different warring states of japan

Chapter 1558 Nobunaga who knows his mistakes and can correct them

Chapter 1558 Nobunaga who knows his mistakes and can correct them

Nagahama Castle, Castle Tower.

Oda Nobunaga stood on the pavilion, looking to the north, recalling the ups and downs of yesterday's war, his mood is still hard to calm down.

Behind her, Niwa Changxiu waited obediently, there were only the two of them on the Tianshou Pavilion, and there was no one else.

After a long silence, Oda Nobunaga turned his head to look at Niwa Changhide and asked.

"Do you know about the killing in the Dayanshan pit?"

Niwa Chohide said sadly.

"The actions of the Sanada group of wild beasts in the Kanto Mountains are really heinous."

It was Oda Nobunaga who took the initiative to reveal to the retainers about the killing and surrender. Now that she asked the question knowingly, Niwa Chohide had to be careful and express his grief and indignation, which was always right.

Oda Nobunaga asked calmly.

"How did the princesses at home react?"

Niwa Chohide shook his head.

"The retreat was in a hurry yesterday, all the armies were exhausted, and they were all rectifying their troops in preparation for the Sipo army going south, so there was no major reaction for the time being.

After all, most of the people who were caught and killed were Kita Omi, and the Owari Mino samurai didn't care. "

Oda Nobunaga nodded.

It is also a coincidence that most of the captives captured by Nobushige Sanada between the big rock mountains of Jianyue were from the northern Omi people who were scattered when the Sanada group first broke through Jianyue.

Hashiba Hideyoshi gathered Takikawa Kazuyoshi's defeated army after the second defeat of Jianyue, retreated to the Oiwayama defense line, and then followed Oda Nobunaga to retreat back to Nagahama Castle, and not many people were left behind.

The Sanada army moved back and forth between Chiyake and Dayanshan, and fought against the Oda army several times.

As a result, not many of the core members of the Oda family were arrested. Most of the people who were arrested secretly released water and escaped, but they failed to escape from the North Omi people in the mountainous area due to organizational chaos.

Oda Nobunaga was already angry that the Kita Omi people did not work hard. This time, the Sanada people weakened these wall grasses for her, but it would be beneficial for the Oda forces to replace them in the future and completely control Kita Omi.

As for the few Oda pro-army soldiers who were also buried together, it can only be considered that they were unlucky. There were not many people, and they did not arouse public outrage. What Oda Nobunaga is most concerned about now is the political significance behind the killing and surrender.

How will Shibo Yoshigin handle this matter, and will he use this to make up his mind to fight the Oda family to the end?
Originally under Akechi Mitsuhide's communication, Oda Nobunaga and Shiba Yoshigin had a faint tacit understanding, that is to fight back, control the size, and not lose control.

If the boss and the second child fight, if both sides lose, the third, fourth, fifth, etc. will be the ones who will be the cheapest in the end.

The two families of Shiba and Oda can compete for ranking and fight to see who will occupy the dominant position in the future communication, but the confrontation must not get out of control, and it must not end in a fight between the snipe and the clam, and the fisherman will benefit.

Akechi Mitsuhide's initiative on the confluence of sources and levels is precisely this level of political tacit understanding.

Yoshihiro Shiba did not directly reject the possibility of joining forces with Oda Nobunaga. There is actually a bottom-line thinking in the confrontation between the dog and the man.

The two sides can compete against each other, but it won't be a dead end. If Yiyin loses, it's a big deal to lie down on wormwood.

What is Oda Nobunaga really asking for?It is the right to courtship!
In essence, people and animals are the same, whoever has a hard fist will get the grass.Oda Nobunaga won the battle, and Genpei's reunion was put on the agenda. From then on, Shiba Yoshigin was the only one who could do it.

Now that Nobunaga Oda lost the fight, at most he lost the exclusive grass bird rights, that's all.

The Shiba family wants to completely overthrow the Oda family, and the price is too high. Oda Nobunaga doesn't think that Yoshigin will be so demented that he will be forced to die.

But in reality, a large-scale murder of prisoners occurred, which made Oda Nobunaga feel a little more uncertain. Is Shiba Yoshigin trying to break the political tacit understanding reached by the two before?

Oda Nobunaga mobilized the garrisons of East Mino and Minami Omi to participate in the Yuwuhu joint battle. It has been exposed, and the Sibo army in the relevant area will definitely try to counterattack after reacting.

Before his rear becomes chaotic, Oda Nobunaga must determine Shibo Yoshigin's mind. Is Shibo Yoshigin still willing to continue fighting?
If Yoshihiko Shiba wants to fight, Oda Nobunaga is not afraid. At worst, he will be fully mobilized.

This would be the worst lose-lose ending. If there was still room for maneuver, Oda Nobunaga would not be willing to go to this point.

After all, the most important thing is Yoshihiro Shiba. Nobunaga Oda needs someone to help him determine Yoshihiro Shiba's thoughts.

Seeing that Oda Nobunaga just nodded and fell silent again, Niwa Changhide couldn't help but wry smile.

She is the best friend of Oda Nobunaga, the confidant of the cronies, and she has actually guessed what Oda Nobunaga is thinking.

Oda Nobunaga desperately wants to save face, and obviously intends to let Niwa Nagahide express the idea of ​​envoy Shiba's camp, but he just refuses to take the initiative to speak up, and has to wait for Niwa Nagahide to understand it himself.

Niwa Chohide asked in a low voice.

"Main Hall, why don't I go to the Jinduo Hall to find out what's going on?"

Oda Nobunaga snorted.

"What's the tone?
Although I lost a lot in this battle, he was also injured.He hits whenever he wants, so can I be afraid of him? "

Niwa Chohide couldn't help complaining in his heart.

The more Oda Nobunaga said he didn't care and hit casually, the less willing he was to continue beating.

So, Niwa Changhide handed Oda Nobunaga another step and said.

"In the main hall, Nobumori Sakuma and Hidetaka Kawajiri led their troops to join the battle. There was a gap in the defense of Higashi Mino and Minami Omi. The longer the delay, the greater the trouble.

Moreover, although the war started not long ago, more than [-] soldiers were mobilized, involving a wide range of areas, and the logistical pressure was already enormous.

In particular, the threat to the Nobi Plain has affected the safety of military supplies, and the hearts of the army and the people have begun to feel uneasy.

In my opinion, there is no deep hatred between the Shiba and Oda families, but a dispute between the two parties.

Jin Duodian misunderstood your ambition to innovate in the main hall, thinking that you would destroy the eternal foundation of the samurai family, that's why he took such a drastic move. He really worried too much.

If this matter can be explained clearly, wouldn't it be beautiful if the two sides turned their fighting into a jade silk, and the people would not have to continue to suffer from wars and disasters? "

Why did Yoshihiro Shiba go to war?That was to keep his illegitimate daughter in the Takeda family.

As for the later intensification of conflicts and the dispute over the line of the samurai world, Shiba Yoshigin took advantage of the samurai's fear and dissatisfaction with the Oda family's innovation to strengthen his awe-inspiring righteousness.

Niwa Chohide deliberately did not mention the matter of Takeda's illegitimate daughter, and only talked about the dispute between innovation and tradition, which was to save face for Oda Nobunaga.

Yu Wuhu was defeated in the joint battle, and there was no need to mention the matter of Takeda's hostage. The loser asked the winner for a hostage. How could he have the confidence?

Oda Nobunaga walked down the ladder and said coldly.

"Can the misunderstanding of the innovation policy be explained clearly? What about the killing and surrender?"

Niwa Chohide said solemnly.

"The reform policy was not created by my Oda family, it is the way to enrich the country and strengthen the army summed up by various daimyos over the years, why does Jintaden accuse my Oda family of wanting to overthrow the samurai world?

As for the killing and surrender, Dadian, you know Jinduodian, and Jinduodian is benevolent and righteous, maybe he is more angry than you at the moment.

Most of the savages in the Sanada group who killed the captives vented their anger privately. Jin Dadian probably didn't know about it, let alone approve of this kind of massacre.

I just used this as a reason to go to Shiba to ask Jindaden for advice.

Jin Dadian regards himself as the guardian of the samurai family, and the Sanada generals killed Ji Wushi and Ashigaru together. Doesn't this matter need to be explained to the world?

What kind of samurai principle is it that the noble and the lowly are buried in the same cave?Wouldn't the Shiba family even want to give Samurai Hime a decent seppuku? "

Niwa Chohide spoke with reason and integrity, and Oda Nobunaga nodded repeatedly.

The innovation policy is originally Oda Nobunaga's summary of the previous successful cases of the samurai daimyo.

The martial arts family has been in troubled times for a hundred years, and many elites are determined to revitalize the family business. Centralization of power is more conducive to fighting for hegemony in troubled times than enfeoffment, so it is natural to develop in this direction.

At best, Oda Nobunaga stood on the shoulders of his predecessors, summarized all the policies, and implemented them more forcefully.

Of course, this also means that Oda Nobunaga took all the enormous pressure that the other daimyo could not bear.

Now she wants to use the wisdom of her predecessors as a shield to reason with Yoshihiko Shiba, and it really makes sense.

In the past, Oda Nobunaga didn't bother to explain, but now he can't help it. Since he can't beat him, he can only reason.

The reason for Niwa Changhide's mission was very ingenious.

The Oda family did not take the initiative to hand over the olive branch as the defeated party, but asked Yoshihiro Shiba about the moral issues of killing the captives, taking Oda Nobunaga's face into consideration.

On the surface, the Oda family did not give in, but in their hearts, it was the Oda family who took the first step and laid the foundation for subsequent negotiations.

And Niwa Chohide's own position is also very subtle. She and Shiba Yoshiyin were old acquaintances in Owari back then, and as a member of Shibaowari's old samurai family, she has always had a close personal relationship with Shiba's family.

She is also Oda Nobunaga's chief logistics manager, she has never swung a knife with the Siba family on the battlefield, and her hands have never been stained with the blood of Shiba's retainers, and the Siba Takeshi family has no ill feeling towards her.

As the boss who manages the logistics, Niwa Chohide is one of the most stressed people in this all-round confrontation of 10 people in Shiba Oda.

Niwa Changhide upholds the stance of peace and actively promotes the peace negotiations between the two parties, which can also be understood by the Hime Samurai Corps of both the enemy and us.

Oda Nobunaga recruited Niwa Nagahide, a busy logistics leader, in fact, he thought she was a good candidate in his heart.

Niwa Changhide also pushed the boat along the way, expressing Oda Nobunaga's thoughts, saying that the idea was his own, and taking the initiative to take responsibility.

No wonder Oda Nobunaga took her as his confidant, just because of this good Simin who shared the worries of the king, it was enough to get Oda Nobunaga's Nobunaga.

Oda Nobunaga thought for a while and asked again.

"You are right, but if I take the initiative to admit that there is a problem with the reform policy, Jin Duodian takes advantage of the situation and asks me to change course, how should I respond?"

What Niwa Changhide said is to push the damage of the innovation policy to the samurai group to those founders.But the problem is that it is Oda Nobunaga who implements these policies most thoroughly and resolutely.

Now that you admit that you made a mistake, you must correct it. If you know your mistake and don’t correct it, how can you continue the discussion?
But Oda Nobunaga enjoyed the benefits of centralization, how could he be willing to give up the power he had acquired and go back to the old way of being checked and balanced by the retainers?
Niwa Chohide smiled.

"Your Majesty, if there is a problem with the policy, of course it must be changed, but governing a big country is like cooking a small fish, and it is a big taboo to change the order overnight.

Instead, we should take it step by step and walk slowly towards the deep water area. Don't rush it. I think Jin Tada will understand the difficulties of the Oda family. "

Oda Nobunaga nodded and smiled.

Niwa Chohide is right. Since Shiba Yoshiyin accused the Oda family's innovation policy of hurting the interests of the samurai family and attacked the Oda family from the moral high ground, then Oda Nobunaga knew his mistakes and could correct them.

But how to change it, take a few steps, it is decomposed, gradual, and slowly enter the deep water area. This time must be grasped by Oda Nobunaga himself.

It’s like weasels don’t eat chicken anymore, but how they don’t eat chicken feathers first, then chicken paws, which one not to eat, is up to the weasel to decide, step by step.

There is no way to change it for three to 40 years until the day Oda Nobunaga dies. Whoever makes governing a big country is like cooking a small fish, there is no rush.

Oda Nobunaga nodded and said.

"This method is good, of course I am willing to take into account the overall interests of the Wu family and change those bad innovation policies back.

But Jin Daden wants to give me some time, we can't make the Oda family turn around quickly and go to collapse in an instant, right?
If he forced me, he would be insincere and harbor evil intentions. He hoped that my Oda family would be shocked by the catastrophe, so there is no need to continue talking. "

Niwa Chohide bowed and said.

"The main hall is far-sighted, and the ministers respect it."

Oda Nobunaga's smile grew wider and wider.

She found that if she agreed to change, the good reason for the Spoel Alliance to fight against the enemy disappeared.

Shiba Yoshigin's sentence is for the sake of the samurai family, and the samurai family more or less agrees. Even within the Oda family, there are not a few retainers who secretly agree.

Oda Nobunaga must strip off this unjust political liability. She claims to be the elder of the Taira family, and she is going to establish Oda Gongyi, and she also needs a fig leaf.

The utilitarian Oda Nobunaga chose to innovate only because it was more beneficial to her.But she doesn't mind covering it with a fig leaf of admitting her mistakes and correcting her mistakes, as long as her actual interests are not touched.

It is also very good for Oda Nobunaga to give the samurai a dream of changing back and disintegrate the foundation of the anti-Oda alliance politically, so as to prevent Nobunaga's siege network from appearing again and again.

Oda Nobunaga thought better and better, and said to Niwa Changhide.

"It's not too late, you go to Jinduo Palace as soon as possible, and ask Jinduodian for me, whether killing and surrendering is in line with the righteousness of the Wu family?
In addition, tell him that I am not trying to harm the world of the Wu family, I am a Wu family myself, there is no reason to draw a sword and harm myself.

The innovation of the Oda family is just to protect themselves and grow stronger.If there is any defect that Wujiatianxia cannot tolerate, I am willing to change it back.

But I need time to change slowly without hurting the Oda family.

If Jin Duodian agrees, then please show me a little sincerity, the two sides have ceased fighting, and no more hostile acts are allowed.

This will facilitate subsequent negotiations. "

Yu Wuhu fought together, and Shiba Yiyin also suffered a lot of losses, and was temporarily unable to go south to the North Omi Plain.What Oda Nobunaga was most worried about was the gap in the defense zone of Higashi Mino Minami Omi.

If Yoshihiro Shiba can respond and the two sides cease fighting, then the problem of the gap will be resolved.

Assuming Yoshihiro Shiba disagrees, Nobunaga Oda can be sure that Yoshihiro Shiba has changed his mind and she will mobilize further.

After that, the intensity of the war between the two sides will escalate again, and it will easily go out of control.

Oda Nobunaga hoped that Yoshihiro Shiba hadn't changed his mind, and now it's time to talk.

Niwa Chohide kowtowed to the ground and said.

"Your servant set off immediately, throwing stones at the hall to ask for directions."

Oda Nobunaga nodded.

"Thanks a lot."

(End of this chapter)

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