different warring states of japan

Chapter 1493 Becoming a God Needs an Advocate

Chapter 1493 Becoming a God Needs an Advocate
Akechi Mitsuhide was also surprised, Yiyin seemed to be hesitating just now, why did he immediately make up his mind after the urgent letter, what did the urgent letter say?
Yi Yin saw Akechi Mitsuhide's doubts and sighed.

"In early summer, His Highness Uesugi picked up a baby girl in Kasuga Mountain City, adopted her as an adopted daughter, named Uesugi Miyuki, made her heir, and decided to become a monk and take the name Kenshin."

His mind was as deep as Akechi Mitsuhide, and he couldn't help but groan.

"Your Highness Uesugi's handling of this matter is too rough, right?"

Yiyin smiled wryly.

"She doesn't care, she just wants to show it to me."

Both Yoshigin and Akechi Mitsuhide knew that the baby girl picked up must be Uesugi Kenshin's own, and Uesugi Kenshin repeated Takeda Shingen's routine for fear that others would not understand.

Zhizhi Guangxiu couldn't help looking at Yiyin with resentment, no wonder the king suddenly made up his mind to follow the way of God.

Takeda Uesugi's two powerful feudal vassals both got the blood of the emperor, and it was even more difficult for Shiba's family to be peaceful. Those admirers probably had red eyes.

Tang monk meat at home is cheaper than goblins outside. Whether it is eaten raw or skinned alive, the mentality of the important ministers will be further disturbed, and the king is probably very panicked.

Yiyin was stared at by Akechi Mitsuhide's gloomy eyes, and he was indeed a little weak, he explained.

"I can't ignore the stability of Echigo's duopoly, and I have to make some physical sacrifices to win His Highness Uesugi."

It's hard for Yoshihiro to say, he didn't realize that the acquisition of his blood by a foreign domain would cause political turmoil, so he wanted to use his children to tie Uesugi Kenshin's heart.

Now, he has already suffered from the matter of Rena Takeda, and he has been warned by Mitsuhide Akechi, so he naturally understands that he took the problem too superficially.

But what's the use of regretting now?

The appearance of Takeda Rena and Uesugi Miyuki will inevitably make the inner and outer samurai covet Yoshigin even more. To stabilize his position, Yoshigin can only bite the bullet and choose the Shinto that Akechi Mitsuhide said.

He coughed and said.

"What do you think, Mitsuhide, about the specific plan for walking the Shinto?"

Yiyin changed the subject in embarrassment, and Akechi Mitsuhide couldn't continue to be hypocritical.The wood is done, the rice is ready to cook, so what problem can resentment solve at this moment?

Akechi Mitsuhide sighed and said.

"Since your majesty has made up his mind, I must help you succeed.

For thousands of years, the island country has been ruled by the emperor who is known as the line of eternal life.The emperor claims to be the heir of the Rizhao Great God, and he regards himself as the god of the world, so he controls the mortals with the godhead.

When the Kamakura shogunate collapsed, the Ashikaga Takashi raised troops to fight for the world. She started her family in Kanto, but fled in defeat and fled alone in Kyushu.

Relying on the identity of Hanoi Genji's descendant, and the suppression and humiliation of the samurai group by the emperor's court, Ashikaga Takaji was able to gather the imperial family of Kyushu Western Kingdom, and Shangluo became the hegemony of the shogunate.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Ashikaga Shogunate, the strength of the shogun's family was weak. It was not until the third generation of shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu established the authority of the shogunate with extraordinary means that the Ashikaga Shogun was able to live up to its name.

It is also Ashikaga Yoshimitsu who has power over the court. At the peak of his power, he slaughtered the emperor's court and removed the biggest hidden danger for the Ashikaga shogunate. "

Yi Yin nodded.

The Shiba family is the highest-ranking nobleman in the shogunate, and he is of course familiar with the history of the Ashikaga shogunate.Ashikaga Takashi's ability is not strong, she was able to seize the world and establish the shogunate, all thanks to her peers.

Before the establishment of the Kamakura shogunate, although the samurai group had already occupied most of the island country's land, but Ji samurai was the lackey of the emperor's court, and the ownership of the land estate was still in the hands of the emperor.

Originally, the Heira family, who was born in the Ise Heira family, had already defeated the Hanoi Genji, and could become the pillar of the Wu family and the representative of the Wu family.

But the Heike family chose to betray the samurai class, and instead pursued the family's official position.The Hera family's oppression of the Samurai group was even more cruel than the emperor's ministers, and those who arrogantly declared that they were not the Hera family were definitely not human.

Completely disappointed with the Heike family, the angry Bando Hime samurai rallied around Gen Yoritomo, the orphan of the descendant of the Genji family in Hanoi, and wiped out the Heike family in the Genpei battle.

Minamoto Yoritomo has a clearer political mind than the Heike family.

She tried her best to win over the samurai group, and obtained the title of general who conquered barbarians from the emperor's court.

Doing so not only established the Wu family group's ownership of the land, but also reassured Ji warriors.It even links the status of Ji warriors occupying the land with the Kamakura shogunate.

Since then, offering rewards to the public has become the core value of the warrior family, and the rights and obligations that Ji warriors regard as treasures are traded equally.

Furthermore, Minamoto Yoritomo established the imperial family system, allowing powerful imperial family loyal to the Kamakura shogunate to participate in decision-making through evaluation, and the shogunate regime became a stage for the samurai nobles to rule the world together.

Since then, the first samurai regime has gained a firm foothold politically.If it weren't for the Mongolian invasion and the economic collapse of the Kamakura shogunate, perhaps the imperial family collegial system could last longer.

After the collapse of the Kamakura shogunate, the emperor intended to take back the samurai group's right to manage the land and revive the court.

The army loyal to the emperor defeated Ashikaga Takaji, but the emperor's policy hurt the interests of the samurai group. Ji Wushi returned to the old way of supporting Minamoto Yoritomo and fully supported Ashikaga Takaji.

Although Takashi Ashikaga fought repeatedly and failed repeatedly, he still successfully established the Ashikaga shogunate regime, which is the story of tens of thousands of imperial family members of the Western Kingdom who followed Takashi Ashikaga to go to Luo and seize the world.

Although Ashikaga Takaji became the shogun, the strength of the Ashikaga family was exhausted early in the defeat, and she was able to return to Kyoto relying on the support of powerful local samurai.

Therefore, the Ashikaga shogunate was a weak regime from the beginning, with the Samurai Alliance as the co-owner, and the political situation was very turbulent.

The Ashikaga shogunate can really gain a firm foothold, and it is the rise of the three generations of Ashikaga shogun Yoshimitsu.

The three-generation general Ashikaga Yoshimitsu can be said to be the real world person among the Ashikaga generals. She spent her life doing three things for the Ashikaga shogunate, which laid a solid foundation for the 200-year-old world of the Ashikaga shogunate.

First, through superb means, instigate powerful warriors to attack each other, greatly strengthen the arbiter status of General Ashikaga, and make General Ashikaga's majesty deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

After her, the Ashikaga generals of all generations liked to use political balance to instigate and instigate powerful warriors against each other, so that the arbiter of Ashikaga General was favored by all parties, and his authority was unparalleled.

Second, he insisted on opening up the joint trade with the Ming Dynasty. Even though he was rejected again and again, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu never gave up.

In the end, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu fulfilled Ming Chengzu's request to exterminate the Japanese pirates, was officially canonized by the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and was bestowed with the seal of the Japanese king, finally gaining the benefits of conducting reconnaissance and trade with the Ming Dynasty.

With a large amount of profits from the Ming Kanhe trade, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu has enough money and grain to form a group of three thousand Ashikaga soldiers directly under General Ashikaga, and deter the world's samurai with absolute military superiority.

Third, the emperor's court was slaughtered.

In order to prevent someone from borrowing the name of the emperor again and threatening the Ashikaga shogunate, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu brazenly slaughtered the entire emperor's court at the peak of his power.

She killed all the families of the emperor, ministers and ministers, and only a few members of the family of ministers and samurai who integrated into the samurai group survived.

In order to eradicate the roots, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu had an affair with Buddhism and wiped out the Shintoism that endorsed the lineage of Emperor Wanshi.

So far, the Emperor's family, which ruled the world in the name of the living god, has completely disappeared in the history of the island country.

Today, Akechi Mitsuhide brought up the old story of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu massacring the Emperor, which obviously meant something.

Yi Yin asked.

"Do you want me to re-establish the signboard of Emperor Wanshi?"

Minamoto Heira was originally the heir of the emperor, and was bestowed with a surname by the emperor and sent to a lower place.Yoshigin was born in Hanoi Genji, so if he wants to follow the Shinto way, he can change back to the emperor.

Akechi Mitsuhide shook his head and said.

"After General Ashikaga Yoshimitsu slaughtered the emperor's court, he internally used the sword of the general who conquered barbarians to order the samurai all over the world, and externally used the Japanese king's seal to negotiate with the Celestial Dynasty and other countries.

Although the name is a bit weird, after 200 years, the martial arts of the world have long forgotten the emperor's court.If you borrow the name of the emperor, it will not do you much good, but it will do you harm.

After all, you are a loyal minister of the Ashikaga shogunate. Even if the Ashikaga shogunate is about to die, you cannot slap the face of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the most outstanding Ashikaga shogun. This is not in line with your usual giri. "

Yiyin nodded and asked.

"Then what do you want to do?"

Akechi Mitsuhide laughed.

"People in the world are ignorant and ignorant, even if it was the line of Emperor Wanshi back then, there must be people who have been advocating it forever, so that the foolish people and women can be convinced.

At that time, General Ashikaga Yoshimitsu joined hands with Buddhist sects to wipe out Shintoism, the advocacy of the emperor, and this completely eliminated the influence of the emperor's court.

General Ashikaga Yoshimitsu removed political hidden dangers, and Buddhism has monopolized the world's beliefs for 200 years. Both sides get what they need, the so-called win-win situation.

In today's world, the Southern Barbarian Sect has traveled across the oceans, coming fiercely and aggressively.His Highness Oda deviated from the scriptures, set fire to Mount Hiei, and disrespected gods and Buddhas.

All the sects of Buddhism are in panic, fearing that the orthodoxy will be destroyed and the faith will not survive.

Your Majesty, this is a great opportunity. "

Yoshigin somewhat understood Mitsuhide Akechi's thoughts.

The god-making movement is a propaganda war. In the Middle Ages, the people had not yet enlightened their wisdom. The samurai family, as the ruling class, had a large number of illiterate warriors, let alone the lower class untouchables.

The market for feudal superstition is almost infinite, and the benefits of belief are too great. Naturally, countless religious players are fighting to the death.

As for Buddhism, it was the champion of the last island belief competition, and the loser was Shintoism, which had been buried in the soil for 200 years.

If Yiyin wants to become a god, it is not necessary to dig up the dead Shintoism.He can learn from Ashikaga Yoshimitsu and reach cooperation with Buddhist sects.

Now in this chaotic world, the secular world is not peaceful, nor is the belief in heaven.

The Nanman Cult invaded, those missionaries traveled thousands of miles, they didn't even care about their own lives, they only wanted to spread the glory of the Communist Party all over the earth.

The Nichiren Sect within Buddhism hated the Tendai Sect even more than the Nanban Sect because of the Fahua Rebellion, and heretics deserve more death than heretics.

As for the most powerful Oda Nobunaga among the secular forces, she has no respect for Buddhist sects, and her attitude is like looking at a group of fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

Occupying the Enryaku-ji Temple on Mt. Hiei, the Tendai sect known as the Buddha's father.Take the Kofukuji Temple in the Yamato Buddhist Kingdom and close the door to chant the Shingon sect.Rooted in grassroots beliefs, it is determined to establish the Ichigo sect of the Pure Land on Earth.

These mainstream Buddhist forces are all under unprecedented threat. If Yiyin can flirt with them and let them take the initiative to build momentum for Yiyin's Shinto, the road to becoming a god will be sure.

Yiyin thought for a while and asked.

"Is it possible to do this?"

Akechi Mitsuhide laughed.

"Your Majesty, don't underestimate these big sects. The Tiantai Sect loves to go to the upper class. The Shingon Sect has poor scriptures and good heads who think deeply about Buddhism. They have always cultivated the grassroots villages. The villagers are the most pious.

As long as these big sects reach an agreement and are willing to do their best to build momentum for the emperor, becoming a god will definitely be more effective with half the effort, with great confidence.

Besides, the deceased Master Jueshu had already set a model for them and wrote the script. "

Speaking of Venerable Jueshu, Yiyin couldn't help but glared at Mingzhi Guangxiu.He understood very well in his heart that he felt that Master Shu's death was probably related to Ming Zhiguangxiu, a black-bellied woman.

But Akechi Mitsuhide pretended not to know, and continued talking on his own.

"There have been rumors in recent days that Your Highness is the incarnation of Bishamonten.

Bishamonten is a Buddhist Dharma protector. Legend has it that he is also the protector of roads and commerce. He is also known as the god of war. These qualities are actually very suitable for you.

You protect the Yamato Buddhist Kingdom, the Hokuriku Road and the trade route, and you are invincible and invincible.Encountering a miracle in Hachiman Palace in Tsurugaoka, Kanto, and inheriting the imperial white flag of Tai Niang Hachiman, the Kanto Wu family respects you like a god.

As long as the three major sects are willing to open their mouths, they will definitely be recognized by the majority of people, especially the middle and lower class Wu family believers, they must be convinced. "

Yi Yin nodded, Akechi Mitsuhide was right.It doesn't matter whether others believe it or not, the most important thing is that Warrior Ji must believe it.

Especially the land servants in the middle and lower villages, they are the cornerstone of the political power that really supports the martial arts world.

Although Yoshihiro is no more aggressive than Oda Nobunaga, he is actually silently promoting samurai innovation, which is to force the upper-level samurai to share the benefits with the middle and lower-level samurai, and unite the entire samurai group.

Compared with Oda Nobunaga's radical approach of breaking the samurai's privileges and turning all islanders into his own resources.Yiyin's redistribution of the benefits of uniting the entire Wu family group can only be regarded as a small fight.

Compared with the two, the samurai group would rather choose a man like Yiyin as the boss than a class traitor like Oda Nobunaga.

After all, it makes a big difference whether the meat is rotten in the pot or scattered on the ground.

Akechi Mitsuhide, as a samurai, is dissatisfied with the current situation of the samurai society, but she must support the internal reform of the samurai group of Yoshiyin, not the change of Oda Nobunaga.

The plan she proposed to become a god is essentially to seek the recognition of the fact that Yi Yin is the patron saint of the Wu family by the Wu family group, and to solidify Yi Yin's divinity as the leader of the Wu family.

As for the non-samurai pariahs, believe it or not, Akechi Mitsuhide doesn't care?

The samurai are the rulers of the world, and the innovation that Mitsuhide Akechi pursues is the self-evolution that allows the samurai group to continue to rule the island nation.

Rather than Oda Nobunaga's rampant behavior, it is a nightmare for those untouchables to climb up to be equal to Ji Wushi!

(End of this chapter)

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