different warring states of japan

Chapter 1436 Life is about making choices

These plans were proposed by Takada Yoshino, but the person who came to report to work and persuade the lord to accept the plan was Ishida Mitsunari. Once something happened, how could she escape?

But the matter has come to this point, and Ishida Mitsunari can't go back. He can only hope that everything goes well, and he should be more cautious. Let's take one step at a time.

Seeing Ishida Mitsunari's nervous face, Yoshihiro burst out laughing.

The success of the Hokuriku Road trade route was a fluke, because the rapid collapse of the Tokai Road trade route was actually beyond everyone's expectations.

Takada Yono has no way to replicate a large market of [-] million coins. She can only artificially create a huge market by creating new currencies.

Yono Takada brought the Dutch financial innovations to the island country. Not to mention that it is difficult for the island people in this era to accept, even after five hundred years, many people will find it difficult to understand.

Finance does not create wealth, but transfers and redistributes wealth.The deposits of gold, silver and copper coins deposited in the land are not currency, and they are currency only when they are in circulation.

Through grain endorsement value food stamps, Takada Yono securitized the Hokuriku Road commercial roads into stocks, and made financial products of licensed trading land in nearly several Sibo territories, creating a large demand.

With a large demand, food stamps, which have the property of preserving value, suddenly became a liquid currency.

Others used their own gold, silver, copper coins and grain to trade food stamps from Takada Yono.Takata Yono then printed more food stamps through the gold, silver, copper and grain endorsements they gave.

This is a process of turning the wealth deposited in the earth warehouse into currency in circulation.In the process, wealth did not increase, it just flowed.

As the leader, the Shiba family will obtain the greatest benefits in this process, using food stamps to obtain the right to mint, also known as seigniorage.

The printing of food stamps is in the hands of the Shiba family, and the Shiba family can control the liquidity of food stamps through supply and demand.

Then through the shares of the Hokuriku Road Commercial Road, the proportion of food stamps used in small and medium-sized samurai temple businesses will be increased, and the usage scenarios and storage needs will be increased.

Finally, use the financialization of land to dig out the buffer zone so that when the food stamps are sold in large quantities, there will be a reservoir for receiving them, so as to prevent the credit of the food stamps from being washed away by the flood and ensure the value of the food stamps.

As Ishida Mitsunari said, safety in troubled times is the greatest value of the Shiba family's land.

The territory of the Sibo family has never been invaded by foreign enemies or internal turmoil after Yiyin revived the family business. This unique security in troubled times is the biggest backing of Siba's food stamps.

As long as everyone still needs safety and is willing to settle down in the safe Spoland, the Spoland land will become a huge buffer zone, relieving the pressure of food stamps being sold.

Although buying and selling is free, the Sibo family has the right to collect transaction tax, property tax, and land surcharges when the transaction itself is in Siboling, so that buyers can pay various stamp duties for a safe environment.

Through these methods, the over-printed food stamps will be recovered, so that too many food stamps will not hit the market, and the premium of food stamps as the only land transaction currency can be guaranteed.

Takada Yono will never be so honest, as many food stamps will be printed as there are gold, silver, copper coins and food reserves.

The purpose of her financialization of land is to print more food stamps, otherwise why would she bother to create a land financial product that prevents food stamps from being sold in large quantities? Is it too idle?

The land transaction itself is a food stamp manufacturing machine, which allows Takada Yono to print more food stamps calmly.

Yiyin knew that Takada Yono would print a large amount of food stamps that exceeded the brown rice reserves of the granary, but he was not worried that the granary would be run on and cause the grain stamps to collapse.

He needs the powerful weapon of Siba's food coupons very much now. He can use the food coupons to bind everyone who cooperates with the Siba's family, including samurai temple merchants, for further in-depth benefits.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki is an idiot. The decline of the Ashikaga shogunate and the collapse of the shogunate have already been foreseen by anyone with a discerning eye.

Oda Nobunaga's biggest trouble now is the Nobunaga siege net created by Ashikaga Yoshiaki. When she solves this trouble, it's time for Ashikaga Yoshiaki to get out and Shiba Yoshiaki's silver-topped tank.

Oda Nobunaga's innovation and Oda Nobunaga's ambitions are all based on harming the interests of traditional samurai, and even subverting the samurai world.

As the banner of the conservative camp, Yoshiaki will inevitably be pushed out by the conservatives when Ashikaga Yoshiaki collapses, and he will continue to confront Oda Nobunaga.

This is the conflict between the traditional protection of daimyo and the innovation of Sengoku daimyo as two opposing routes. In the end, there will inevitably be an outbreak of contradictions, and it is by no means that Yoshigin can avoid it if he wants to.

Therefore, Yiyin needs the support of more reliable allies and a stronger economic foundation.

If the food stamps can be passed, all the partners in the Shiba camp and the shakers in the Oda camp will be drawn to my side and support myself.

Even if the food stamps will have a negative impact in the future, Yiyin is willing to pay the price for it.There is no such thing as taking advantage of all the advantages in the world. Life is about making choices.

And to fight a war is to fight the economy.

The Owari, Mino, Ise, and Omi countries owned by Oda Nobunaga are all high-grain-producing countries with a large number of plains.

In addition, she does not hesitate to offend traditional samurai and temple sects, but also implements new policies such as land inspection, music market and music seats, and samurai collection, so as to firmly grasp the interests of land and business in her own hands.

Oda Nobunaga's economic strength is stronger than the traditional two million stone daimyo, and he can mobilize more manpower and material resources to create a real separation of farmers and soldiers, not the half-baked samurai.

As the spokesperson of the traditional samurai family, Yoshihiro could not be like Oda Nobunaga, reaching into the land of the samurai family and the temple to harm their interests.

Then, in order to obtain the economic strength to compete with Oda Nobunaga, Yoshihiro had to rely on the new economic policy that Takada Yono came up with.

Through the financial innovation of the Dutch, using new concepts that the natives of the island country do not understand, they secretly obtained the wealth in the hands of the merchants of the Wu family temple.

As I said before, finance does not create wealth, but it can transfer wealth.

The new economic plan is actually a series of methods used by Takata Yono to transfer and redistribute the wealth accumulated in the soil warehouse by all parties, and let the Shiba family get the largest piece.

This method of unknowingly using other people's wealth to enhance his own economic strength made Yoshihiro sigh, Takada Yono is really a genius.

Only this kind of financial innovation that even Ishida Sancheng could not understand could put his hands into the pockets of the partners without anyone noticing, let them pay happily, and be close and grateful to the Shiba family.

That is to say, the world Yoshihiro lived in in his previous life was already highly financialized, so he could understand what Yoshino Takada was doing, and understood that it was called being sold, and he was still counting people's money.

It is very difficult to make a banknote that everyone recognizes, but if it can be successful, the benefits obtained are immeasurable.

This is the reason why Yiyin is willing to take a little risk and accompany Takada Yangnai to go crazy.

He really needs money, food, and allies.If there is only the current strength of the territory, and the current attitude of the allies Snake and Rat, it will be very difficult to confront the Oda family in the future.

As for the problems that financial innovation may cause, one must be brave in the troubled times.

Yiyin sighed helplessly, then changed the subject and said.

"Ishida Hime, the Tongxin Secretariat is going to set up a new department soon, called Wenzhu Fang, have you heard?"

Ishida Mitsunari replied respectfully.

"Your subject knows that it is said that Mitsuhide-sama Akechi suggested that Honda Masanobu from Mikawa be in charge of the specific affairs."

"You know a lot, do you have any more?"

"Honta Shoshin is a believer of the Ichigo sect. He left Mikawa country after the end of Mikawa Ichigo Ichikui, and went to Ishiyama Honganji Temple through the relationship of Master Shigehide Suzuki to meet Master Kenru.

During the meeting, he was valued by Master Xianru, and served as an envoy to the Matsunaga family, and then was appreciated by Master Matsunaga Hideo, and served as an official in the Matsunaga family.

When Miyoshi went to Luo and the Kyoto Incident, he fled and was taken under the command of Mr. Akechi Mitsuhide. "

Yoshihiro couldn't help sighing, Akechi Mitsuhide's questioning and commenting formula was indeed not popular with the people like Takada Yono and Ishida Mitsunari.

Although Ishida Mitsunari only answered the questions honestly, he explained the origin of Honda Shoshin clearly in a few words. He knew no less than Yoshihiro, which shows that a lot of effort has been put into it.

These words seem neutral, but there are many hidden taboos between the lines.

For example, as a follower of the Ichiko sect, after Ichikui was suppressed by Tokugawa Ieyasu and left Mikawa country, did Honda Masanobu flee in fear of crime?
For example, as Matsunaga Hideo's retainer, when did Honda Masanobu get together with Akechi Mitsuhide?

For example, at the most sensitive moment when Miyoshi went to Luo, Honda Masanobu suddenly left Matsunaga's house on his own initiative. Is there any secret behind it?

It seems that every word is casual, but in fact every sentence is in the heart.Faced with the subtext questioned by Siba's economic bosses, Yoshihiro could only pretend to be ignorant.

He said.

"Hondo Masanobu has rich experience and outstanding talent. She is currently training new recruits in Tongxinzhong. After her training is over and Shiba is awarded the establishment, the Wenzhu Party will be formally formed.

Ishida Hime, please tell Takada Yono for me, tell her not to be emotional about the questioner, this is just a supplement to the system.

I trust her and you very much. The Siba family will never forget the contributions you made to the Shiba family.

But there are no rules, and the Shiba family has developed to the point where it is today, and system construction is an urgent need, and many things need to go through formal procedures.

The establishment of Wenzhufang is not aimed at Yono Takada, but just an archive of past business, so that she can do things with peace of mind and don't have to think too much.

With me in everything, I will never let the warrior Hime who is loyal to the Shiba family feel chilled. "

Of course Ishida Mitsunari understands the nature of the questioning party, she is as clear-headed as Takada Yono, knowing that this matter cannot be stopped, but she has to complain if she should complain.

Reporting Honda Zhengxin's materials is expressing his grievances.After all, only children who can cry have milk to eat. To do big things, you must know how to work hard, and you must also learn to cry when you should.

Yoshida said a few words of reassurance, and Ishida Mitsunari naturally borrowed the donkey from the slope and fell to the ground to be grateful.As long as the boss expresses his attitude, many grievances will not be wronged.

Yi Yin waited for Ishida Mitsunari to get up and asked again.

"Is Yuhihama Yui's clean government doing well? Did it cause you any trouble?"

Ishida Mitsunari bowed.

"Youbi Binji and her honest and honest people are loyal to their duties, and they are really role models for our generation.

All members of the Sibozhong Fund respect them very much, and the cooperation between the two parties is very pleasant. "

Yoshihiro was speechless, Ishida Mitsunari was really too cautious.Yoshigin knew who Yuihama Yui was, he was an honest child doormat.

Lianzhengzhong is a subsidiary organization of the Tongxin Secretariat, and it is the eyeliner placed by Yoshinobu on the Shibachu Foundation. It is no different from what Honda Masanobu's questioning party is about to do with Takada Yono.

Do thieves like cops?Soldiers like gendarmes?Would Hong Kong bureaucrats like the ICAC? *Commissioners like *committees?
Ishida Mitsunari, this is high-sounding nonsense, but now the followers of the Shibachu Foundation are indeed self-sufficient.

But that's not because of awe of Yuhihama Yui's honest government, but because of being frightened by Takata Yukino leading the Shinsengumi to kill him.

The last time Takada Yukino bloodbathed the Shibazhong Foundation, the entire resident's practice was not one among ten.It is said that up to now, the ground of the station has not been brushed clean, and there are faint bloodstains and bloody smell.

Seeing that Ishida Mitsunari could speak such insincere words with certainty, Yoshihiro couldn't help but look at her more.

This young warrior Ji who followed Yiyin to Kanto back then, has completely lost his childishness after working with Daxiong Chaoxiu for several years and Takada Yono for another year.

Ishida Mitsunari has become an outright bureaucrat, slippery and hard to pick and miss.

Yoshihiro was silenced for a moment by her perfect words, and Ishida Mitsunari seemed to realize that he had acted a little too much, and the lord seemed unhappy.

She quickly made amends and changed the subject.

"Your Majesty, there are still a group of young Ji warriors in Duowen Mountain City who want to meet you, but they can't find the opportunity, and they are very disappointed."

As expected, Yiyin was distracted by her.

"Oh? Who are they?"

Ishida Mitsunari said with a strange smile on his face.

"They are all your students."

Yiyin couldn't figure it out for a moment.

"My student? Where did I come from?"

Ishida Mitsunari smiled.

"Your Majesty, have you forgotten?

In the late autumn of last year, just after you arrived in Echigo, you went south to the Kanto Plain non-stop, and through the Samurai Giri Promotion Association, you finalized an aid plan for the villages in Kanbashu.

The first batch of more than [-] villages in the middle and lower reaches of Ligenchuan that benefited were all inspected by you in person.

One of the assistance plans of the Samurai Giri Promotion Association is to provide bursaries and travel arrangements for the descendants of the local samurai family to study in Guinea for a period of one year.

The students from these two hundred villages are about to finish their one-year studies and return to Kanto.They are very grateful to you for helping them study, and insisted that they are your students.

They are very excited when you come back to Jinjisiboling this time, and they hope to come to your seat to express their gratitude before leaving Jinjisiboling.

But Duowen Mountain City has strict rules, so it is impossible for them to enter the city with so many Ji warriors.

Therefore, they selected a few representatives to enter the city, and they are wandering around the perimeter of the residence hall, hoping to be received by you. "

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