different warring states of japan

Chapter 1401 Greedy-mouthed and troubled bear child

Yoshigin had no contact with the Narita family at first, until he recognized Kai-kun as the adopted son, he did not have any relationship with him.

Kai-kun is the grandson of Ryoko Shige, whose son Fankun married Narita Choyasu's daughter, Narita clan chief, and Kai-kun was born.

This time Yiyin came to Narita's house, which was invited by Fanjun.

For Yoshiko's sake, Yoshigin made a detour to Ninja Castle on his way back to Echigo Kingdom, to honor Narita Changtai's mother and daughter, and to support Kai-kun's status in Narita's family.

Ninja Castle, Residence Hall, Atrium.

A group of people watched Yoshigin and Kai-kun, holding a bag bamboo knife invented by Kamizumi Sword Master in their hands, and they were actually fighting swords.

Kai-kun has a serious face, carefully looks at the opportunity, and steps forward quickly, with a standard mid-section thrust.

Yiyin took advantage of the situation and wanted to draw a circle to push away Kai-kun's bamboo sword, but was accidentally forced by the child to perform a miracle, only to feel his mouth go numb, and his bamboo sword was directly thrown away.

Staring blankly at the bamboo sword that rolled into the pool, Yiyin didn't recover for a moment.

His physique is equivalent to that of a man in his previous life. He has not stopped exercising in these years of fighting in the South and North, and his six-pack abs are always healthy, and he has never embarrassed the men of the previous life.

But no matter how much he practiced, he was still not as perverted as Ji Wushi in the world of female venerables.I don't know how the evolution rules of this world evolved. Women's physiques are really strong.

Not only strength, endurance, and speed beat the weak men in this world, but also the cycle of childbirth is not empty, except for three days before and after childbirth, it is basically the same as normal.

As a leader among women, Warrior Ji stands at the pinnacle of human force.

Of course, Yoshigin didn't know how hard it was for Takeda Shingen to conceive his child, let alone Uesugi Terotora's weakness.The seeds from his male world are indeed unusual.

Speaking of Yiyin himself, although he insists on exercising, he is not an opponent of Warrior Ji.

However, his physique is already that of a weak man who can beat the world.It was the first time he was defeated by someone of the same sex, and the target was Kai-kun, a half-grown child, which really surprised him.

This child's strength is really great, as powerful as the women in this world, is it a genetic mutation?Or is it that men of Monk Miaoyin's lineage have a special physique?

Kai-kun succeeds in one move, and is so happy that he swings the bamboo sword and jumps around, but he doesn't notice the sound of cheering and cheering around him, and stops abruptly.

Narita Changyasu, Narita Uchiha, Fankun, Gamo Ujigo, Ii Naomasa and others who watched Yoshihiko playing with the children were all stunned on the spot.

No one expected that this playful sword fight would come to an end when Jin Duodian was thrown flying the bamboo sword.

Until the excited Kai-kun rushed into Fan-kun's arms and yelled.

"Father, I have won! I have defeated my foster father!"

Fan Jun spoiled him so much that he wiped off his profuse sweat, and never forgot to reprimand him.

"What nonsense! That's Jin Duodian letting you, playing with you!

Jin Duodian is an unparalleled male warrior in the world, a peerless man in white clothes that no one dares to stop, how could he be defeated by a child like you!
You, what a little idiot! "

When Fan Jun said this, the atmosphere around him immediately relaxed.

Warrior Ji couldn't help laughing because of their astonishment just now.After thinking about it, they found that what Fan Jun said was right, it was indeed the truth.

What kind of character is Jin Duodian, how could he not be able to beat a little boy, he must be playing around with the child, and he didn't use his strength.

Only Yiyin flicked his wrist, sincerely shook his head and smiled wryly.Where is he giving way to the child, he really can't beat it!
The normal way to deal with the mid-section thrust in kendo is to retreat and dodge before counterattacking, and the second is to draw the opponent's sword in a circle.

He had underestimated the child, so he thought of removing the blade of the sword.Who knew that Kai-kun's innate supernatural power was not weaker than that of Ji Wushi, so Yiyin was embarrassed and embarrassing.

Yiyin is just an ordinary man without opening the plug-in, how can he have the majestic and heroic appearance that kills all directions on the battlefield.

Fortunately, no one at the scene wanted to believe that the invincible Shiba Yoshigin would not be able to beat a child, otherwise he would be really ashamed and humiliated.

Yoshigin smiled mischievously, and Naomasa Ii, who was on the side, had offered him a hand towel and asked him to wipe it.

Yiyin wiped his sweat with a towel to hide the embarrassment on his face, and couldn't help but glance at the dejected Kai-kun who was taught by Fan Jun.

This kid is so young, his strength is unbelievable. In the future, he might really be a male warrior who is not weaker than a woman.

What Yiyin likes most is that Kai-kun has a temperament similar to that of a boy in his previous life, mischievous and mischievous.Now seeing that he is physically stronger than himself, the more I look at him, the more I like him.

This is what a man should look like, unlike the weak men in this world, Yiyin doesn't feel sorry for him, Qingben men, how can I follow my mother.

he opened his mouth to speak.

"Don't teach him any more, Kai-kun did beat me, I admit defeat.

Kai-kun, come here and tell foster father, what do you want? "

Before the two sword competitions, they made a bet, and Yiyin also played with the child on a whim to make some money.

If Yiyin wins, naturally he won't take it to heart, it's no real comparison with a child.But since he lost, he can't break his promise to the child, and must fulfill this promise.

Seeing Yiyin's serious face, Kai-kun happily wanted to run over to make a request.But his father, Fanjun, was worried, fearing that his son would offend the noble Jin Duodian because he didn't know the severity.

I don't know why Jin Taden loves his naughty son so much, but Fanjun cherishes this blessing to protect Kai-kun as a father.

If Jin Dadian felt disgusted because of Mr. Kai's arrogance because of his favor, Mr. Fan would not be able to cry.

He gave Kai-kun a hard look with his eyes, and whispered a warning in his ear.

"You need to know the distinction between respect and inferiority, do you understand!"

Seeing him like this, Yiyin was unhappy and said.

"Why scare the child, let him come over."

Kai-kun sticks out his tongue at his father, and happily runs to Yoshigin's side.Fan Jun looked helplessly at his fearless appearance that day, and could only pray that the child's request would not be too much.

Yoshigin stroked Kai-kun's little head, watching him squint his eyes and enjoy, like a cute kitten.

"Tell me, what do you want?"

"Is anything really possible?"

"As long as it doesn't violate the samurai principles, the foster father can agree to you."

Kai-kun was so guilty that he looked back at his parents, and even the majestic grandmother Narita Nagatasu was submissive at this time.

He summoned up his courage and said.

"I want you to go see someone."

Yi Yin was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Kai-kun to make such a request, and suddenly said curiously.

"Who are you meeting? Let me tell you first, I won't go if it's too far away, I still have something to go back to the palace, so I can only talk about it next time."

Kai-kun said eagerly.

"Not far! That person is in the city!"

Yiyin didn't notice that Narita Changtai's mother and daughter in the distance suddenly turned ugly, as if thinking of something.

Fan Jun's face also turned pale, he never expected that Mr. Kai would make this request, when did that man coax the child to make the request?

Seeing the child getting anxious, Yiyin smiled and comforted him.

"Why are you panicking? Since she is in the city, let her come to see you. You haven't told me yet, what's the name of that person?"

Kai-kun said with a smile.

"That big sister is amazing, she is the governor of the Hojo family."

Yiyin's eyes froze.

"Hojo Clan? Hojo Clan? Is she in Ninja Castle now?"

Yiyin subconsciously turned his attention to Narita Changtai's mother and daughter, and saw that the two were already sweating and bowed together.

Narita Choyasu stammered.

"I'm so sorry! I don't know anything about this!

I don't know when His Highness Hojo communicated with Kai-kun and let him make such a rude request!I am so sorry! "

Fan Jun's face was pale, and he bit his lower lip tightly, stepping forward to pull Jia Fei Jun away.This child really doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, how could he make such a request to Jin Duodian?

The Narita family invited Shiba Yoshigin to come to Ninja Castle by detour just now, and the Hojo clan got the news from nowhere, and even visited Ninja Castle a day earlier, and now he is indeed in the castle.

When Hojo Genan was in Jinshan Castle, Shiba Yoshigin didn't even want to meet Yura Kunimoshige, but just saved face and participated in the friendship of Jinshan Castle Brotherhood.

Fan Jun was in Jinshan City and saw the whole incident clearly.

Ever since the Hojo family reached an alliance with the Uesugi family, they have been trying to talk to Tsudaden.However, Sibo Yiyin always avoided talking about it, neither acknowledging nor denying the Cross-Vietnam Alliance.

Hojo Ujimasa happened to be visiting this time, and Narita Changyasu was sure that she was here for Shiba Yoshiyin.

The Narita family in Narita City is living a good life, but why should they be involved in the political game of Shiba Uesugi and Hojo's three families?
Narita Choyasu couldn't afford to offend the Hojo Clan, so would he be willing to offend the more fierce Shiba Yoshigin?
Therefore, on the one hand, she entertained Hojo Ujimasa without being rude, but on the other hand, she was still unwilling to introduce Shiba Yoshiyin for her.

But I never expected that the Hojo clan government coaxed the child Kai-kun on some occasion, and even had to speak for her, which immediately put the Narita family in a dilemma.

Seeing Fanjun's face about to cry, and seeing Narita Changtai's ugly face, Yiyin seemed to understand something.

He waved his hand at Fan Jun, Jing Yi Naomasa took advantage of the situation and stepped forward to block Fan Jun, making Fan Jun sweat profusely, but he dared not come any closer.

Yoshigin lowered his head and asked Kai-kun with a smile.

"Are you familiar with Hojo's sister?"

Kai-kun shook his head innocently and said.

"I don't know you well, I just met yesterday.

But she was very kind to me and gave me two boxes of delicious tang fruit. She just hoped that I could do a favor.

My father has always taught me to be reasonable and disciplined in doing things, and not to owe people things casually, so I agreed to her. "

Yoshigin couldn't laugh or cry, and pinched Kai-kun's little cheek.

This kid just likes to eat sweets. During the banquet in Jinshan City, he even dared to go to Yiyin's case to show off his cuteness, just for a few Tang Guozi.

At that time, Yiyin lamented that sooner or later, this snack food would stumble on the shortcoming of gluttony.

Sure enough, Kai-kun was even better this time, just for two boxes of Tang Guozi, he dared to speak for the Hojo clan without telling his parents, and his tone of all-encompassing really overwhelmed the sky.

Terutora Uesugi reached an alliance with Hojo Ujiyasu without authorization, and he was always guilty in front of Yoshinori, and never dared to say a word.

Hojo Genan wanted to have an audience with Yoshiyin several times, but Yoshiyin used various excuses to decline, but he was unwilling to express his position on official occasions and recognized Uesugi Hojo's covenant.

You know, Uesugi Terutora is the leader of the Kanto, the second person in the new Kanto system.

With great difficulty, Yoshihiro broke up the Hojo family's Kanto system, reduced the Hojo family to a local power, and completely overwhelmed the Hojo family in terms of status.

But Terutoro Uesugi didn't know why the lard was deceived. The dignified Kanto leader actually willingly condescended to form an alliance with the local forces of the Hojo family. How embarrassing is it for the dignity of the new Kanto system?
Hojo Ujiyasu made the Sogotsu Alliance, and brought the political status of Uesugi and Hojo to the same starting line again before his death, so he dared to die of illness and left the last political legacy.

Although Shiba Yoshigin, who came back recently, was angry, but he wanted to maintain the majesty of Uesugi Terutoro, so naturally he could not openly overthrow the covenant between the two parties, which would damage Uesugi Terutoro's reputation.

But he never made a statement, which also made the Hojo family feel anxious and always uneasy.

In a sense, the Kanto samurai believe that the leader of Echigo's duopolitical politics is Shibo Yoshin, not Uesugi Terotora.

The Hojo family hoped that the alliance between the two parties would be confirmed by Shiba Yoshigin, so as to ensure the stability of the alliance.After all, Yoshihiko Shiba's reputation is outstanding, and he has always been trustworthy and trustworthy.

But Yoshihiro Shiba just refused to give this opportunity, and refused to meet the members of Hojo's family no matter what.Therefore, what Kai-kun said today made the Narita family extremely nervous.

Just now, Yoshigin promised to complete the contract of the sword competition, as long as Kai-kun's request does not violate the principles of the samurai, he can agree.

Does the meeting with Hojo Ujimasa violate the principles of the samurai family?Of course not!
But for a little game with children, a huge political price has to be paid. Can Shibo Yiyin be willing to accept it?

If you don't agree, Yoshihiro Shiba will miss the appointment.By agreeing, the Hojo family will have the formal meeting they have dreamed of, confirming the validity of the alliance.

The Narita family made Shiba Yoshigin a big trouble, and Narita Nagatasu was already sweating profusely at this time, and his eyes looking at Kai-kun became more and more fierce.

Fan Jun and the Narita family have been married for many years, but they have never been able to give birth to a daughter, which has long been criticized by the Narita clan.

The issue of the succession of the Narita family is pending, and all the samurai who live under this family name can't feel at ease.Either give birth to one as soon as possible, or adopt as a successor, there must be an explanation.

Narita Changyasu was originally in a dilemma, and he was unwilling to use this reason to force Fan Jun to reunite and offend Yu Liang's family.

But now, Fan Jun's ignorant son is talking nonsense, causing Narita's family to fall into a very bad political dilemma, and Narita Changyasu's dislike for this father and son has become stronger.

She even began to seriously consider, after this matter, let Narita's chief and Fanjun separate.It happened that the head of Narita married the son of Iwafuki Ota's family, and the relationship between the two parties was strengthened by marriage.

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