different warring states of japan

Chapter 1420 The Unspeakable Transaction

These bigwigs all have deep backgrounds and are closely related to the Shiba family. When they found out about them, Shiba Yoshihiro had to scratch his head.

The Yixiangzong is the biggest partner of the Hokuriku Road trade route at several ends, and the Tiantaizong is an old rich man occupying the business center of Kyoto.

The Rinzai Sect was the sect that the Ashikaga Shogun's family raised up to compete with the Tiantai Sect, and the family background in Wushan, Kyoto is deep.

These three sects are the richest and invest the most money. The old and new sects of the Shingon sect far away in Koyasan and Wakayama can only swallow their mouths with greedy eyes.

The Shiba family has a good relationship with various sects, and it is impossible for Shiba Yoshigin to get into trouble with them just because of a little insider trading.

Needless to say, Hosokawa Mibuchi and Ninagawa Hatakeyama's four families are all supporters of Shiba Yoshigin in the shogunate and part of Shiba's political map.

There are also Asai Nagamasa from Kita Omi and Asakura Keiki from Tsuruga County. They have a good personal relationship with Shiba Yoshigin, and their territorial location is sensitive, which is of great strategic significance.

There is a problem with the accounts involving these forces. Can the auditor use this to attack Takada Yono?Could it be said that Takada Yono is channeling benefits to these forces with ulterior motives?

But if the auditor turned a blind eye to these obvious problems, and attacked Takata Yono with some deeply hidden and scattered problems that were not easy to figure out, how could he succeed?
Yoshino Takada himself said that Yoshihiro Shiba believed in their sisters, as long as it wasn't a blockbuster like betrayal, Yoshihiro Shiba's trust in their sisters would not be shaken at all.

Therefore, what Takada Yono needs to do is not to make these accounts of Wenzhufang no problem, but to make these problems not cause trouble to himself.Only by muddying the water can one pass the test.

The Shiba family is like a fast-growing company. Not long after opening, the chairman ran out to open the Kanto branch, and lost the recent head office to a group of major shareholders.

These major shareholders have been in business for several years, developed the company very well, and developed a lot of business, but they have their own businesses, and it is difficult for even the chairman to reach into their territory.

And the company's top executives acted their own way, which led to a large shareholder like Takada Yono, and the rights and responsibilities between her and small shareholders were very unequal.

Yono Takada started her business in the name of Siba Corporation, but after making money, the handle of the profit distribution was held in her own hands.

She can give the company as much as she wants, and the company can't figure out her specific business. How can such a company continue to operate?

Of course, Takada Yono would not be able to take the money and run away with his sister-in-law, because she loves Yoshihiko Shiba, and is also thinking about the bright future of living a three-person world with her sister and master.

But from the standpoint of the company's overall interests, it is unacceptable to deceive people like this.

In the past, when the company was in the development period, many rules and regulations were not perfect, so we could only delegate power first, improve the subjective initiative of talents like Yono Takada, and encourage them to do more practical things, and only focus on performance.

Now that the company has become bigger, it is beginning to think about how to continue to operate in a sustainable and stable manner.

The rights of major shareholders must be supervised and restricted, even if this will reduce efficiency, make the company bloated, and become a big corporate disease that is superfluous.

In particular, the emergence of the Shiba Chuan Foundation further enhanced the control desire of Shiba's retainers.

If the Hokuriku Road trade route opened by Yono Takada was a fishing ground, then the Shibachu Foundation would be the most tyrannical fishing boat in the fishing ground.

The boat can be sailed at will, and the fish can be caught at will. The fish caught is a guaranteed benefit for each shareholder of the Sibo family, large and small.

The previous Shiba family was just Shiba Yoshigin and the high-level Shiba family.And now there is the Sibozhong Fund, which belongs to the common rights and interests of all large and small shareholders, of course they are very concerned about it.

Although Takada Yoshino has contributed to the development of fishing grounds, the improvement of laws and regulations is the common appeal of all shareholders. Even if Yoshihiko Shiba believes in her, the family business will definitely embark on the road of formalizing the system.

It can't be like some imperfect financial system, half-baked company law, helping major shareholders to take advantage of the loopholes and infringing on the rights and interests of small shareholders in the name of the company, right?

When making money, the money goes into the pockets of major shareholders.When I lose money, it's none of my business to share it with both hands. It is a loss on the company's accounts, and it is stamped with the company's seal. If there is a problem, go to the company.

After swallowing the payment for the goods, swallowing the property expenses, and opening the swearing-in meeting with chicken blood.Those who buy the company's products are unlucky, and so are the minority shareholders of the investment company.

Takada Yono understands very well that confrontation is not an option, she must cooperate and actively cooperate.

The appearance of Incorruptible Government, Asking Fang, is that Shiba Yoshiyin is thinking about and exploring the system construction of the Shiba family, and wants to improve the laws of the Shiba family.

This is an irreversible general trend, she can only follow it, and cannot go against it, otherwise she will be cut off from Shibo's family.

Takada Yono sighed, and said to Imai Sohisa.

"Do as I want, there is still plenty of time, you first prepare to submit the previous accounts of the Zhu Fang, and wait for the order from the lord.

Hime Imai, I trust you very much, just let it go and don't let me down. "

Imai Zongjiu bowed and said goodbye, just when he walked out of the sliding door, he was shivered by the oncoming wind.

Only then did she realize that the sky outside was already dark, and the night wind in late autumn was getting colder and colder, making her look chill and lonely.

Imai Zongjiu couldn't help but wryly smiled, and walked out silently, thinking about something on his mind.

Gao Tianyang said that she believed in her loyalty, and there was no such thing as loyalty. It was nothing more than being too involved and unable to turn back.

Sohisa Imai, who was originally a businessman, was promoted by Yono Takada as Ji Samurai, and entered the Shiba family to serve as a public servant. Now he is specially awarded the Hundred Stones of Knowledge and Action by Shiba Yoshigin, comparable to a middle-level samurai.

This class-jumping treatment has made countless businessmen in Sakai Port envious.Tsuda Zongji saw the whole story of Imai Zongjiu's success, so he made up his mind to join the Oda family and fight for a future.

Now that the Oda family has evacuated in a panic, and the Miyoshi family has returned to Sakai Port, I don’t know if Tsuda Zongji will not be able to survive, or whether he regrets it.

Imai Zongjiu was stunned for a moment, and shook his head bitterly. He was too busy to take care of himself, so he didn't have the time to care about Tsuda Zongji's pain.

Takada Yono has repeatedly emphasized just now that he believes in Imai Sohisa and recognizes her loyalty, that is, he wants to leave all the accounting matters related to the docking and interviewing party to Imai Sohisa.

Is this really trust?
Imai Sohisa knew in his heart that he was Takada Yono's last firewall.

Although Takada Yoshino vowed that Shiba Yoshigin believed in their sisters the most, and nothing would happen.

But if Yono Takada is really so confident, why would she be careful to put Sohisa Imai in front instead of directly handing over the accounts?

Because once the situation gets out of control, Imai Sohisa's white glove will be thrown out. This is Takada Yono's last insurance for survival.

Imai Zongjiu knew that Takada Yono would never abandon him unless it was absolutely necessary, and he was a capable business assistant.

But when the day comes when he has to, Takada Yono will definitely let himself take the blame without hesitation, and he can't resist at all.

Because the Imai family is already a samurai family, and they finally became part of the ruling class. Even if Imai Zonghisa died, he would not want to go back to the old businessman's way.

Sohisa Imai was single-handedly promoted by Yono Takada. A businessman like her was actually not much better than Isamu Kondo and those Mibu wolves.

Isamu Kondo and the others pledged their allegiance to Takada Yukino to the death, so why didn't Imai Sojiu follow Takada Yokino closely.

The status of the Takada sisters in front of Shiba Yoshiyin is the capital for their group to survive in Shiba's house.

If Takada Yono falls, the Imai family will be a party of criminals who are at the mercy of others.

Only when Sohisa Imai used his own life to help Takada Yono pass the test, can the Imai family's samurai status continue to be protected by Takada Yono, and have the opportunity to continue the family name.

This is a tacit understanding between Takada Yono and Imai Sohisa, an unspeakable transaction.


A letter from Yoshihiko Shiba shocked Takada Yono, who was able to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai during the chaos between the Oda family and the Miyoshi family.

At the siege of Mount Hiei, this noble Genji elder came back from Kanto to appeal for peace, and visited the mountain and went to the temple in the expectation of Zhu Ji, attracting much attention.

Unknowingly, Shibo Yoshigin has become a great big shot.

The concubines under his command admired him, and the warriors all over the world respected and loved him. During the century of wars, they gradually hated the Ji warriors who could not see the future, and longed for the new peaceful route he advocated.

That is a beautiful vision of happiness for all warriors without bloodshed and sacrifice.

At this time, in Kita Omi, Hashiba Hideyoshi has just become a high-ranking samurai of the Oda family, and under the shining light of Oda Nobunaga, he is silently burning his own light and heat.

Ever since taking over the mission of Oda Nobunaga, Hashiba Hideyoshi and Takenaka Shigeharu have been planning to rebel against Isino Masahiro.

Taking advantage of Asai Nagamasa's strategic contraction after the Battle of Anegawa, Hashiba Hideyoshi asked Niwa Nagahide, who was in charge of logistics affairs in Minami Omi, to help build a blockade against Sawayama Castle.

She erected deer walls around Mt. Zuohe, built a defensive fortress, and cut off all connections between Mt. Zuohe and the outside world.

The Oda army attacking Yokoyama Castle and Minami Omi far outnumbered the defenders of Sawayama Castle. Masahiro Isano could only watch helplessly as he was besieged, and kept writing letters to Nagamasa Asai for help.

And these letters were all intercepted by Hashiba Hideyoshi, and they continued to spread rumors to Kotani that Isano Masahiro intended to surrender to the enemy.

Asai Nagamasa wrote several times to inquire, but Hashiba Hideyoshi did not stop him.But the reply letter sent by Masahiro Isano could not be delivered to his lord.

This time and again, Asai Nagamasa couldn't help but doubt the intentions of Masahiro Isano.Why does her own messenger always go and never return? Could it be that she is really rebellious?

The Isono family is a powerful samurai family in Kita Omi, who lived in Isanoyama Castle, not far from Yamamotoyama Castle, and is also an important town behind Kashou Kotani Castle.

As the Kyogoku important minister Asami family who ruled Kita Omi, the Isano family once caused a lot of trouble to the Asai family in Shimogami.

The Asai family has ruled Kita Omi for only three generations, except for the Akao family who is in-law, Asai Nagamasa is actually not at ease with the Kita Omi family.

Back then, the Asai family was not strong enough to suppress Kita Omi, and they also expelled the Kyogoku family, who lost a lot of political points.

In order to gain support, the Asai family can only rely on the method of alliance autonomy, giving local samurai great autonomy in exchange for their submission.

But this time the Oda family's pressing step by step made the originally loose Kita Omi Alliance show signs of disintegration.

Asai Nagamasa was defeated in the battle at Anegawa, so he was inevitably nervous, and he became suspicious of Isono Masaru.

At this time, Hashiba Hideyoshi relaxed the blockade of Sawayama Castle again, allowing Masahiro Isino's request for help to reach Otani Castle.

However, the rift that has already occurred made Asai Nagamasa no longer trust Masahiro Isano.

She was eager to join forces with the Asakura family to march on the west bank of Lake Biwa together, and wanted to use the opportunity of Oda Nobunaga's expedition to Settsu to break through Sakamoto Castle and resist the Oda family's oppression.

And Masano Isano, who was thrown aside by the lord, had to fall into a more embarrassing siege.

In the end, Hashiba Hideyoshi spread the news that Asai Asakura's coalition forces were trapped in Mount Hiei to Sawayama Castle, which became the last straw that overwhelmed Masahiro Isano.

Hengshan City, residence hall.

Hashiba Hideyoshi sat on the main seat, looked at Ji Wushi who kowtowed and said goodbye.

"Fujido Hime, have a good journey."

After Todo Takatora's figure disappeared outside the door, Hashiba Hideyoshi said excitedly to Takenaka Shigeharu beside him.

"Takenaka Hime, we succeeded."

Takenaka Shigeharu bowed and said.

"Congratulations, the first mission of the hall can be completed."

After all, Yuanchang Isano bowed his head. If she refused to surrender, the old man of the Isano family would be besieged to death in Sawayama Castle.Compared with the continuation of the family business, whether Masano Isano himself is loyal or not is irrelevant.

Hashiba Hideyoshi nodded excitedly, couldn't help standing up from the main seat, and paced back and forth.

"Don't touch Masahiro Isano for the time being, and bring some supplies to Sawa Yamashiro to calm her emotions. Wait for the situation on Mount Hiei to settle, and deal with it after the main hall returns.

The most important thing is to spread the news of the surrender of Masaru Isono to Otani Castle.

Her father is currently being held hostage in Kotani Castle, and when the siege of Mt. Hiei is lifted, His Highness Asai, who returns to Kotani Castle with a disheveled face, will definitely be furious when he hears the news.

It would be best for His Highness Asai to slash her father with one knife, cut off the bond between the two, and completely eliminate the possibility of Isano Masaru turning back.

In this way, we can safely use her to persuade Aguan Zhenzheng of Yamamoto Yamashiro to complete the second task assigned by the hall. "

Takenaka Shigeharu nodded with a smile.

How to complete the two difficult sleeping counter missions of Oda Nobunaga, they have repeatedly deduced many times, and this is the result of Isano Yuanchang's helpless surrender.

Isano Masaru's position in Asai's family is unusual, he is second only to Akao Kiyozuna in the military commander's faction.

Her surrender will be the first domino to be toppled, and it will be a signal that Kita Omi's non-Asai lineage will turn against her.

Asai Nagamasa, who came back from the setback at Mt. Hiei, will definitely be anxious and eager to suppress the unhealthy tendencies of surrender. As a hostage, the father of Masahiro Isino is likely to be killed as an example to others.

And this step was exactly what Hashiba Hideyoshi wanted to see.

The Isano family has been subject to the Asai family for three generations. If there is no bloodshed when they break up, Hashiba Hideyoshi will not dare to trust her.

After all, Hashiba Hideyoshi is not Oda Nobunaga, not so confident, not so big-hearted.

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