Chapter 1538

Hashiba Hideyoshi pondered for a while, then said.

"Do you think the hall will lose?"

Takenaka Shigeharu shook his head.

"It took a year for the Jindaden and the main hall to prepare for a big fight. The political, economic, diplomatic and other contests were fierce, comparable to the rebellion of the eight generations of shoguns caused by the Hosokawa family and the famous Yamanashi family.

If Jinda Temple is a woman, I am afraid that the cruelty of this war will go up to a higher level, and one of the Shiba and Oda families must die.

The military settlement of the Battle of Yuwu Lake was the last link in the Shiba Oda dispute.The two lords have strategized and planned a big battle for a year, who will win and who will lose, how dare I make a judgment lightly?

However, no samurai wants the Oda family to win, even if you are in the Oda camp, you still hope that the Shiba family will win. "

There are only two people talking in secret here, Hashiba Hideyoshi doesn't need to put on a show in front of his confidant counselor, he just said sadly.

"It's not that I don't understand loyalty, it's really the main hall... the main hall she... oh..."

What is the benevolent invincible?To share the same interests with the martial arts of the world, and to be of the same mind with the martial arts of the world, this is called the benevolent invincible! "

"My lord, if one day you can be against... Instead, remember to abide by the rules of the martial arts.

In terms of achievements, the rise of the Oda family is rare throughout the ages, and there should be a place in the hall in history.But she is surly and changeable, eager for quick success, mean and ungrateful, far less benevolent and righteous than Jin Duodian.

I attracted the attention of His Majesty Oda's main force at Mount Oiwa at Mt. Maeda, and Maeda Yoshitoshi attacked Mount Iwasaki head-on to lure the main force of Oda on the flanks down the mountain. "

Nobushige Sanada was stunned for a moment, his face was already difficult to look.

They are worried that the day they lose their value, the hall will turn their faces and deny anyone.

Sanada's participation in the battle in Luo this time seems to be a beautiful scene, but in fact, too many hidden dangers have been planted.

On the other side of Gyoichi Mountain, Maeda Yoshiki and Sanada Nobushige have already captured Maoshan and Shenmeishan respectively.

It turned out that His Highness Oda had already arrived at Mt. Iwasaki, and she deliberately used Mt. Iwasaki and Mt. Kidake as bait to place the main force on Mt. Higashino and Nakano-san. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi was silent for a while, then said.

"Zhuzhong Ji has done her best for me, how can I not know what is good or bad?

Hashiba Hideyoshi patted her hand with a smile and said.

"With your words, even if I die at this moment, I can still close my eyes with peace of mind."

"What the hell, I must break through Jianyue's line of defense this time, rush to Dayan Mountain, and capture Oda Nobunaga back!"

Jin Dadian will lead the concentric group to lurk in the fox mound in the northern part of the small plain. After Guobeng disrupted the formation of Oda's main force, he personally led [-] elite cavalry to charge.

"This time, we Sanadas are going to show our face. Maeda Masayoshi advances for the main army, and I make a detour for the surprise soldiers. One positive and one strange attack at the same time.

Nobushige Sanada smiled and said.

Remember, you must not do things that disappoint the Wu Family, remember. "

In private, Your Majesty told us that he would definitely fight side by side with us and go to the battlefield together, and definitely did not abandon us as bait. "

Jin Duodian has reservations about the strategy in the military discussion.In fact, Your Highness has already found out the details of the Oda Army.

Nobushige Sanada geared up and said.

Because it is wartime now, Sanadas are needed to fight, so others can't hold back their attacks.But if the final battle goes anticlimactic and they don't make much use of it, Sanada's future will be very troublesome.

The most important thing is that the main hall uses the Nanman religion to get close to the Nanman religion, which makes the Buddhist sects feel fear.

Uno Ri said coldly.

On the frontal battlefield, the king who led the charge of five hundred cavalry must be the best of all the concubines.And Maeda's interests cooperate with Junshang to encircle and suppress the main force of Oda, and the credit must be greater than ours.

Lin Xiuzhen and Mamoru Ando's lesson from the past is not far away. The Owari old samurai would rather offend the main hall, but also set up a way out at Shiba's house.

"Anyway, I can't say no to you, but this matter has already been settled. Thanks to Jin Daden's attention, I, Sanada, will definitely shine in the next few days this time.

We seem to be the majestic and majestic legion commanders in charge of one side, but who knows the depression in our hearts.


"Of course the lord is not a disloyal minister, but the hall's actions are too radical, offending everyone who can be offended.

"Soldiers are cunning, and they can do everything in order to win. Your majesty's thoughts are too kind, which is not a good thing.

"Your Majesty asked me to come back and prepare first, leaving Maeda Yili to continue talking."

"You're right.

The Siba family now has no orthodox heirs, only two illegitimate daughters with unspeakable backgrounds. If the king is killed in battle, wouldn't the Siba family fall apart in an instant?

Sanada Nobushige pointed to Mount Dogi on the map and said.

"Liu Niang, hurry up and call everyone for a military discussion, the strategy for this battle has been determined!"

For Buddhism, the main hall supports its own castle town with the policy of Leshilezao, which replaces the temple fair of the temple and damages the commercial interests of the nuns.

Therefore, when the Jinda Temple raised the flag to gather righteousness, the local samurai made choices one after another, and the Oda family also experienced ups and downs.

Don't worry, as an elite warrior, of course I want to seek benefits for my own class.As for those untouchables, I am no longer one of them, so I don't take them seriously. "

Nobushige Sanada was moved by what he said, but Toshige Umino had a cold expression on his face, which surprised Nobushige Sanada and said again.

Hashiba Hideyoshi stepped forward to support her, and said solemnly.

Uno Toshi thought for a while, then shook his head.

Shiba's territory is 40 million koku, and the Oda family's territory is 300 million koku. The difference in size between the two sides is nearly ten times, but Jintaden can compete with the main hall without losing the wind. Is it really because of the righteousness of the samurai?
In recent days, many Ji warriors in the shogunate and Kanto servants have become loyal hawks and dogs of the Shiba family for the sake of the world of the samurai family, and they are at their disposal without complaint?

Detouring Jianyue is said to attract the attention of His Highness Oda Oiwa, but in fact we are not the main direction of attack. Even if we can't break through Jianyue's defense line, it will be harmless.

Harino nodded.

Your Majesty asked you to come back, what about Maeda Yili?Has she left Your Majesty's headquarters? "

If a gentleman doesn't stand under a dangerous wall, I can't agree with the gentleman's move to make waves. "

Sanada Nobushige nodded.

If the main hall goes the wrong way, the Oda family will not end well. This is our greatest chance.You must forget that you were born as a commoner, and you must stand firmly on the side of the samurai family.

Hashiba Hideyoshi and Takenaka Shigeharu had a conversation, although there was no mention of Jianyake's defense line in a single sentence, but between the lines were the meaning of preserving strength and waiting for changes.

"Don't say these unlucky words, you must take care of your health, I can't live without your help for a moment.

Takenaka Shigeharu seemed to have lost his breath from too much force, and coughed violently again.

After winning the battle, the hall continued to move us to the front line.If we lose, we will be punished and lose everything.

"Don't worry, after the military meeting just now, Jin Dadian specially left you and Maeda Yishi-sama, do you have any orders?"

Shiba Yoshigin started the military discussion again, and the two were left behind to discuss in secret.

"Sure enough, Maeda Yoshi-sama is still the most important thing in Junshang's heart.

My lord, I don't think you should be crazy. Your lord cares more about Maeda Yi-sama than you do. "

Shigeharu Takenaka nodded.

Nobushige Sanada was so excited that he returned to his camp. Unino Toshi, who was kneeling and waiting in the camp, stood up and looked at her when he saw her come back excitedly.

She deliberately misinterpreted the special relationship between Yoshihiro Shiba and Maeda Masaki to stimulate Sanada Nobushige's nerves.

Therefore, even if Jin Duodian is a man, Jin Duodian is for his children's affair, and Jin Duodian is weak, the warriors in the world still support Jin Duodian in action and sympathize with Jin Duodian psychologically.

Before leaving, Nobushige Sanada offended Okuma Asohide.

Inside and outside the Oda family, there are countless people who are dissatisfied with the hall, but everyone is afraid of the power of the hall, and no one dares to oppose her.

The main hall started with Owari Banguo, and in less than seven or eight years, he conquered 300 million stones, becoming the most powerful feudal clan in the world, and aiming to be the world's leader.

I seem to occupy Kita Omi, and Shibata Katsuie seems to have acquired the Echizen Kingdom, both of whom are high-ranking daimyos.

"That's right, so this time going south, Jin Duo Hall is going to do whatever it takes.

Umino Toshi nodded his head, his natural look almost drove Sanada Nobushige crazy.

"I don't think so, do I?

"The main hall changed the territory of me, Shibata Katsuya and other meritorious ministers to the front line.

The morale of the Omi and Ise countries, which were forcibly mobilized by His Royal Highness Oda, was difficult to maintain.Once the Owari Mino army collapsed, the Oda army had to retreat, otherwise there was a risk of the entire army collapsing. "

Takenaka Shigeharu nodded, took a long time to recover, and said slowly.

It is said that the range of the Simen Nanman Guobeng is more than ten miles. As long as the main force of Oda goes down the mountain and Guobeng fires on Tangmu Mountain, it can cover the entire small plain, leaving the main force of Oda with nowhere to hide.

Even if you are greatly favored by the lord, you were promoted by the hall, and you became a 12-stone famous name, so why are you walking on thin ice? "

There is no absolute certainty of victory in a war. Every time I think of this, I can't sleep at night. I can't sleep when I think of the Shibata Katsuya in Echizen Kingdom.

Takenaka Shigeharu kowtowed to the ground and said solemnly.

Regarding the shogunate, the main hall claims to be the elder of the Taira family, and his intention to replace the Ashikaga shogunate with Oda Kogi is clearly revealed, and the shogunate hates it deeply.

"If your lord is gone, the Shiba family will be gone. Even if we win this battle, where will we go to ask for rewards after the battle?
The big guys came all the way here just to reward military service.Even if you are the only one who loves Jinduo Temple in your heart, you can't stop everyone's pursuit of glory and wealth, right? "

The ups and downs of honor and disgrace are all in the hall, which is really disturbing. "

"Last autumn, a Nanman ship arrived at Tsuruga Port, and it has been lurking for nearly half a year. The four Nanman kingdoms on board have been secretly transported here.

"Your Majesty is open-minded, far superior to Warrior Ji, how did you become so embarrassing in your mouth?"

Hashiba Hideyoshi nodded and murmured.

If in the future, I really have a day when I soar to the sky, I will share it with Takenaka Hime. "

To this day, who still remembers that the beginning of this battle was caused by the illegitimate daughter of the Takeda family?It is unwise for Shangluo to expel the Oda garrison for the sake of the safety of his own daughter.

But even so, the martial arts under heaven resolutely stood on the side of Jin Duodian, because everyone's eyes were not blind.

Takenaka Shigeharu understood, and found the steps for Hashiba Hideyoshi.

"It turns out that His Highness Oda didn't want to defend the mountain pass to the death, she wanted to lure the enemy to go deep and defeat us in one fell swoop."

As soon as Uno Toshi finished speaking, Nobushige Sanada's eyes turned red instantly.

But since you have become a famous samurai, you must look at things from the perspective of a samurai, and you must not harm the interests of the samurai by being a pariah fool.

On the other hand, since his debut, Jin Dadian has maintained the tradition of the samurai family and never violated the interests of the local samurai family. Everything he does is mutually beneficial. Even if he is wronged, he is willing to follow the rules.

After reuniting with the emperor, Sanada Nobushige crossed over the famous families of the nearest few, and competed with the general general Maeda Yili for the main attacking position.

"Your Majesty is benevolent and righteous, are you not moved at all?"

The purpose of this battle is to defeat the Oda Army from Owari Mino. "

Uno Toshiro went through the words of Nobushige Sanada in his head, then spread out the map to look at it, and tapped his fingers a few times.

You did not come from a good family background, and you are able to achieve your status today because you broke the rules by relying on the hall.

Seeing that Nobushige Sanada was triumphant and seemed to be a nympho, Uno Toshi let out a heck and began to pour cold water on her.

Uno Riichi said calmly.

Seeing that the Oda family has become a big trend, and sooner or later it will sweep the world, who can stand the innovative policies of the main hall that cut off the foundation of the samurai family and destroy the status of Buddhism?

Thinking about the fact that there were so many close friends present during the military meeting, but Jin Dadian only left me and Maeda Yili to discuss in secret, he must have different feelings towards me, right? "

For the local warriors, the main hall was seized, the peasants and soldiers were separated, the warriors lived together, and the title was changed arbitrarily, which seriously weakened the status of the local powerful warriors.

Seeing Nobushige Sanada going crazy, Toshige Unano remained calm.

"The benevolent is invincible."

Nobushige Sanada was left speechless by what Unano Toshiichi said, and finally he could only sigh.

"No, Jin Dadian released all 3 people, so what about his backhand? How will he deal with the lured main force of Oda?"

The defense lines of Mt. Kidake and Mt. Iwasaki are the armies of Omi and Ise, and the main force of Oda is the core army brought by His Highness Owari Mino from Owari Mino.

Sanada Nobushige said to Uno Riichi.

But this is the front line, as long as the war ends together, we will suffer heavy losses.

Maeda Masayoshi will also release the reserve team in his hands to cooperate with Junshang to attack Oda's main force.

Hashiba Hideyoshi has high hopes for Shiba Yoshigin, and Takikawa Kazuyoshi's defense line that seems to be impregnable does not seem to be so solid.

There is no room for sand in the matter of faith. Except for the weak Linji Sect and Nichiren Sect, which faction is willing to get close to Oda?
Even internally, the Oda vassals were trembling, as if they were facing an abyss.

Sanada Nobushige said angrily.

Sanada Nobushige has done all these taboo things that offended his colleagues.

Uno Toshiichi said.

When the Echizen Kingdom divided the troops, Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsuo actually didn't like to see Sanada Nobushige stealing merit, but Sanada's soldiers were strong and strong, and they tolerated Sanada Nobushige's arrogance for the sake of the overall situation.

"As long as we can cause heavy losses to the Owari Mino Army, the internal balance of the Oda Army will be disrupted.

"Your Majesty left me and Maeda's interests here to explain the truth to us. Because this time, it's just a plan, so it's not good to say it clearly in the military meeting.

At this time, only military merit can help Sanada Nobushige and Sanada to overcome this hurdle.Fighting among warriors, in the final analysis, heroes and heroines are judged by military exploits.

No matter how much Nobushige Sanada has been criticized by others, as long as Sanada can fight, dare to fight, and win, then there is no problem.

Therefore, Unino Toshiichi must stimulate the fighting spirit of Sanada Nobushige, and play the prestige of the Sanadas in the detour to Jianyue.

People in the mountains have no other skills, but they dare to fight and fight and are not afraid of death.If Sanada wants to gain a foothold in the Kanto Chamber, and Sanada Nobushige wants to take root in Shibo Yoshihiro's heart, he has to fight his way out.

(End of this chapter)

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