Chapter 1447

Since ancient times, the Celestial Dynasty has a tradition of being unreasonable and moral. Regardless of the ruling ability of the superior, the moral character must not be flawed.Even if there is, the common people should not know about it.

And the Chinese culture learned from the island country has gone a step further. It neither speaks reason nor morality, but only talks about tolerance.If you can beat you, you can be a dog, but if you can't, I can be a dog. Let's bear with each other for the sake of the country.

The Wu family talked about benevolence, righteousness, propriety, trustworthiness and wisdom, but they were all selfish in their hearts. Who would really take the Wu family's righteousness seriously?

Even in the Genpei battle back then, it was the Heike who moved the cake of the Kanto Ji warrior, which aroused public outrage.

Bando Hapei's oath to Genji was just a pretext, and Minamoto Yoritomo, the first shogun, didn't dare to take it seriously.

In view of the low moral atmosphere of the samurai society, Shiba Yoshihiro insisted on setting up benevolent characters, not only for himself, but also for others.

He is obviously a peerless male warrior who has fought invincible hands all over the world. It's over for everyone to be a dog for you. What kind of righteousness does he have to pay attention to, so that everyone has to perform benevolence and righteousness with him, isn't it tired?

That is, the group of poor students from Kanto, who really thought that their ancestors were all moral models, clamored so enthusiastically that they wanted to revive the samurai family, young people are so easy to deceive.

But there are some lies and scams, and everyone has to believe them, otherwise the social order will be messed up.

Originally, the selfishness of the Wu family is a true performance, so don't pretend to be foreign guests.

But now being disturbed by Shiba Yoshiyin, he doesn't talk about the samurai giri, pretends to be upright, and is embarrassed to say hello to others when he goes out.

The social atmosphere is up, no matter whether you believe it or not, your face must be full of enthusiasm, showing an attitude of serving the Wu family wholeheartedly, otherwise you will not be able to continue to eat on the table.

And the warrior Ji who surrounded Shiba Yoshiyin and coveted his body had to work harder, otherwise he would not be able to lick the male god.

Hosokawa Fujitaka's way of thinking was completely corrected by Yiyue Yuan, instead of talking about interests, talking about feelings, talking about rules, he began to pay attention to courtesy and reciprocity, and harmonious coexistence, which suddenly made Haruhito Mibuchi unaccustomed.

But Haruhisa Mibuchi couldn't tell what was wrong, so he could only nod and admit that his second daughter was right.As for the bitter little thoughts of the eldest daughter, she can't take care of it for the time being.

After all, Shiba Yoshigin is still invincible in the world, and the Hosokawa Mibuchi family is counting on him to help fight the war.At this time, Hosokawa Fujitaka stood up to speak for the Shiba family, and everything was right.

No way, kneeling to beg for food has to be supple and not shabby.


After the joint battle was agreed, Miyoshi Yoshitsugu and Maeda Mashitsune began to move, actively moving closer to the main battlefield.

Jiubao Temple is just a general term. It is not a temple, but the area around Jiubao Temple Uchimachi, which belongs to the Yao area and is located in the northern part of Yamatogawa.

The Yamato River originated from the Yamato Kingdom, passed through the Ikoma Mountains, entered the Hanoi Kingdom, passed through the Osaka Plain, and arrived at the mouth of the Osaka Bay.

Ruojiang City is located in the central part of the west side of Hanoi, and guards the village along the Yamato River to the south, monitoring the actions of Takaya Castle on the south bank.

After confirming that Hatakeyama Takamasa had no intention of mobilizing to participate in the war, Miyoshi Yoshisuke and Shinohara Chobou led the Miyoshi Army headed by Sanuki and Awa, and walked southeast into the Kuhoji area.

On the other hand, Maeda Benefit, with the Iga Maeda family's army as the core, left Iimoriyama Castle, went south along the Ikoma Mountains, passed Oike, turned westward, and entered the Kuhoji area.

Yoshitsugu Miyoshi chose Kuhoji as the battlefield because it was far away from the main streams of the Yodo River and the Yamato River, and it was not on the hills of the Ikoma Mountains.

A few small streams on the vast plain do not affect the formation of the army, neither side has the right terrain to use, and the competition is for the brave.

It can be seen from this that Miyoshi Yoshitsugu and Maeda Yoshitsugu are very confident in their own bravery and their own military strength.

At this time, from a bird's-eye view, Miyoshi Yoshitsugu occupies the Kuhoji Exit to the west, and Maeda Masaru occupies the Yao Higashiyama to the east.


Miyoshi Yoshihiro follows the formation.

The first ray of sunshine in the morning blooms from the sky, the voices of people in the quiet camp area gradually boil, the smoke from the fire and cooking, and the sound of pots and pans come and go.

Regardless of whether the subsequent battle is life or death, victory or defeat, even if the sky is about to fall, we must let everyone eat their fill first.

Sitting in the main formation, Miyoshi Yoshitsugu was eating, and she ate with relish the hot rice balls served with some sour plums.

Next, Nagao Shinohara tossed the rice ball over and over without taking a few bites, he seemed a little absent-minded, not as open-minded as Miyoshi Yoshitsugu.

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu swallowed the last mouthful of the rice ball, took the towel from Xiaoxing and wiped it, and then said.

"Master Shinohara, what are you thinking?"

Shinohara Nagabo said.

"It made the governor laugh. The situation is much better than I expected, and I feel a little uneasy."

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu laughed.

"There is a dispute on our side, and the Shiba family is not monolithic.

Hatakeyama Takamasa never went out to fight, but instead defended Takaya Castle. She was waiting for me and Maeda Yoshito to decide the outcome.

Maeda Yoshiki only brought her own troops to Jiubao Temple, most of Mibuchi Haruhito's troops were placed in Iimoriyama Castle by her, and only Hosokawa Fujitaka brought part of Hosokawa's army to join the battle.

It is said that the Sanyuan family is to guard the city strictly, be ready to respond to the front at any time, and encircle Ruojiang City. Guess Maeda Yili believes her words?
Divide the army in half before joining the battle. What kind of tactic is this?I figured it out, Maeda Yoshitoshi was using me to make a name for himself.

She is an anti-three-good general who is not convinced by anyone. If she doesn't win a battle with her own ability, she won't be able to overwhelm others. "

Nagao Shinohara nodded.

"Maeda benefit, who does she think she is? Jin Daden?
In the past few days, Si Boling has rushed to help this time, but the army has not yet arrived.Maeda Yoshiki didn't even have twenty reserve teams, only fifteen at most.

Beihanoi has a mobilization force of more than [-] shi, which is enough to make up ten reserve teams, but she is unwilling to use it.

I really don't understand, what is she relying on, why does she think she can defeat us?

The Sanuki people and Awa people we brought are the elite of the family, and there are twenty reserve teams.In addition, five or six hundred members of the villainous pirate rogue party hired with a lot of money, comparable to the Ji warrior group.

What on earth is she thinking? "

Shinohara Nagabu just couldn't figure out where Maeda Yoshiki's self-confidence came from.

In the past few days, Siba led troops with no more than [-] to [-] troops, and abandoned most of Hanoi's army. Even including Hosokawa's army, which participated in the battle, there were no more than [-] people.

Sanuki and Awa are the old team of the Miyoshi family, and the combat effectiveness of Sanuki and Awa is very strong.In addition, the Miyoshi family controls the trade in the East Seto Inland Sea, and they have a lot of money to buy desperadoes.

These people add up to no less than [-] people, and Miyoshi Changqing left Miyoshi's direct army to Miyoshi Yoshitsugu.

Miyoshi's side is better than Maeda's army in terms of numbers and quality.

In the past few years, the Sibo collar has been quite peaceful, and the Sibo New Life Movement is still going on in the collar. The Ji warriors put their swords and guns into the warehouse, the horses are released on the Nanshan Mountains, and the whole family is full of food and drink.

If it was Shiba Yoshigin who led the army, Miyoshi Yoshitsugu and Shinohara Chobu would be in awe, they might not dare to fight this battle.

Back then, Shiba Yoshigin led a group of savages from the Iga country, and he insisted on killing Miyoshi Yoshiko and Juhe Kazukun in two battles, and all the elites of Sanuki were taken captive.

The Awa people participated in the siege of Jiaoxing Temple, and watched Yoshinshi Shiba riding a thousand horses, invincible, even setting fire to the mountain could not kill the male warrior.

The name of the Ashikaga Army God was first shouted out by Sanuki and Awa. They were almost invincible in the west, but Shiba Yoshigin was the only one who drove them to the ground, and was really scared of being beaten.

But this time Shiba Yoshihito did not come, and Maeda benefited to lead the army.Without Shiba Yoshiyin's Shiba army, the Sanuki people and the Awa people are not afraid, and this is why this joint battle took place.

Miyoshi Yoshisei smiled and comforted Shinohara Nagabo.

"No matter what tricks Maeda engages in, there is no turning back now. We can only face the difficulties."

Nagao Shinohara nodded.

She really wanted to win this battle, so she was worried about gain and loss.As long as she wins Maeda interest, she can gain a higher status through military exploits.

Afterwards, even if Shiba Yoshigin sent troops in person and Miyoshi Yoshisei bowed his head to beg for peace, it would not affect Shinohara Nagabou's status.She already has a record in hand, and the future can be expected.

In fact, Miyoshi Yoshitsugu wanted to win this battle more than Shinohara Chobou.

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu claimed to have inherited the martial prowess of his mother, Shihe Yicun, but after several battles, he was disgraced and unable to display his military talents. Instead, he was ridiculed by the samurai as a tiger bitch.

Today's battle is her battle to rectify her name. Of course she wants to win the beauty.

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu said to Shinohara Nagabo with his eyes ablaze with fire.

"Lord Xiaoyuan, the meal is finished, and the conversation is over, everyone returns to their positions and prepares to go out!"


No matter how different the two people's thoughts about the future are, at this moment, their thoughts are the same.That is to defeat Maeda benefit and win this joint battle!

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu is full of self-confidence, and wants to use Maeda's interest as a stepping stone to let the nearby samurai see clearly how powerful he is.

In Maeda's main battle, Hosokawa Fujitaka was also puzzled by Maeda's self-confidence, so he couldn't help asking.

Maeda Toshiro took a bite of the rice ball in his hand, and said to Hosokawa Fujitaka with a smile.

"Worried? What do I have to worry about? Oh, I am most worried that Miyoshi Yoshitsugu will be defeated if he can't survive the first round. That would make me very embarrassed."

Hosokawa Fujitaka was a little confused and asked.

"Why did Maeda-sama say that?"

Maeda benefit sighed.

"Master Hosokawa, do you know about the Shibachu Foundation?"

"Hi, I know about Splennin."

"Yes, the annuity has been issued in the past few days. It has been issued every six months since last summer, and it will be issued for the third time this winter.

The hard-core crops of six shi a year for each person do not require any payment. As long as there is Sibo weaving, those who distribute food will stick the food stamps into people's arms without blinking an eye.

Back then, Jin Dadian asked me to be included in the compiled list, and the people below pushed back and said that this thing is useless, and I can't get in if I like it.

At this moment, the eyes of those who have not entered the establishment are red, and they say that I am unfair every day.

Apart from the fact that the first batch of recruits successfully obtained the establishment, the reform of Sibo's establishment followed.

That little girl from Pusheng Township is like an old hen guarding her cubs, picking her to death, and she has not given out a few places in her hands.

It's been a whole year and a half!I don't even have a new Sibo system in my hand!I don't even know how to explain it to the following people! "

Maeda Masayoshi couldn't help complaining, Hosokawa Fujitaka had no choice but to listen to her whining.

The hard-core crop-like annuity of the Shiba family is now famous all over the world.Not to mention that Shiba's own warrior Hime was jealous, the warriors of other families were also drooling.

But greedy eyes are greedy, no one's food falls from the sky.Except for Yoshihiko Shiba, a rich and soft-hearted man, which house governor would be willing to throw money into the water?

Hosokawa Fujitaka understood a little bit at this time, she asked.

"Maeda-sama, the Sipo Ji warriors who have made great achievements in this battle, can they get a new Sipo system?"

Maeda Yoshiki smiled triumphantly and said.

"The miser in Pusheng's township said that the Sibo leader has been safe and sound in recent days, and that the Ji warriors are doing their duties just right, and there is no need to issue new staff.

This little girl is not good at oil and salt. I have written letters and communicated with her in Kanto many times, but there was no progress.

This time the Miyoshi family invaded again, and I, as the general, led the troops to fight. Of course, I have to hold some advantages in my hand, and I can only be tough when I talk to the people below.

I didn't continue to argue with Gamo Clan, and went directly to Jinda Hall to ask for grace. "

Hosokawa Fujitaka smiled.

"From this point of view, Sibo's army must be full of morale at this time, and they are not afraid of death."

Maeda Yoshiki chuckled.

"These bastards often talk about me behind their backs, saying that I don't fight for it and don't benefit everyone.

Well, I have asked for great grace this time.

Those who have made meritorious service in this battle, regardless of life or death, will be included in the list!Those who are afraid of not being the former, cancel the compilation!The establishment of the war dead is inherited by their children, and those who have no children are inherited by their sisters.

As long as they are willing to fight bravely, I, Maeda's interests, guarantee my reputation, and the establishment is enough!

If Gamo Clan has any objections, I will drag her to the Jindo Hall to argue, and I will wait for Ji Wushi to fight for his life in the battlefield, so the family will not be willing to give me more preparations! "

Hosokawa Fujitaka shook his head and remained silent, knowing that Maeda Yoshihiro was holding back his anger.

The peace in the Spoliland region in recent days is enviable to outsiders, but it is a nightmare for Maeda's interests who are in charge of the military.

If there is no war, there will be no military exploits. There is no other way for the warriors in the army to get promoted and make a fortune.

And Mitsuhide Akechi, overtly and secretly suppressing Maeda's profit strategy, not giving her a chance, who endured this for several years?

There is also the matter of Sipo's weaving. This is a hard-core crop of the Sipo family. Who doesn't want to get more?
New departments in the family were established one after another, and batches of papers were sent out. Even Masanobu Honda, who was reading documents under Mitsuhide Akechi, earned a paperwork.

Can the people under Maeda benefit not complain?Isn't Maeda Yiyi aggrieved when he's the boss?
The interest of Maeda at this time is similar to that of Shibata Katsuya in Owari.

Why did Shibata Katsuya change quickly after the death of Oda Nobunaga and became a supporter of Oda Nobunaga?Because she is a big boss in the army, the people below point to her to bring everyone to fight and eat!
No matter how many problems Oda Nobunaga has, she can lead everyone to victory, and she is not stingy with rewards. She is the army's favorite lord.

The same is true for Maeda Yili. She managed to make it through and became the general of the Anti-Three-Good Coalition Army.

But those descendants of famous families in the shogunate looked at people with their butts, so they almost asked Maeda Yili contemptuously, who are you?How old are you?

Maeda Lili was determined to make a big ticket, holding a handful of cloth in his hands, and his subordinates were all starving Ji warriors with green eyes, and he wanted to gain more fame and rewards through this battle.

Hosokawa Fujitaka thought for a while and said.

"Master Maeda, Miyoshi Yoshitsugu is said to be as brave as his mother, and he is a mighty warrior."

Maeda benefit smiled.

"Lord Hosokawa, I understand what you mean, I will not underestimate my opponent.

His Highness Hatakeyama in the south has not yet mobilized, and it seems that he will not be able to keep up with this battle.

You help me guard the northern line, and I raise troops to attack Miyoshi Yoshitsugu's middle road, and take her down in one go. "

Hosokawa Fujitaka sighed, and Maeda Yoshihiro said he valued it, but he was furious in his heart.

Hatakeyama Takamasa cheated, raped and played tricks, and Mibuchi's mother and daughter stayed at Iimori Mountain City with peace of mind, without any embarrassment.

Maeda Yili, who was taken advantage of, ran out on his own to fight Miyoshi Yoshitsugu to death. If this battle could not be won beautifully, Maeda Yili would be so angry that he vomited blood from the irony of these people when he went back.

Whether the general will have prestige in the future and whether he can convince the crowd depends on today's battle. It is no wonder that she is so ruthless and desperate to break through the middle.

Hosokawa Fujitaka asked.

"What about the southern line?"

Maeda Yoshiki said casually.

"Throw it to those girls in Kanto, let their student army guard the southern line.

Hatakeyama Takamasa in the south will not come, and the Miyoshi family will not put many people there, so let the student army watch and wait until we finish fighting. "

Hosokawa Fujitaka nodded, neither of them took the group of Kanto students seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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