different warring states of japan

Chapter 1473 If Life Is Just Like First Seen

Hashiba Hideyoshi pondered.

"Horixiu Village, who opened the way for the army to enter North Omi Xiancheng, got [-] stones from Sakata County.

Aguan Zhenzheng, who assisted in the attack of the Asai family, obtained [-] shi from Ika County, and Masahiro Isono obtained [-] shi from Takashima County.

It seems that most of the thirty-five stones of Beijinjiang were awarded to me and Asai's surrender by the main hall, which is really strange. "

Takenaka Shigeharu laughed.

"It's not surprising, because the hall can't do anything about it.

Think about it, the Omi Kingdom has more than [-] koku, and the Echizen Kingdom has more than [-] koku. The Oda family expanded too fast, and in a blink of an eye, they gained nearly a million koku.

Of course, the more land the better, no one would think less, but even if it is as strong as the main hall, it can no longer control such a large territory.

Northern Ise has always been in Nagashima, the scandal of Nanyise Beibata Xinbao's unsuccessful murder of the former family governor, and the successive rebellions of Minami Omi have already made the hall understand the limit of its control.

After all, the Oda family was only a daimyo from Shimoowari's four counties, and the family of retainers had a limited foundation.

The main hall's heart is too big, she wants to annex the world, but those old people in the Oda retainer group really can't support her ambition, and it has become a drag.

If you want to sweep the world, you can only rely on the power of the heroes and heroines in the world, and it is impossible to accomplish this great feat by relying on the samurai family in Owari alone.

The main hall has already understood and changed its attitude. In the future, it will definitely focus on managing the Nobi Plains of Owari Mino and the two countries as the foundation, and guide the outer conquests.

You are optimistic, Mr. Niwa Chohide, Mr. Shibata Katsuie, and other important officials of the Oda family will be gradually entrusted, leave the Nobi Plain, and become the vanguard of the Oda family to conquer the world.

The main hall will soon move to the new Azuchi Castle, where it will control the Kyoto Shogunate nearby, and complete the political establishment of Oda Gongyi. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi narrowed his eyes and thought for a while, then said.

"You mean, the hall wants us to fight the world for her, and she herself is deployed by the nearby central warlords to strictly guard the foundation?"

Shigeharu Takenaka nodded.

"The Oda family is already big enough, and the main hall doesn't have the energy to take care of everything.

As long as she firmly grasps the million-stone foundation of the Nongwei Plain, sits in the nearby centers and issues orders, it will be enough to drive Zhu Ji to serve her.

As for the generals who fight in all directions, they can completely let the concubines under their command do it boldly.If you do well, you will be rewarded, and if you do poorly, you will be punished. As long as the rewards and punishments are clear, no one will worry about anyone's life for the Oda family.

The current foundation of the Oda family is strong enough to afford to lose. As long as the main hall is willing to delegate power, there will always be elites who will stand out and expand the territory for the Oda family.

You are the example set up by the hall to let everyone see that as long as you are willing to open up the territory for the Oda family with your heart, the hall will generously reward you with a place of knowledge and practice of [-] shi.

But if the battle is unfavorable and the Oda family loses face, the hall will mercilessly withdraw the reward.She has millions of Shi Nongwei Plains in her hands, and she manipulates the concubines with rewards and justice. Who can resist?
If the expansion continues according to the previous method, with so many new leaders in Kita Omi and Echizen Kingdom, how much care will the hall have to worry about, and how many lazy ladies from the Oda family will have to be raised.

In Zhitian's family, there are not a few warriors like Lin Xiuzhen who live in peace and only think about Xiao Fu Ze's peace every day. The hall does not allow them to hinder their world ambitions.

Therefore, not only Kita Omi will be entrusted to the meritorious ministers who surrendered, but those surrendered ministers from the Echizen Kingdom should also be treated favorably and reused by the hall.

There is a cloud in the sky, and there must be brave women under heavy rewards, and the hall does have the courage to accommodate all rivers. "

Yu Chai thought about it carefully, nodded and said.

"You're right, but the hall doesn't really trust those surrenders, and must let the trustworthy people occupy the absolute advantage and suppress the place.

That's why I was granted the title of [-] stones in Beijinjiang, and my strength is steadily suppressing Beijinjiang's surrender.The same is true for the Echizen Kingdom, but they don't know who the hall will send to control the surrender. "

Takenaka Shigeharu bowed slightly.

"Your Majesty is wise."

Hashiba Hideyoshi patted his head and said.

"Don't call me a master, it makes me flustered, I always feel like I'm dreaming, it's not real enough."

Takenaka Shigeharu laughed.

"You are now a samurai daimyo with [-] shi. There are not many people in the world who are more noble than you. If you don't call him your highness, you will make outsiders laugh and think that Yuchai's family has no laws."

Hashiba Hideyoshi shook his head helplessly on the face, but secretly pleased in his heart.

She came from a humble background, and she had deep inferiority complex in her heart.Now the prominent status of being a famous martial artist of [-] shi is really like a dream.

I just don't know how beautiful this dream can last. Takenaka Shigeharu said that there are not many people who are more noble than her in this world, but the man she admires is just the most noble person in the world.

To get what he wanted, Hashiba Hideyoshi knew he still had a long way to go.

She thought about it and said.

"The main hall rewarded me with [-] stones around Xiaogu City. I want to demolish Xiaogu City and build a new city with the demolished wood and stone, and use it as my residence."

Shigeharu Takenaka asked.

"Are you worried that the samurai near Xiaogu City are harboring evil intentions?"

Hashiba Hideyoshi nodded.

"After all, the Asai family has been operating in Kita Omi for three generations, and it has a far-reaching influence in the area around Otani Castle.

This time the Asai family was destroyed, I contributed the most. Who knows how many people who miss the kindness of the Asai family hate me behind my back.

Living in Xiaogu City, I can't sleep at ease, so I might as well find another place to build a new city. "

Takenaka Shigeharu laughed.

"My lord is right, Xiaogucheng is really not suitable for a lady not to stand under the dangerous wall."

The two were discussing about selecting a site for the new town, Hashiba Hideyoshi asked with a smile seeing that Hashiba Hidecho remained silent.

"Why doesn't Xiuchang speak, you also come to give me some advice."

Hashiba Hideo said with a long smile.

"Master Takenaka is ten times smarter than me, so I don't have the nerve to make a fool of myself. However, there is one thing I would like to ask for your permission."

Hashiba Hideyoshi smiled and looked at Hashiba Hidecho. This younger sister can be regarded as her most caring relative, and she is also safe in doing things, which can make her feel at ease.

"What's the matter?"

Hashiba Hideo said with a long smile.

"It's not a big deal, but I'm worried that if I agree casually, I don't know if it will cause you trouble in the future, so I still want you to check it out for me."

Hashiba Hideyoshi laughed.

"You, just be careful. Tell me, what's the matter?"

Hashiba Hidecho said solemnly.

"Do you know the Ji samurai Fujido Takatora?"

Hashiba Hideyoshi's face straightened.

"Todo Takatora? That Todou Takatora who went to Shiba's house and joined Asai's house?"

Hashiba Hideyoshi knew Todo Takatora. Back then, she was sent by Oda Nobunaga to buy iron cannons in recent days. She happened to meet Shiba Yoshiyin who returned to Kyoto after the Norada war.

At that time, Todo Takatora served around Shibo Yoshiyin and was one of Shibo Yoshiyin's earliest followers.

But for some reason, this man was deceived by the lard, so he turned his back on the dark, ran away from Shiba's house, and joined the Asai family's Isono member Masahiro.

At this moment, the Shiba family is still a famous family in the world, but the Asai family was crushed by Oda Nobunaga, and even the heads of the two generations of family governors were made into gold cups.

Hashiba Hideaga smiled and said.

"You know, I've been dealing with the Kita Omi family, trying my best to bring them over to the Hashiba family.

I have seen this Todo Takatora a few times, and he is indeed an excellent Ji warrior.It's just that Isano Yuanchang has always been indifferent to her, so life is not very satisfactory. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi laughed.

"It's no wonder Masahiro Isano, after all, she once fought side by side with Jindadian, so she always has to worry about Jindadian's face."

The leader of Omi Todo was originally the bridgehead of the Shiba family in the central part of Omi. The former governor Todo Toraka was a powerful figure with considerable prestige in Kita Omi.

Because of her background of the Shiba family, she was pushed out by the samurai family of the three counties of Kita Omi as a shield to prevent the Asai family from collecting food and food for the three counties, leaving Asai Nagamasa only a nominal lord.

Oda Nobunaga took a fancy to this, and asked the Koga people who had returned to the Oda family to assassinate him, and helped Asai Nagamasa remove the nail of Todo Toraka.

With the help of the Oda family, Asai Nagamasa actually swallowed up the Shinsan County, but because of the assassination of Fujido Toraka, his relationship with Shiba Yoshiyin was alienated.

You must know that since the battle of Norada, the Shiba family and the Asai family have been old comrades-in-arms who had a life-long friendship, and the two sides have always maintained friendly cooperation.

But since Fujido Toraka was killed, there has been a rift between Shiba Yoshigin and Asai Nagamasa, and it is difficult for the two families to continue to get close.

Asai Nagamasa has a crush on Shiba Yoshigin, she has never confessed to Shiba Yoshigin, and Shiba Yoshihiro naturally doesn't care, he has too many girls in his heart, and he can't think of Asai Nagamasa.

From a political and military point of view, the Asai family, which cooperated with the Oda family after abandoning the Shiba family, is no longer worthy of Shiba Yoshiyin's trust.

Between the two Shiba Asais, only the Hokuriku Road trade route remained.

Therefore, after the Asai and Oda families broke up, Shiba Yoshigin also mediated from the perspective of political interests.

If we talk about the friendship between Shiba Asai and his family, it would be a passing day, it would be too hypocritical, and it is not worth Shiba Yoshigin's action because of it.

This is also the reason why Asai Nagamasa had been asking the Asakura family for reinforcements from beginning to end after he was in trouble, but he never thought of asking Shiba Yoshiyin for help.

One is that she cut off her friendship with Shiba's family, and she has no face to ask Shiba Yoshihiro for help; two, her self-esteem also makes it difficult for her to speak, and let the man she admires see her embarrassment.

Not to mention Asai Nagamasa who has died, but only to say that the Todo collar after Todo Toraka's death was inherited by Todo Takataka.

This girl's success young man is very impulsive and ignorant, so he angered Shiba Yoshihiro and chose to leave Shiba's house.

You must know that the Todo leader was sent into the territory by the Todo members to join the Shibo family on their own initiative, and now he left without authorization, which is tantamount to rebellion.

Although Shiba Yoshiyin was unable to expose the truth about Oda Nobunaga's assassination of Todo Toraka due to political needs, he felt guilty about Todo Takataka, so he didn't bother with her.

But Masahiro Isono was unwilling to risk offending Shiba Yoshigin to reuse her for this reckless Todo Takatora.

Therefore, no matter how Todo Takatora behaved, he would still wink at the blind man, but Isino Masaru would not accept it.

When the Asai family was defeated, Masahiro Isano was sent to Takashima County on the west bank of Lake Biwa by Oda Nobunaga, and Fujido in Inugami County on the east bank of Lake Biwa had to find his own way out again.

Obviously, this time Todo Takatora approached Hashiba Hidecho, and Hashiba Hidecho had some scruples about this.

Like Masahiro Isano, she was worried that if she accepted Todo Takatora, she would hate Shiba Yoshiyin and cause trouble for her sister Hashiba Hideyoshi, so she asked her sister for instructions first.

Hashiba Hideyoshi asked.

"Since you came to ask me, it seems that you really want to reuse this Todo Takatora?"

Hashiba Hidecho replied in embarrassment.

"Sister, you also know that I don't have a good reputation in martial arts, and I don't have any powerful Ji warriors under my command. It's rare to meet an excellent martial artist, and I'm really moved."

Hashiba Hideyoshi was sad.

Hashiba Hidecho said implicitly, she is not well-known in the martial arts, but because of her humble background, the serious Ji warriors look down on the lintel of Hashiba's family.

The younger sister was sympathetic to her elder sister's feelings and said it euphemistically, but Hashiba Hideyoshi understood it all at once.

Fortunately, today's Hashiba Hideyoshi is already a famous name of [-] shi. Naturally, Hashiba Hideyoshi has risen with the tide, and his status is not ordinary.

Hashiba Hideyoshi naturally felt sorry for this sensible sister, she smiled.

"If you want to accept it, accept it, it's okay."

Hashiba Hideyoshi is not Masaru Isano and Hidecho Hashiba, she knows Shiba Yoshiyin very well.This gentleman of benevolence and righteousness really doesn't hold grudges against Todo Takatora's departure, so don't worry too much.

And Hashiba Hidecho's subordinates really need the help of a powerful samurai, and Todo Takatora is not bad, so it can be regarded as a good help.

Hashiba Hideo said with a long smile.

"With my sister's words, I feel relieved."


The Hashiba sisters were very excited about Oda Nobunaga's reward, and at this time, Shiba Yoshigin, who was far away in the mountain city of Yamato, also received a last letter from Asai Nagamasa.

There was no text in the letter, but a handsome young warrior was drawn with pen and ink, sitting in front of a severed horse seal with a sword in his hand.

Yiyin recalled that when Ye Liangtian joined forces, he used fifty-nine horses to break through Liujiao Yixian's main formation and cut off her horse seal.

As for Nagamasa Asai who came over later, the scene where she saw herself was very similar to the painting on this paper.

With just a few strokes, the characters come to life on the paper. Obviously, this scene has been deeply imprinted in Asai Nagamasa's heart and has never been forgotten.

Yiyin looked at Warrior Ji who had delivered the letter and asked.

"His Highness Asai is asking me for help?"

Warrior Naji shook his head.

"When I left the city through the secret road, the Oda army had already invaded Honmaru, and my highness had already had seppuku."

"Well, you go down first."

Thinking of the young girl Ji Wushi who once fought side by side with him, and her vague affection for him, Yiyin was a little dazed.

Back then when Shiba Oda Asai's family joined forces with Shangluo, the city lord forced a farce in order to meet Yiyin.Since then, Yoshigin has vaguely understood Asai Nagamasa's intentions.

But Jun is a monk, Ji is married, and the city is making a fuss, of course Yiyin will not provoke a married woman, just to make trouble for himself.

And Asai Nagamasa didn't send out this painting until the moment he died in battle, and sent it to his case.She never thought of letting herself save her, but chose to reveal her love to herself before she died.

Looking at the painting in front of him, Yoshihiro couldn't help sighing as he thought of Nagamasa Asai's carelessness and pretending to care about him all these years.

Ashikaga Yoshiki is like this, and Asai Nagamasa is like this too, what is so good about me, it is worth them not forgetting to care about them when they die.

Yiyin was in a daze when Gamo Clan came in from the outside, bowing and saluting.

"what's up?"

"Your Majesty, that warrior Ji who went out just now had her seppuku in the court."

Yiyin's hands holding the letter trembled, but he didn't look up.

"This is a loyal man, and he will be buried with honor."


After Pusheng's village left, Yiyin shook his head lightly and said in a low voice.

"Why don't you ask me for help?
If you really open your mouth, I should help you. The family business may not be guaranteed, but at least your life can be preserved.

You know, I've never been a qualified samurai daimyo, I'm always soft-hearted, and I can't be ruthless. "

Yiyin didn't know what he was talking about to this letter, his mind was in a mess.

Because he knew that his heart was much harder than before.Perhaps, if Asai Nagamasa really asked him for help, he would be ruthlessly ignored.

Taking a last look at the painting, Yiyin put the letter paper on top of the candle.The paper fire and the candlelight matched each other, and gradually turned into ashes, and the ashes flew into the air.

Yiyin stared blankly at the boy in the painting slowly disappearing in the fire, until the flames burned his fingers, he subconsciously let go of his hand.


If life is just like first sight, why is Qiu Feng sadly painting a fan.

Soon, the head of Asai Nagamasa was made into a gold cup by Oda Nobunaga, which was used to show off his martial arts at the celebration banquet, and it spread all over the world.

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