Chapter 147
When every warrior Ji was born in this cruel world, he was heavily in debt.

A debt is owed to the family that maintains the glory of the industry, a debt is owed to the mother who worked hard to support the family business, and a debt is owed to the general who has rewarded the samurai family for generations.

There are sixty-six countries in the world, and the total stone height is no more than [-] million stones.With a population of [-] million, the Wu family is only a few hundred thousand.

Why the Wu family is born superior to others, why the Wu family can rule all countries, and achieve this Wu family society.

Because of the struggle of the Genji elders for thousands of years, because of the prestige of the pillars of the samurai family who were killed by the mountains of blood and blood.

This kind of reward is the greatest wealth that the shogunate gave to all the samurai.From the moment they were born, all warriors owed a love to the general.

Some people may find it ridiculous, but the formation of human society does not require impeccable logic, but a contract, a contract recognized by everyone.

The cornerstone of samurai society is the shogun, which is a consensus.

Therefore, Iga's feelings towards the shogunate are complicated.They hated the shogunate and loved the general.They expelled the protection, and longed to be protected.

This thousands of years of traditional shackles has enabled Yoshigin to completely subdue the Iga Kingdom's [-] stones with the seven or eight Ji warriors.

It's not how powerful he is, it's just that the Ihe people longed for a long time, longing to return to the big family of the samurai society.

That's why these rebellious and murderous wild warriors are so trembling. Hungry wolves turn into domestic dogs, and they dare not resist.

No matter how much injustice there is in society, as long as there are rules, there will be order.What humans fear most is not injustice, but the insecurity of losing order.

No matter how jaw-dropping Yoshigin plundered Iga's [-] straight collars in one fell swoop, as long as he acts according to the rules, Iga's people will obey him.

In such a dramatic way, the Shiba family became the guardian of Iga who actually received [-] koku and directly received [-] koku.

If the shogunate is undefeated in this battle, in the samurai tradition, Shiba Yoshigin has already revived the Shiba family.

Iga, Shiba Yoshigin is in high spirits.Settsu Akutagawa Castle and Miyoshi Changqing also point to the country.

For this battle, Miyoshi Changqing has accumulated strength for several years.Miyoshi's family is in full swing, but she is walking on thin ice in her heart.

The samurai family ruled the land with the interweaving of blood and force. Each family is like a cherry blossom blooming, gorgeous for a while, and ends in a blink of an eye.

Now there are four sisters working together in the Sanhao family, which is unstoppable.

But Miyoshi Changqing needs to solve the problems that all samurai have been perplexed for a lifetime, what should they do in the future?
The ups and downs of the samurai society are normal, but the premise is that you have to follow the rules.

What are the rules?Lineage and family character are the rules, and rewards for the public are the rules.The Miyoshi family started from the bottom line.

Some people say that the decline of the Tang Dynasty began with the Xuanwumen Incident.Since Li Shimin, every time the emperor of the Tang Dynasty changed, it was rare without bloodshed.

Samurai society is a blood relationship society, in which the gap between the noble family and the servants of the earth is far from the same, and what is even more desperate is that there is no way to change it from generation to generation.

The warriors are very contradictory. They value family blood.But samurai fight for power by force, and they advocate violence the most.

As a result, the stubborn disease of "down over the top" has been formed.

The rise of low-level warriors should have gone up step by step with rewards from the public.But the samurai family rises and falls quickly. If it doesn't rise rapidly when the family is strong, it will decline when it declines.

Therefore, every time a warrior with a low family background expands in strength, he will become ambitious and usurp the territory of a high-ranking warrior.

But these warriors were all short-lived in the end, and were annihilated in history.

Sanhao Changqing is a generation of outstanding people, how can she watch the Sanhao family that she has grown with her own hands go to decline.

Therefore, she fought against all opinions at home.

Miyoshi's family must go to Luo, and Miyoshi's family must become part of the shogunate. If they don't take advantage of the current situation to launch a strong attack, they will surely die without a place to die in the future.

If you are faced with an order that cannot be defeated, then blend in and become a part of it.

She never thought of becoming a general, what she wanted was to continue the family.

Becoming the leader of the shogunate, becoming a member of the shogunate samurai family, let the family lineage of the Miyoshi family be recognized by the general and the shogunate samurai family.

Just thinking about it made her blood boil and her eyes glow.

Akutagawa Castle has turned into a military castle, where Miyoshi Changqing's main army and Miyoshi Yoshiken Awa's army are gathered here.

"Sister, I'm leaving tomorrow, I wish you good fortune."

Miyoshi Yixian came to see Miyoshi Changqing, bowed respectfully and said.

Miyoshi Changqing nodded and said with a smile.

"I also wish you prosperity in martial arts. I am really sorry for your trouble. Collecting supplies at Sakai Port has been of great help."

This time, the Miyoshi family went all out, dispatching more than a hundred reserve troops, all of which were standing troops without peasants and soldiers. There were nearly [-] Guangji warriors and [-] foot light feet.

In addition to the hired Siguo and several other soldiers, Ji Yiguogenlai and Zahezhong, there are five or six thousand Ji warriors.

Among them, Miyoshi Changqing of the North Road is the main force, holding more than half of the army.Miyoshi Yoshiken's partial division also has [-]% of the army.

The remaining Anzhai Dongyasu holds [-]% of the water army to contain Izumi, and the remaining [-]% is under the command of Shihe Yicun on the southern line.

The fifteen thousand Ji warriors alone are already a frightening number.Although the quality is mixed, but the quantity reaches a certain limit, it can scare people to death.

"Sister, although this battle has a lot to do with it, I still want to remind you whether the Sakai Port has dried up."

Among the four sisters, Miyoshi Yoshihide is the leader in internal affairs. Miyoshi Changqing went to battle this time, and tried his best to squeeze the supplies of the entire Miyoshi family's sphere of influence to supply military supplies, which made her worried.

Miyoshi Changqing naturally understood the worry of the second sister, she sighed.

"I have no choice. You know, this battle will affect the future of Miyoshi's family.

The lion fighting the rabbit is also going all out, not to mention the people of the shogunate are still there, if they don't be suppressed by the general trend, they may not be able to break their fighting spirit for a while.

And my family can't afford it, after all, the four countries are not monolithic.The Nagamune family of Tosa will not settle down for too long. "

The Hosokawa family guarded the Shikoku, and although the Miyoshi family emptied the Hosokawa family, the Miyoshi Changqing, who lacked a reputation, could only suppress the rule of the Shikoku by force.

Among them, Sanuki in the west of Shikoku, Awa is relatively safe in the hands of Miyoshi Yoshiken and Juhe Kazukun's two younger sisters.

Of the two countries to the east, the Iyo country is in the hands of the Kono family, and Tosa is in the hands of the Nagamune family.The two families are both old ministers of Hosokawa, and now they surrender to Miyoshi's family because of force, and they dare not make mistakes.

Once the Miyoshi family's military forces leave the four countries for a long time, it is difficult to guarantee that these samurai families will not have other thoughts.

In particular, the Nagamunebu family in Tosa has worked hard to govern since the previous family governor Chomunebu Kokino.Through war and diplomacy, he conquered the other six samurai families of Tosa one by one, and unified Tosa country.

Now, the current governor of Changzong's family, Yuanqin, has begun to infiltrate the south of Iyo, with great ambitions, so the Miyoshi family has to pay attention to their rear.

In case of a near-term battle with the shogunate, the backyard of Shikoku caught fire again, and Changzong's family rose.

That is not a copy of the old story of the Hosokawa clan's struggle with the shogunate, which led to the rise of the Miyoshi family.The Miyoshi family cares about their heads and disregards their backs, so they must not be laughed at by the Wu family.

Therefore, Miyoshi Changqing had to do his best, hoping to quickly defeat the shogunate army, and return the army to deter the four countries.

There are many mobilized troops, and the consumption of armaments and supplies is naturally huge.

Even Miyoshi, who owns a territory of millions of stones and controls the tax revenue of the Seto Inland Sea trade route and Sakai Port, is overwhelmed and has to squeeze Sakai Port merchants to raise military funds.

Miyoshi Yoshin also understood this truth and shook his head helplessly.

"Sister, don't worry, I will try my best to open up the situation in Danbo."

Miyoshi Changqing nodded and gave some words of encouragement, but he didn't think so in his heart.

Miyoshi Yoshiken and Antaka Toyasu just restrained Tanba and Izumi, but the one who was really given high hopes by her was Juhe Yicun from Kinokuni.

She has ordered Juhe Yisun to take Yamato and defeat Tsutsui's family and quickly insert into Kyoto, and even sent people to go to Iga to see if they can instigate the Iga people to revolt.

Last time the shogunate army had already learned their lesson, this time she didn't want to fight the protracted cage city battle again.

Ashikaga Yoshiki's army is weak, as long as he can contain the main force of the shogunate.With the bravery of ten rivers and one existence, Yamato can be quickly opened up and Kyoto can be captured.

At that time, General Ashikaga will not bow his head.

She thought about it and laughed.

This battle is safe.

(End of this chapter)

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