different warring states of japan

Chapter 1412 Seeing chaos in the near future

Not to mention how Sanada Nobushige racked his brains and tried every means to avoid the olive branch of marriage offered by Nobata Nobusada, but only to talk about the autumn review of the closed Kanto Chamber.

At the review meeting, all United Front members successfully completed various agendas, and unanimously elected Ogasawara Changtoki, Sanada Nobushige, and Oda Ujiji to serve as non-permanent senior members of the first executive council.

After next year's Spring Review, the Standing Council will be officially launched. During the closing period of the Spring and Autumn Reviews, it will manage the daily affairs of the Kanto Chamber and exercise its rights on behalf of the Great Review.

After the meeting, all the members of the United Front agreed that this was a successful review, a successful review, and a review that carried forward the past and ushered in the future, and forged ahead in unity.

Their excitement is not fake.

Shiba Yoshigin left the land of Kanto, and Uesugi Terotora was in Kasugayama Castle, neither of them had anything to do with the agenda of the big review.

As representatives of martial arts from all over the country, the united front members of the Kanto Servant have truly grasped the supreme power of the Kanto Servant.

Although power is shared in the form of deliberation, everyone is very satisfied with it, and they all feel that Shibo Yiyin's sincerity in sharing power and giving up profits, this new line of peaceful development of the samurai family has a head.

Just as Sanada Nobushige said, the samurai groups in various places are stepping up integration, hoping to unite their forces so that they can compete for power and profit in the big review, and spy on the non-permanent veterans of the standing council.

At this time, a fast ship did not add any warehouses, and brought Yoshihiro Shiba and his concentric crowd back to Tsuruga Port in Echizen Kingdom as quickly as possible.

These days, Asakura Keiki was so desperate that he didn't even stay in a residence in the city, but stayed in a port town not far from the pier, just waiting for Shiba Yoshigin to return.

Also waiting, there is also the San Taifu from the nearby Sibo territory. She sorts out the newly arrived information from the nearby places, and will hand it over as soon as the lord arrives.

As soon as Shiba Yoshigin boarded the pier, he was invited into Tsuruga Castle and moved into a residence that had already been packed.As for Chao Cang Jingji, the city lord, he was willing to live in another courtyard and accompany him.

At the dinner party in the residence hall, Yi Yin sat on the main seat, holding his wine glass lightly, and smiled at Asakura Jingji.

"Hime Asakura, you are too polite.

Things are urgent there these days, I might stay for one night and leave, but you don't have to make such a hassle. "

Asakura Keiji bowed solemnly and said respectfully.

"This is what Jing Ji should do. Jing Ji can't repay Jinduodian's kindness. Only by sweeping the couch and welcoming him can he repay Jinduodian's favor."

In just a few years, the status of Shiba Yoshigin and Asakura Keiki has been rapidly separated, and the difference is already far apart.

Under the protection of Asakura Sodi back then, the immature Ji warrior who was still somewhat arrogant has now become fearful.

Back then, she dared to comment on Yiyin's peerless beauty frivolously, but now she doesn't even dare to get wet.

This is the power of power, Yiyin couldn't help sighing, and could only secretly say that things are not like people.

Both Yiyin and Chao Cang Jingji knew in their hearts that Yi Yin had already repaid the kindness that Chao Cang Zongdi had shown him.

Asakura Zongdi beat east and west for the sound of righteousness, and the oil was exhausted.Yiyin also gave Asakura Jingji a lot of benefits to ensure that she would take over the Tsuruga County smoothly.

Asakura Sodi's old life, which was only a few days old, was exchanged for Asakura Keiki's several years in troubled times to stabilize his position without losing his position, which is enough.

Oda Nobunaga attacked the Echizen Kingdom and entered Tsuruga County. He surrounded Asakura Keiki and did not fight, which was to give Shiba Yoshin face.

Asakura Yoshikage brought troops to help, and occupied Jinqi City and did not leave.If Asai Nagamasa hadn't come forward to intercede, Asakura Keiji's end would have been embarrassing.

Asakura Keiki knew that his situation was very bad. Only by continuing to hug Shiba Yoshigin's thigh could he preserve the name of the Tsuruga Asakura family in this increasingly chaotic world.

And Yoshihiro Shiba didn't intend to abandon her either.

Although maintaining the independence of Tsuruga County, the Shiba family needs to pay a lot of benefits to make deals with other samurai daimyos, but it is worth it.

There are two reasons.

First, Yiyin's protection of Asakura Jingji is based on the reason of repaying kindness.

The so-called grace of dripping water should be repaid by a spring.The story of Asakura Sodi and Shiba Yoshigin's kindness has already spread throughout the world.

The more Yiyin doesn't care about gains and losses, the more martial artists in the world admire his character, which is very beneficial to maintain his righteous and awe-inspiring personality.It is reasonable to pay a little cost for buying horse bones with thousands of dollars.

Second, Tsuruga Port is the core link of the Hokuriku Road commercial route, so there is no room for loss.To keep Asakura Kageki's control over Tsuruga County is to keep the independence of Tsuruga Port.

Although Shiba Yoshigin can also make deals with Asakura Yoshikage and Oda Nobunaga, no matter who controls Tsuruga Port, they cannot ignore the interests of the Shiba family.

The Hokuriku Road trade route has gathered the interests of too many people, even if Oda Asakura controls this place, it is still a bargaining chip with the Shiba family.

It is absolutely impossible to dare to cut off the Hokuriku Road trade route, that would be too offensive.

Even so, Yoshigin did not want other samurai daimyos to control Tsuruga Port, especially Oda Nobunaga, he still wanted Tsuruga Port to be in the hands of Asakura Keiki.

Since Asakura Keiji has no other way out, her best choice is Yoshihiro.

Leaving Yiyin, she is like a naive child who walks through the market with gold in her arms.With such great interests in Tsuruga Port, who can let her go?

But if Tsuruga Port is controlled by Oda Nobunaga, in case the Oda family opens up the Tokaido trade route, which in turn threatens the Hokuriku trade route, what should Yoshihiko do?
Even if the Tokaido trade route continues to be chaotic and blocked, it will be difficult for Yoshihiro to accept that his lifeblood is controlled by Oda Nobunaga.

The Hokuriku Road trade route and the Shibazhong Fund are closely linked, and the Shiba family's hard-core crops are all supported by the income of the Shibachu Fund's Hokuriku Road trade route.

In addition, the Samurai Giri Promotion Association in the Kanto area also came from the Hokuriku Province business profit as an important source of income for maintaining public welfare.

Regardless of whether it is in recent days or at both ends of the Kanto, Yiyin needs to spend money to stabilize his basic market, and he cannot afford any turmoil on the Hokuriku Road trade route.

One egg in Sakai Port, one egg in Tsuruga Port, whichever falls into the hands of Oda Nobunaga, Yoshihiro will be in trouble.

If it all falls into the hands of Oda Nobunaga, the sausage will also fall, and the whole Jill will be controlled by Oda Nobunaga.

To sum up, considering both fame and real benefits, Yoshihiro will support Asakura Kageki to continue to rule Tsuruga County.The hesitation in Asakura Jingji's heart was actually unnecessary.

But from the perspective of Asakura Keiki, she only saw that both Asakura Yoshikage and Oda Nobunaga coveted Tsuruga Port, the Shiba family was far away in the sky, and the Asai family next to them was beaten to a half by the Oda family .

Regardless of whether the Allied Forces of Asai Asakura or Oda Nobunaga won this fierce battle in the end, it will be difficult to maintain the independent status of Tsuruga County.

In particular, Kanazaki Castle, which is close at hand, is occupied by Asakura Yoshikage, and the door of Tsuruga County is wide open. Asakura Yoshikage can send troops westward at any time to take down Tsuruga Port.

The feeling of having a knife on her neck was really uncomfortable, so she had to beg today.

Asakura Keiji hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and said.

"The prestige of Jinduo Palace is spread far and wide, and all martial arts in the world admire it.

Now there is a person outside the residence hall. He heard that Jin Duo Dian returned to Dunga County recently, and he wants to worship the emperor, begging to see him. "

Yi Yin glanced at Cang Jingji and saw that her head was sweating, he seemed to know that this move was quite presumptuous and not proper.

Not many people know the specific time of his return to recent days via Tsuruga Port.Asakura Jingji dared to leak it to outsiders, and even brought referrals, which is actually a taboo.

That is to say, Yiyin is famous for his benevolence and righteousness, and he has a deep friendship with the Dunhe Asakura family, so Asakura Jingji dared to take the risk.

Yi Yin smiled and asked.

"Anyone want to see me? Is she up to something?"

Asakura Keiki quickly shook his head.

"The person here is not asking for something, but just admiring the name of the emperor. His name is Magara Kasuke, and he is the guard of His Highness Asakura Yoshikage in Kanezaki Castle."

Yi Yin nodded.

No wonder Asakura Kageki made such a request abruptly. It turned out that the other party was the guard of Kanezaki Castle, who was the biggest potential threat to Tsuruga Port at this time.

Kanazaki Castle is surrounded by mountains and the sea, while guarding the mountain road from Fukui Plain to Tsuruga County, while staring at Tsuruga Port and the small plains around Tsuruga Port.

Oda Nobunaga attacked Tsuruga County, and immediately bypassed Tsuruga Port and took Kanezaki Castle, cutting off the Asakura family's support route.

Later, it was discovered that Asai's family had betrayed the alliance, and Oda Nobunaga had no choice but to retreat. Hashiba Hideyoshi guarded Kanezaki Castle for ten days, and finally abandoned the castle and ran away, allowing Asakura Yoshikage to take the castle.

Yoshihiro is very surprised, Jinzaki Castle is so important, Asakura Yoshikage must be handed over to a trustworthy person to guard, how could his guard secretly communicate with Asakura Keiki, this is unreasonable.

He glanced at the San Tai Fu who was obediently waiting by the side, and the San Tai Fu understood, came out and bowed and said.

"Your Majesty, the Managara family suffered heavy losses in the Battle of Anegawa. Not only did Naotaka Managara, the governor of the family, but also her sister Nasumi Managara and Ryuki Manara, her daughter, die in the battle, resulting in the extinction of the family.

Because of this incident, the people in the former area of ​​South Vietnam were very dissatisfied with His Highness Asakura Yoshikage. In order to unite the local people, His Highness promoted Magara Kasuke from the Magara family. "

Yiyin nodded, somewhat understanding.

The Chinese people in the former Nanyue area guarded the southern end of the Fukui Plain, and Kanezaki Castle was their territory going north through the mountains.

Asakura Yoshikage sent his younger sister Asakura Jingjing to lead the Ono people, and followed Asai Nagamasa to the Mino country.As a result, Asakura Kagegyou concealed his selfish intentions, and he led the Ono people back to the Echizen Kingdom in a pretentious manner.

Asai Nagamasa was caught off guard and could only retreat. Oda Nobunaga took the opportunity to seize the initiative and attack Kita Omi.

In order to appease the angry Asai Nagamasa, Asakura Yoshikage sent General Asakura Keiken to support him, followed Asai Nagamasa to rescue Yokoyama Castle, and fought a battle of Anegawa.

Who knew that the battle of Anegawa was defeated so badly, Keiken Asakura was careless for a moment, and the whole family of Managaru was trapped in death, and the main family was wiped out.

If Asakura Yoshikage hadn't said anything, the people in the former South Vietnam region would no longer listen to her greetings.

But even if she handed over the strategically important Kanezaki Castle to the Managara family as compensation.Magara Kasuke also hooked up with Asakura Keiki without hesitation, apparently at odds with Asakura Yoshikage.

Regarding the information about the Asakura family and the details of the Battle of Anegawa, the three princes from all over the world sent documents to Kanto to read to Yiyin, and Yiyin was reminded by her, and he understood the cause and effect.

But even though he understood the cause and effect, Yoshigin still didn't understand that the Managara family was dissatisfied with the Asakura family, so why did they come to find themselves, an outsider?
At this moment, the Oda family and the Asakura family are fighting in full swing. These former South Vietnamese people are not happy with the Asakura family. If they want to vote for another Mingzhu, they should also go to Oda Nobunaga.

Yi Yin looked at Asakura Keiji and asked.

"Why did the Managa family show their respect to me? Siba is far away in Yamato Iga these days, so I can't help them much."

Asakura Keiji laughed.

"Your Majesty, the Shiba clan used to be the guardian of Echizen. Whether it is the Asakura family or the Managara family, they all served the ancestors of the Shiba family as officials of the Shiba family."

Yiyin opened his eyes, wanting to laugh a little.Asakura Keiji's words are not only speaking for the Managara family, but also to find a footnote for his own behavior.

Back then, the Asakura family usurped the Echizen country, drove away the Shibazong family, and obtained the status of Echizen guardian by serving the shogunate. It is already legitimate to rule this neighboring country.

But now the situation of the Asakura family is not right. Whether it is the people of the country like the Managara family or the descendants of the branch family like Asakura Keiki, they all start to think about the time they served the Shibazong family.

They are rushing to jump ship. They can use the titles of monarchs and ministers more than a hundred years ago, and they are thick-skinned enough.

Yiyin couldn't help but smiled wryly.

"Is the situation of the Asakura family so bad?"

Asakura Kageki sighed.

"Your Majesty does not know that Asai Asakura's allied forces are currently trapped on Mount Hiei."

Yiyin was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the third grandpa of the hundred places, who nodded and said.

"His Highness Oda heard that the Yamashiro Kingdom was being harassed by Asai Asakura's coalition forces, so he withdrew his troops from Settsu Kingdom overnight.

The Miyoshi family did not pursue them, but the Ichizumune from all over Settsu spontaneously attacked the Oda army, causing a lot of losses.

But because the Ichigo sects in various places fought on their own, no one could stop the Oda army from turning in, allowing His Highness Oda to quickly return to Kyoto.

Asai Asakura's coalition forces did not expect His Highness Oda to come back so quickly, and were caught off guard.The two sides fought in Shimosakamoto, and Asai Asakura's coalition forces retreated, so they had to bite the bullet and go to Mount Hiei.

Now, Asai Asakura's allied forces are waiting in battle in Fengfeng, Qingshan, and Julishan.

His Royal Highness Oda sent people to Mount Hiei, and asked the Master Jueshu of Enryaku Temple not to help Asai Asakura's coalition forces, otherwise the consequences would be at their own risk.

But it seems that the nuns of Enli Temple were enraged by His Highness Oda's threat. Master Jue Shu, who just came back from Kyoto just now, was in a state of desperation. The temple is still discussing it, and has not responded to His Highness Oda for the time being. "

Yoshihiro Shiba was dumbfounded when he heard that, the situation in recent days has really changed rapidly.

The news he received before boarding the ship has lagged behind, and now Mount Hiei is forced to stand in line, Oda Nobunaga is really crazy.

You know, behind Oda Nobunaga's buttocks, Miyoshi and Ichimune's allied forces are still biting, and they may enter the Yamashiro Kingdom from Settsu Country at any time.

The Oda family is now besieged on all sides, and Oda Nobunaga dared to threaten Hieizan Enryakuji Temple at this time. He is really not afraid to annoy the proud Tiantai religious group, and join the battle circle to fight the Oda family to the end.

Crazy, really fucking crazy.

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