different warring states of japan

Chapter 1438 Wu Family Revival Student Union

The Shiba family controlled the Hokuriku Road trade routes, and Takada Yono and Ishida Mitsunari probably took [-]% of the profits of the entire market, which created the Shiba family's paradise, the lighthouse effect.

Spending so many resources on the Sipo family's small territory, the effect is of course immediate.

Keguan Bazhou is the largest plain area in the island country. The core area is no less than [-] million stones, and the total stone height of the eight states is more than [-] million stones.

With such a large size and such a large population, where can Yiyin find so much money and food to fill this sinkhole?
The so-called Xanadu means to have a standard of living that far surpasses that of other samurai territories around, so rich that people can't help drooling.

Yiyin couldn't do it, and didn't dare to think about it.

If all the population of the Kanto Plain lived a prosperous life in Spoland, it would be a disaster for the island country. Even if the resources of the entire island country were used to fill this hole, it would not be able to fill the hole.

In essence, this is a volcanic island with poor materials. Poverty is what it should be like here. There is no paradise, only to suck blood from others to enrich yourself.

Yiyin can choose some lucky people from the island country to enjoy this kind of affluent life, but the world where everyone is happy can only be found in dreams.

Therefore, he cannot accept the radical ideas of these fanatical foreign students, and must reverse their thinking.

Yiyin's eyes were suddenly filled with sadness. He slowly stared at the foreign students, looking over their faces one by one, and saw that they were all at a loss and embarrassed.

The leading ghost Yuya couldn't help asking.

"Jin Duodian, did I say something wrong?"

Yiyin covered his face with his sleeve, as if he didn't want to see any more tragedy.

"I'm sorry, and how sad it would be for you to act with this kind of thinking.

You are eager to go back to Guanbazhou to implement your ideals, but have you ever thought that the stumbling blocks you are going to kick over are your parents, your relatives, and your friends.

Just because of the ideological differences between the two generations, you have to raise your swords and guns, treat your relatives and friends as aliens, let them fall in a pool of blood, and let them become your stepping stones.

If you do, what's the difference between you and them?Is this still Sibo's new idea of ​​peaceful development?
This is the struggle for power and profit that is happening every day in Guanbazhou. For selfish desires, distorting righteousness, and attacking each other! "

Ghost head Yuya shouted.

"No, Jin Duodian, we are different, we are the Ji warriors who really hope for the revival of the samurai family, we are different from them!"

Yiyin sighed, flicking his sleeves.

"Yeah, your idea was good, but you did it the worst way possible.

Why are you unwilling to wait a little longer and persuade more people to agree with your ideals and let the elders grow old in reflection.

This world belongs to them as well as you, but in the final analysis it belongs to you.The old man will leave eventually, are you so impatient? "

Onitou Yua was dumbfounded, and Momoka Mikami who was beside her bowed and said.

"Zindaden, we have seen the real beauty in the past few days in Sibo, recalling the darkness and despair in our hometown, it is really unbearable for a moment.

The elders are very stubborn. They always think that we don't understand anything, and they always hope that we will continue their stories and continue to move forward on the wrong path.

But we who have awakened do not want to live in such chaos, please understand us! "

After she finished speaking, she kowtowed to the ground, and behind her, a group of foreign students kowtowed to the ground, bowing their young and proud heads to Yiyin.

Yi Yin sighed and said.

"Look up, my good students, I understand your thoughts very well.

But have you ever thought about why I established the Samurai Giri Promotion Association?Why is it necessary to promote mutual communication between the United Front Workers, Brotherhood, and local people in the Wushu Association?
Some blood can't be shed, we can't do things that make loved ones hurt and enemies happy, we can only wait for changes with patience and love.

I am very pleased with your awakening, but I am also willing to tolerate the ignorance of those in power in the eight states.They are wrong, but they are also part of the Samurai family.

Do you know what a united front is?
The current situation in Guanbashu requires us to bravely abandon our prejudices, establish a consensus among all samurai, and build a united front. We must not take risks easily and damage the good start of today.

His Highness Kamakura issued an imperial order that there would be no war in the Kanto region, and each family also expressed their attitude and were willing to obey the call for peace.

The Guandong Servant has established a large evaluation system, and the United Front will represent the martial arts from all over the country, and speak out for the demands of all parties in the large evaluation.

Everything is developing in a beautiful direction. I hope you forget the sword in your hands and don't use force to change all the beautiful beginnings.

Perhaps many people in Guanbazhou do not agree with each other, and perhaps many people have never given up their ambitions, but we must be tolerant until they do not endanger our concept of samurai revival.

Our real enemies are those sinners who wholeheartedly harm the interests of the Wu family and cause the Wu family to lose the right to rule the world.In addition, all samurai should be the objects of our persuasion.

Under the banner of the common interests of the samurai, let us abandon our prejudices, embrace all brothers and sisters, let them stand with us, and build a united front of the samurai. "

Where have all the young people heard such a high-minded speech? Which Ji warrior is not selfish and only cares about his own interests.

Compared with those elders and those big names, Shiba Yoshigin's every move, every word and deed, can be called a sage of the samurai family.

The ghost head Youya blushed and pulled out his ribs, so frightened that the guards at the side almost drew their knives and shouted.

Yiyin stretched out his hand to stop Tongxinzhong who was about to come forward, and saw the ghost head Yuya put his palm on the blade and squeezed it hard, blood oozing from the cracks in his palm.

She smeared the blood on her forehead, paying homage and respect to Yiyin in an ancient way.Behind her, the international students drew their swords and smashed their palms, and smeared blood on their foreheads to pay tribute to Yiyin.

Ghost head Yuya shouted.

"Following the warnings of Jindaden, we voluntarily form a party to revive the Samurai, and strive for the ambition of Jindaden to revive the Samurai throughout our lives."

The foreign students were sitting on the ground together, shouting out the slogans they had already agreed on.

"One thought! One leader! One voice!"

Yiyin signaled them to get up, and asked the guards to bring wound medicine and bandages for them to clean up the wounds on their hands, and then asked softly.

"How long has your Samurai Restoration Society been running? Who organized it? How many people are there now?"

Ghost head Yua replied respectfully.

"This is a group formed spontaneously by our overseas students, and no one came out to organize it. However, Momo Mikami and I are valued by everyone, and we are responsible for some trivial matters of convening the party.

In terms of the number of people, the first batch of international students from more than [-] villages in the middle and lower reaches of Tone River participated, and new international students were also invited to join by us one after another.

But I heard that there are new changes in the student aid plan. Some international students have been diverted to Owari Shibaling and Kanto Shibaling. We don't know the situation there. "

Yi Yin nodded and said.

“It’s good to be spontaneous, what comes from the heart is the most authentic.

But most of you will soon finish your studies and return to Kanto, and the future international students will be messed up spontaneously.

How about this, your name is Guitou Yuya, right? "

"Hi, student ghost Yua."

"And this is Sanshang Taocai?"

"Hi, student Sanshang Taocai."

"You organize a few backbones, carefully consider your ideas and my admonition just now, write them down carefully, and organize them into a document.

I will entrust the foreign students in the three regions of Spurs to you to let them understand the meaning of studying abroad.

Of course, don't force them to agree with you.

Thoughts are free, neither you nor I should interfere with their thoughts, but those who voluntarily join your ranks must be my good students. "

Although Yiyin said that he would not force or interfere, but if he continued to arrange things like this, many things could not be controlled by the foreign students.

Fantastic fans like Yuya and Momoka Mikami are pulling people around with Yiyin's speech.

In the social atmosphere of the island country, collectivism is paramount, and if you don't fit in with the group, you will die.

With the hat of a good student like Tsutaden on, how do those international students who don’t want to be good students of Jintaden live?
The new international students who were shocked by Siba's rich life, together with a group of Kanto fellows seeking approval with pamphlets, will end up with all the international students joining the Samurai Revival Club.

Seeing the eyes of Kitou Yua and others eager to try, Yoshihiro showed a gratified smile. He suddenly found that these foreign students were all wearing blue kimonos, so he couldn't help asking.

"Why are your kimonos all the same color?"

Guitou Youya was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly her cheeks glowed, her face turned red.She never expected that Yiyin would ask this.

She still faltered and couldn't speak, Mikami Momona said with a wry smile.

"Jindadian, our eight sets of kimonos were bought for us by foreign students. I'm afraid that we will be too rude when we come to see you."

Yiyin was stunned.

These international students are all children from more than [-] villages in the middle and lower reaches of Ligenchuan. When they left the village last year, it was when the village was hit by a disaster.

The family members let them out, it doesn't matter whether they study or not, the main reason is to escape famine.There is not enough food in the family, and one less person's ration can live one more person.

And entrusting them to Shibo Yoshihiro, the family members are also relieved. If the benevolent and righteous Sipozindoden can't believe it, there is no difference between this world and hell.

Although these international students have scholarships, the three stone food stamps can only ensure that they have enough food and drink, and they cannot afford such decent kimonos.

Yiyin patted the ghost head Youya on the shoulder, and said softly.

"You guys, those foreign students bought clothes for you, aren't they going to starve? It's not appropriate to do this."

Guitou Youya rubbed her head and said with a embarrassed smile.

"Don't worry, Jin Duodian, we won't be able to eat up three shi of food stamps in a year, and two shi of food is enough for a warrior Ji to eat for a year.

And in our hometown, we never had a full stomach, so it is not difficult for everyone to pool some money and food. "

Yiyin shook his head and said solemnly.

"My hometown is my hometown, and this is Shibaling. I won't allow you to go hungry, Gamo's village!"


"Count up all the foreign students who participated in raising funds to buy kimonos, and give them money and food to buy clothes.

Also, to make a decent blue kimono for all the international students, not just for them, but for all the international students participating in the scholarship program in the future, it will be a custom.

Traveling thousands of miles to a foreign country, you must not let the foreigners look down on you. Everyone must dress decently and be energetic, and you must not lose the prestige of the Kanto Ji warrior! "

Guitou Youya and the other girls were so touched that tears flowed out, and they tried to hold back and sat up straight, refusing to let the tears fall, and they must strictly abide by the dignity of the warriors of Kanto Ji.

Yiyin smiled slightly, but the little girls are easy to deceive, and their mothers in Kanto are really cunning and difficult to deal with.

Gamo's hometown glanced at the blue kimonos of the foreign students, and felt a little sympathetic to Dazang Chang'an.

Just because of what you said, the person in charge of Dazang Changan's student aid program will make a blue kimono for each international student in the future. Even if it is a cheap kimono, it will cost a lot of money.

The trip and accommodation are free, and the subsidy of the three stone food stamps plus a kimono, just think about it, it hurts for Dazang Chang'an. Is her budget enough?

Ghost head Yuya bowed and said.

"Your Majesty, I have one more request."

"You said."

"Your Majesty, please allow us to participate in the Western Expedition against the Miyoshi family. Although we are not Siba family's Hime Samurai, we are willing to fight to protect the peace of the Shiba Territory!

Just as Jin Dadian said just now, all those who destroy the peace of the Samurai family and harm the interests of the Samurai family are the enemies of our Samurai Revival Association.

We want to fight against the three good families who destroy the peace, let the recent samurai see clearly the bravery of our Kanto Ji samurai, and give our study abroad career a perfect ending.

I kindly ask for your permission, I am very grateful! "

Yiyin looked at the foreign students who kowtowed to the ground together, touched his chin, and said.

"The student army of the Western Expedition, well, I allow you to join this battle.

Remember, fight hard and come back alive, you are the future of Guan Yashu, don't fall here easily. "

"Onboard! Jinda Temple onboard!"

After the students were over excited, Yiyin said a few words to comfort them, then clapped his hands and said to Gamo Shixiang.

"I'm a little tired, you can send them out. There is no need to keep anyone in the castle tower, and I will have a chat with Yubihama alone."

Gamo Shigo glanced at Yuigahama Yui, but didn't think much about it.

In her heart, Yoshihiro endured the humiliation to win over important ministers, so he did those unavoidable things, but there was no need to do these things to Yubihama Yui, a weak chicken.

Gamo Shigo thought that the king left Yuhihama Yui to talk privately, maybe he wanted to ask some secrets about the Shibazhong Foundation, so he didn't think much about it.

When everyone walked out of the castle tower, only Yuigahama Yui was left sitting in her seat tremblingly. She fingered her belt, not knowing why the lord wanted to keep her.

Did I do something wrong in the clean government?Or is the kimono that my mother insisted on wearing too gorgeous, which is disgusted by the king?
"Yugahama Yui, come here."

Yuigahama Yui shuddered all over, and looked at Yoshigin weakly, the tone of the master's words seemed a little strange.

"come over!"

Sensing Yoshiyin's impatience, Yuihama Yui carefully bowed and stood up, and walked to Yoshiyin's desk in small steps.

Suddenly, Yiyin reached out and grabbed her wrist, which made her almost cry out in fright.

Yubihama Yui looked down and saw the lord's red eyes, which was very scary.Then she felt her arm being pulled hard, and fell into Yiyin's arms in a daze.

Yiyin's heavy breathing hit her face, making her at a loss, and she could only let the king display his skills.

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