different warring states of japan

Chapter 1418 Newly Selected Group and Lihua Performance

Sakai Port, Shinsengumi resident.

Isamu Kondo sat indoors on his knees, closing his eyes and meditating.There was a sound of footsteps in front of the corridor, and Hijikata Suisan gently opened the door, bowed and walked in.

"Kondo Hime, I'm back."

"how is the situation?"

"The crime of Kikyo Uriji was exposed and she tried to abscond. She was shot dead on the spot by the guard Li Huazuo. Her family has been escorted back to the station and is waiting to be dealt with."

Isamu Kondo opened his eyes, looked at Toshizo Hijikata, and said in a deep voice.

"I've asked Mr. Okita to arrest people according to the list you gave me. You work hard tonight and get all the statements of the participants. It must be an iron case, no problem?"

Hijikata Tsuisan nodded and said.

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Kondo sighed.

"I didn't expect that profiteer named Kikyoya to be so sociable. Even Morishita and Gu Chuan came to intercede for her."

Hijikata Toshisan said coldly.

"These idiots, if there were not many old sisters who came out of Mibu Village together, I would cut off their heads and apologize to Mr. Takada Yono."

Isamu Kondo shook his head without denying it.

The people in the Kikyo house were so insane, they dared to put their ideas on Spo Zhongji, and they really wanted to kill the whole family.

Back then, in order to prepare military food for the Kanto Raiders, Shiba Yoshiin used his share of the Hokuriku Road trade route to trade with friendly forces in almost all parts of the Kanto region and purchased a large amount of food.

This time and time again, friendly forces in various places have made a lot of money, which can be regarded as a win-win cooperation.

When the Shibachu Fund was established, Ishida Mitsunari needed to convert the copper money earned from the Hokuriku Road trade route into the specific annuity Lumi.

She continued to use the experience of buying grain in Kanto, and continued to trade with friendly forces along the Hokuriku Road trade route, hoping to maintain a long-term and stable price of special rice.

It is customary to exchange copper coins for two stones of brown rice. This price comparison is just an imaginary number. The actual price comparison of copper coins and grains will fluctuate. During this period of war, the price of rice has already skyrocketed.

Relying on the share of the Hokuriku Road trade route and the prestige and endorsement of Shiba Yoshigin, the Shibazhong Fund can obtain the usual ultra-low price of two stones from the AIA.

Ishida Mitsunari borrowed the rice merchants in Sakai Port to transport these grains, but the people like Kikyoya were unwilling to only earn the little money that was lost in transshipment.

They falsely reported the quantity, and disguised the grain they bought as annuity Lumi purchased by the Sibozhong Fund, and got rice that was far below the market price.

But this rice is actually very hot. The essence is to use the market share of the Shibachu Fund in the Hokuriku Road trade route to trade with the friendly forces of the Shiba family in exchange for cheap grain.

Ishida Mitsunari soon discovered that the accounts were not correct, and after checking it out, it turned out that there was a problem with Sakai Port.

These rice merchants had the opportunity to get into the business of the Shibazhong Fund through Takada Yono's relationship.Something happened to their greed, so Ishida Mitsunari naturally wanted to talk to Takada Yono.

The Shibachu Fund is a joint fund of the entire Siba Samurai Group, and Ishida Mitsunari is the gatekeeper holding the upper sword, so he is naturally confident.

The public property of the dignified Shiba family was poached, and Takada Yono was furious when Ishida Mitsunari wrote to question him for losing face.

She is the head of the Shiba family town, and she is in charge of the Shiba family's business affairs in the nearby commercial towns and port towns. She also created the Hokuriku Road trade route with one hand, and the daily turnover is more than a few thousand kan.

Of course, Takada Yono didn't like the little rice that Kikyo House carried, but the nature of this matter was too bad, and she had to give Ishida Mitsunari a reasonable explanation.

This matter was only handed over to Isamu Kondo yesterday, and in just one night, someone had already come to intercede.

Isamu Kondo is ruthless and selfless. The group of swordsmen and executioners in the Shinsengumi pride themselves on being Shiba's loyal dog and insist on being the lone minister of the Shiba family. Of course they don't care about these people's sophistication.

But what frightened her was that the old Misheng wolf under her command was actually mixed with someone.

Kikyoya Ritsunio is in the rice business. This profiteer knows how to behave, spends a lot of money, and has provided cheap rice to the Mibu wolves for a long time.

What if after the accident, this person grabs and bites and pours dirty water on the Shinsengumi?
Yuihama Yui can be dismissed from the post of Shinsengumi's writer, and go to the Shibazhong Foundation in disgrace.If Isamu Kondo can't do well, she, the head of the newly adapted Shinsengumi, can also get out.

What's more, Isamu Kondo and the Mibu wolves are not as good as Yuigahama Yui in terms of identity.

Yuhihama Yui was born in the old Iga clan, one of Shiba Yoshigin's first concentric warriors.

Although she has a weak temper and was sent to work in Sakai Port after being bullied by the first group of concentric people, she still has Miao Honggenzheng's direct descendant background.

Even Takada Yono looked down on her, but Shiba Yoshihiro was still willing to let her change to the Shibachu Foundation and continue to make a living.

But what kind of people are Isamu Kondo?Takada Yukino privately recruited outlaws, a group of rogues who had no heels, relying on those who dared to fight and kill in the Kyoto Tianzhu incident, and were lucky to get into the top position.

If they did something wrong, where else could they go?

If you compare people, you will die, if you compare goods, you will lose them.If it weren't for the chance to change the fate in the troubled times, swordsmen like Mibu Lang would never have the chance to stand out.

It is related to the Siba Zhong Fund, and this case of entraining rice is no small matter. What the profiteers stole is the annuity Lumi of the Siba family, which is the hard-core crop of all the samurai samurai.

Isamu Kondo didn't want to cast a shadow over the future of Mibu Wolf because of a greedy rice merchant. Naturally, this matter was handed over to the ruthless Hijikata Toshizo to clear Mibu Wolf's ties.

Now, Kikyo Uri's wife was killed for resisting arrest. The dead person was very quiet and would not bite randomly. This result is very good.

Isamu Kondo asked.

"The person was killed by Li Huazuo?"

Hijikata Toshizo replied.

"Our people didn't get the blood of Kikyo House."

Isamu Kondo nodded.

"Very good, I'm going to report this to Master Takada Yono, where is Li Huazuo?"

Hijikata Toshizo glanced outside and said.

"Waiting outside in the courtyard.

I don't know why Takada Yukino-sama likes this guy, but she is a thin and thin Southern barbarian, and a stronger wind can blow her away. "

Isamu Kondo shook his head.

"Don't try to figure out Takada Yukino-sama's thoughts, remember to respect her and obey her at all times.

She is our spiritual leader and the basis for us to gain a foothold in the Shiba family. Without her, there would be no us. "

Hijikata Toshisan remained silent.

Of course she understood what Isamu Kondo meant, Junshang's concern for Takata Yukino was a jealous doting that had been verified several times.

It is also a coincidence that the group of rogues like the Mibu wolf were able to mix from wildling mercenaries to Shiba's establishment, and become the new Sengumi Hime warriors.

If Takada Yukino hadn't been ambushed by the shogunate warriors, and if the Yagyu team and the secrecy team hadn't been scruples and didn't dare to let go of their hands and feet to kill people, how could the furious Shiba Yoshigin promote a group of ronin swordsmen?
Most of the reason why Junshang treats them so favorably is because of Takata Yukino's situation.Without Takada Yono, no matter how capable the Mibu wolves are, they would not be able to climb to their current position.

Therefore, people like Isamu Kondo respect Takata Yukino very much, that is the guarantee for them to stay in Shiba's house, and it is their long-term meal ticket.

The past relationship between Mibu Lang and Kikyo Yari Mizuo cannot be concealed from those who are interested.If Kikyo Yariji Niang died at the hands of Mibu Wolf, people would inevitably be criticized.

But now, Kikyo Yariji Niang died at the hands of Li Huazuo, so it has nothing to do with the Mibu wolves.People were killed by this white-haired savage girl, so go to her if you have any problems.

As for why Takata Yukino likes this Nanman so much, and whether he will continue to protect this Nanman, Isamu Kondo will not make random guesses.People who know too much often don't live long.

The two walked out of the room and saw Li Huazuo staring at an art tree in a daze.

There were still black spots on the tree trunk that she blasted out with the short gun last time, it looked desolate, but it was also in line with the Youxuan island culture.

Isamu Kondo yelled.

"Li Huaji, follow me to the conference hall."

Li Huazuo turned his head, walked over, looked at Isamu Kondo, and asked coldly.

"That child Yayoi, will he survive?"

Isamu Kondo froze for a moment, looked at Toshizo Hijikata, and Toshizo Hijikata explained.

"The youngest son of Kikyo Uri, Mistress Lihua, wants to keep him alive."

Hijikata Suisan was upset.

On the way back, Li Huazuo said several times, but Hijikata Toshizo didn't take it to heart, but just perfunctory, saying that he would report to Isamu Kondo.

At this moment, Hijikata Toshizo himself almost forgot about this matter, but Li Huazo questioned Kondo Isamu face to face, which made Hijikata Toshizo a little embarrassed.This Southern barbarian really doesn't understand etiquette and is not reserved at all.

Isamu Kondo nodded, solemnly.

"This case is so important that I have no authority to decide.

You and I go to the meeting hall to report back to the two Lord Takata, and then go and intercede by yourself. "

Of course Isamu Kondo understood Hijikata Toshizo's thoughts, and she kicked out the responsibility with a casual sentence.

After finishing speaking, Isamu Kondo walked out, and Li Huazuo silently followed behind her, leaving only Toshizo Hijikata standing where he was, watching them off.

This Shinsengumi residence is no longer the temporary residence allocated to the Shiba family by the Miyoshi family.

After Takada Yoshino made his fortune, he bought a nearby yard and started construction work for a while.The last time Yoshihiko Shiba came to Sakai Port, he sighed a few words, Takada Yono is extremely rich.

Takada Yono was not originally from Ji samurai, and he has pretended to be a samurai for so many years, but he still likes to be exaggerated in his bones.

If she shaved her head one day, she would be the same as the nuns in the monastery.Love money, know how to make money, and be willing to spend money.

Passing through the courtyard that Takata Yono spent a lot of money to build, Isamu Kondo and Li Huazou could hear faint roars coming from the meeting hall from a distance.

Isamu Kondo's eyebrows twitched, Yono Takada seemed to be in a bad mood today, so he had to be more careful when he reported to work later.

She subconsciously glanced at Li Huazuo behind her. Could this stunned young man really run to Takada Yono to intercede for that child named Yayoi?

Li Huazuo looked back at Isamu Kondo with a calm face, like a fool, and like a fool who has seen through the world.

When the two walked to the meeting hall, Takada Yono's angry voice could be clearly heard.

"I should have known earlier, Akechi Mitsuhide is a bastard who doesn't like others!

Ask the note side, good one ask note side.She saw that the lord had set up a clean government group in the Sibozhong Fund, and she knew in her heart that the lord began to intentionally limit the rights of important ministers, so she jumped out to make trouble.

Stepping on my foot, showing up in front of the lord's seat, and installing one of my own people by the way, is really easy to calculate.

Being so smart, you are not afraid of attracting the jealousy of heaven, and dying young! "

Isamu Kondo and Li Huazuo walked to the open sliding door and bowed to the three people sitting inside.

Takada Yokino was sitting on the main seat and got angry, Takada Yukino was in a daze as if he was distracted.

Imai Sohisa, who was at the bottom, glanced outside from time to time, as if he was worried that Takada Yono's roar would be heard by outsiders.

Why is the door still open for this behind-the-scenes curse?Lest others not know?

Seeing Imai Zonghisa's cowering look, Takada Yono became even more angry in his heart, and cursed.

"What are you afraid of, I just want everyone to hear that I can't scold you if Mitsuhide Akechi can do it?

My old lady managed to open up the situation in Sakai Port, and how much food she earns for Shiba's family every year. It's fine if these bastards don't help, and they will plot me behind my back.

Not a woman!Not a woman! "

Takada Yono saw Isamu Kondo and Li Huazuo who were bowing outside the door, and snorted, and stopped swearing.

The Shinsengumi has a large resident area, and she cursed people here, and her voice could not be transmitted outside the wall.But she doesn't want to be seen by too many people with this vixen's swearing, after all, she is a person of status now.

Seeing that Takada Yono finally calmed down after a long time, Imai Zong wiped his forehead secretly with his sleeve, and said softly.

"Then what shall we do about this matter?"

Takada Yono glared at her and said.

"What should I do? Of course it is support.

The lord specially sent a letter, asking me to take care of the overall situation, dare I not cooperate?
As I said just now, Mitsuhide Akechi realized that the lord intends to limit the rights of important ministers, so he proposed to establish a commentary.

In recent years, Siboling has been freed for several years. The lord is about to take over the power, and this life will become more and more difficult in the future. We have to be more careful, and don't let others plot to death if we are not careful. "

Takada Yono's words were a bit taboo, how dare Imai Sohisa answered, he could only smile dryly and not speak.

Seeing Imai Sokyu's doughy temper, Takada Yono couldn't get angry, snorted, and cast his eyes on the two people who just came in.

"How is it? Have you found out about those daring profiteers?"

Isamu Kondo bowed and said.

"Hey, Kikyo Uriji has confessed her accomplices, and Souji Okita is leading a team to arrest them.

The Tufang Suisanhui interrogated overnight, and the specific case file will be submitted to your case by tomorrow morning at the latest. "

Takada Yoshino's face softened a little, and said.

"Well, it's a good job, let's do it quickly. All the bastards who made me lose face in front of Ishida Mitsunari deserve to die."

Isamu Kondo said carefully.

"During the interrogation of Kikyo Uri, there was a small problem. The profiteer wanted to run away when he saw that the matter was exposed, but was shot dead on the spot by Li Huazuo who was guarding the door."

Takada Yono frowned.

"Did you sign it?"

Isamu Kondo apologized.

"I'm very sorry, she lost control of her emotions after being arrested and wanted to escape."

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