Chapter 1464

Ii Naomasa bowed.

"I only have Your Majesty in my heart, and I will not allow anyone to destroy the family business you have painstakingly created.

As for what other people like to say, let them say it, I don't care! "

Seeing that the child was still as stubborn as ever, Yiyin could only sigh and said.

"You have a bad temper, I don't want to say it."

Naomasa Ii said again.

"Besides, I think that there is a lot to be done in the injection department, and it is not a fringe department that is dispensable. Of course, elites must be dispatched to strictly manage it."

Yoshihiro glanced at Naomasa Ii, felt a throbbing pain in his forehead, and couldn't help rubbing his temples with his fingers.

"What do you want to do again?"

Ii Naomasa glanced at Tokumatsu Kamematsu, and Yoshigin waved his hand to let them back down first.

After the two little lolis bowed and retreated, Ii Naomasa said solemnly.

"Your Majesty ordered me to be in charge of the supervisory duties of the Tongxin Secretariat, and I should devote myself to sharing my worries for Your Majesty.

However, the relevant financial information is vague, and there are many governments in different regions, each doing its own thing, which keeps me awake at night, fearing that I will live up to the entrustment of the emperor. "

Yi Yin pondered.

"It's not your fault.

The time for the Shiba family to revive was too short. In order to see quick results, I did many things quickly and quickly, which indeed left me with a lot of trouble.

But now, the family law has begun to be improved, and supervision and management have also been put on the agenda. You don't have to worry too much, everything will be fine. "

Ii Naomasa bowed and said.

"The words of the emperor, the ministers do not agree with. Sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat. There is always only excellence. How can there be a good thing to wait for the situation to improve?
Since ancient times, wealth has touched people's hearts, and the Hokuriku Road trade route contains millions of dollars of great profits. How many people can withstand such temptations?

It is difficult to curb the greed of the people only by relying on the Shibazhong Foundation and the honest government of the Kanto Office. Only by establishing a unified and effective supervision system can people feel awe and retreat in spite of difficulties. "

Ii Naomasa's remonstrance resounded loudly, and Yoshihiro was also touched.

The Hokuriku Road trade route was established step by step when he was in Kanto. At the beginning of the establishment, there were loopholes everywhere.

The current supervision system is mainly that Hihama Yui's Lianzheng is responsible for the data collection of the Shibachu Foundation, and Hasegawa Nagazuna's Lianzheng is responsible for the data collection of the Kanto Office.

These stored data will be regularly audited by the supervision department of the Tongxin Secretariat headed by Naomasa Ii.

Apparently, Naomasa Ii felt that this system was too simple and had too many loopholes, which was not conducive to deterring those who had bad intentions.

After all, the Hokuriku Road trade route is a big gold mine. If someone can bypass the supervision, just a few digs will be enough for the whole family to eat and drink for several lifetimes.

Human nature cannot stand the test. Naomasa Ii's idea is correct. Only a strong supervision system can curb people's greed.

Yi Yin sighed and said.

"Tell me what you think."

Ii Naomasa bowed.

"Master Akechi Mitsuhide proposed to set up a questioning party, probably because he was worried about the supervision of the Hokuriku Road trade route, so he wanted to plan ahead.

Admiral Honda Masanobu hand-picked promotion and awarded Shiba the rank, presumably he also recognized the idea of ​​Akechi Mitsuhide, right? "

Yi Yin snorted.

"Wise Mitsuhide? When it comes to sowing dissension and playing tricks, she is good at it, but what does she know about economics?
She just wanted to put some shackles on Takata Yono, but the power of the Hokuriku Road trade route is a bit too big, so it is understandable to do so. "

Ii Naomasa laughed.

"Your Majesty has a strategy in mind, and your subordinates respect you.

No matter what the purpose of Mitsuhide Akechi is, His Majesty understands it very well in his heart.Now that the stage has been set, I naturally can't waste your arrangement.

Since the annotation party has been established, the archives of the Hokuriku Road trade route should not be limited to Sakai Port, and other parties should send a copy for archiving.

All related income and expenses including the Shibachu Foundation, Naoetsu, the Kanto Temple, the Samurai Giri Promotion Association, etc., should have a backup file. "

Yoshihiro glanced at Ii Naomasa.

He doesn't really regard Wenzhufang as a marginal department, but he must pay attention to a rhythm when doing things, not too hasty.

Akechi Mitsuhide won the support of Nizi Katsuhisa, and Yoshihiro followed their wishes to make this question and asked Takada Yono to back up all the data.

Takada Yoshino has already obediently obeyed, and Yiyin is not too aggressive.After all, he still needs to use Takada Yono to help him with the economy, making money to support so many people in Shiba's family.

If Takada Yono is really going to be forced to be unable to do anything, the life of the Shiba family will not be able to survive?

First set up the questioning system, and then gradually tighten supervision and management step by step. Boiling frogs in warm water is the best policy.But the young and energetic Naomasa Ii was unwilling, because he had to do it in one step.

The requesting party not only wants the backup of Sakai Port, but also expands to the backup of the relevant departments of the Hokuriku Road trade route.Calculated in this way, does the internal affairs and finances of the three lands of Sibo have to be backed up?
If Naomasa Ii holds all the financial data of the entire Shiba family in his hands, and then sorts them out one by one, everyone's small actions under the counter will be invisible.

Just like what Yoshihiro said just now, Naomasa Ii's way of doing things is very easy to offend people, and in the end he turns himself into a lone official and cruel official, and the road ahead will not be easy.

Yiyin said decisively.

"I will order all the departments related to the Hokuriku Road trade route to send a copy of the relevant business information to the inquiring party, but you must agree to two conditions."

Ii Naomasa looked at Junshang in surprise.

"Your Majesty, please tell me."

Yi Yin sighed.

"First of all, the scope of archiving by the inquiring party ends here, and is limited to business affairs. Please give me peace of mind and don't think about the financial filing of the Sandi Spoling and the Enforcement Office.

Second, ask the note party to focus only on archiving, not to spy on the authenticity of the files sent, let alone collect data on their own initiative. "

Ii Naomasa said subconsciously.

"Your Majesty, why is this?"

Looking at her appearance, Yiyin knew that the little girl really had this intention.

Yiyin couldn't help snorting, why?Of course it is to prevent you from dying!

The archives related to the Hokuriku Road trade route are all business related materials.No matter if it was Takada Yono, Ishida Mitsunari, Okuma Asohide, Dazang Changan, they had no reason to object.

After all, if it is purely about money and food, the most is that the hands and feet of his subordinates are not clean.Therefore, none of them will send fake information, at most it is vague or omitted, so there is no need to delve into it.

However, the financial data of the three Shiba collars and the Kanto service office are different.

Not to mention the transfer of mutual benefits between high-ranking warriors, political transactions, just talking about the military budget, it is full of tricks.

As soon as the cannon was fired, ten thousand taels of gold was given. The Ji warriors in the army worked desperately, isn't it just for the reward?This military expenditure has never been studied in detail, and it is enough to understand the truth that there must be a brave woman under a lot of money.

Yiyin really wants to improve the family law, but it has to be done step by step, so that the important officials have time to adapt, slowly change some bad habits, and cover up the past.

If these data are sent over for backup now, it is tantamount to sending the handle to ask the party, who can do things with peace of mind?
The deputy officials of the Sibolings in the three places can be high-spirited and upright, but are the subordinates who follow them to make a living also all right?

And those big bosses in the military, who hasn't done anything that crossed the line?
Let’s just say that Nobushige Sanada, that mountain monkey, thinks all day long about taking advantage of the Kanto servants and providing welfare for Sanada’s people. She is the first one who can’t stand the audit!

But what if there is a problem?How could Yiyin deprive her of her territory and tell her to get out of here?Or fine her money and food, let her lead her subordinates to suffer from poverty?

With great difficulty, Yoshihiro managed to win over the Shino clan, and with the help of Sanada Nobushige, he won the Nishi Ueno land.Although the process was not very pleasant, it expanded the Shiba family's influence in Kanto after all.

For a little money and food, you have to slap yourself in the face and clean up your cronies, forcing the local tribes to feel dissatisfied. Is Yiyin out of his mind?

If Naomasa Ii really pushes these local bigwigs and military bigwigs into a hurry, should Yiyin kill Ma Su with tears?Or should rice rot always be on the road?

Naomasa Ii has a good mind and is very smart.She sees that Yi Yin agrees to establish a questioning party to tighten supervision, and she is willing to go to the front for Yi Yin, regardless of her own future.

But Yiyin doesn't need her to do this. Governing a big country is like cooking a small fish. Some things can't be rushed, so they can only be done slowly.

Yiyin is the first generation of family governor who started the family business. His prestige is so high that he can suppress the ghostly thoughts in the family. He is still young and has time to play slowly. There is no need to make it too ugly.

It's like Li Shimin can allow his arrogant soldiers to die well, but Zhu Yuanzhang can only raise the butcher's knife to help future generations pull out weeds.

The advantage of age is really important.

As long as the founding king is confident that he can use his lifespan to kill the founding fathers, many troubles are not troubles, and there is no need to cause blood.

Compared with the Chinese dynasty, the island country has a different system, and it cannot be as decisive as the Chinese emperor.The celestial dynasty was centralized, the island nation was feudal, and Yiyin did not have a generational old team, and its foundation was even shallower.

As far as he is concerned, the best way is to first establish a relatively loyal Shibo organization system with the Shiba loyalty fund, and then use the strategy of doves occupying the magpie's nest to plant a tight-knit entire retainer group of bloodline descendants.

With Shiba's loyalty fund in his left hand and Yiyin who occupies the magpie's nest in his right hand, he doesn't need to clean up Shiba's retainers too hard, but should be looser to reflect his image of a benevolent and righteous king.

However, the girl Jing Yi Naomasa didn't know the strategy of the dove occupying the magpie's nest.

She believes that the importance of the Hokuriku Road trade route to provide long-term annuities to the Shibazhong Fund, and for the stability of the Shiba family business, it is necessary to strengthen the supervision and management of the Hokuriku Road trade route.

Yiyin was very moved by her loyalty.

He even thought that in the future, he could consider letting Naomasa Jingi join in and become part of the strategy of dove occupying the magpie's nest, in order to repay her affection for him.

But at this moment, Yi Yin could not tell Jing Yi Naomasa.

Lao Tzu wants to turn against the harem in the world of female lords, and the hard-core crops of the Siba Zhong Fund are only a transitional period. In the end, the long-term stability of the Siba family still depends on the bloodline heirs.

Therefore, his overzealousness and loyalty to Naomasa Ii can only pour cold water on him and limit the scope of authority of the questioning parties.

It is true that Naomasa Ii did not understand Yoshiyin's actions, and she still had to bow and plead and insist on her own opinion.

"My lord, I thought..."

Yiyin interrupted her with a wave of his hand.

"You're still young, and you don't understand many things. That's the deal with Zhu Fang. Don't make trouble for nothing. Do you understand?"

Yoshigin is kind, but he ignores Naomasa Ii's mood.

Naomasa Ii was even more unconvinced when he was called an ignorant child by the lord he admired. He secretly made up his mind that he must make some achievements to prove his worries to the lord!
Yiyin didn't know that he was lifting a rock and hitting his own foot. Seeing Naomasa Ii bowed his head and remained silent, he wanted to comfort her a few words to show his favor.

At this moment, hurried footsteps came from outside the porch, and the two of them looked out the door together, and Gamo Shigo hurried in with Akechi Mitsuhide, and bowed to Yoshiyin.

Yi Yin frowned and looked at Mitsuhide Akechi.

After solving the problem of Miyoshi Yoshitsugu, Akechi Mitsuhide has returned to Kyoto to deal with the Shiba family's negotiations with the shogunate and resolve the aftermath of the Nishikin War.

"Wise Ji, why are you back? Did something happen in Kyoto?"

Akechi Mitsuhide said solemnly.

"Your Majesty, something has happened.

In the early spring, His Highness Oda ordered Minami Omi's Oda Army to enter the line of Mitsui Sakamoto and besiege Mt. Hiei. In the name of Tendai Sect's collusion with the Takeda family, he asked Jueshu for an explanation. "

Yiyin sneered.

"Explain? She's here to ask for money, right?

The Oda family has not stopped fighting in the past few years, and no amount of money and food is enough for Oda Nobunaga to squander. She is jealous of the wealth of Mount Hiei and takes the opportunity to ask for military expenses. "

Yoshigin is very clear about Oda Nobunaga's temperament, the only thing he doubts is why the matter of Takeda Shingen going to Luo was exposed so quickly?
He could know this because Takeda Nobunaga, Takeda's former family governor, deliberately leaked it. How did Oda Nobunaga know?
It’s only spring now, and Takeda Shingen’s side is still busy with spring plowing, and Shangluo has not yet been announced to the public.

The Oda family's separation of farmers and soldiers was better than other samurai daimyos. Oda Nobunaga was able to mobilize the army to besiege Mount Hiei during the busy farming season, and even Yoshigin had no time to respond.

Akechi Mitsuhide smiled wryly.

"Your Majesty, it is no longer a matter of siege, the Oda Army has attacked Mount Hiei.

All kinds of tributes, Buddhist temples, spiritual shrines, monks' houses, scriptures and Buddhist scriptures in the Yanli Temple headed by the Gengen Zhongtang and the Three Kings Twenty-One Society were all burned down, the clouds were scattered, and ashes were everywhere, which is very sad.

In Enli Temple, no matter how noble, noble, wise, or beautiful they were, they were all arrested. The nuns and children were beheaded one by one, and presented to Lord Nobunaga. Even if they begged for mercy, they would not be forgiven.

The scene was horrific, with thousands of wreckage and corpses strewn across the field.Mount Hiei has been down for thousands of years, and when has he ever seen such a tragic Buddha disaster, it can be called a catastrophe. "

Yiyin turned pale with shock, and he lost his voice.

"Is Oda Nobunaga crazy? How could he do this? Where is Master Jueshu? Where is she now? Has something happened?"

Yiyin couldn't believe his ears.

Oda Nobunaga is really crazy, that's Mt. Hiei, that's Enryaku-ji Temple, and when the fire starts, the Oda family will really become enemies of Buddha.

(End of this chapter)

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