different warring states of japan

Chapter 1569 To be a noble descendant of the gods

Akechi Mitsuhide and Hosokawa Fujitaka talked one night in secret, and finally let Fujibayashi Muku rush to Echizen to send two letters, one with Yamanaka Yukimori and the other with Shima Katsuo.

Then, Akechi Mitsuhide embarked on the road of negotiating with the Oda family again, as if all the shit that exploded behind him had nothing to do with her.

Asked how worried you can be, just like a river of spring water flowing eastward.

The battle is over, Shiba Yoshigin has not yet started to worry about the reward, Akechi Mitsuhide has already prepared for a rainy day, and wants to use this to unite the god-descendant family and fight against the imaginary enemy.

Externally, to resist the danger that Oda Nobunaga may give birth to the descendants of gods.Internally, be wary of the two powerful daimyos of Takeda Uesugi who are first descended from the gods to make troubles.

Speaking to Xiaoli, refusing the reward and respecting the gods helped Yiyin get rid of the trouble of land reward after the war.

Speaking of Dali, uniting the Ji warriors who love Shiba Yoshiyin is conducive to the formation of a common sense of the god-born samurai group, and it has done an exercise for the distribution of Shiba's internal interests in the future.

For Takeda Uesugi in Kanto, Akechi Mitsuhide is beyond reach.Akechi Mitsuhide is also worried about the powerful Oda Nobunaga.

In order to complete the strategy of dove occupying the magpie's nest, Akechi Mitsuhide must unite all the powerful samurai inside and outside the Shiba family who love Shiba Yoshigin to fight against the powerful daimyos such as Oda, Takeda, and Uesugi.

Dove occupying the magpie's nest cannot become a game for these powerful vassals to compete to swallow Shiba's family property, and the chastity that Shiba Yiyin sacrificed for the family property cannot be used for nothing to make these greedy beasts cheap.

Akechi Mitsuhide pushed his beloved man into the abyss with his own hands, so naturally he couldn't allow someone to take away the fruit Shiba Yoshigin exchanged for his life's happiness.


Shiba Yoshigin still didn't know about Akechi Mitsuhide's secret connection at this time, and Yukimori, who was far away in the mountains of the Echizen country, was also hesitant to Akechi Mitsuhide's sudden letter.

After the Yu Wuhu battle, the Shiba and Oda families have substantially entered the truce period.

After Akechi Mitsuhide and Niwa Chohide exchanged missions, although the negotiations have not officially started, all fronts have consciously disengaged.

Both the enemy and us on all fronts are paying attention to the negotiation progress of the two lords of Kita Omi. At this time, no one is willing to fight again, and there is no need to continue to lose strength.

The Echizen Kingdom's battle line had stabilized. Shibata Katsuya's three lines of defense were severely stabbed by the Kwantung Allied Forces, directly overturning the first river bank defense line.

But after that, Shibata Katsuya personally defended Beizhuang City. Even if the surrounding small villages were pulled out one by one, they were firmly nailed to the same place.

From the beginning, the Kwantung Allied Forces became hesitant, with momentum like a rainbow.

Yamanaka Yukimori was not Shiba Yoshigin, and her prestige was not enough for these Kanto Hime warriors belonging to various families to suffer huge casualties and forcibly gnaw down Beizhuang Castle.

At this time, news of the Yu Wuhu joint battle came, Shiba Yoshiyin repelled Oda Nobunaga, the two sides began to contact and negotiate, Shibata Yamanaka and both sides lost the idea of ​​continuing to be tough.

Yamanaka Yukimori did not expect that what he was waiting for was a private letter from Akechi Mitsuhide before the order came from the emperor.While she was still hesitating, Dao Shengmeng rushed back.

In the main formation in the mountains, two generals of the Kwantung Allied Army sat on the left and right.

Yamanaka Yukimori looked at Shimao Katsuki's dusty face and asked.

"Shimahime, why are you back? Is the war going well in the Mino country?"

Shima Katsuo didn't talk nonsense, took out a letter, and said.

"I was only flanking and harassing in Ximeno, and Ryotoshi Inaba was guarding the northern city, and my little people couldn't attack.

Now that the fighting has ceased, I came back quickly for this, and Mitsuhide Akechi also wrote to you, right? "

Yamanaka Yukimori looked at the letter Shima Katsuki took out, and also took out one, pretending to be relaxed.

"So you have one too, Akechi Mitsuhide really...hehe."

Shimakatsu stared at Yamanaka Yukimori and asked.

"Akechi Mitsuhide has a estranged relationship with you and me, there is nothing private to say, it is nothing more than business affairs, I think the contents of the two letters are similar.

What do you think of her words? "

Yamanaka Yukimori was a little puzzled, why Shima Katsuo attached so much importance to Akechi Mitsuhide's letter, and even hurried back to Echizen Country to discuss this matter with himself.

"Akechi Hosokawa and his family wanted to give up the reward, and Akechi Mitsuhide was worried that Maeda Mitsuhide would take the blame for her, so he wanted to instigate you and me to follow up, forcing Maeda Mitsuhide to agree.

Encouragement from the public is the cornerstone of the martial arts family, and Ming Guangxiu's idea is a bit menglang.She gave up the reward and asked others to follow suit. What's the point?
Although the outcome of this battle is not yet clear, the Shiba family seems to have the upper hand. Akechi Mitsuhide was entangled in the matter of rewards before the negotiation, which seems to be lack of confidence in the negotiation.

She was afraid that she would not be able to force His Highness Oda to make too many concessions, that she would not be able to get any land, and that the emperor would be unable to reward her, so she used her brains to encourage everyone to give up the reward.

I don't know what those people think these days, but the Kanto people are not easy to deal with.If I follow Akechi Mitsuhide's wishes, I'm afraid the Kwantung Allied Forces will be dissatisfied with me.

However, Akechi Mitsuhide pressured me in the name of thinking for the king, and I couldn't refuse it openly.It just so happens that Shimahime and you are here too, why don't you tell me what to do? "

Shimakatsu watched Yamanaka Yukimori sarcastically mocking Akechi Mitsuhide, and sneered in his heart.

Yamanaka Yukimori is mediocre, this is the consensus among the important officials of the Shiba family.Shimao Katsumeng was also worried that Yamanaka Yukimori would not understand the seriousness of the matter, so he hurried here, lest she make a wrong judgment.

In terms of a bad relationship, is it good that Akechi Mitsuhide and Maeda have conflicting interests, and Shima Katsutake and Yamanaka Yukimori are fine?
Shima Katsuki was wormwood inside the door, and Yamanaka Yukimori was blowing outside.Xing Yamanaka flourished the wormwood inside the door, and Shimao Katsuki was blowing the wind outside the door.

This is the real relationship between the two people. As early as the snowy confrontation back then, the two wanted to stab each other to death.

The two parties have worked together in Kanto for four or five years, and they have known each other for a long time. It is even clear how many times the other party can make money in a year.

For so many years, the two have endured each other's nausea and cooperated with each other, isn't it just for righteousness and love?

Longing for Yoshigin's Giri and coveting the body of the king, these two Girihime warriors are no longer the white paper they used to be, but colorful black.

The only difference is that Dao Sheng is brave, wise and brave, and Yamanaka Yuki is beautiful and moving.

Shima Katsuki looked down on Yamanaka Yukimori, an idiot, but he had to admit that Jun Shang favored this guy.

Whether it's because of the influence of a party in Nizishan in Shibo's house, or because he likes this face that is too beautiful.

In short, Yamanaka Yukimori was very favored.

Looking at her stupid and beautiful face now, Shimao Shengmeng suppressed the urge to call silly b, and sighed.

No matter how stupid Yamanaka Yukimori is, he is also a high-ranking and powerful person, serving as the deacon of the Kanto Chamber and one of the Big Three who sit firmly on the standing council.

Dao Shengmeng wanted to achieve something, but he really couldn't get around this stupid guy. This is what Dao Shengmeng feels most disgusting about.

After thinking for a while, Shimao Katsuki spread out his letter, pointed at it, and asked.

"Dare to ask Hime Yamanaka, do you have the words "rejecting the reward and respecting the gods" in your letter?"

Yamanaka Yukimori nodded.


Shimao sighed.

"Jin Duo Hall made an oath in front of Yu Wu's battle, not to return to the vulgar, not to marry, not to seek fame and status, and not to compete for honor and favor. The world changed in a moment, and the wind, cloud and rain came. The whole Oda was frightened and the whole army retreated."

Yukimori Yamanaka also sighed.

"The majestic majesty of the king makes people fascinated. I wish I could follow around and watch miracles together."

Shima Katsuo and Yamanaka Yukimori said this not to resonate with her, but to wake up this idiot.

"Yamanakahime, there have been rumors in Kanto recently that Your Highness is Bishamonten, the patron saint of Buddhism. The three major sects of Tentai Sect, Shingon Sect, and Ichiko Sect even built up momentum for Your Highness before the war, and this has been confirmed.

Now, the emperor manifests his holiness before going into battle, and everyone in the world knows it. Since then, there is a difference between gods and mortals, and we can no longer look at you from a worldly perspective. "

Yamanaka Yukimori shivered and looked at Shima Katsuki fiercely.

The biggest contradiction between the two is to get married.Back then, Akechi Mitsuhide misled Shiba's concubines and made them compete with each other for marriage.

Now that Shiba Yoshigin has embarked on the Shinto way, he swears to the sky that he will not marry, and the dispute over marriage will never be mentioned again, and the irreconcilable fundamental contradiction between Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsumo has disappeared.

Not only Yukimori Yamanaka and Katsumo Shima, but also the struggles of other important officials in the family over the marriage can actually be stopped.

Yamanaka Yukimori narrowed his eyes and asked.

"What the hell are you trying to tell me?"

Yamanaka Yukimori didn't believe that Shimao Katsuo came here specifically to seek reconciliation with himself.

Even if there is no matrilineal dispute, a woman's natural desire for dominance, seeing the man she loves sleeping with other women is extremely uncomfortable.

The past quarrels between Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsumo are doomed to dislike each other, it is impossible to become friends, and they can only flirt for the benefit of each other.

Shimao said fiercely.

"I just want to remind you what Akechi Mitsuhide is worried about.

Since Jin Duodian stepped into the Shinto way, you and I will no longer have any conflicts about being married. Instead, we have to worry about whether our future heirs will be able to secure the position of the descendants of the gods.

When Chengshen said it, it was originally a rhetoric to fool fools in the countryside.However, tens of thousands of soldiers from both sides witnessed the appearance of the Holy Spirit in front of Jinduo Hall.

Coupled with the miracles of the Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine during the Battle of Yamato, the emperor repeatedly used the magic tricks, and even the high-level samurai family had to believe it.

At this critical moment, we need to work together, we must put the king on the top of the gods, let the world recognize the power of the king, this is related to the future of our children.

Are you willing to let the future child of yourself and the king be regarded by the world as an illegitimate child with depraved morals, or a god-born blood admired by the world? "

Dao Shengmeng hit the nail on the head and explained the key benefits.

Shiba Yoshigin has already embarked on the divine way, and there is no turning back. The identity of this god must be confirmed.

If people in the world don't believe in the sayings of the gods of this world, Yoshigin Shiba is a clown in the eyes of the world, and he and the children of the warrior Ji who admire him are the illegitimate children of a prodigal husband who cannot be tolerated by common sense.

If people in the world believe in Yiyin's status as a god, then his children are descendants of gods, and his act of sowing seeds everywhere is the grace of God, and the children of warrior Ji who admire him can follow the chickens and dogs to ascend to heaven.

Let the child be the daughter of a slut who is despised by the world, or the descendant of a god that the world looks up to, Yukimori Yamanaka and Katsumo Shima have no choice.

Yamanaka Yukimori suddenly came to his senses, and nodded.

"I see."

Dao Sheng glanced at her sharply and said.

"I know that Yamanaka Hime is worried about the dissatisfaction of the Kwantung Allied Forces, after all, they also marched forward bravely in this battle, and the casualties were not small.

But please understand one thing.

We are the courtiers of the Shiba family first, and the leaders of the Kanto servants and representatives of the Kanto samurai second.

As long as it hinders the interests of the Shiba family and the interests of the emperor, then the thoughts of the Kanto people are not important.

Your Majesty put us in Kanto to protect the interests of the Shiba family. This is the foundation of our existence. "

Yamanaka Yukimori glanced at Shima Katsuo, and was quite unhappy with her tone of admonishing him, but Yamanaka Yukimori had to admit that what Shima Katsuki said made sense.

She thought about it and said.

"Even if I am willing to support Mitsuhide Akechi and force the Kwantung Allied Forces to give up the reward, it will be difficult to succeed.

You know, the Kanto families may not necessarily sell my face, and the same is true for you. "

Dao Shengmeng said indifferently.

"We don't need them to save face, we just need to make deals with them.

Takeda Shingen is advocating in series in the Kanto region that the Hojo clan government has clearly expressed support for the need to clean up the scumbags of the Eastern people.

Shimoso, Kamiso, Boso, Shimono, and Hitachi, the eastern part of Kanbashu, dominated by the five countries, have almost half of the land in the Kanto Plain.

If the Kanto Servant decides to conquer the unrighteous oriental people, the Kanto Servant headed by Shiba, Uesugi, Hojo, and Takeda will join forces to send troops.

Do you think the Eastern crowd can stop it? "

Yamanaka Yukimori asked back.

"Are you going to make a deal with the Kwantung Allied Forces by passing the resolution to conquer the Eastern Crowd?"

Shimao nodded sharply.

"The foundation of the Kwantung Allied Forces is in the Kwantung, even if the emperor rewards them with the Echizen Kingdom, or even the land nearby, they are beyond their reach.

That being the case, why not take the Kanto Plain, which is close at hand?

Your Majesty, the god of war is unpredictable, and the Kwantung coalition army respects them like gods. How could the people in the east be able to withstand the full blow of the Kwantung servants?
What's more, the people in the east did not obey the righteousness and refused to perform their duties in Shangluo.

As long as the Kwantung Allied Forces refuse to reward and worship the emperor as a god, you and I will initiate a resolution in the standing council to conquer the people in the east and take everyone to the eastern part of Guanbazhou to expand the territory and eat delicious food.

Tell me, are they willing? "

Yamanaka Yukimori smiled.

"Then they are of course very willing, but they are too cheap for Mitsuhide Akechi.

As soon as we agreed, the pressure on Maeda's interests became greater, and he had to agree, and Akechi Mitsuhide was about to show his face again. "

Shimao shook his head violently.

"Achiechi Mitsuhide gained face, but we gained benefits.

She wrote to us as a gesture of affection.The dispute over matrilineal marriage came to an end, and the bloodlines of the gods will be united from now on.

Yamanaka Hime, you and I have not conceived an heir so far, but it is not a good thing for Uesugi Takeda to come out on top.

It would be a good thing for everyone if the descendants of the gods in Sibo's family could unite and prevent outsiders from coveting Sibo's family property.

It's even better for you and me. "

Yamanaka Yukimori's expression darkened, and he nodded firmly.

Shima Katsuo and Yamanaka Yukimori followed Yoshihiro to Kanto, where they went to the house and collapsed early, but they were also unlucky, and neither was pregnant with a child.

On the contrary, Takeda Shingen and Uesugi Kenshin already had daughters, and they suppressed Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsumaki in Kanto.

If the important ministers in Shiba's family can unite, grow together, grow together, and help each other, then it will naturally be a great benefit to Yukimori Yamanaka and Katsumo Shima.

After all, Takeda Uesugi is in Kanto, and they are on the front line, overwhelmed by the descendants of the powerful foreign ministers.

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