different warring states of japan

Chapter 1475 The mother who paves the way for women

Where did Kosaka Masanobu go?What is the confidence behind Takeda Shingen's daring to be tough?
You know, even if the Suruga people were used as an example to scare the retainers, Takeda Shingen still needs to give an explanation to the Kai people.

Today's Takeda family is besieged on all sides, surrounded by powerful enemies, there must always be a way out.

It is true that Yamagata Masamune and Baba Nobuharu are trusted aides of Takeda Shingen, but they are also the leaders of the genealogy group and the banner group, and they have the interests of their own samurai group to protect behind them.

They helped Takeda Shingen to make such a fierce reaction when Takeda Shingen was in the most difficult time, they must believe that Takeda Shingen could get through this test.

So, what did Takeda Shingen use to convince them?
When Takeda Shingen started killing at Sunpu Castle, Kosaka Masanobu had already passed the sea route and was about to enter the port of Minami Ise.

Back then, Takeda Nobutora helped Takeda Shingen recruit Keilong Obama, the leader of the Shima pirates.This time, it was Obama who brought Masanobu Kosaka to Minamiise.

This sea area is the hometown of Xiao Binjing, and the journey is easy and fast.


Masanobu Kosaka glanced at Tianhai who was holding on to the side of the boat and vomiting, and couldn't help sighing.

"Master Tianhai, your physique is not as good as a child's."

Takeda Rena, who was carefully hugged by Masanobu Kosaka, was looking at Master Tianhai who was vomiting in embarrassment and was curious. She didn't understand what seasickness was and what this nun was doing.

Tianhai vomited and vomited, his throat was burned by the acid in his stomach, and the last thing he vomited was acid water, before he recovered, and fell on the board of the boat weakly, lamenting.

"I don't have the talent of my little highness, I dare not compare with her, but it's not bad to vomit to death like this, at least I don't have to worry about it anymore."

Kosaka Masanobu smiled slightly.

"Master, don't worry, even if you die on the way, I will take your body to Duowen Mountain City and hand it over to Jin Duodian for disposal."

Tianhai was lying on the deck of the boat, without the slightest image of Dao Gaoni, looking up to the sky and smiling sadly.

"His Highness Takeda is really a ruthless person, I will not escape this disaster after all."

Kosaka Masanobu glanced at her, shook his head slightly, and said nothing.

Back then in Yantian City, it was Takeda Shingen and Kosaka Masanobu who committed the evil together, and this Amami who was forced by Takeda Shingen to participate once.

This time, Takeda Shingen asked Kosaka Masanobu to go to Duomen Mountain Castle, and Kosaka Masanobu knew that he would die on this trip.

But apart from Kosaka Masanobu, Takeda Shingen was not at all worried about handing Takeda Rena to others, she couldn't trust others.

No one knows how Shiba Yoshigin will react to Kosaka Masanobu taking Takeda Rena to meet Amami.

Takeda Rena will be fine, but that doesn't mean Shiba Yoshigin will let go of Kosaka Masanobu and Amami who have humiliated him.

Kosaka Masanobu had to come because of Takeda Shingen's child.Master Tenkai is the abandoned son thrown by Takeda Shingen, giving Shiba Yoshigin a channel to vent his anger.

Takeda Shingen and Kosaka Masanobu don't know that Amami is actually Ashikaga Yoshiki's half-sister, and she has the blood of General Ashikaga's family on her body.

What they didn't even know was that the time in Yantian City was not the first time between Sibo Yiyin and Tianhai.

At this moment, Tianhai could only lament the karma in his heart. After all these years of running around in circles, he ran to Kanto in recent days, and hid in the Jiafei Mountains for so long, he still couldn't escape this karma after all.

She is also relieved, this is fate, she can die at the hands of Yoshihiko Shiba, she is not wronged.

Kosaka Masanobu is willing to take a narrow escape journey for Takeda Shingen, and there is even a trace of longing in his heart, looking forward to seeing that former boy again.

Both he and she are the ones he loves, and if he can hand over his and her children to him, even if he dies for this, Kosaka Masanobu will have no regrets.

But Takeda Shingen doesn't seem to think so.

Kosaka Masanobu didn't know where Takeda Shingen's confidence came from. She always felt that Takeda Shingen, who was besieged by various forces after the failure of Shangluo, was more like winning the world and was very happy.

Looking back in the direction of Suruga country, Masao Takasaka knew with confidence that Takeda Shingen should have raised his butcher knife against the Suruga people and forcibly suppressed the voices of dissatisfaction in Takeda's family.

Takeda Shingen devoted all his energy to conquering the territory of the Three Kingdoms, and the road of the Takeda Legion killing all directions and conquering cities and lands has come to an end.

What Takeda Shingen is doing is nothing more than eliminating dissidents, unifying the mind, and turning the core territory into a stubborn rock that will break teeth if anyone bites it.

The most easily shaken Suruga congregation was abandoned first, and if the Shinano congregation became unstable, Takeda Shingen would not hesitate to suppress it bloodily.

Even if it is the warrior Ji within the Kai group, whoever dares to jump out and make trouble will surely die.

Strong fortresses are often breached from the inside. Takeda Shingen is ready to defend the Koshin Mountains and form a group of hedgehogs to stab people. Takeda's retainers are either obedient or die.

And the reason why Takeda Shingen dared to go this way was in the arms of Kosaka Masanobu.

Takeda Rena, the daughter of Shiba Yoshigin's blood, is the reason why Takeda Shingen persuaded Baba Nobuharu and Yamagata Masakei, the powerful military leaders.

From then on, the battlefield is not on the road of conquest, but on the court.

Takeda Rena is the only heir of Shiba Yoshigin and the eldest daughter and grandson of the Shiba Zong family.As long as Yoshihiro Shiba is willing to recognize this daughter, the Takeda family will not lose, and may even win more.

Kosaka Masanobu recalled the last night when he left Suruga, and Takeda Shingen hugged Takeda Rena all day long, refusing to let go.

Every time Takeda Rena wanted to get off the ground, Takeda Shingen would hug her tighter.

"Reina doesn't like mother?"


"Rena won't forget mom, will she?"

"Heh, ha."

Takeda Shingen teased his daughter with his hands, but there were tears in his eyes.

By the time summer comes, Rena will be three years old. How Takeda Shingen is willing to let go of the child and travel far away after spending three years together day and night is a piece of flesh that has fallen from her body.

Rena Takeda left here, the mother and daughter don't know when they will meet again, and how many of them have memories of three years ago?Takeda Shingen will disappear forever in Rena's life and memories.

Takeda Shingen was unwilling, but there was nothing he could do.The collapse of the Takeda family is imminent, and it is not safe for Takeda Reina to stay in Kai, so the best choice is to send her to Shiba Yoshigin's side.

Xiao Ze, Shibo Yoshihiro is lonely, and he will love this unexpected daughter, even if the daughter's birth is not what he wanted.

In general, the stubborn rock of Kai Takeda's family needs Takeda Rena's key to unlock it, otherwise it will always be an unstable factor lying there.

The two countries of Shinano and Kai are connected at one end to Echigo and the other to Suruga. Takeda Shingen has been operating here for many years. If she is not convinced, the Tokaido and Hokuriku roads on both sides of the island country will not be able to think about peace.

This is the political wealth she left to Takeda Rena.

As long as Takeda Shingen can hold on to the Koshin Mountains, Shiba Yoshino must ensure Takeda Rena's future, both public and private.

Takeda Shingen doesn't care about her own future, she is ruthless towards the rebellious Takeda family, just for her daughter to have a better future.

Until this time, Takeda Shingen didn't know that Terutora Uesugi was pregnant.Otherwise, her maternal love to protect the calf will be aroused, and she will be more ruthless, and the hostile forces inside and outside Takeda will pay a greater price.


Takeda Shingen failed to go to Luo, and resolutely chose to pave the way for his daughter. For this reason, he did not hesitate to kill and stabilize the basic situation of the Takeda family.

At this time, Oda Nobunaga, who had killed Asai Asakura's family, also returned to Azuchi Castle to start a new plan.

Although Gifu City is good, Mino Country is too far away from Kyoto, which is not conducive to controlling the nearest center of the world.

As early as after Oda Nobunaga captured Minami Omi Kannonji Castle, he ordered the demolition of Kannonji Castle and built a new city in Azuchi Village not far away so that he could guard Nanomi Jiang's transportation hub in the future.

Hashiba Hideyoshi was inspired by Oda Nobunaga when he thought of demolishing Otani Castle and building her own new residence in Kita Omi.

Azuchi Castle has now been built. After Oda Nobunaga celebrated his victory in Gifu Castle, he moved his residence and officially moved into Azuchi Castle to control the situation in Kyoto.

Just as Takenaka Shigeharu expected, Oda Nobunaga has learned from the pain after experiencing the embarrassment of Nobunaga's siege network, and is determined to outsource military tasks and personally control the core territory and central politics.

Hashiba Hideyoshi was entrusted to Kita Omi, and then Azuchi Castle reported that Shibata Katsuie was going to Echizen Kingdom, and Sakuma Nobumori led troops to Kita Ise Nagashima to destroy Ichikoi.

In Oda Nobunaga's conception, the Nobi Plains of Owari Mino and Ryogoku will be the core territory in her hands and the ballast stone to stabilize the family business.

Minamise Kitabata letter pack, Kita Omi Hashiba Hideyoshi, Echizen Shibata Katsuie, and Sakuma Nobumori will also stay in Minamiise after the Kitaise suppression.

The important ministers of the Oda family will be slowly moved out of the Owari Mino Ryogoku, enrich the new leaders of the Oda family, form a front army, and expand in all directions.

Done, the territory continues to move out.If you do a bad job, you will be punished heavily and deprived of rewards.Give and take, all in the mind of Oda Nobunaga.

With a reward in one hand and a big stick in the other, the Oda retainer group has become a hungry wolf under the command of Oda Nobunaga who will never be full.

Oda Nobunaga thinks beautifully, but her samurai are not stupid either.

After confirming Oda Nobunaga's intentions, the old samurai family of Owari began to purchase the Shiba family's real estate in a big way, and the premium was so high that Takada Yono was dumbfounded.

Not only the real estate of Shiba Ling, but also the stocks of the Hokuriku Road trade route, and the food stamps printed by Shiba's family. Anyway, they bought whatever was on the market.

The Owari old samurai is like a homeless woman who has been hungry for three days and three nights, completely disregarding the cost performance, desperately snapping up all kinds of Spo assets.

Under the madness of the old Owari samurai, Maeda Toshiie from Mino Country also encouraged many Mino samurai to join the ranks of investing in Siba assets.

Behind the fact that the Owari Mino samurai bought assets at a high premium regardless of cost performance was the growing sense of uneasiness among the two samurai families.

Oda Nobunaga reformed the centralization of power, and the power in his hands far surpassed the restrictive ability of the retainers. Lin Xiuzhen and Ando Shoujiu's previous mistakes made all Owari Mino samurai have to consider the future.

Fighting with Oda Nobunaga, if he wins, the territory he has operated for many years will be resealed, and he will continue to fight in a strange place.

Even if Oda Nobunaga was generous and gave more stone heights to the new territory, what's the point?As long as he loses one day, Oda Nobunaga will deprive him of the territory if he turns his face.

That was not an old territory run by several generations. The local samurai had a deep relationship with the lord's interests. The people in the new territory would not be of one mind with the lord, and it would be difficult to cause a rebellion if they wanted to.

That being the case, why don't you buy more real estate in Shiba Ling, stocks in Hokuriku, and food stamps from Shiba's family, so that you can at least leave some money for your family.

One day I will be disgusted and abandoned by Oda Nobunaga, at least I can go to Siboling to be an apartment, so that the whole family will not starve to death.

When the entire group of Oda's vassals were thinking this way, the wave of panic buying that Yono Takada hadn't expected came surging.

The three new economic policies designed by Yono Takada for the Shiba family were revitalized by local tyrants from Owari Mino in an instant, and the worries about the stagnation of the economic development of the Hokuriku Road commercial road collapsed in an instant.

Oda Nobunaga overthrew the entire Higashi Kinji, and the Oda Army robbed the north and south of Omi and Mount Hiei, but in the end, a large part of the wealth unexpectedly went to the Shiba family inexplicably.

Life is really a wonderful journey.


Azuchi Castle, Castle Tower.

Oda Nobunaga is in a very good mood recently, and everything goes smoothly.

Sakuma Nobumori retreated arbitrarily in the trikahara battle. Although this was not ordered by Oda Nobunaga, it was in line with Oda Nobunaga's wishes.

Tokugawa Ieyasu defeated Mikatahara miserably, and rumors of feces and urine spread everywhere, which severely discredited the master of Matsudaira ZTE and greatly damaged his prestige.

Toe Ichikuni was beaten to pieces by the Takeda Army, and the vitality accumulated by Tokugawa Ieyasu's business for several years was almost emptied.

Takeda Shingen was also unable to continue going to Luo, and Uesugi Hojo stabbed her hard behind her back, forcing her to go back to her own territory to fight the fire.

Oda Nobunaga's external troubles and internal troubles were almost wiped out, and he began to concentrate on thinking about how to exile Ashikaga Yoshiaki of Nijo Castle, so that he, the elder of the Taira family, could further become a pillar of the samurai family.

Her only displeasure came from a piece of information from Jiahezhong.

While Takeda Shingen was retreating from the Suruga Kingdom, he sent Kosaka Masanobu to take his heir to Nanyise by boat, and entered the Yamato Kingdom by way.

Oda Nobunaga remembered that before Takeda Shingen became a monk, he seemed to have adopted an abandoned baby as a foster daughter.

Thinking of this, Oda Nobunaga couldn't help sneering.

This Takeda Shingen is really cunning. He adopted a baby girl of unknown origin as an adopted daughter, established him as the heir, and then threw him as a hostage in recent days. He wanted to use this to gain room for maneuver for the Takeda family?

If Takeda Shingen wanted to bow his head to the Oda family, the child would naturally be sent to Azuchi Castle to beg for his forgiveness.But she secretly sent the child to Japan and took a detour to Yamato Kingdom.

Takeda Shingen wants to send his child to Beijing?Impossible, of course that trash in Nijo Castle would not be Takeda Shingen's choice.

Then there is only one possibility, Takeda Shingen wants to send the child to Tamonyama Castle and hand it over to Shiba Yoshigin.

Kai Takeda's family is a well-known Genji family in Hanoi, Shiba Yoshigin is the elder of Genji, and Takeda Shingen's act of entrusting his daughter is not considered rude by Meng Lang.

This Takeda Shingen is really wicked, and wants to find a way out for the Takeda family through Shiba Yoshikin's operation.

After all, Shiba Yoshigin must have been very annoyed by the unreasonable commotion in the Kanto Chamber this time and the sending of troops to attack the Takeda leader.

Oda Nobunaga secretly laughed.

Yoshihiro Shiba couldn't control the Kanto servant, and Shingen Takeda wanted to use a child he picked up to pass the level, how could it be so easy?
Even if Takeda Shingen asks for mercy, he has to send the child to Azuchi Castle to beg for mercy from me, Oda Nobunaga.

Therefore, Oda Nobunaga summoned Akechi Mitsuhide, who was in Kyoto, to Azuchi Castle for questioning.

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