Chapter 1551

The Mino army formation collapsed, more than 4000 ashigaru reserve teams, and three to [-] people ran away crying, and Ji Wushi was engulfed in it, and drifted with the crowd in a daze.

Everyone didn't know what to do, just like a flock of sheep being driven by sheepdogs, they only knew to follow the crowd, going south, south in numbness.

The crowd turned into a raging wave, constantly hitting the Owari army formation, and smashed the Owari army formation, which was already in chaos due to the shelling, to pieces.

Ping Shou Fanxiu, a young man, had never seen such a big scene where thousands of people collapsed.

In her little battle experience, the Oda family was invincible, and the ones who were driven away were always the enemy, not their own.

Because of lack of experience, Tie Fanxiu, who was at a loss what to do, missed the last chance and watched the crowd rush into his queue.

If the experienced Naomoto of the Uji family was here, he would definitely let the iron cannon bows and arrows fire together, forcing the crowd to retreat to the left and right wings, and not allowing the crowd to destroy his army formation.

But there are no ifs on the battlefield. An inexperienced commander hesitated at a critical moment, which eventually led to bad results.

The routs rushed into the Owari army formation, making the entire formation even more chaotic. What was even more frightening was that the cavalry led by Yi Yin had followed the routs and killed them.

People in the queue were crowded, trampled on each other, and the cries and shouts made people lose their fighting spirit and lost their minds. There were broken soldiers everywhere, and it was hard to tell who was who.

Yiyin, who has turned on the insight mode, has chosen the best angle, piercing through the enemy line calmly, as smoothly as a hot saber cutting butter.

The Shiba army on Maeda's side has also stabilized its position, and began to cooperate with the Yiyin cavalry army on the flank to counterattack the Oda army.

After being attacked by the Beng Bing, the Owari Army Formation was attacked from both sides by the Cavalry Army and the Spear Formation, and it was about to collapse across the board.

At this time, there was a long sound of the conch from the south.Yiyin pulled the cavalry out of the enemy line, ran up a small slope, and watched from a distance.

A detachment turned out from behind Iwasaki Mountain and was entering the main battlefield along Beiguo Street.

Afterwards, battle drums sounded from Mount Iwasaki, and the flag of the Sipo army began to retreat at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yiyin's brain froze and his pupils shrank.

The Oda family has new reinforcements entering the battlefield. Where did they come from?Is it Chiyue?The Sanada army over there was killed?

Looking up at the sun, Yiyin shook his head and vetoed this idea just now.

Impossible, it's only three quarters past noon, and the Sanada army has a whole ten thousand brave mountain people, it's not that easy to deal with.

Even if it is [-] pigs, it will take a day. It is absolutely impossible for Oda Nobunaga to call the Oda Army from the battlefield of Jianyue to help.

Since it's not Jianyue, where did these reinforcements come from?

Yoshigin glanced at the enemy army in the distance, stared at the turmoil on Mt. Iwasaki for a moment, and gritted his teeth.

No matter where these reinforcements came from, they must not be allowed to calmly rescue the Oda Army in Higashino Mountain. They must destroy the chaotic Oda Army in the arena before the new enemy troops enter the field!
Yiyin said coldly.

"Blag, prepare to charge!"

The sound of the conch whirled, and the Maeda Benefit Office in the distance also began to blow the conch in response. At this moment, the minds of the monarch and his ministers were the same.

Yiyin smiled slightly, and glanced at Sibo Tongxin, who was beating the horse standing behind him, and he grabbed the horse's belly and rushed down the hillside first.

This time, Yiyin didn't waste any more time on the periphery, but directly killed Ma Yin, who was tied with Fanxiu.


Seeing the Oda Army approaching the battlefield in the distance, Hirate Fanxiu's body trembled a little, it was the joy of remaining alive after the catastrophe, from the bottom of his heart.

But her joy hadn't persisted for more than three seconds, and Warrior Ji beside her had already made a sharp cracking sound.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Ping Shou Fanxiu turned his head, and saw a large group of cavalrymen penetrating through the formation, heading straight towards him.

Glancing at the horse seal behind him, Ping Shou Fanxiu instantly understood what the goal of this cavalry army was, and the circles of his eyes immediately turned red.

She gasped heavily, she didn't want to die, the Hirate family business had just started to flourish, how could she die here!

"Shot formation! Hurry up and line up! Where are the Iron Cannons! Pull the Iron Cannons here!"

Ping Shou Fanxiu was in a hurry under Ma Yin, but the whole army formation was already in chaos, no matter how many envoys she sent and how many orders she issued, it was useless.

Her horse seal is like a rock in a stormy sea, making Fan Yi leave, it's like being sucked into the crowd, and never hear from her again.

Seeing that cavalry army getting more and more powerful, Fanxiu couldn't help howling in despair.

She can't leave, if she dares to run, Oda Nobunaga will definitely kill her, and the Hirate family will also be implicated.

Hirate Fanxiu is very aware of Oda Nobunaga's character, and the teacher-student friendship between Hirate Masahide and Oda Nobunaga cannot save a deserter, nor can he save the Hirate family behind the deserter.

Ping Shou Fan Xiu red eyes, shouted.

"Everyone is ready! Meet the enemy!"


Naomasa Ii dismounted and cut off Tie Fanxiu's head, and Ma Yin was pushed back by several congregants, Yi Yin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked left and right, and accompanied him to smash Mino Owari's army. Warrior Ji and his horse were sweating profusely and exhausted.

At this time, there was a loud noise in the distance, Yi Yin looked at the sound, and his heart sank.

Just when he raided Tie Fanxiu, the Iwasaki line of defense suddenly exploded with huge force, directly pushing the Sipo army attacking the mountain back to the plain.

The Oda army on Iwasaki Mountain was going down the mountain to pursue, and the Oda reinforcements in the distance were also gradually entering the battlefield. Yoshihiro squinted his eyes, shook his head unwillingly, and ordered.

"Let's withdraw and rush back to Maeda Yili!"


Kawajiri Hidetaka, who entered the battlefield, is a veteran of the Oda family. Facing the surging rout, she gave the order without hesitation.

"The gun array stabilizes the formation, the iron cannon bows and arrows step forward, and all the broken soldiers who dare to charge the formation will be killed without mercy!

Send people to the front of the formation to shout, let the broken soldiers retreat from the left and right wings, and regroup after the formation! "

Behind her, Sakuma Nobumori's troops also slowly entered the battlefield, and gradually opened up the formation, both calling out to the rout soldiers, and also ruthlessly slaughtering rout soldiers who dared to charge into the formation.

The two generals are both experienced, and they took over the collapsed Higashinoyama Oda Army in an instant.

Although these Oda soldiers were frightened and stepped on each other, causing heavy losses, they managed to save most of them.

If the reinforcements did not come, the final fate of these Oda troops would probably be to be driven around by Yiyin's cavalry, and they would run exhausted and suffer casualties.


On Mount Iwasaki, Narumasa Sasaki's eyes shone with excitement.

Supplemented by Oda Nobunaga's pro-army, the strength in her hands has completely overwhelmed the opposing Sipo army.

The Shiba army attacking the Iwasaki line of defense was a coalition of shogunate samurai such as Hosokawa Fujitaka, Ninagawa Okino, and Hatakeyama Takamasa, and their combat effectiveness was very average.

Narumasa Sasao concentrated all his strength and forcefully attacked the mountain with a single counterattack, driving the exhausted Hosokawa army down the mountain.

Afterwards, she drove away the supporting Hatakeyama Army and Ninagawa Army, and drove the Shiba Army attacking the mountain to Maeda Masayoshi's central army.

Narumasa Sasao shouted.

"Move my horse seal forward, the whole army goes down the mountain to line up, stick to Hosokawa Fujitaka, don't let her run away!

There is an order from the main hall to capture Shibo Yoshiyin alive, and reward 50 stones of knowledge! "

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave woman.Wu family always value profits over righteousness, who would not be moved to hear that 50 stones know how to do things?

There are 66 countries in the world, the height of stones is only 2000 million, and 50 stones, that is two or three hundredths of the land in the world!

With such a great benefit, not to mention Shiba Yoshigin, even if the great god Bishamonten really descended into the world, some people would be dazzled by the reward and dare to go up and try to capture him alive.

The Oda reinforcements entered the arena, and the situation was very good, and the Hime warriors around Narumasa Sasaki cheered and shouted.

"Catch Shiba Yiyin alive, and reward 50 stones!"

The shouting was carried from the mountain to the foot of the mountain, until all the Oda army formations were shouting.

"Catch Shiba Yiyin alive, and reward 50 stones!"

One after another, incessantly.


Shiba Yoshigin rushed back to Maeda Rishi's central army with his concentric cavalry, and Maeda Rishi stepped forward to help him hold the reins and hold the horse's head.

"Your Majesty, are you alright?"

Yoshigin jumped off his horse, ignored Maeda's concern, pointed in the direction of Mount Iwasaki, and asked.

"Where are the followers of Hosokawa Fujitaka?"

Maeda benefit nodded.

"Hey, later I added Hatakeyama Takamasa, Ninagawa Okino, and some shogunate samurai near Yamashiro."

Yi Yin sighed.

"They're good at picking soft persimmons."

Maeda benefit frowned.

"The soft persimmon was not crushed, it seems that it hit an iron plate."

Yiyin said in a deep voice.

"I see that the Oda army on Mt. Iwasaki is sticking to them and not letting go. Send people to meet them, and don't let them rush into our formation with the enemy."

Maeda Yoshiki smiled wryly.

"Your Majesty, the reserve team on my side is exhausted, or should I go up in person?"

Yiyin looked back at the Sibo army's reserve team, bit his lower lip and said nothing.

There are a total of [-] Sibo troops in Yuwu's main battlefield. While attacking the defense line of Mount Iwasaki, they blocked the main force of Oda from Mount Higashino, and created opportunities for the Yiyin Cavalry to charge.

Yoshigin didn't know where Oda Nobunaga found a large number of reinforcements, the number seemed to be [-] to [-].

This blow completely broke Yiyin's wishful thinking. His plan to use Tangmushan artillery to annihilate the Higashinoyama Oda Army completely went bankrupt.

The appearance of a large number of Oda reinforcements has exceeded the limit that the Shipo army can fight. At this time, it is not to continue to attack, but how to shake off the enemy and withdraw from the battlefield with dignity.

Just as Yoshihiro was hesitating, the artillery fire from Tangmu Mountain rang out again, and it accurately hit the Oda Army who was gathering on the Iwasaki Mountain defense line down the mountain.

Maeda interest lifted his spirits.

"Okay! Well done! Hosokawa Fujitaka and the others are fine now."

The Oda Army of Mount Iwasaki was in confusion due to the sudden artillery fire, and the pursuit of the Shiba Army also stopped.

Yoshihiro Shiba frowned, because the artillery interval was too long, and he heard three rounds of artillery fire in total, and the interval was very long.

He looked in the direction of Tangmu Mountain. He didn't know whether it was because the artillery had bombarded too many times and the barrel could not cool down, or there were not many shells left.

In short, although Hosokawa Fujitaka and the others successfully withdrew, Tangmushan's trump card has also been disabled, and they can't help.

After fighting for a whole morning, there were only 2 of the [-] Sibo army left, and they were exhausted.

On the opposite side, there are no less than 2 Oda reinforcements who have newly joined the battlefield, and the Oda Army on Mount Iwasaki is also descending, with at least 6000 to [-] people.

In addition to the Higashinoyama Oda Army that was not wiped out, they reorganized behind the Oda reinforcements and may return to the battlefield at any time, that is another 6000 people.

That is to say, the Shiba army will fight against the Oda's fresh force that has just entered the battlefield with a tired army.

Just when Yiyin lamented that this battle could not be fought, there was a steady stream of noise from the opposite side.

Yi Yin asked.

"What are you shouting on the other side?"

Maeda benefited to listen, but it was too far away to hear clearly.She waved her hand and told Banner beside her a few words, and Banner mounted his horse and galloped forward.

After a while, a monogamous head was brought back by Banner.

Maeda benefit asked.

"What is the enemy shouting?"

That Wu Jianfan glanced at Shibo Yoshiyin, fell deeply on the ground, and dared not speak.

Yiyin said softly.

"It's okay, just tell me, what are they talking about?"

Wu Jianfan said in a low voice.

"They are shouting, capture Sibo Yiyin alive, and reward him with 50 shi."

Furious, Maeda grabbed Monomiban by the collar and pulled her up from the ground.

"Bageya Road! How dare you say it again!"

That thing Jianfan seemed to be frightened and stupid, and shouted.

"They're calling for Shiboyi to be captured alive... No, it's Jindaden, who rewards you with 50 stones!"

Maeda benefit threw her to the ground and cursed.

"The presumptuous impolite!"

Yoshiyin grabbed Maeda Yoshiki and shook his head.Wu Jianfan kept kowtowing to plead guilty, Yiyin said to the people around him.

"Take her down and reward her with a small golden sentence."

When Wu Jianban was taken away, Maeda Yili's eyes turned red and he shouted.

"Your Majesty! I will fight them!"

The concubines around him were so angry that Maeda's interests could not be restrained, and they all asked for a fight.

Yiyin shook his head and sighed calmly.

"50 shi Zhixing, I Shibo Yiyin is worth 50 shi, and still want to catch alive?"

Just as he was saying this, a galloping horse came from behind the formation, just now when it approached, the knight dismounted and rushed up, it was Akechi Mitsuhide.

"Your Majesty!"

Yiyin laughed.

"Akechihime, you came at the right time. Oda Nobunaga seems to have opened 50 shi to capture me alive. Do you think he is generous or stingy?"

Akechi Mitsuhide had a serious face, no longer the usual elegance and calmness, and said hastily.

"Your Majesty, the Guobeng gun barrel in Tangmu Mountain is overheated and can no longer fire. The Nanman officer asked me to apologize to you."

Yi Yin shook his head and said.

"Christina tried her best, but I didn't count that Oda Nobunaga still had reinforcements, and I don't know where she got them."

Yiyin sighed, this battle can't go on, his side is exhausted, less than half of the opponent's number, it's a fart, find a way to get out of the battlefield, and preserve your strength as much as possible.

But the enemy army has already entered the battlefield, so it is impossible for him to leave smoothly, and he will definitely cover up and chase him, which is not a small trouble.

Just when Yiyin was hesitating, Akechi Mitsuhide said solemnly.

"Although the national collapse in Tangmu Mountain was dumb, there was a great victory in Jianyue."

Yiyin was taken aback, and looked at Akechi Mitsuhide.

"Great victory?"

(End of this chapter)

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