different warring states of japan

Chapter 1560 The upcoming negotiation

Chapter 1560 The upcoming negotiation

If there is a choice, Yiyin also likes to face everyone with sincerity and calmness.But when he is in this position, even if he really has no idea about many things, others will think about it for him a few times.

This is the sorrow of the superior, all his actions will be carefully observed and figured out under the microscope, infinitely magnified.

Leaving aside the matter of Nobushige Sanada, Yoshigin put a lot of thought into it.

Even if he once really wanted to do a good job in the standing committee of the Guandong Chamberlain, what is it like now?
Originally, I thought about setting up seven directors, but in the end, six directors came out of the big review game. Why is this?

Because of the three permanent directors, Masaru Shima, Yukimori Yamanaka, and Chaoxiu Okuma, they hope that the total number of council members will be six.

According to Yiyin, three of the seven directors are permanent directors, and four are non-permanent directors. An odd number of votes can directly determine the result.

But the three permanent directors are unwilling, because once the four non-permanent directors reach an agreement, the three permanent directors must use the common veto power.

As the ultimate deterrent, the veto cannot be used every day, right?Then, for the three standing directors, the most favorable choice is three against three, reducing the number of council members to six.

In this way, there is no need for any voting confrontation between the three one-year non-permanent directors and the three permanent permanent directors.

In the small town of Yanjin, the residence hall is not big, and the courtyard is also small, just a few trees and a pond.

Yi Yin nodded.

On the Oda family's side, the Owari old samurai family who didn't want to go to war were nailed to the Echizen country and fought a war of attrition, causing heavy losses.

In particular, there is an irreconcilable and profound contradiction between their old school of Nanman religion and our new school of belief.

Yoshigin also didn't expect that Oda Nobunaga didn't care much about the massacre itself, and most of the people who died were probably Kita Omi, not the direct descendants of the Oda family.

The two giants, Yoshihiro and Oda Nobunaga, seem to be able to mobilize the mobilization force of millions of shi, and each pull out 10,000+ people to fight a full-scale war that is rare in an island country, which is very awesome.

But in fact, both of them are very empty in their hearts, because both of them have the same pain points.

In order to gain more power, Yiyin's most trusted Dao Shengmeng, Yamanaka Yukimori, and Daxiong Chaoxiu can't stop their greed. The samurai group behind them is trying their best to fight for their own greater interests.

"Lilu asked me to bring all the shells this time, our ship's guns have run out of ammunition, and we have lost the ability to deal with danger during long voyages.

"Of course, for my family and honor, I can give everything, including my body."

The shogunate will only conduct trade communication with the Nanban merchant group represented by Lilu. If the Nanban Chamber of Commerce is unwilling to accept, they will not be able to continue to stay in Sakai Port to participate in trade.

In this case, who can Yiyin trust?He can only find a way to let the people below check and balance each other, otherwise he will be emptied.

"My lord, I thank you for your kindness and generosity, but Lilu is just a greedy and stupid businessman, and she is a Dutchman.

Now is the best time to negotiate. The two sides bumped their fists, their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, and they decided to have peace and love. It is easier to respect each other's demands before they have formed a deadly feud.

Tie Panxiu and Ujiie Naomoto, the two powerful factions of Owari Mino with the highest tone, were hacked to death on the battlefield, and the rest of them could be considered to have seen the unparalleled demeanor of Tsudaden.

"What question?"

Oda Nobunaga's request was more timid than expected, maybe the massacre of the Sanada people gave her a certain amount of pressure, it was a windfall for Yoshihiro.

Oda Nobunaga came with sincerity, and I, Yoshigin Shiba, also welcomed us with sincerity. The two sides finally took the first step in the negotiation.

The mobilization of a large number of military forces is the embodiment of great power.But what was consumed by the confrontation was his own limited control and strength.

"You have already provided me with great help. In addition to the Jin Xiaopan I gave you before, there will be a bonus sent to Tsuruga Port in the future."

Yi Yin looked at Christina and said firmly.

Regardless of the loopholes in Oda's territory, it is actually very difficult for the Sipo army to enter.

It is helpless for the Sipoji samurai to tacitly agree that Yoshigin is a male cousin, because apart from using the body of the lord as cousins, the Sipo family has no more effective bond to connect all high-level interests.

The Owari Mino samurai, who are the core of the Oda retainers group, don't want to fight at all, and the other affiliated forces are even less willing to shed blood for the Oda family.

As Yoshihiro said, if all the Hime samurai are wiped out, even if the Shiba family wins the Oda family, the samurai family will also be ruined, there is no need.

Dao Shengmeng was blocked in the West Meinong Mountains, and it was difficult to go south, and there were not many troops on hand.Yamanaka Yukimori of Echizen Kingdom led the Kwantung Allied Forces to attack Shibata Katsuya hard, and both sides suffered great losses.

Oda Nobunaga is also in the same embarrassment. The Oda family she inherited is just a rural daimyo in the four counties of Shimoowari.

For their own benefit, even if it is Junshang's design, they dare to think of ways to change it.

Christina glanced at Yiyin cautiously, and said softly.

The main battle faction of Oda, who stopped fighting, came down from Dongye Mountain, and was hacked to pieces by Shibo Yiyin and his colleagues on the main battlefield of Yuwu.

In the Southern Barbarian trade dominated by the Spaniards and the Portuguese, the Netherlands and England are still very weak.

All in all, Oda Nobunaga is in a lot of trouble, and Yoshihiro is under a lot of pressure. If he can stop to take a breath, it is estimated that the two sides will never fight again.

For example, Shimao Katsuo.

"But I want you to stay, and I will give you everything you desire."

"My lord, your war has been won. Lilu and I have completed the deal with you. We have the right to ask to leave."

Otani Yoshitsugu didn't have many soldiers in his hands, and taking Suzuka Pass was already the limit, and he was unable to continue to send troops to Minami Omi.

"Thank you for your concern, they are all well, I'm just sorry.

No matter how sincere the leader of the Ji warriors who adores him, Yoo-yin cannot depend on anyone politically.It was not his original intention to call him lonely, but it was a reality he had to face.

Christina looked away, as if she was stabbed by the noble light on Yiyin's body, ashamed of herself.

Yi Yin asked.

But he didn't let go immediately. On the contrary, Akechi Mitsuhide took the initiative to act as a peacemaker, and followed Niwa Nagahide to Nagahama Castle under the pretext of sending Niwa Nagahide back.

Because our shells were limited and could not play a greater role, we had to retreat after firing the ammunition. "

"Everything you desire?"

"Your Excellency, congratulations on another great victory."

Just for this voting rights dispute, the big review finally chose six directors instead of the seven originally planned by Yiyin.

Even though Katsumo Shima himself is loyal to him, the samurai group behind Katsumoto Shima still has to strive for his own interests, and Katsumoto Shimao himself sometimes has to compromise.

Yiyin looked at Christina and said slowly.


Oda Nobunaga took the initiative to send Niwa Nagahide, the number one confidant, as an envoy, and Yoshigin held a seppuku ceremony before Niwa Nagahide entered the city. It seemed to be a demonstration, but it also gave the Oda family an explanation.

Without the affiliation of several generations, the bond between people is too weak to bear the word loyalty.At this time, the most reliable thing is blood relationship, followed by bed relationship.

"Praise you, generous lord."

As for Oda Nobunaga's words of changing course and gradually revising back the policies that are not conducive to the samurai family, Yoshihiro didn't believe a word.

Because after one year, the non-permanent directors will leave, and there is no way to fight the permanent directors.

My influence is not yet as far as Kyushu West Country, but if one day, my army arrives in Nagasaki and Hakata, they will also lose the right to trade in the local ports.

"So? Are you going to take Lilu to leave this country to avoid the persecution of these Southern barbarian merchants and believers?"

"I didn't see anything, your entourage ordered me to wait here, I'm just bored in a daze."

The Takeda army in Dongmino has only 800 people, and Maeda Toshiie has a territory of [-] shi, and no more than a thousand people were desperately mobilized.Harassment and harassment are okay, but if you really get into the Noongwei Plain, you can't even get enough people to occupy it.

Yiyin thought for a while and said.

In front of the pond, Christina was staring at the water in a daze.Yiyin came to her side, and she woke up with a start, and bowed.

Coupled with the extermination of the Spozong family, he did not leave any backbone elites to support the family business, resulting in a very loose foundation for his rule.

Therefore, only individuals can be controlled by Yiyin with emotions.But Yiyin couldn't control the thoughts of small groups on small hills.

As a man, Yiyin is weak in his own right to establish hegemony in the world of female deities.

If they choose to respect me, they must learn to respect Lilu, the general agent of Nanban trade appointed by the shogunate. "

The Oda family didn't care about the murder. Akechi Mitsuhide finally had the courage to go to Oda Nobunaga's seat to open his three-inch tongue, no longer worried that his head would be cut off to sacrifice the flag.

Rather than saying that Shiba Yoshigin runs his family with benevolence and righteousness, it is better to say that he runs his family with Jill.

If the price of defeating an opponent is to exhaust one's ability to control one's own forces, wouldn't it be too stupid to make a wedding dress for the latecomer?

I will let Takada Yono tell the news to the priests of the Nanban sect in Sakai Port. Be my friend or be my enemy. The Nanban sect chooses for itself.

After seeing off Niwa Chohide, Yoshigin fell into deep thought.

"My lord, I have a question."

Looking at Niwa Nagahide, Yoshigin thought of Oda Nobunaga.In a sense, Yoshigin and Oda Nobunaga are the same kind of people.

But in the whole world, how many people can subdue the 300 million shi daimyo Oda Nobunaga?Yoshihiro Shibo might be one of them, but he is no longer willing to fight. The cost is too high and it's not worth it.

The Oda family has expanded rapidly over the years, and the original foundation could not support such a large plate. There are many conflicts accumulated, and only rely on continuous external expansion to barely ease internal differences.

Coupled with the fact that Yoshigin and Oda Nobunaga had skin-to-skin kinship, there was a relationship between men and women, which made it possible for the two to have a successful sexual relationship, and the two sides were even more reluctant to fight, and the fish would die.

We need to go back to Sakai Port and negotiate with other Nanban merchants to buy some shells, but we may run into a little trouble.

Christina frowned.

After thinking for a while, feeling that there was nothing wrong, Yiyin stood up and walked out. He stretched out his hand to signal the people who were going to follow, and then Yiyin came to the courtyard inside the residence hall.

The centralized monarch can only dislike the power in his hands is too small, how can there be any reason to push the power out?
Oda Nobunaga has tasted the sweetness, and it is impossible to give up the slightest bit of power, unless someone uses force to force her to bow her head and let go.


"How are your subordinates? Did you encounter any trouble after the artillery team withdrew?"

Christina said bitterly.

Yoshihiro is very relieved about Akechi Mitsuhide, this black-bellied fox will eat everything, but he will not suffer, and he is very relieved to have her to run on Oda Nobunaga.

Niwa Changhide relayed Oda Nobunaga's conditions, and Yoshigin agreed in principle.

At least judging from the current situation, the Shiba and Oda families have a basis for mutual respect.In the face of huge casualties, sister Gao's martial arts from both camps no longer wanted to fight.

Both of them have great power, but the core forces controlling the big power are both small and fragile.

"You go back to Sakai Port first and wait for my news. I am sure that this war will end this year, after which the shogunate will formally appoint Lilu as the general agent of Nanban.

Mutual respect in politics stems from equal strength.No one can do anything to anyone, so we have to respect each other.

Yoshihiro is also interested in the truce proposed by Oda Nobunaga.

"Does this include you too? My lord."

Oda Nobunaga said that the reform of the government was just an excuse to disintegrate the righteousness and fighting spirit of the samurai group to form the anti-Oda alliance.And Yiyin is also willing to go down the slope and negotiate with the Oda family.

It's just that the scale of the [-]-strong army puts too much pressure on the economy of the island nation's daimyo. Neither Yoshigin nor Oda Nobunaga can last long, and an armistice agreement should be reached soon.

I can't hide the fact that I led the artillery team to participate in the island nation war for too long.The Nanban Chamber of Commerce headed by Spain and Portugal will definitely accuse us of breaking the agreement and drive us out of the trade line of the island country. "

Christina looked at the domineering Yiyin with a strange gleam in her eyes.

Negotiations are like this, the two sides come and go, constantly running in, and finally reach an agreement.

Your preference for Lilu may not bring her glory and wealth, it may be a dagger in the back or a deadly poison. "

Christina hesitated and said frankly.

"Thank you. You are also responsible for this. What are you looking at here?"

In the Battle of Yuwuhu, the names of two or three hundred descendants of famous families in the Sibo camp were sold out, not counting the Ji Warriors in other battlefields.

"What are your plans when you return to the ship?"

Yiyin looked at Christina, the tall British officer, a gorgeous red-haired Celtic, his eyes revealed a hint of desire for men.

Yiyin shook his hand and asked.

After Sanada Nobushige left, Niwa Chohide respectfully greeted Yoshiba Bank.Yiyin exchanged pleasantries with her about the old friendship of the year, first to warm up the scene.

"That sudden heavy rain...was it really summoned by you?"

Christina lowered her head, seeming a little scared.As if realizing something in Yi Yin's heart, he took the initiative to hold Christina's hand.

"Whether I am a god or a mortal, you should be very clear. You have already experienced it clearly once in Sakai Port."

Christina held Yiyin's hand subconsciously, reluctant to let go.

(End of this chapter)

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