different warring states of japan

Chapter 1410 The new chapter of the Guandong Palace

Chapter 1410 A new chapter for the Guandong Chamberlain

Yoshigin didn't know that the reason Uesugi Terutora didn't want to see her was because she was experiencing the pain that Takeda Shingen had suffered.

Seeds from other worlds seem to have brought the experience of pregnant women from other worlds to the world of female venerables, giving Ji warriors the opportunity to experience the hardships of being pregnant for ten months.

Ji Wushi, who originally regarded pregnancy as simple as eating and drinking, did not think it was a hard job.

Uesugi Terutora was pregnant in Midsummer, and she was still in the first trimester of pregnancy, feeling lethargy, morning sickness, irritability and other discomforts swept over her.

This made her suddenly understand why Takeda Shingen would lie in Junfu City for nearly half a year because of a small childbirth incident, without doing anything.

It's not that I don't want to do it, it should be that I really can't do it.It is so hard in the early stages of pregnancy, and it must be even more exhausting when giving birth.It can only be said that Shibo Yiyin is not a human being, and his seeds are terrible.

I have never eaten pork, and I have seen pigs running. Whose family's Ji Wushi is pregnant, it only affects three days before and after giving birth, and then he is alive and kicking.

Only Shiba Yoshigin's seeds are so powerful, as powerful as Takeda Shingen and Uesugi Terutora, and they have to lie down to rest and have no energy to make troubles.

Terutora Uesugi remembered that Takeda Shingen could still win Suruga Ichikuni in this state, because he was unwilling to admire this rival in love from the bottom of his heart, and only attributed it to the fact that the Imagawa clan was really useless.

Because the reaction in the first trimester was too strong, Uesugi Terutora had to avoid Shibo Yoshihiro, so as not to let him find out that he was pregnant.

With the melancholy of his lover gone away, feeling that the seeds of love between the two are germinating in his body, Uesugi Terotora didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

But there is only one thing she firmly believes in, and that is that Takeda Shingen deserves to die.Now that Shiba Yoshigin has left Kanto, the attack on the Takeda family should also be put on the agenda.

As soon as he felt murderous, Uesugi Terutora couldn't help but vomited again.She was frustrated and found that she didn't seem to have the energy to trouble Takeda Shingen for the time being.

The plan can't keep up with the change.


Shiba Yoshihiro boarded the clippers returning to Japan, and Uesugi Terutora lay on Kasuga Mountain Castle and ignored everything, just like when he was going on an expedition, he left everything to the management of the retainers.

Without the intervention of the two lords, many things not only did not gradually calm down, but the undercurrent became more and more turbulent.

As Uesugi Teruhu let go, he allowed the forces under his command to join the big review.And because the Hojo clan's administration was acquiesced by Shiba Yoshiyin, the Hojo forces also joined the big review.

The Great Review of the Kanto Chamberlain seems to have become a new battlefield. The three big forces of Shiba Uesugi and Hojo joined forces with the small and medium forces in the Kanto region to rebuild a platform and continue to intrigue.

During this process, it seemed that only Yoshishi Ashikaga, who was led by Furukawa, was injured.

Although this was not intentional by Shiba Yoshigin, the Kanto system headed by the Kamakura Ashikaga family is irreversibly dying out.

On top of the body of the Kanto system, a new system called the Kanto Servant is gradually replacing the Kanto system and accepted by all Kanto samurai.

The influence of the Kanto Servant is even wider than the Kanto Ten Kingdoms under the jurisdiction of the Kanto General. The Hokuriku Road, Tokaido, Kanto Ten Kingdoms, and the Ou region all have radiation.

The Kanto samurai are all very interested in the new system of the Kanto servants, and the joint meeting mechanism created by Yiyin's decentralization seems to be very appetizing for the traditional samurai who are born with republican tendencies.

Just like the early days of the Kamakura Shogunate, the good old days when Minamoto Yoritomo and the powerful royal family ruled Kanto together are back.

Back then, Minamoto Yoritomo started his business by relying on the Bando Bahei family. In order to win over powerful warriors from all over the Kanto region, he established a contract between monarchs and ministers to honor the public.

Compared with the imperial court in Kyoto, which only knows how to squeeze samurai, the Kamakura shogunate really clearly marked their prices, and they were innocent.

After Minamoto Yoritomo's death, a thirteen-member collegial system was left to assist the new general in governing.

However, the Kamakura shogunate was usurped by the former Hojo family, Minamoto Yoritomo's blood was severed, and the former Hojo family obtained the emperor's blood from Kyoto and established him as a puppet general.

Because the former Hojo family was not a shogun, they were in power with the most powerful royal family ranked first, and it was the collegiate royal family system that dominated the operation of the shogunate.

And because the Hojo family was the dominant family, this collegiate system soon existed in name only, but this fond memory of powerful samurai jointly governing the world was deeply engraved in the hearts of the Kanto samurai.

Shiba Yoshiyin established the Kanto Service Office, and the large appraisal system is similar to the imperial family collegial system.The Standing Council is like the highest power in the hands of the former Hojo ruler.

The difference between the two is that Yoshihiko Shiba has implemented the idea of ​​decentralization, retaining only three permanent elders to hold the veto power, and giving up the positions of the other three non-permanent elders to share with Zhu Ji.

All samurai can put forward their own group's demands in the bi-annual big review through the representative status of the samurai.

As representatives of the Wu family, the United Front has the right to take turns to sit among the non-permanent senior middlemen, participate in the management of daily affairs, and share the highest power of the Guandong Chamberlain.

This kind of political form that takes into account all samurai groups and allows everyone to fight for their own interests is a republic with samurai characteristics.

Shiba Yoshiyin left Kanto on the eve of the autumn review, which is equivalent to keeping his promise. The highest power belongs to the review, and he will not interfere with the arrangement of the next year's standing council.

Since he is so up-to-date, the traditional warriors in the Kanto are flocking to the big review. It is related to the fundamental interests of their own group, so of course they must try their best to fight for it.

How can this undercurrent be stopped?


Agatsuma County, Rock Cabinet City, Nobushige Sanada, who won the first non-permanent senior middle school from the Autumn Review, returned to his hometown in high spirits, and invited his ally Nobusada Kobata to celebrate with him.

It didn't take long for the three clans of Azuma County's Shino clan headed by Sanada Nobushige to re-develop, and these mountain people still retain the bohemian tradition in the mountains.

It wasn't long before the banquet started, and the sake hadn't been poured down a few glasses. Some people had gone crazy because of the wine, talking loudly one by one, laughing and cursing, making the corners of Sanada Nobushige's eyes twitch.

It's not that she resented the unruly Sanada warriors who followed her through life and death, but she couldn't hold back when she saw the half-smiling eyes of Kobata Nobusada at the guest table.

The Kohata family of Kunimine City and the Nagano family of Minawa City are called Nishi Ueno Twin Females. As the leaders of the samurai family with one south and one north, they have great influence in Nishi Ueno.

Kohata Nobusada was expelled by Nagano Yasho, lost Kunimine Castle, and was forced to exile in Agatsuma County. Finally, he joined hands with Sanada Nobushige and returned to Nishi Ueno.

But from the moment they returned to Guofeng City and took over as the House Governor again, the alliance relationship between Sanada Nobushige and Kohata Nobusada was different from before.

In the past, it was Xiaoban Nobusada who was living under the fence, begging Sanada Nobushige to help her take back the family business.Now it is Sanada Nobushige who needs the help of Kohata Nobusada to gain a foothold in Nishi Ueno.

Nobushige Sanada took advantage of the fact that Nagano Yasasa died of illness and his successor Nagano Karamori's prestige was insufficient, so he made a surprise attack on Minowa Castle and stepped into the land of West Ueno.

But her unauthorized actions annoyed Yoshihiro Shiba. If Yukitaka Sanada hadn't planned to use the invasion of foreign enemies to help Nobushige Sanada pass the test before his death, Yoshihiro Shiba would have severely punished Nobushige Sanada.

But even if he escaped, Shiba Yoshigin still did not give Sanada Nobushige the title to occupy Nishi Ueno, but temporarily allowed Sanada to assist in the defense of Nishi Ueno on the grounds of resisting foreign enemies.

In addition, Nagano Yemori, who had escaped from death, squeezed into the Concentric Secretariat through Nobuzuna Umizuna's last writing and Masaru Shima's recommendation, and became a member of the core group of the Shiba family, which is another hidden danger.

Nobushige Sanada is suffering from internal and external troubles, and Nobusada Kobata's ally is more and more important to her.

This time she invited Nobata Nobusada to come here, in order to find a way to further bind the two families, so that the Sanadas can have a staunch supporter among the famous local families in Nishi Ueno.

Nobushige Sanada glared at Yuri Kamanosuke who had the most trouble among the audience, the ex-bandit of Mt. Suzuka was the most unruly.

Picking up a rice ball on the table, Nobushige Sanada smashed it hard and cursed.

"Kamanosuke, you bastard! Quiet me!"

Uno Toshiichi and Miyoshi Kiyomi who were accompanying them looked at each other with helplessness in their eyes.Nobushige Sanada's appearance of wearing a monkey and crowning himself is really not on the stage.

Whose master reprimanded his subordinates by throwing rice balls?Xiao Banxinzhen smiled so much that her eyebrows were bent, obviously taking it as a joke.

Uno Toshi coughed and gave Nobushige Sanada a cold look.Nobushige Sanada shuddered, then laughed dryly, and changed the subject.

"Say it right, say it right.

Xiao Banji, I invite you to come today. You are the first non-permanent senior middleman who I have the honor to serve on the executive council of the Guandong Chamberlain.

At least next year, I can help you talk more about our Nishi Ueno matter in the Standing Council. "

Kobata Nobutada bowed slightly, and said with a faint smile.

"Congratulations Sanada Hime."

She was normal on the surface, but not without jealousy in her heart.

The Standing Council is said to be rotated among the United Front, but who can sit on it still has to talk about political balance.

The three people who will serve as the first non-permanent senior middle school next year will be selected from the three generations of United Front Workers, old, middle and new.

Ogasawara joined the Kanto Chamber of Commerce after joining the Battle of Kawanakajima, and was awarded the status of United Front.Although she is weak, she is old and can yell.

In order to appease the old man, Yoshihiro Shiba set a target that there must be an old United Front Worker among the non-permanent senior middlemen in the first three years.

When Ogasawara grew up, this old man who could be called Qu was acquiesced and pushed forward to serve as a non-permanent senior middle school, which made Murakami Yoshiki jealous.

It was also after the Battle of Kawanakajima that he joined the Echigo forces. Ogasawara followed Shiba Yoshigin for a long time, and Murakami Yoshiki joined Uesugi Terutora.

The territory of the two in Beixin is the buffer zone between the Echigo forces and the Takeda family.Everyone does the same job, but when they get the benefits, they are one in the sky and the other in the earth.

Yoshiki Murakami thinks that he has better long-term ability than Ogasawara, but he is not as good as Ogasawara when he is long-term. Only babies who can cry have milk.

At this moment Uesugi Terutora has let go, and the high-ranking samurai under the Uesugi family can also serve as the united front. Yoshiki Murakami immediately wrote the application.Who doesn't want the benefits of being an old middle-aged man!
On the other hand, Oda Ujiji is the representative of the new United Front launched by Shiba Yoshigin.Although Yoshihiro Shiba himself avoids suspicion and does not participate in the discussion, who would dare not let her be the candidate that the boss likes?

As for the Mesozoic united front forces between the old and the new, Nobushige Sanada has the largest territory, the hardest fists, and a thick-skinned face if he dares to fight or kill.

Her non-permanent senior middle position was obtained by virtue of her strength.Those who can't be promoted are all insignificant and small roles, and they must be looked forward to by powerful warriors.

It sounds like a rotating seat, but it is very Ren Zhong's way of selecting candidates. There are many tricks and tricks. Before the meeting, these three people have already been finalized.

Kobata Nobusada didn't understand, Sanada Nobushige celebrated with great fanfare after the big review, and invited himself here specially, what was he going to do?
Is it just to show off to yourself?Then this new boss who was born in a mountain monkey has a somewhat shabby demeanor.

Kobata Nobusada was lukewarm, Sanada Nobushige smiled and said to himself.

"Xiao Banji, you don't have to be polite, we are all from the Nishi Ueno Samurai family, we are all a family, so naturally we must unite as one, and we can't let outsiders bully us.

Look at the Honjo, Kadi, Nakajo, and Yasuda of Shimokoshi, whether they are the Shiba faction or the Uesugi faction, they all crowded together to squeeze into the big review, wishing to squeeze all the people from Shimogoshi into it.

There are also Uesugi Keishin from Chuetsu, Higashi Ueno's head office, Shirai Rinagao, and Shimono's Ashikaga Castle Nagao's family, all of which are relatives of Uesugi Terutora.

His Highness Uesugi let go, didn't they quickly find a way to submit an application to the big review?Who doesn't want to earn a little more in the Kanto Chamberlain?
Not to mention the scumbags in Guanbazhou. When fighting, they fall with the wind, but when they grab benefits, they are really rude.

We Nishi Ueno people can't be humble, otherwise the benefits of these grandsons will not be left to us, we have to fight for ourselves. "

Nobushige Sanada said one by one about us Nishi Ueno, he really didn't treat himself as an outsider, he was really thick-skinned.

I don't even think about her raid on Minowa Castle back then and killed many people in Minowa. If Nobuzuna Uemizumi hadn't died and Honagano Yesheng ran away, the Nagano family in Minowa Castle, a famous family in West Ueno, would have been wiped out.

Kobata Nobusada knew that Nobushige Sanada was eager to be recognized by the Nishi Ueno people. She wanted to trade for the benefit of the Standing Council, representing the Nishi Ueno Samurai Group to fight for power in the Kanto Chamber.

It's good for her to fight for, but the Nishi Ueno people have to accept her first, right?That's why she came to Kobata Nobutada to talk.

The alliance and integration of the two groups of Sanada and Nishi Ueno needs a powerful figure like Kobata Nobusada to match.

But Xiaoban Xinzhen did not express his position easily, but just smiled and perfunctory.

"Sanada Hime has a heart."

It's not that Kobata Nobusada is intentionally indifferent, but Sanada Nobushige's idea of ​​integrating into the land of Nishi Ueno is really a bit naive.

This matter has to start with Nagano Yezheng.

Nagano Yesho is a generation of heroes who have been running Nishi Ueno for decades. A lot of sons are married off, and their in-laws are all over Nishi Ueno.

The Obata family, the Ninjo Narita family, the Kibe family, the Hamagawa family, the Oto family, the Wada family, the Kuragano family, the Yoda family, the Hano family, and the Usabashi Nagano family.

A total of twelve daughters-in-law are connected to the branches of relatives behind them, forming a huge network of contacts.

Not mentioning Nishi Ueno, just talking about the land of Nishi Ueno, there are [-] villages with relatives and relatives.

Sanada Nobushige overthrew the Nagano family in Minowa Castle, and almost every family and friend of the Nishi Ueno Samurai family died under the raid of the Sanadas.

At this moment, Sanada Nobushige is going to be one of Nishi Ueno's own people with a face?Who and you are our own people!
Nobuzhen's situation is special, Nagano Yezheng's mother-in-law is unkind first, no wonder her daughter-in-law is unrighteous.

She went back to Guofeng City to take back the family property, and the Nishi Ueno Samurai Group could still accept it. After all, this was an internal conflict among the Minawa people.

But Nobushige Sanada, a butcher with Nishi Ueno samurai blood on her hands, also wants to represent Nishi Ueno?Stop dreaming!
(End of this chapter)

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