different warring states of japan

Chapter 1549 The moment when the hole card is revealed

Chapter 1549 The moment when the cards were revealed

Hashiba Hideyoshi stepped on the dirt under his feet and sighed.

In fact, she really hoped that the Shiba army could gain some momentum and make Oda Nobunaga frustrated in this battle, so as to achieve her ulterior small goal.

But the status quo is that Oda Nobunaga is meticulous in his work, and his strategy is almost seamless, which makes Hashiba Hideyoshi unable to continue to be optimistic about the Siba army.

Behind her, Takenaka Shigeharu smiled.

"Why does the Lord sigh?"

Hashiba Hideyoshi smiled wryly.

"Takenaka Hime, you are asking the question knowingly.

The main hall is amazing, the tribes of Nobumori Sakuma and Hidetaka Kajiri are waiting for an opportunity to enter the main battlefield of Yu Wu at any time.

Kazuyoshi Takigawa defended Dayan Mountain to the death, and the Sanada Army's attack was frustrated, so they could only retreat in embarrassment.

Seeing that the Shiba armies in Mount Iwasaki and Mount Kidake were struggling to continue, the outcome of this battle was already clear. It seemed that the main hall had won this battle. "

Takenaka Shigeharu looked at Hashiba's army marching ahead, and said lightly.

"My lord said this a bit early. From my point of view, the outcome of this battle is still unknown, and it is still difficult to say for sure."

Hashiba Hideyoshi's eyes flashed, and he asked Takenaka Shigeharu.

"Oh? I also ask Takenaka Hime to help me out."

Takenaka Shigeharu pointed to the sun and smiled.

"My lord, do you think this time is a bit early?
It is only noon now, and the hall is urging you to send troops.If it is true that the Oda family has the chance to win, why is the main hall so eager?

Nobumori Sakuma and Hidetaka Kawajiri secretly came to Yuwu Lake, and Shiba's family probably didn't know about it.

With [-] soldiers behind, the main hall should choose to delay as much as possible.

At least let the frontier defend until the afternoon, wait until the Sibo army is exhausted, and then break through it with a new force, then the overall situation will be determined.

But now?It's only noon, and the hall can't wait for you to send troops. Do you think this is a mistake in judgment by the hall? "

Hashiba Hideyoshi narrowed his eyes.

"You mean to say that the hall was also forced to launch an offensive in advance for some reason?"

Takenaka Shigeharu pointed in the direction of Dayan Mountain and said.

"We are far away from the edge of the battlefield and lack intelligence, so I don't want to make a judgment, but I don't believe that the main hall can easily defeat Jin Duodian.

The main hall was indeed powerful, secretly dispatched [-] soldiers from Nanjin Jiangdong Meinong, and prepared to smash it out as a trump card.

If it is an ordinary martial artist, it must be unable to stop the thunderous blow from the hall.

But Jin Duodian is not an ordinary person, that man is called a peerless man by the samurai, and he is a powerful person who cannot be underestimated.

The main hall can secretly accumulate killer weapons, but Jin Duodian is not prepared at all before the war? "

Hashiba Hideyoshi was thoughtful.

"You're right. Jin Duodian is not that easy to deal with. He must have hidden opponents. The main hall has not won yet, and the outcome of this battle is still in suspense.

But the Sanada army in front of us, they are dead.

Sanada Nobushige forcibly broke through from the early morning to the foot of Dayan Mountain, but was blocked by Takikawa Kazumashi at the foot of the mountain, unable to advance an inch.

According to reliable sources, Sanada's army charged at least seven times, but failed to shake the Dayan Mountain's defense line in the slightest, and instead suffered heavy losses.

At this moment, it would be very difficult for the Sanada army to retreat from Jianyue again.

They had exhausted too much physical strength for the breakthrough in the morning.Coupled with the hasty retreat, low morale, and muddy mountains, they couldn't run very far.

Takigawa Kazuyoshi was easily broken by Sanada Nobushige, and his face was already disgraced.

At this time, she must have hatred in her heart, and she will definitely not let the Sanadas go, and she will use their blood to wash away her shame.

The main hall ordered me to send troops to help. I dare not release water at this time, which will arouse the suspicion of the main hall.

The Sanada army has nowhere to go. Under the attack of our two armies, this cheap mountain is the place where the bones of the Sanada people are buried. "

Shigeharu Takenaka nodded.

"My lord knows what's in his heart, so I'm relieved.

No matter how much you look forward to Jin Dadian in your heart, you can't be soft on the Sanada army in front of you. Why don't you take this opportunity to make contributions. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi laughed.

"I know in my heart, Kato Kiyomasa, Fukushima Masanori, Asano Nagamasa and others have grown up, just give them a chance to show up.

Find a few more Ji warriors, share the credit, and get together a cheap Yue Qiben gun later, so that it will be convenient for them to be promoted in the future. "

Kiyomasa Kato, Masanori Fukushima, and Nagamasa Asano are all relatives of the Hashiba family, and they are trusted henchmen of Hashiba Hideyoshi.

Now that the Hashiba family has a big business, Hashiba Hideyoshi must support his best friend to the top to maintain his own family business, and it is also the norm in the samurai family to provide military merits to his own people while the war is fierce.

Takenaka Shigeharu smiled slightly. These people had been taught by her, and they were her disciples. She was naturally happy to see these people achieve success.

The two whispered, planning to use the fleeing Sanada crowd as stepping stones to pave the way for Hashiba's cronies.

At this moment, there were bursts of loud noises in the distance, like thunder and thunder.

Hashiba Hideyoshi was taken aback, the sun was shining brightly, where did the flat land come from and thunderstorms, is this about to rain?

But when she looked up, the sky was clear and blue, and it didn't look like it was going to rain at all. Could it be that she heard it wrong?
Hashiba Hideyoshi looked at Takenaka Shigeharu, and seeing her also frowned.

"Takenaka Hime, did you hear that too?"

Takenaka Shigeharu nodded and said solemnly.

"The loud noise came from the northeast, from the east bank of Yuwu Lake, in the direction of the main battlefield."

Hashiba Hideyoshi gasped.

"Maybe we think too much, just a few thunderstorms?"

Takenaka Shigeharu thought for a moment, and just about to speak, the thunder sounded over there again.

This time, both of them listened carefully, and Hashiba Hideyoshi was counting.

"One, two, three, four, it's not thunder, there's no such thunder."

Takenaka Shigeharu thought about it.

"My lord, does it sound like an iron cannon?"

Hashiba Hideyoshi frowned.

"Iron cannon? Shouldn't there be such a loud iron cannon?"

Takenaka Shigeharu said in a deep voice.

"I heard that there are huge iron cannons on the Nanman ship, the barrel of which is as big as a human head, and the sound is like thunder, it is the escort weapon of the Nanman people across the world.

Otomo's family in Kitakyushu had once been assisted by the Nanmans and broke through the city with one shot, so it was called Guobeng.

Could it be. . "

Hashiba Hideyoshi looked to the northeast, with fear in his eyes.

"The sound is like thunder, and the country collapses in one shot.

The Southern Barbarian sect has close contacts with the main hall, and they are unwilling to provide Guobeng for the main hall. Could it be that Jin Duo hall got it? "

Takenaka Shigeharu said.

"My lord, don't think too much, we don't know what happened on the main battlefield, so let's do our business first."

Hashiba Hideyoshi took a breath, exhaled slowly, calmed down, nodded and said.

"What Takenaka Hime said is, don't care what happened over there, kill the Sanada army first."

The two looked dignified, and continued to move forward. They had just walked a few steps, and stopped together again, looking to the northeast.

The distant thunder sounded for the third time, and then four more times, like a hammer, hitting everyone's heart hard, making people breathless.


Hashiba Hideyoshi didn't know what happened on the main battlefield, but Oda Nobunaga knew it very well.

Hearing the sound of cannons ahead, Oda Nobunaga immediately realized that this was the collapse of the country.

She had proposed to the Nanman Cult several times to buy Guobeng, but was rejected by the other party.

Shanshishi Katsunari, the Nanban knight who helped the Oda family train long guns and iron cannon tactics, she swore to Oda Nobunaga that the Nanban people would never sell Guobeng to any island country daimyo.

The time at Otomo's house in Kitakyushu was just an accident. It was an accident that the Nanban people had to compromise in order to gain a foothold in the island country and land on the land.

Oda Nobunaga gritted his teeth and cursed.

"These southern bastards, I shouldn't believe their nonsense, if there is a first time, there must be a second time.

Bageya Road!

Send people to the front line to investigate and see what happened to those two idiots Naomoto Uji and Fanxiu Tie Shou?Can you hold on!

Someone came to find Nobumori Sakuma and Hidetaka Kajiri, where are their troops?Let them immediately transfer to the Yuwu battlefield without delay!

go! "

Although Oda Nobunaga had never seen the power of Guobeng, after being rejected by the southern barbarians, she also forced the Iron Cannon Workshop to try to enlarge the caliber of the iron cannon and make it into a giant iron cannon.

Although the experiment failed that time, the casualties caused by the explosion of the giant iron cannon far exceeded that of the explosion of the iron cannon.

Filled with excessive gunpowder, the fragile iron pipe couldn't bear it at all, and burst instantly, lowering the ground by a few points.

Oda Nobunaga still remembers the scene at that time. The tragic situation of those craftsmen told her that once this giant iron cannon was fired successfully, it would be such a terrible weapon.

And now, on the opposite side of her, Shiba Yoshigin has this kind of weapon in his hand, and it's not just one!
Oda Nobunaga narrowed his eyes and asked Mori Ranmaru beside him.

"Has Kazuyoshi Takigawa already led his troops to pursue Sanada?"


"How many people are there on Dayan Mountain now?"

"Master Takigawa Kazuyoshi just took away the reserve team and the banner group at the foot of the mountain. Now there are still mothers, side members, small family members, and the reserve team guarding the mountain on the mountain."

Oda Nobunaga thought for a while and said.

"I only keep the small people here, and let the mother-in-law people, the side people, and all the backup troops go to Mount Iwasaki.

Tell Sasa Naruma that after Nobumori Sakuma and Hidetaka Kajiri enter the battlefield, the Iwasaki-san defense line will launch a counterattack immediately. I will give her all the elite around me, don't let me down! "

Mori Ranmaru hesitated.

"Main hall, then there are no people around you? It's hard to guarantee your safety just by the little people around."

Oda Nobunaga glared at her and cursed at this favored little surname.

"Are you an idiot! Who can threaten me now!

Sanada Nobushige has been repelled, Takikawa Kazuyoshi and Hashiba Hideyoshi are annihilating her in the land of Chiyake.

Shiba Yoshigin has a total of 3 people in his hands, and Sanada's 1 people are over!

There are [-] Sibo troops on the main battlefield of Yuwu Lake, Shibo Yoshihiro has already put out all his troops, and those few Guobeng are his back-up preparations, and he himself will definitely charge after the Guobeng is launched!
The Sibo army has no more troops, no one can threaten Dayan Mountain anymore, I am very safe, the most important thing now is to stabilize the main battlefield of Yu Wu!
Fill in all our troops!Give me all up!

The Sibo army only has 2 people. They have been fighting all morning, and they are already exhausted. They can't turn over with just a few countries!
Shiba Yoshigin will definitely charge, he is such a person, he will definitely go out!
Let him rush, let him kill!He doesn't know that I have transferred another 2 people, and I have 5 to [-] people waiting for him!

When he is tired from rushing and killing, Nobumori Sakuma, Hidetaka Kajiri, and Naruma Sasa will attack together and let them capture Shiba Yoshigin back alive! "

Oda Nobunaga became more and more excited as she talked, she shouted.

"Tell them, bring Shiba Yoshigin to me!

Aren't they envious of Shibata Katsuya's 40 koku trip in Echizen?Whoever catches Shiba Yoshiyin in front of me, I will seal her 50 shi!

Shiba Yoshigin, I just want to live! "


Following the order of Oda Nobunaga, the entire Oda Army moved quickly.

A bird's-eye view of the ground from the sky.

To the west, Takikawa Kazuyoshi and Hashiba Hideyoshi, the two armies, one east and one south, chased the tail of Sanada's army and entered the battlefield of Mt.

On Mount Oiwa in the east, Oda Nobunaga's pro-army is advancing towards Mt. Iwasaki.

Narumasa Sasao will command the most elite members of the Oda family, and cooperate with Nobumori Sakuma and Hidetaka Kajiri to launch a counterattack together.

Nobumori Sakuma and Hidetaka Kawajiri, who set off from Kinomoto, received the latest order from Nobunaga Oda, and no longer went to hide behind Mount Iwasaki to wait for orders, but went to the streets of Beiguo and went straight to the battlefield.

Although Yu Wu's main battlefield was driven by the collapse of the Four Gates, the clan's Zhiyuan and Pingshou Fanxiu's subordinates were thrown into chaos.

But from the perspective of the overall battlefield, Oda Nobunaga, who already knows Shiba Yoshigin's successor, is extremely excited.

Oda Nobunaga saw Shiba Yoshiyin's hole card clearly, but Shibo Yoshiyin didn't know that Oda Nobunaga still had [-] elite new troops.

When the Shiba army was besieging Ujiie Naomoto and Hirate Fanshu's troops with all their strength, the Oda army had already concentrated all its forces, preparing to push back to the main battlefield in one fell swoop and capture Shiba Yoshigin alive.

Although the appearance of the Four Gates Beng was beyond Oda Nobunaga's expectations, if Shiba Yoshigin's hole cards are only the Four Gates Beng, then the victory in this battle must belong to the Oda family.

The Shiba Army spent most of its energy on Ujiie Naomoto and Hirate Fanxiu's troops, and then found that the Oda Army still had [-] soldiers marching into the battlefield.

No army can withstand this double blow of physical strength and morale, and the Spo army will definitely collapse!Even if Shiba Yoshigin is unparalleled in the world, he can't change this result!
Oda Nobunaga was very excited, but when she was excited, she also made a fatal mistake of wishful thinking.

She had no doubt that Sanada Nobushige would be wiped out by Takikawa Kazuyoshi and Hashiba Hideyoshi in Kiyake, without considering the possibility of accidents at all.

After Kazuyoshi Takikawa and Narumasa Sasaki took away almost all of Oiwayama's troops, there were very few guards around Oda Nobunaga.


Cheap Yue.

Sanada Nobushige asked in a low voice.

"How far are the two armies of Takikawa Kazuyoshi and Hashiba Hideyoshi from us?"

Uno Ri said coldly.

"Takigawa Kazuyoshi is ten miles away from us, and Hashiba Hideyoshi is still twelve miles away. They should have made an appointment to enter the battlefield together and attack from both sides from the east and the south."

Sanada Nobushige nodded, and looked at Unino Toshikazu, Sasuke Sarutobi, Nezu Sadamori, Mochizuki Yutada, Miyoshi Kiyomi, Miyoshi Izo, Kan Juzo, Anayama Yasuji, and Yukanenosuke beside him.

"I know people are tired, I know.

But we must win, for the sake of the dead sisters, and for the future of Sanada, please believe me again.

I want to defeat the enemy in front of me, I want to fight back to Dayan Mountain, I want to capture Oda Nobunaga alive! "

Sanada Nobushige raised his spear high and shouted loudly.

"Sanada people!"

Those around her raised their weapons and yelled in unison.

"The number one soldier in the world! The number one soldier in the world!"

The sound spread farther and farther from near to far. Everyone in the Sanada Army raised their weapons one after another. The sound waves rolled and surged, but it seemed to have changed again.

"Shiba Organization! Shiba Organization!"

Unite as one, unite as one, at this very moment.

(End of this chapter)

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