Chapter 1522
When Shigeharu Takenaka said that Oda was defeated and that Oda Nobunaga's plan to marry Shiba Yoshigin would go bankrupt, Hashiba Hideyoshi was already moved.

As long as Shiba Yoshigin would not marry Oda Nobunaga, Hashiba Hideyoshi would be secretly pleased, she bowed solemnly and said.

"The big girl's ambition is thousands of miles away, how can she stop here, and ask Zhu Zhongji to teach me."

Takenaka Shigeharu bowed back and said.

"The master has the heart to forge ahead, and the subordinates are happy in their hearts, so they must spare no effort to prepare for the master.

Although for the master, the best result of the battle between Shiba and Oda is that Shiba wins and Oda loses, but you can't do anything that harms the interests of the Oda family. This bad person can only be done by someone else. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi nodded and said.

"The hall is wise and mighty, with eyes like torches.

It's too difficult to make small moves under her nose. If you don't pay attention, you will be seen through by her, and the consequences will be disastrous. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi has just become a daimyo of 12 stone, and her qualifications are shallow. What she needs now is to cultivate her wings and build a solid foundation.

Moreover, she must firmly grasp the great opportunity of the Oda family to conquer the world, and take advantage of this opportunity to soar into the sky.

Although Takenaka Shigeharu analyzed with her for a long time, how the Oda family's victory in this battle is not good for her, it is best for the Shiba family to win.

But Hashiba Hideyoshi can only know it in his heart, and must not show it. He secretly plays tricks, and he has to be careful not to let Oda Nobunaga find out, which will ruin his future.

Hashiba Hideyoshi understood this truth, and Takenaka Shigeharu understood it even more.

Takenaka Shigeharu laughed.

"The lord is a loyal minister of the Oda family, and this will never change. Even if there are any changes in the future, it will be God's will, and it is definitely not the lord's own evil intentions."

Takenaka Shigeharu sees farther than Hashiba Hideyoshi. Hashiba Hideyoshi cannot leave the platform of the Oda family now, and will set up a memorial archway as a cousin in the future, so as not to give the samurai all over the world an excuse to discuss.

As long as the mind does not slip, there are more solutions than difficulties.

Hashiba Hideyoshi nodded silently. Both she and Takenaka Shigeharu knew very well that as Hashiba Hideyoshi's servants, once they lost the platform of the Oda family, they would never have a second chance to rise in the future.

Only by using the platform of the Oda family to strengthen oneself, turning the client into the main, is the most comfortable upper position.

Oda Nobunaga is too ruthless in doing things, and if he doesn't leave room for others, he is actually cutting his own way.It's not surprising that she died suddenly one day.

The most important thing is that Oda Nobunaga has no descendants. Once something happens to her, the future of the Oda family will be in crisis.

In a crisis, there is an opportunity in a crisis.As far as careerists are concerned, they never worry about crises, but look forward to them and use them to strengthen themselves.

There are some words that can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words, as long as Hashiba Hideyoshi and Takenaka Shigeharu know what they have in mind.

And what is before them now is how to make small moves safely, so that Oda Nobunaga will not find out that Hashiba Hideyoshi secretly assisted the Shiba family.

Takenaka Shigeharu said.

"Oda Nobusumi was young and ignorant, but the Oda family and Yori who accompanied her to Takashima County were ambitious, and they were rushing to swallow up the family business of the Isano family.

Isano Yuanchang is not a fool, but the difference in strength does not allow her to act recklessly.But if you really want to push her into a hurry, she may not jump over the wall in a hurry.

Takashima County has very high strategic value in this Battle of Shiba Oda.

The Takashima family, the prefect who originally controlled Takashima County, has been uprooted by the Asai family. Asai Nagamasa was originally trying to avoid future troubles, but he did not expect that it is now cheaper than Masano Isano.

The Isano family was originally a samurai family in Takashima County, and they had a lot of prestige in the local area. Masahiro Isano holds [-] shi in his hand, and most of Takashima County is her territory.

If she is willing to ascend to the top and support Jin Duodian, Takashima County must be Zhuji Jingcong, and the situation will change drastically. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi pondered.

"Takashima County is a good place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack."

The geographical core of Omi is the Omi Basin, and its economic development revolves around the shores of Lake Biwa in the center of the country.

There is a large plain on the east bank of Lake Biwa, and the Liujiao Asai family, one from the south and the other from the north, occupy this area and develop and grow.

On the west bank of Lake Biwa, however, there are many mountains and few lands. The north of Takashima County is the Nosaka Mountains, the south is the Sakamoto Daikusa Line, the east is Lake Biwa, and the west is the Hira Mountains.

Except for a few lands on the shore of Lake Biwa, most of Takashima County is the hills adjacent to the Nosaka Mountains and Bira Mountains, which are easy to defend and difficult to attack. This is why Oda Nobunaga values ​​​​Takashima County.

If the Takashima-gun samurai were on the side of the Oda family, even if Shiba Yoshigin led troops to break through Takashima-gun, the Takashima-gun samurai could take advantage of the locals' knowledge of the terrain and hide in the mountains.

The logistics supply line of the Shiba army going north will pass under the eyes of the samurai in Takashima County, which is a huge trouble.

Whether it is layer upon layer of resistance that consumes the spirit of the Sibo army, or hiding in the mountains and hills to harass the supply line of the Sibo army, it will seriously dampen the morale of the Sibo army.

In addition, Oda Nobunaga intends to use Asakura Kageki of Tsuruga County to catch Shiba Yoshiyin and coerce Shiba's army to go north ahead of schedule.

Originally, the strength of the Shiba army in recent aspects was far inferior to that of the Oda family.

Once the Siba army was besieged by several times the army concentrated by Oda Nobunaga, and there were Takashima County samurai behind him to harass the logistics, it would be difficult for Shiba Yoshigin to deal with it even if he had great abilities.

Oda Nobunaga wanted to create such a situation, before the Kwantung Allied Forces broke through the strict defense of the Shibata Katsuya of the Echizen Kingdom, and took down the nearest fronts of Shiba Yoshiyin.

But if the samurai from Takashima County voted for the Shiba family, the situation would be different.

The hills and mountains in Takashima County will no longer be a problem for the Shiba army. Instead, Shiba Yoshigin can use the local terrain to deal with the Oda army to the end.

When the war is unfavorable, the Shiba army can completely withdraw to Takashima County, defend with layers of mountain cities, consume the Oda army, and wait for the news that the Kwantung coalition forces have broken through the Echizen country.

At that time, Oda Nobunaga can only fight a tough battle with unpredictable outcome with the two Kanto armies gathered by the Shiba family.

Because the location of Takashima County is so important, if Hashiba Hideyoshi wants to help the Shiba family quietly, the best way is to force against Takashima County's Masano Isino.

Masahiro Isano himself is a fierce general. He defended Sawayama Castle for the Asai family and blocked the attack of the Liujiao family. He also made great military achievements.

The reason why she surrendered to the Oda family was not disloyalty, but helplessness.

It was Hashiba Hideyoshi who used superb diplomatic means to alienate the relationship between Asai's monarch and his ministers, and it was also Asai Nagamasa's uncontrollable killing of hostages that caused the rupture between the monarch and his ministers, which led to the surrender of Isano Masaru.

After the destruction of the Asai family, Masahiro Isano was granted the title of [-] koku in Takashima County. That was because Nobunaga Oda quickly wiped out the Asai Asakura family and swallowed too much territory at once, which he couldn't digest.

The new leader is too big, and there are too many surrenders. Even if Oda Nobunaga cannot trust the local samurai, he can only temporarily pretend to be generous, appease the local people with generous rewards, and then slowly figure it out.

As long as Fan Isino has a brain, look at the surrender of Minamiise, Minami Omi, and Echizen Kingdom who were wiped out by Oda Nobunaga little by little, and made room for Oda's retainers.

She should know that she may not have any good results in the future.The lesson from the past of Kitabata Jujiao, isn’t it clear and obvious what will happen if he surrenders and welcomes Oda’s heir?

Hashiba Hideyoshi thought for a while and asked.

"Even though Isano Masahiro feels fear in his heart, he is not strong enough after all. Can he really push her back?"

Takenaka Shigeharu stretched out three fingers and said.

"It's not hard to push back against Iso, and there are three reasons.

First, Masahiro Isano and Tsudaden fought side by side in the Battle of Norada. The two sides are old acquaintances and comrades-in-arms, and have a deep friendship.

As a matter of fact, those generals of the Asai family were most convinced by the Jintaden who displayed his might in Norada, and they were all in awe.

Coupled with the benevolence and righteousness of Jinda Temple, Masahiro Isano is in a difficult situation in the Oda family, and he must have the idea of ​​​​seeking refuge in the Shiba family.

Second, the main hall is ruthless, and the past events of the Kitabata family are horrifying, so it is impossible for Masaru Isano not to be worried.

The main hall sent Oda Nobusumi to Takashima County because the strategic value of Takashima County in the next year's war is too important.

She can't trust Masahiro Isano, who has an old friendship with Tsudaden, so she must send a direct descendant of the Oda family to supervise.Even if the eating looks ugly and easily lead to assumptions, I don't care so much.

But in this way, Masahiro Isano would be frightened into thinking that sooner or later he would follow in the footsteps of Kitabata Gujiao, and instead he would become even more fearful and rebellious.

The third is that the lord, you are in Beijinjiang.

The main hall dared to send Oda Nobusumi to Takashima County, but he was not worried that Masahiro Isano would jump over the wall in a hurry, because you are in the north of Omi.

At the beginning of the initial decision of Bei Omi, the main hall gave you a territory of 12 shi with a wave of its hand, so that you would have absolute strength to suppress the former officials of Asai, such as Isano Yuanmasho and Aguan Zhenzheng.

But if you relax the pressure on Masano Isano, do you think Masano Isano dares to gamble to survive? "

Hashiba Hideyoshi pondered.

"Relax the pressure on Masahiro Isano, will this be too obvious and cause suspicion in the hall?"

Takenaka Shigeharu laughed.

"If you trust me, leave this matter to me.

Oda Nobusumi is less than ten years old, and it was only because of Oda Nobuyuki's death that the Yuanfu was brought forward. Although she is already a warrior Ji, she is still a child after all.

It is impossible for the main hall to expect a child to supervise Masahiro Isano, and Yori must have been dispatched by the Oda family to be in charge of really important affairs.

The future of these powers hangs on Oda Nobusumi. If they want to be in power, they must want to learn from Kitabata Xinbao, and help Oda Nobusumi pull out the thorn in the side of Isano Yumasa, and take power by themselves.

As long as we secretly fuel the flames and indulge and magnify their malice, Isano Masaru will naturally not be able to stand it.

As for the culpability of relaxing the suppression of Masano Isano, which led to her being able to calmly rebel successfully.

Of course, it is because the Oda family members looked down on you, a daimyo from a humble background, and rejected your warnings and suggestions many times, which caused such serious consequences.

When something really happens, the unlucky ones will be those who serve Oda Nobusumi.It was their pampering and reckless behavior that caused you to suffer a lot of grievances.

With the wisdom of the hall, after the event, it is natural to know who to get angry at and who to take responsibility, so that the innocent you will not be implicated. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi was full of praise.

"Okay! Of course I can trust Takenaka Hime to do things, so I entrust the full authority to you.

It's just that Masahiro Isano rebelled, can Jin Dadian win this battle? "

Takenaka Shigeharu shook his head.

"There is nothing absolute on the battle front. Masahiro Isano's rebellion just broke the wishful thinking of the main hall, added a bargaining chip to the Jinda hall, and increased the odds of winning.

How can the result of the Shiba Oda battle be controlled by the mere [-] koku Isano Masao?
But we have done this to the extreme, and we must not make other small moves.

With the suspicion of the main hall, after Isano Masahiro rebelled, she will definitely stare at us. If we do something else, I am afraid that we will show our feet and eventually fall short. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi smiled wryly.

"So, I can only do one thing to force Masahiro Isano, and then continue to be my Oda loyal minister?"

Shigeharu Takenaka nodded.

"Do your best and listen to the destiny. If God's will favors the Oda family, why should you go against the sky, and spend your life as a loyal minister serving the Oda family, it's not impossible."

Hashiba Hideyoshi nodded.

Shigeharu Takenaka was right, he shouldn't be too greedy.It's too late to go too far, so we can only go to the end, and then see if God will give me a chance.

Seeing Hashiba Hideyoshi's gloomy expression, Takenaka Shigeharu smiled and comforted him.

"My lord, in fact, you have turned against Masaru Isano, and there is another advantage, that is, you can further consolidate your position in Kita Omi.

Among the vassals of Kita Omi's Asai family, Aguan Sadasaki and Isino Yuanmasho, who are both literate and military, are the most prestigious.

A Guan Zhenzheng has only been sealed by the hall for more than [-] stones, and his prestige and strength are weaker.On the other hand, Isano Yuanchang is sitting on [-] shi, has outstanding military achievements, and is very influential among the Beijinjiang samurai family.

With Isano Yuanchang forced to turn against him, Kita Omi's samurai family must be suspected of lack of loyalty by the main hall, and they will not be reused, and they will inevitably be excluded in the retainer group.

And this is also your chance to win the hearts of the lonely and enrich your team. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi laughed, indeed.

Takenaka Shigeharu had planned for her long ago, and the team of Hashiba's family must rely on the Omi Takeshi family.

Hashiba Hideyoshi was born as a servant, and the Owari Mino samurai family surrendered to Oda Nobunaga early on, and made contributions in the subsequent Southern and Northern Wars.

Hashiba Hideyoshi can only be regarded as a rising star in Owari Mino's old samurai family. They look down on Hashiba Hideyoshi's humble background, and they are not willing to bow to Hashiba Hideyoshi.

But Omi was different. Omi was conquered by the Oda family later, and Kita Omi was a new territory that had just settled down.

The samurai here are newcomers who have just surrendered in the Oda vassal group, and they are inferior in every way, so naturally they have no right to look down on Hashiba Hideyoshi.

But Masahiro Isano, the most prestigious local leader in Kita Omi, rebelled and left the Oda family, and the remaining Kita Omi samurai would only be strengthened by the Oda family, making life even more difficult.

With Hashiba Hideyoshi's excellent way of dealing with people and his good ability to attract people, at this time, it is bound to be twice the result with half the effort to win over the Kita Omi Samurai.

The participation of the Kita Omi people will enrich the retainer group of the Hashiba family and become a boost for Hashiba Hideyoshi in future battles.

From this point of view, it is indeed of great benefit to Hashiba Hideyoshi to force Masao Isano, she smiled.

"Two birds with one stone, Takenaka Ji is amazing."

(End of this chapter)

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