regarded yourself as a martial artist and do not want to get involved in the activities of the Brotherhood, and they often feel sorry for not being able to see your true face. "

Yi Yin laughed.

"In this way, I really have some advantages over Hojo Genan."

Hojo Genan is a well-known diplomatic nun of the Hojo family, and has contributed a lot to the expansion of the Hojo family.It's a pity that no matter how powerful she is, it is impossible for her to grow a root, and she is excluded from the brotherhood by nature.

Yiyin has always disliked getting along with effeminate men in this world, so he seldom gets involved in men's affairs.But this time, he was willing to blend in.

Glancing at Katsumi Shima, whose head was sweating faintly because he explained the strategy with his heart, Yoshihiro stepped forward to hug her gently, and whispered in her ear.

"If it weren't for Shimahime's guidance, I really don't know where to start this trip to the south, and I really don't know how to thank you."

Yiyin spoke against Dao Shengmeng's earlobe, pouring warm breath into her earholes, making her blush instantly, unable to restrain herself.

Shimakatsu swallowed hard, breathing heavily, and said.

"I do know that there is a way to thank you, I only hope that the king will not give up."

Before Yiyin could react, he let out an exclamation, and was thrown to the ground by Dao Sheng.

He sighed helplessly, he was doomed after all.Poor this sore waist, I have to suffer again.

Fortunately, there is a system for external body protection. This strong body that will always be sixteen years old should not cause lumbar muscle strain, right?
(End of this chapter)

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