different warring states of japan

Chapter 1469 Political battles have to be fought

Chapter 1469 Political battles have to be fought

The Oda army set fire to Mt. Hiei, and the Kitakami and Asai Asakura families clashed again. The Takeda family happened to mobilize Shangluo at this time, and the sword pointed directly at the Nobi Plain, the core territory of the Oda family.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki seemed to see an opportunity again, and began to think wildly again.

However, she has tossed and tossed a few times, and she has lost the last bit of prestige of General Ashikaga. Now, who is willing to go crazy with her inside and outside the shogunate?
No, Ashikaga Yoshiaki made a test in Kyoto just now, and the news quickly spread to Oda Nobunaga.

Oda Nobunaga shook his head, she was already tired of playing with this poor and uninterested public, and continued to play this boring game of cat and mouse.

"After defeating the Asai Asakura family this time and repelling Shang Luo of the Takeda family, let this troublesome guy be exiled.

The Kyoto side kept a close eye on her first, and started to do it when the military dust settled. "

General Ashikaga cannot be killed. Although the Ashikaga shogunate has declined, the descendant of Genji Kawachi is the pillar of the samurai family after all. Even if he is angry with Ashikaga Yoshiaki, Oda Nobunaga will not kill her.

The Oda family, which wiped out Asai Asakura's family, has almost established a firm foothold in Dongkin. Oda Nobunaga is already qualified to ignore Ashikaga Yoshiaki and can kick her out.

If Ashikaga Yoshiaki continues to stay in Beijing and let her pretend to give orders, it will cause a lot of trouble for the Oda family. It is better to expel her to facilitate the construction of a new political territory.

In the Oda family's plan to rule the world, Ashikaga Yoshiaki never had a place. Once the situation was stabilized, Oda Nobunaga started to tear down the decadent shogunate in Kyoto and establish his own regime.

Having made up his mind, Oda Nobunaga said.

"Asakura Yoshikage has lost control of the Asakura family, now is the best chance to pursue her and destroy the Asakura family in Ichijo Gucheng.

Hashiba Hideyoshi, you are guarding the Torayuqian cottage to prevent Asai Nagamasa from counterattacking.

Nobumori Sakuma, take your troops to Yuanjiang to support His Highness Tokugawa.

The rest of the ministries followed me into the Echizen Kingdom and took down Asakura Yoshikage's dog head! "

Originally, Oda Nobunaga was still hesitating whether to kill Asai Nagamasa first in a steady and steady manner, or take a risky attempt to capture Asakura Yoshikage.

Shiba Yoshigin's non-interference and Ashikaga Yoshiaki's eagerness to move made her finally make a decision.

Asai Nagamasa is already a trapped beast, and it is only a matter of time before she is killed.On the contrary, Asakura Yoshikage couldn't give her a chance to breathe, so he had to take advantage of the internal discord in Asakura's family to kill her in one go.

As long as the Asakura Clan is defeated, the already torn Echizen factions will be able to spread their message.

Without the foreign aid of the Asakura family, Asai Nagamasa is no longer a problem, so it is worth a try to take the risk of attacking the Asakura family first.

As for the Takeda family, Tokugawa Ieyasu will definitely resist desperately in order to keep his family business. Oda Nobunaga is not in a hurry to rescue, and can send troops after the Asakura family is settled.


Yuanjiang Country, Hamamatsu Castle.

After Tokugawa Ieyasu conquered Enjiang, he occupied Hiramatsu and expanded it into his own city, called Hamamatsu Castle.

At this time, the atmosphere in the city's meeting hall was solemn, and bad news came from the front one by one. Takeda's army broke through quickly, and almost all the important towns in the north and east of Yuanjiang Kingdom fell.

Tokugawa Ieyasu looked at the letter on the case, feeling dejected.

She wrote a letter to Oda Nobunaga to ask for help, but she didn't want Oda Nobunaga's reply to be full of distress, even worse than her.

Obviously, he has gained an absolute advantage in Kita Omi, but Oda Nobunaga would rather counterattack the Asakura family than look back at Tokugawa Ieyasu, and just sent Sakuma Nobumori to perfunctory.

Sakuma Nobumori had no more than [-] people in his department. This time Takeda Shangluo, Takeda Shingen gave all he had, and the mobilized number was no less than [-].

What is the use of such a drop in the bucket reinforcements?

What's even more exasperating is that Oda Nobunaga kindly reminded Tokugawa Ieyasu in his reply letter.

She thinks that the Tokugawa family can trade space for time, withdraw from Enjiang country, retreat to Sanhe country, wait for the Oda family to settle the Asai Asakura family, and then come to help with all their strength and counterattack together.

Tokugawa Ieyasu looked at the letter in front of him, wishing he could tear it into pieces.

Tokugawa Ieyasu is very clear about Oda Nobunaga's thoughts. He has devoted himself to running the Enjiang country, and his strength has soared, which made the elder sister Jifu feel uneasy.

Oda Nobunaga is trying to use the hands of the Takeda family to weaken the Tokugawa family, so that the Tokugawa family will continue to bow their heads willingly to the Oda family as allies, which is actually a tool of lackeys.

After a long silence, Tokugawa Ieyasu spoke bitterly.

"What do you think of His Highness Oda's suggestion?"

Sakai Chuji bowed and said.

"The Takeda family is coming fiercely, and our military strength is not enough to fight.

What His Royal Highness Oda said is not unreasonable. Our army can fortify layer by layer to stop the advance of Takeda Army.

When the Takeda army is exhausted and the battle line enters the Mikawa Kingdom, waiting for His Royal Highness Oda to quell the recent chaos and come to help, Takeda will definitely be broken. "

Tokugawa Ieyasu frowned slightly, his eyes subconsciously swept towards Ishikawa.

Ishikawa Shu met the master's eyes, bowed and said.

"My subordinates seconded the proposal."

Tokugawa Ieyasu was already unhappy.

Oda Nobunaga didn't know who leaked the information to Takeda Kamiro, but with the excellent intelligence capabilities of Hattori's ninja, Tokugawa Ieyasu had already figured out who was leaking the information to him.

Tokugawa Ieyasu was also very surprised that Uesugi Terutora would reveal the secrets of the Takeda family to himself. Is she planning to attack Takeda Shingen?
Because of the imperial order of no war in Kanto, Tokugawa Ieyasu did not dare to place her hopes on Terutor Uesugi, but she had a feeling that as long as she gritted her teeth and persisted, the battle would definitely turn around.

But now, his ally Oda Nobunaga wants to weaken himself with a knife.And these important ministers of the Tokugawa family also had some bad intentions, which made Tokugawa Ieyasu very angry.

In order to stabilize the new collar, Tokugawa Ieyasu moved his residence to Hamamatsu Castle and concentrated on management.

In the Mikawa Kingdom, she appointed Tadashi Sakai as the head of the East Sanhe Banner, and Ishikawa Shumasa as the Head of the West Sanhe Banner to manage the old collars.

The warriors of Sanhe Ji are famous all over the world for their Sanhe soul, but as long as it is a samurai group, they have their own careful thinking, even the Sanhe soul, which is famous for its loyalty, is no exception.

The Tokugawa family started from Mikawa Okazaki Castle in the west and conquered Mikawa in the east. There were also many conflicts between the East and West Mikawa samurai.

Tadashi Sakai and Suzuma Ishikawa represent the interests of the Hime samurai of the two lands respectively. Naturally, there are constant quarrels in daily life, and the relationship is not much better.

But today, it was rare for the two to stand together, because they both represented the interests of warrior Sanhe Ji.

Tokugawa Ieyasu has been devoting himself to the Enjiang country for the past few years, concentrating on governing this new territory, and it is inevitable that he will neglect one thing and lose another in governance.

The rapid rise of the status of the Yuanjiang people, and the long-term residence of the emperor in the Yuanjiang country, has already dissatisfied the warrior Sanheji.

The Sanhe people call themselves conquerors, so of course they don't want to see the conquered Enjiang people sitting on an equal footing with themselves, not to mention the deliberate softness and favoritism of Tokugawa Ieyasu.

On weekdays, Tokugawa Ieyasu can still live in the town.But this time, Takeda's family went to Luo, and all the important towns in the northern and eastern parts of Yuanjiang Kingdom were vulnerable, allowing the Takeda army to rush in quickly.

The Sanhe people despise the Yuanjiang people even more. It's not that they love Oda Nobunaga, they really think they should go back to the Mikawa country for defense.

These softies in the Yuanjiang country are unreliable. Only the Samurai warriors with the soul of Mikawa are the strength that the Tokugawa family can rely on.

The careful thinking of the Sanhe people made Tokugawa Ieyasu very troubled, even more so than the Takeda army who attacked in front of them.

The expansion of the Wu family is not as centralized as the celestial dynasty. If you want to establish an effective feudal and official system, you have to work hard for several generations to absorb strength from the new territory and grow yourself.

Before the effective feudal transformation is completed, the new territory is often the burden of the main family, rather than the help of the main family.

But what time is it?It's troubled times!
Going out during the day is still domineering, and when you go home at night, your whole family will be killed in troubled times!Who has the time to wait for several generations to slowly transform the territory?

The samurai daimyos abandoned the original guardian system one after another, moved towards the Warring States Revolution, pursued the rapid centralization of power, and turned the new collar into a boost as soon as possible.

From the rebellion of the eight generations of generals to the present, there have been a hundred years of troubled times, and many heroes have gone on and on.Oda Nobunaga's innovations are not new, they are all paths that have been explored by predecessors.

But no one is as ruthless as Oda Nobunaga, who can persist in these innovative policies for a long time despite the dissatisfaction of his retainers.

Tokugawa Ieyasu was not as decisive as Oda Nobunaga. She chose a compromise method, concentrating on running the new collar and handing over the management of the old collar to trusted retainers.

But even if she is so careful, there is still no way to avoid the narrow clique and xenophobia of the island culture.

In this resource-poor island country, tolerance and generosity do not exist. There are only short-sighted and greedy small groups robbing each other of resources, and few people have a broad and far-sighted vision.

Perhaps, this is the heart of the islanders.

Tokugawa Ieyasu's dissatisfaction lies in the undisguised statement of the flag head of Dongxisanhe, denying her efforts to manage Yuanjiang country with heart in the past few years.

If she really listened to what the Sanhe people said, she would retreat while fighting, and retreat to the Sanhe Kingdom.Even if Yuanjiang Kingdom can be recovered in the future, this land has already been ruined and devastated.

Tokugawa Ieyasu will not only lose the results of his painstaking efforts in the past few years, but also lose the loyalty of the people of Yuanjiang, who will no longer trust her, the lord who abandoned him at a critical moment.

This is exactly what Oda Nobunaga wanted. The Tokugawa family was beaten back to their original shape, and they could only continue to serve the Oda family as dogs.

Tokugawa Ieyasu is unwilling to take this path, so she must react strongly to Shangluo of the Takeda family, so that the people of Yuanjiang understand that her lord will not give up on herself.

Whether you win or not is a matter of ability, but whether you win or not is a matter of attitude.This is a political battle, and political accounts must be settled.

Tokugawa Ieyasu is very confident in the expanded Hamamatsu Castle. Even if he loses in the field battle, he can withdraw to Hamamatsu Castle and stand by for help after expressing his attitude.

She didn't believe it anymore, Oda Nobunaga could really watch Takeda Shingen kill himself?Let the soldiers of the Takeda family enter the Nobi Plains and take over the old nest of the Oda family?

And that sneaky Uesugi Terutora, who tried her best to deliver a letter to herself, could she still watch Takeda Shingen kill herself and win the entire Tokaido?

In order to make a political statement that he is sticking to the One country, Tokugawa Ieyasu must let the Mikawa people who are not willing to bleed for the One country send troops to confront the Takeda army.

But at this moment, it seems that this is not easy.

Just when Tokugawa Ieyasu was at a loss, a person jumped out.

Honda Zhongsheng, who was petite but had evil eyes, suddenly burst out laughing in this serious military meeting, rolling on the floor with laughter, very unscrupulous.

Tokugawa Ieyasu saw her so unrestrained, instead of being angry, he was overjoyed.

On the contrary, it was Tadashi Sakai and Ishikawa who were not friendly, Tadashi Sakai shouted.

"Hontaji! This is in the military discussion! Please be decent!"

Honda Tadakatsu picked out his ears, and took a look at Sakai Tadaki, as if his old lady was too lazy to talk to you.She was originally a girl with a childlike face, but this posture seemed cute.

It's just that Tadashi Sakai and Suzumasa Ishikawa are both big brothers in the family, and they were all furious when they were underestimated by her.

But before they could open their mouths, Honda, who had never spoken at the side, sighed again and said.

"Zhongsheng, don't mess around in front of your Highness."

The Honda Clan is a big family in the Three Rivers Kingdom, and they all descended from the village of Honda. Although they may not necessarily be related by blood, they are always of the same origin to the outside world.

Honda is Tokugawa Ieyasu's teacher and elder again. Although Honda Tadakatsu is from the Honda clan, he still has to give her three points of face.

But she didn't care about the embarrassment of Sakai Chuji and Ishikawa Shumasa, and directly bowed to Tokugawa Ieyasu to apologize.

"Your Highness, forgive me, because it's so funny, I couldn't hold back."

Tokugawa Ieyasu asked with the corner of his mouth raised.

"what's so funny?"

Honda Tadakatsu shrugged and said.

"We, the warriors Sanhe Ji, swear to follow His Highness to the death, stand in troubled times, fight for the first place, never back down, and amaze the warriors all over the world.

His Highness also said that the Tokugawa family has no treasures that can be handed out, only the Mikawa Hime Samurai is the family treasure of our family and is irreplaceable, which makes me and the Mikawa Hime Samurai very excited.

I originally thought that Yuanjiang Country was the land that I waited for the warriors of Sanhe Ji to fight in battle to buy back the land with blood. Whoever wants to take our land from us will have to step on our corpses first!
But today, someone actually uttered nonsense in front of His Highness, wanting to give the Yuanjiang Kingdom to the Takeda family, and let me wait for the Sanheji samurai to go back to the Mihe Kingdom in desperation.

Your Highness, do you think it's ridiculous? "

Honda Tadakatsu has a childish face and an ethereal voice, like a young girl.But the words in the words were fierce, but they were as sharp as a knife, and it hurt people's faces.

Honda frowned several times.

"Loyalty and caution, Sakai-sama and Ishikawa-sama didn't mean that."

Honda Tadakatsu glanced at Honda several times and said.

"My lord, although I respect you as an elder, I am the leader of the banner personally appointed by His Highness, and it is my responsibility to speak uprightly in military discussions, please respect my speech!

I don't care what others mean, I am a warrior of Sanheji who is loyal to His Highness, and I will never give up the territory for His Highness, and I will lose face to the people of Sanhe! "

Honda Tadakatsu's righteousness was awe-inspiring, Honda was overshadowed many times, and the two of them exchanged like a pair of reeds. Immediately, Sakai Chuji and Ishikawa Suzuki were grilled on the fire, both of them blushed and were speechless.

Tokugawa Ieyasu couldn't help but praise in his heart, the old and the young in this family, wise and brave, are really the treasures of the Tokugawa family.

Honda is once again Tokugawa Ieyasu's teacher, highly respected and deeply trusted, and has been in charge of the internal affairs of the territory.

If the Tokugawa family really gave up Yuanjiang country, fortified with layers of defenses in their own territory, and retreated step by step, the logistics would collapse after the scorched earth was killed all the way.

Also, the trouble of rebuilding after the war would fall on Bendo's head again, of course she was dissatisfied.

If the Tokugawa family can't beat it, then that's fine.But before the battle is fought, the two flag leaders of East and West Sanhe are going to persuade the lord to withdraw his troops out of selfishness. Isn't this a bastard?

There are also several Mikawa Banner vanguards headed by Honda Tadakatsu, all of whom were promoted by Tokugawa Ieyasu himself. They have always led the elite and suppressed them on the front line.

Tokugawa Ieyasu, the hostage daughter returned to the successor's family governor, she couldn't hold back the veterans of the Matsudaira family, so she chose to promote young people among the warriors of Mikawa Hime and take it for herself.

Compared with the East-West Mikawa Samurai Group, Mihe Banner's new Samurai Group is more intimate with Tokugawa Ieyasu and has a closer relationship of interests.

The territories where they were rewarded with military merit were all new territories laid down by the Tokugawa family, and they were in Yuanjiang Country.The old guys turned their mouths up and down, and they were about to give up the Yuanjiang country. Could Honda Zhongsheng not be popular?
If you say that the overall situation is the most important thing, you will let the old lady lose the territory she gained through hard work and meritorious service. Why!You old bastards don't even have the courage to fight, what kind of shitty Samurai warriors!
After Honda expressed his position with Honda Tadakatsu many times, the atmosphere of the military discussion changed. After Mikawa and Enjiang were unwilling, the important ministers came forward one by one to show their positions against the Takeda family.

In order to prove themselves, Sakai Chuji and Ishikawa Suzuma had to join the battle, and they were unwilling to be the shrinking turtles that Honda Tadakatsu called.

Tokugawa Ieyasu was overjoyed when he saw that the military spirit was available, and he was ready to go hunting with Takeda Shingen and fight a good battle.

(End of this chapter)

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