Chapter 138 Situation

Iga is connected to Omi, the southwest is Yamato, the east is Ise, which is separated by poor mountains, and the northwest is a little connected to the mountain city of Kyoto.

It looks like a mountain forest, but it is a small basin with a pleasant climate and rich products.There are also [-] shi in the land, enough to feed [-] to [-] people.

There are four openings in the forest.Kogakou in Omi, Shinzukikou in Yamashiro, Yamatokou in Yamato, and Kataikou in Ise.

If you keep these openings, you can close the door and become a toubob. That's what the Hattori family thought back then.

During the eighth shogunate, the governor of the Niki family was incompetent, and the service of the Hattori family was given to her instead.

The governor of the Hattori family was outstanding for a while, but he couldn't swallow this breath, and drove the guardian Niki's family out of Iga country.

At that time, it was the Eighth Shogun Rebellion of the Shogunate. Although the shogunate was powerful, each family was busy fighting with each other, and their own family members were killing their own family members. How could they have time to take care of such trivial matters as the Iga Kingdom.

The eighth generation of generals simply sealed off the country, and we will talk about it later.This one is decades.

At the beginning, the Niki family expected the shogunate to be the master of her family.

But later the shogunate gradually weakened in the internal strife, and the people of the Iga Kingdom did not jump out of the Iga Kingdom to provoke, and simply ignored this troublesome matter.

The vassals in the shogunate whose territory was close to the Iga Kingdom also gradually discovered a way to make money, which was to sell the necessities of life to the Iga Kingdom at high prices.

After connecting with each other, they made great profits and shared some profits with the Renmu family.The Niki family had already lost their country at that time, and they also drank doves to quench their thirst, so they no longer mentioned the matter of Iga country.

So it dragged on until today.

For the high-ranking warriors above, this is nothing more than a trivial matter.But for the people of the countrymen village in Iga country, it was a long dark night when Mount Tai was overwhelmed.

At the beginning, the governor of the Hattori family was also high-spirited, consciously gifted, and looked down on the mediocre guardian of the Niki family.

I thought it was a matter of comparing people to people, and if it didn’t work, you could go down to me.But when he was really in charge of his own family, he knew what price Shengtian Banzi had to pay.

Is she up against a mediocre Ninki family governor?What she faced was the entire shogunate system, a samurai society in the middle ages, a ruling group that was loose but suitable for feudal society.

One person and one family against one ruling group against the whole society.What can you do, you can only despair.

Iga has food, wood and minerals, so it shouldn't be poor.

But with the order of the shogunate, the surrounding countries stopped contacting Iga.The shogunate at that time was in civil strife, not weakness.

Hitting one's own fist can also hit others, who dare not listen.Iga country was kicked out of the shogunate system and became a nearly abandoned daughter.

People can't just eat.Thousands of years of evolution have turned human society into a complex complex where no one can live alone.

Humans need transactions.It’s impossible not to eat salt, and it’s impossible not to wear clothes. Chinese people can only buy it at a high price.

Human beings need education.Without pens and paper, without books, without professors, the Iga Samurai would become a bunch of savages.

Humans need prevention.There is no doctor, no medicine, and no communication. Minor illnesses can only be resisted, and serious illnesses are waiting for death.

In short, the sky fell.

From being rebellious at the beginning, it turned into begging grandpa to sue grandma everywhere, wanting to be punished.

Hitting the wall everywhere, only to find that I have been isolated.What's more frightening is that isolating oneself has become a business, and it's still a very profitable business.

The warriors have benefits, who needs humanity.

As a result, Yi Hezhong worked as a mercenary outside to earn a meager salary, and gritted his teeth to buy the necessities of life.

These days, decades pass by.

Niki Yoshimasa accompanied Yoshigin into the Iga country, and there were several small villages outside Iga Mountain that belonged to the Niki family's territory.

Along the way, he introduced the situation in Iga to Yoshihiro.

Although the Renmu family has been kicked out for many years, the news inside is still known one after another.For Yiyin, it is very important.

Convincing the people of Iga to be loyal is the most important starting point for Yoshihiro's battle.If there are no soldiers, there is still a fight.

If you want the Yihe people to spend money and send troops sincerely, you have to know what they think.

Yiyin has the one-word decision privilege bestowed by the general, but how to use this right still needs to be considered.

After passing the village, Niki Yoshimasa dared not go any further.In front is Xinyuekou, which belongs to the territory of Iga.

The Niki family lost the guardian of Iga this time, and they didn't want to continue taking risks.Since you, Shiba Gozen, have taken on this burden, please do your best.

Iga country has the four counties of Abai, Yamada, Iga, and Mingzhang.Among them, Abai County is in the north, and it is also the place where Yiyin and his party entered.

Yoshigin rode on the road, thinking about the individuals and things that Niki Yoshimasa said.Front and back are four Ji warriors on guard, and riding beside him is Shengjiu, the Nizi of this army.

Nizi Shengjiu is very resourceful, and Ming Zhiguangxiu is not in this battle, she is Yiyin's most important counselor.

"Master Nizi, how do you think we should start?"

Yiyin is not smart, but he has an advantage, he has self-knowledge.

After many years of being a social animal, I know how much I can do.After being reborn, I didn't see how much smarter I was.

Therefore, the low-key should be low-key.If you can believe it, listen to advice.

And Nizi Shengjiu belongs to the kind of Ji warrior who is trustworthy and can listen more.

Niko Katsuhisa and Yamanaka Yukimori fought for the shogunate in order to revive the Niko family, and they have nothing to do with many recent forces.

That's why Akechi Mitsuhide felt at ease and let her go out with Shiba Yoshigin as the commander of the army.

Since Nizi Shengjiu came, he also wanted to do something, so naturally he had to do his best.

"Iga country has also done some research before, and this time I heard the details from the governor of the Niki family. I think it is most appropriate to start with the Fujibayashi family."

When Iga was Kuniichi Kui, the leader was the Hattori family.The difficult days that followed were endless, and the Hattori family went to Beijing many times to look for opportunities.

But how could the vassals, who were full of food, give her a chance to beg for mercy from the general, and she was disheartened after several visits.

When the current governor of the service department was the twelfth general, he went to Beijing to surrender for the last time, but was still blocked.

He was also a man of courage, and he took his clansmen far away to Sanhe, and it is said that he had already become an official in the Matsudaira family over there.

This reminded Yoshigin of Matsudaira Takechiyo, the follower behind Oda Nobunaga, and he also had some intersections with him.

The current Iga country is divided into three parts.

In addition to the clansmen left by the Hattori family who are nostalgic for their homeland, there are also two branches of the Hattori family, the Hyakuchi family and the Fujibayashi family, and the three families are divided and ruled.

Among them, the most famous one is the San Taifu of the Hundred Lands, the Governor of the Hundred Lands, and the founder of the Iga Ninja.

This Iga native had been a mercenary for so many years, and was often maliciously used as cannon fodder by the samurai, causing heavy casualties.

Since the San Taifu of the Hundred Lands came to power, the Iga people began to learn from the Koga people.Instead of directly participating in the battle, it is transformed into spying on intelligence, assassinating important officials and other ninja affairs.

No less money was earned, but fewer people died. As a result, the prestige of the San Taifu of the Hundred Lands increased greatly, and he had the most important weight among the Iga crowd.

But she has a straight personality, since she chose the path of assassination, she made it clear that she did not intend to make peace with the Wu family.

In the ninja business, assassination is the most criticized by samurai.

The Wu family likes to assassinate others, but they don't like to be assassinated. These ninjas who are good at assassination are naturally chamber pots, and they are disgusting when they are used up.

San Taifu of Baidi felt that the Wu family was shameless and could not be trusted, so there was nothing wrong with what he said.

The Hattori family has no backbone, and the Hyakuchi family doesn't trust the Wu family, so the only way to open the situation is from the Fujibayashi family.

Shiba Yoshiyin and Nizi Katsuhisa were talking when a string of shurikens were nailed to the ground in front of their horses, causing the horses to stand up in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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