Forced by helplessness, Honda Masanobu reluctantly accepts Naoyoshi Hansawa, a rude subordinate who bluntly said he was guilty the first time he saw his boss.

However, if he could predict the future, even if he was disgusted by Naomasa Ii, Honda Masanobu would definitely send Naoyoshi Hansawa back.

Because there is such a kind of person in this world, when her subordinates are prosperous, and when her boss is disgraced, she has the justice of heaven in her heart, and she is destined to kill the chief in her life.

Not to mention the distant future, after losing the battle at Jiubaoji, Miyoshi Yoshihiro and Shinohara Nagabo retreated to Wakae Castle.

Soon, the bad news came that Miyoshi Yasunaga and Ataka Nobuyasu responded to Shiba Yoshigin's call and completely cut off Miyoshi Yoshitsugu's way out.

Just when Miyoshi Yoshitsugu was in desperation, Akechi Mitsuhide went to Wakae Castle on behalf of Shiba Yoshigin, which brought her a glimmer of life.

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu firmly grasped the life-saving straw given by Shibo Yoshigin, and fully accepted the conditions offered by Shiba Yoshiyin.

Shinohara Changbang, Miyoshi Yasunaga, Anzhai Nobuyasu and other Miyoshi tribesmen withdrew from Nishikinji, and Miyoshi Yoshihiro stayed behind in Wakae Castle.

Sakai Port and Wakae City exchange territories, Hosokawa Fujitaka enters the Sakai Port Customs Office, and Miyoshi Yoshisuke is named Fenggong in Wakae City as a hostage in fact, ensuring the peace and stability of Xikinji.

And Miyoshi Yoshitsugu's Gouaishu was brought back to Dumonyama Castle by Akechi Mitsuhide as evidence that Shiba Yoshigin justified the invasion of Miyoshi's family.

After this battle, Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the poor official, was completely discredited, and the prestige of Ashikaga General's family accelerated, and the decline was unstoppable.

By the time Yoshihiro Shiba was busy arranging all these things, it was already deep winter.During the days when he was concentrating on cleaning up Miyoshi's house, Oda Nobunaga was not idle.

Although the Oda family reached an armistice agreement with the Asai Asakura Allied Forces, Oda Nobunaga had a lot of troubles.

Ishiyama Honganji finally couldn't help jumping to the front of the stage, and Ichikui swept across the entire Oda territory in an instant, especially Minami Omi and Kita Ise, which had a strong influence in the Ichiko sect, were even more violent.

After Oda Nobunaga left Mount Hiei, he returned to Gifu City and began to suppress the hostile forces in the territory.

With the acquiescence of Oda Nobunaga, Shibata Katsuie and Sakuma Nobumori went on a killing spree in Minami Omi, and the Owari Samurai violently carried out killing, burning, looting, and cleansing the Minami Omi local samurai.

The morale of the Owari generals who were fed was greatly boosted, and they beat Omi Ichikui and Liujiao mother and daughter to the ground.

Sakuma Shinmori leads troops to besiege Ishibe Castle, forcing Liujiao mother and daughter to fight, defeating the remnants of the Liujiao family in one fell swoop, pulling out the last stronghold of the Liujiao family in Minami Omi, and Liujiao mother and daughter are missing.

Minami Omi Ichikui was brutally suppressed, the local monastery was forced to convert, and the steadfast nun was slaughtered. The Oda family and Ichikui went to a more violent vendetta in the uncontrollable bloody conflict.

In Kita Omi, after Masano Isano surrendered, Asai Nagamasa brutally killed the father of Masano Isano as a hostage, completely burying the relationship between the two monarchs and ministers.

Therefore, Masahiro Isano cooperated with Hideyoshi Hashiba to persuade the lord of Yamamoto Yamashiro, Aguan Zhenzheng, to make Yamamoto Yamashiro belong to the Oda family.

After losing Yokoyama Castle, Sawayama Castle, and Yamamoto Yamashiro, Asai Nagamasa's Otani Castle was surrounded by the Oda family on three sides. …

Although due to the armistice agreement, the two sides did not break out of war immediately, but the strategic situation of the Asai family has deteriorated extremely, making Asai Nagamasa unbearable, and I don't know how long it can last.

The angry Asai Nagamasa once again ordered that Aguan Zhenzheng be killed as a young girl who was placed in Xiaogucheng as a hostage.

Since then, the two important ministers Isano Yuanchang and Aguan Zhenzheng have turned against Asai Nagamasa.Asai Nagamasa's loyalty to Asai's vassals became even more untrustworthy, and Asai's family became increasingly unstable.

The situation of the Oda family in the Omi country began to improve, and Oda Nobunaga set his sights on Kita Ise.Kita Ise, with Nagashima as the core, has always been the same, and has become her confidant's serious trouble.

Nagashima is located at the estuary of the Kisogawa River into Ise Bay. Its geographical features are similar to Chongming Island at the estuary of the Yangtze River. It is a sand island formed by the impact of water.

The water network between the sand island dams is dense, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the people of Nagashima can take advantage of the convenience of the river to attack Owari, Mino, and Oda family territories in various parts of Northern Ise.

It has only been one autumn and winter since Ishiyama Honganji and the Oda family turned against each other and issued a decree. Nagashima has always attacked several times, causing panic in the core territory of the Oda family.

In the middle of winter and looking forward to spring, Oda Nobunaga impatiently planned to mobilize, preparing to send troops in the early spring to clear away the big trouble that Nagashima has always been.


Duowen Mountain City, outside the castle tower, Takeda Nobutora looked at this majestic new city.

Its owner only took five years to revive the family business as an orphan of extermination, and became the mainstay of the shogunate, and his prestige was far better than that of the incompetent Ashikaga general in Nijo Castle.

Takeda Nobutora couldn't help feeling a little dazed, is this a feat that a man can do?Even the best warrior Ji could hardly complete such a family fortune reversal.

Whether it is unparalleled in battle, or benevolence, righteousness, and integrity, Shiba Yoshiyin can be regarded as the perfect embodiment of the samurai ideal.

Even Yoritomo Minamoto, the first general who laid the cornerstone of the samurai regime, had a vicious side and was criticized by the world. Compared with him, Yoshigin Shiba is a perfect man.

Just such a man with noble sentiments can make such a career, no wonder people in the world call him a sage of the Wu family, and even shout the slogan that the gods are alive.

Thinking back on what his daughter had done to this sage of the samurai family, Takeda Nobutora couldn't help feeling a toothache. He didn't know if it was a blessing or a curse, it was really a sin.

Just as Takeda Nobutora was looking at the castle tower in a daze, Gamo Ujigo came out of the courtyard and bowed slightly to her.

"Boss Takeda, Jintaden is here to invite you."

Takeda Nobutora smiled, returned the gift, and said.

"Please ask Pu Shengji to lead the way."

Takeda Nobutora did not dare to underestimate this immature Ji samurai in front of him. Although the Gamo family is young, he has followed Shiba Yoshigin for several years and is deeply trusted.

The system of the Shiba family is somewhat unique, because the Shiba family was destroyed and there was no genealogy. The team of Shiba Yoshiyin who started the new family business was complicated and loose, the local vassals were strong, and the important officials in the family were very independent.

In the past two years, Shibo Yoshihiro has been consciously solving this problem. He has reorganized the people around him into a central organization to improve the ability of the central government to control the local area.

As the chief of the Tongxin Secretariat, Gamo Clan is the number one boss of the central faction, with great power in his hands. …

I don't know what kind of good luck happened to the Gamo family. The daughter of Kamo Kenhide who had no choice but to send Shiba Yoshihiro to take the surname, has grown into a towering tree that can protect the family business.

This time, the Owari generals of the Oda family went on a rampage in the southern Omi region.

But they are lenient towards Gamo's family and will not harass them.Many Minami Omi samurai were not purged through the help of Kamo Kenhide.

Kamo Kenhide can have such a big face, not only because Oda Nobunaga has a good impression of her, and he has asked her beforehand, but also because of her daughter Gamo's hometown status in Shiba's family.

The relationship between the Owari samurai faction and the Shiba family is very delicate. Many of the important officials of the Shiba family were born in the Shiba four counties.

And for a while, Shiba Ling is considering selling the land of the castle town to the outside world.Because Shiba Ning has been at peace for a long time, the value of the shop machiya is high.

The fellow villagers of Sibo's family wrote letters to encourage them to invest some money in Siboling. Even if they sell the store in a few years, they will only make money without losing money, so why not do it.

Besides, Oda Nobunaga was too difficult to take care of, and many old courtiers worried that one day if things were not done well, they would be forced to follow in Lin Xiuzhen's footsteps and be exiled from home.

If he had a property in Spo, at least he and his family would have no worries about food and clothing.

Out of these considerations, although the Owari military general faction is red-eyed, they still respect the Gamo family. Kenhide Gamo even saved a few relatives and friends, and his strength has not decreased but increased in the turmoil.

Gamo clan sent Takeda Nobutora to the door of the meeting hall, bowed slightly to her, left and right flags opened the door, and Takeda Nobutora walked into the room cautiously and alone.

There was no one else in the room, only Shiba Yoshihiro on the main seat was frowning, not knowing what document he was reading.

This is already the second time I saw this cheap son-in-law who didn't know it, but Takeda Nobutora still couldn't help but look surprised. How could there be such a handsome man in the world?
Yoshigin felt his gaze, and when he looked up, Nobutora Takeda bowed solemnly.

"Foreign Minister Takeda Nobutora, I pay my respects to Tsudaden, and you are well."

Yiyin put down the Chinese document in his hand and said.

"Master Takeda, you don't have to be polite."

Takeda Nobutora said respectfully.

"It's really rude to visit here. I beg Jin Dadian to forgive me."

Yiyin laughed.

"My lord, you're welcome. What's the matter with you this time?"

Before Yoshigin got Miyoshi Yoshitsugu's imperial letter, Akechi Mitsuhide, that bastard, didn't want to offend Ashikaga Yoshiaki, so he brought Hatakeyama Takamasa out.

During the battle at Jiubao Temple, Hatakeyama Takamasa was on the sidelines and missed the opportunity to perform. It was because he regretted it, lest Yoshihiro would be dissatisfied with her.

When she received a letter from Akechi Mitsuhide, she immediately dropped all the affairs in the collar, rushed to Duowen Mountain City to meet Yi Yin, and took the initiative to take over the task of helping Miyoshi Yoshihide continue to clean up.

Akechi Mitsuhide wants to consider his good relationship with Ashikaga Yoshiaki, so that he can continue to fool the general in the future, but Hatakeyama Takamasa has no scruples.

Hatakeyama Takamasa was born in the Hatakeyama clan, and is currently in charge of the shogunate. He follows Shiba Yoshigin closely and doesn't need to care about Ashikaga Yoshiaki's feelings for her. …

Holding this imperial letter, Hatakeyama Takamasa went to Kyoto. It is said that she cornered Ashikaga Yoshiaki at the shogunate council, and she was so angry that she wanted to kill the Hatakeyama prodigal daughter.

Takeda Nobutora was born in the Kai Takeda family, a noble family of the Minamoto clan in Kawachi. She was taken care of by Ashikaga Yoshiaki in Kyoto and served as the companion of the shogunate.

Yoshihiro thought that Takeda Nobutora came this time to help the embarrassing Ashikaga Yoshiaki as a lobbyist, but he guessed wrong.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki had failed too much as a general, and no one inside or outside the shogunate was willing to help her sincerely. Nobutora Takeda, a family governor who retired from a foreign domain, would not care about the general's situation.

This time, Takeda Nobutora came to help his friends, and even helped the Takeda family find love for themselves.

"Jindaden, do you still remember the Kitabata tool religion I mentioned at Enryakuji?"

Yiyin nodded.

"Well, it's the governor of the Kitabata family who abdicated His Highness Oda's third sister Kitabata's envelope and retired on his own?"

"Hi, that's her.

When I returned to Kyoto from Mt. Hiei, I wrote to Kitabata Gujiao to talk about your appreciation for her.

She came back quickly and was very surprised by Jin Duodian's appreciation, and expressed her respect to you, just. . "

Takeda Nobutora pretended to be in trouble, and Yoshigin asked with a smile.

"What? Did she encounter any difficulty?"

Takeda Nobutora nodded.

"Jin Dadian sees Wanli, Beibata Gujiao has indeed encountered a big trouble.

Ever since Ishiyama Honganji fell out with the Oda family, Nagashima in Northern Ise has been in full swing, causing His Highness Oda a headache.

Rumors appeared again in Minami-Ise, saying that Kitabata Gujiao abdicated in anger, intending to collude with the Takeda family and start a rebellion when the Takeda family went to Luo. "

Yiyin raised his eyes and looked at Nobutora Takeda, the Takeda family went to Luo?he laughed.

"This rumor is a bit absurd."

Takeda Nobutora agreed.

"Zindadian said yes.

After Beibata Gujiao abdicated, she has been keeping her own place. After hearing the rumor, she was shocked and angry, and sent someone to investigate the source, which made her even more disturbed.

These rumors slandering the Kitabata Gujiao were spread by Hime Samurai brought from the Oda family in the Kitabata letter package and spread in various castle towns. "

Yi Yin asked lightly.

"What is Kitabata Xinbao trying to do?"

Takeda Nobutora smiled wryly.

"Beibata Gujiao has served as the family supervisor for many years and is quite prestigious in the land of Minami Ise. Beibata Xinbao is worried that she will make a comeback.

Therefore, I want to take advantage of His Highness Oda's opportunity to suppress the rebellion in the territory, and borrow rumors once and for all. "

Takeda Nobutora didn't go on, Yoshigin already understood what she meant.

Although Kitabata Gujiao abdicated, it was a compromise made by the Oda family's army. This alliance under the castle made Beibata Xinbao's position as governor of the Kitabata family unstable.

Beibata Jujiao is not too old, and Beibata Xinbao can't wait for her influence to fade after she dies of old age. This is an excuse to create rumors because she is going to send Beibata Jujiao on the road ahead of time.

Yi Yin thought for a while and said.

"These words are all one-sided statements in the Beibata Gujiao letter, and there is no circumstantial evidence."

Takeda Nobutora bowed sincerely.

"Zindaden, Kitabata Gujiao has let go of the Kitabata family business, and lives in seclusion in Misase Valley, not caring about world affairs.

Now His Royal Highness Oda is so powerful, Owari and Ise are close neighbors, and Oda's army can come at any time, why does Kitabata Gujiao plan such an unreliable rebellion?

In the letter, Beibata Gujiao lamented that if Beibata's envelope could not accommodate her, she would be willing to leave the country by herself, or even commit suicide.

But Beibata Xinbao had a vicious mind and trapped all the Beibata clan in Sanse Valley.

Kitabata Gujiao's daughters, Tokumatsu and Kamematsu, were young, and she really couldn't bear the heart of the two children to die with her, so she wrote to hope that I could come to Jindaden for help.

I implore Tsudaden to be merciful, to pity Ise Kokusi, Kitabata's family town, and to leave only a trace of blood, and have no other wishes. "

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