different warring states of japan

Chapter 1583 Unexpected 3 Births

Chapter 1583 Unexpected triple birth

Facing President Konishi's confusion, Floys sighed and said.

"Augustus, I have two pieces of news that I want to tell you, which may help you resolve your confusion and find a new path."

President Xiaonishi said sincerely.

"Please guide me."

Floys said.

"Lilu from the Netherlands, Agote secretly participated in the Battle of Shiba Oda, and made great contributions to the victory of Shiba's family by using the Fran cannon on the ship.

This kind of behavior of using the Franc cannon to help the lord of the island country is expressly prohibited by the agreement.This bold businessman also sent sailors to take part in the battle, which is even more infuriating and unforgivable.

However, now things get complicated.

Because of their military exploits in this battle, Lilu and Agot were appointed by the shogunate as the general agents of the Nanban, responsible for all matters related to the Nanban trade.

What an irony, the church has been busy for so many years, and has never been able to communicate with the shogunate normally.This problem was solved by a new heretic by breaking the agreement. "

Floyd's mentality is very tangled.

As a Portuguese and a devout priest of the Nanman religion, she dislikes the Dutch people who are mercenary, and even less likes the new beliefs of the Dutch people.

But the problem is, if the church refuses to recognize Lilu and Agot, this official channel of communication with the shogunate will be lost again.

Tolerance or opposition is an extremely difficult question.The steadfastness of faith and the difficulties of reality were repeatedly weighed in Floys' mind, and she had to make a difficult choice.

President Xiaoxi was also very shocked when he heard the news. She euphemistically put forward her opinion and said.

"For the first time in so many years, the shogunate is willing to look directly at the Nanban trade and acknowledge the existence of Nanban affairs. This is a positive signal, and the church should not give up."

Floyd smiled bitterly and continued.

"There is another piece of news, Gepani, who is serving the Oda family, sent someone to send a very important piece of information.

The negotiations between the Shiba family and the Oda family have made a breakthrough. The two have secretly reached an agreement and decided to join hands to conquer the local lords and reunify this civil strife island nation. "

Gepani is Katsunari Shanshina, a knight of the Knights of St. John, who was also sent by the Nanban sect to help the Oda family train iron cannon and long spear tactics, and became an official of the Oda family.

This news is obviously more impactful than the first news, President Xiaonishi was silent for a while, and said.

"My lord priest, I actually have one more mission to come to Sakai Port this time.

My lord, Ukita, is also paying close attention to the Battle of Shiba Oda, hoping to get effective information and make a judgment that is beneficial to him.

You know, I have had contacts with the Hashiba family who are subordinate to the Oda family. If the influence of the Oda family can return to the Settsu country, my position in the Uki family will be further stabilized. "

Floyd laughed.

"Augustus, you can tell your lord this news without any hesitation. The improvement of your status in this island country is a positive boost to our missionary work.

But you paid too much attention to the delivery of the information itself, ignoring a very important detail.

The relationship between the Oda family and Ichikomune is very bad, and the Shiba family can only choose one ally between the two. "

President Xiaoxi widened his eyes, and instantly understood what Floys meant.

"You mean, the Shiba family will choose to abandon Izumomune? That's impossible!
The Hokuriku Road trade route brought a huge amount of wealth to the Shiba family. Ishiyama Honganji Temple has always been one of the most important protectors of the Hokuriku Road trade route. The Shiba family will never give up this wealth. "

Floys said.

"Augustus, as a local Ji warrior, you should be very aware of how much the lord here hates Yixiangzong.

Ichigo is encroaching on the land and population belonging to the lord. As the representative of the interests of the local lord, it is impossible for the Shiba family to maintain a good relationship with Ichiko for a long time.

But now, the opportunity for the breakdown of the relationship between the two parties has appeared. Whether the Shiba family chooses the Oda family or the Ichiko clan, the result is obvious.

Do you remember the story I told you?Stories about Black Friday. "

Chief Konishi murmured.

"The Fall of the Knights Templar."

The Knights Templar, a church armed force in the Eastern Expedition of the Revolutionary Army, directly obeyed orders from the Roman Empire.

When the Knights were at their most glorious, they owned a large amount of real estate in France, controlled the channels of pilgrimage and trade at sea, and even the King of France owed them a large sum of money.

The struggle between the King of France and Rome has never stopped, and the strength of the Knights Templar has also formed a sharp contradiction with the French feudal class.

On a Friday at the beginning of the fourteenth century, without warning, the King of France suddenly turned his face, arrested and purged almost all the Templars in France, and burned them to death.

Afterwards, the Knights Templar was forced to disband, and the real estate and money belonging to the Knights became the purse of the King of France and the French feudal lord.

Floys could see very clearly that Yixiangzong's current situation was actually very similar to that of the Knights Templar back then.

Using Yixiang Yikui, Yixiangzong established his own Buddhist kingdom on the ground, similar to the Knights Templar after the Eastern Expedition, powerful and arrogant.

But after the crazy suppression of the Oda family, Ichikozong became as weak as the Knights Templar after being weakened by the heretics.

The Yixiangzong temples in various places are the local commercial centers, and the grassroots of the Yixiangzong occupies a large amount of land and population in the countryside.

Whether it is money, food, land, or population, they are the most coveted wealth of the warriors who are heavily in debt because of the war.

And Yixiang Yikui's wanton expansion for many years and the subversion of the samurai territory have even increased the samurai group's hatred of Yixiangzong to the extreme.

Under such circumstances, once the Shiba family and the Oda family join hands, the good days of Ichikomune will come to an end.

The Shiba family doesn't need to take action, just sit back and watch the Oda family attack the Ichikozong, which is enough to make the Ichikozong go to extinction.

The local samurai who have long been intolerable to Yixiangzong will definitely beat the dog in the water when they see Yixiangzong's weakness, and further disintegrate Yixiangzong's local power.

And it is impossible for Ichigomune to do anything to the Hokuriku Road trade route. If he provokes revenge from the Shiba family, it will only make his fate even more miserable.

Therefore, from the moment the Shiba family and the Oda family reached an alliance, the decline of the Ichiko clan was already doomed.

After clarifying the logic, President Xiaonishi asked.

"My lord priest, are you going to surrender to the shogunate and admit Lilu, Agot as the general agent of Nanban?"

Floys smiled slightly. President Xiaonishi is really very smart. He can see his decision only through these two unrelated news.

"Yes, I have already sent a letter to the Diocese of Kyushu, hoping that they will tolerate Lilu and Agot's behavior of breaking the agreement.

I am also willing to obey the decision of the shogunate and respect this new general agent of Nanban.

The biggest enemy of the church in recent days is Yixiangzong.Because of the obstruction and massacres at Ishiyama Honganji Temple, our missionary work has been very slow in recent years, and we have not been able to break through Settsu Kingdom.

Now, an opportunity presents itself, and our greatest enemy is threatened with destruction.

We don't need to take action, we just need to stand on the side of the winner and wait for the winner to eliminate this difficult opponent for us. "

Behind Yixiangzong is the support of the entire Buddhist forces in recent years.Although the various factions are fighting each other, the problem in the case of Nanbanism is that the interests of all Buddhist sects are the same.

This is also the reason why Ishiyama Hongan Temple dared to send miscellaneous congregations to massacre the missionaries when the Nanban religion finally came to Luo and carried out underground preaching in Kyoto.

Even though Ishiyama Honganji committed a bad act of massacres in Kyoto and seriously offended the Ashikaga shogunate, under the mediation of various Buddhist sects, the matter was finally settled.

Because for all sects of Buddhism, Yixiangzong is very annoying, but Nanmanism is even more intolerable.

Now, the Oda family is taking the initiative to play the role of the butcher knife, and the Shiba family controls the major schools of Buddhism. Both sides are hard and soft, and they are not powerful opponents that the Ichiko sect can stop.

The Nanban religion in Sakai Port has been blocked by Ishiyama Honganji Temple for too long, and the believers of the two religions in Setjin Kingdom have been in constant conflict, making it impossible for the Nanban religion to carry out its missionary work smoothly and expand its faith in recent times.

Before the main contradiction of Yixiangzong was eliminated, the secondary contradictions of Takada Yono killing Nishi Ronzo and Lilu being the general agent of Nanman, a heretic, could be put aside for now.

All in all, as long as the Shiba family and the Oda family join forces to kill Ichikozong, the Nanban sect will be willing to bow their heads and listen to their grandson.

Chief Xiaoxi nodded.

"I understand. In order for the glory of the Communist Party to spread all over the island country, I am willing to endure it for the time being and forget about killing my mother for the time being."

Floyd sighed softly.

"Pious Paul, I have reported her deeds to Rome, and I believe that in the near future, she will be able to announce to the world as a martyr.

I believe that she is now in **, serving by **, and is proud of your choice.

Also, dear Augustus, there is one more thing I would like you to do for the Church. "

Chief Xiaoxi nodded.

"I am willing to serve you."

Floyd said.

"I hope you can maintain a good relationship with the Hashiba family. As far as I know, after the negotiations between the Shiba family and the Oda family, Hashiba Hideyoshi's younger sister, Hashiba Hidecho, has returned to Sakai Port first.

She is contacting Tsuda Zongji for material support.The war between the Shiba and Oda families caused considerable economic trouble to both sides, and at this time the Hashiba family needed help.

I hope you can help Hide-chan Hashiba, you don’t have to worry about supplies, the church will support your actions behind the scenes. "

President Xiaoxi asked thoughtfully.

"I will obey your order, so the church chooses to continue to maintain a close relationship with the Oda family?"

Floys sighed.

"Oda Nobunaga is a greedy lord, she only wants to get something from the church, and never thinks about giving the church anything in return.

But the cruelty of reality allows us to choose a less bad choice from a very bad choice and a worse choice. "

President Konishi understands Floys' depression.

If the two behemoths, the Shiba family and the Oda family join hands, the troubled times of the island nation will probably come to an end soon. If they cannot stand on the side of the winner, the Nanban religion after the war will be even more difficult.

The Shiba family is a representative of the traditional samurai family, and it is also the Bishamonten, the patron saint of Buddhism, who was promoted by Buddhism.

There is an irreconcilable fundamental contradiction between the Nanban Cult and the Shiba family.

Therefore, the Nanman religion can only choose the Oda family, which innovates politics and has a bad relationship with Buddhism, as a partner for cooperation.

Floys' helpless choice made President Xiaonishi secretly heave a sigh of relief.The relationship between the Shiba family and the Nanban religion is bad, so he has the opportunity to avenge Takada Yono.

President Xiaonishi secretly made up his mind that she must establish a very close relationship with the Hashiba family, and find a way to catch the express train of the Oda family's rapid development.

For the inevitable revenge in the future, she needs to accumulate enough strength.


Shinsengumi resident.

Yiyin half-lyed on the main seat, a little too lazy to move.

This is the courtyard specially prepared by Yono Takada for him. Even though he has not been to Sakai Port a few times, it is still the most luxurious residence in Sakai Port.

After solving the source of money and food for the post-war rewards, most of Yiyin's troubles were removed.

Originally, today, he was supposed to summon Lilu and Christina to inquire about the southern barbarian trade, but he canceled the meeting in the end.

Because, his waist can't take it anymore.

Originally thought that Takada Yono and Li Huazuo should be one plus one equals two, but it turns out that one plus one is far greater than two.

In addition, Takada Yukino who was watching with a smile on the side, Yoshihiro only felt that his excitement was about to dry up.

It has to be said that Xue Nai really understands him.

As a result of being too happy, Yiyin was unable to summon Lilu and Christina today.What can I do if I see you?I have no function, so I might as well not see it.

Those two Nanman girls who roamed the world want them to stay in the island country to help him. Yiyin can only rely on his own physical strength, let him go before he recovers enough physical strength.

While Yoshihiro was resting, Ishida Mitsunari, who was handling the affairs of the Shibachu Fund in Sakai Port, begged to see him, and Yoshihiro readily agreed.

After the monarch and ministers saw the ceremony, Yiyin asked with a smile.

"You have an audience today, why?"

It's early autumn, and it's not yet the busy autumn harvest season. The Sibozhong Fund's mid-year benefits have just been distributed, and the end-of-year benefits are still early.

Yoshigin really couldn't imagine that Ishida Mitsunari had something to discuss with him.

Ishida Mitsunari also seemed to be a little scrupulous, thought for a while, and then said.

"Saint, the honest government members stationed at the Shibazhong Foundation, well, there is some confusion."

Yiyin was a little surprised, he didn't expect that Ishida Mitsunari came to complain about the honest government.

The Shiba family has two branches of honest government, one is stationed in the Sibazhong Fund, and the other is stationed in the Kanto Service Office.

The functions of these two clean-government groups are actually similar to those of the Inquiry and Note Party. They are both responsible for collecting information, and their targets are the Loyalty Fund and the Enforcement Office respectively.

In fact, neither the Lianzhengzhong nor the reporter has the right to audit the accounts. They are only responsible for collecting and archiving. The specific audit work is done by relevant personnel of the Tongxin Secretariat headed by Ii Naomasa.

But even so, Ishida Mitsunari complained about the behavior of the clean government, which still surprised Yiyin.

Because Ishida Mitsunari has always been a cautious person, she knows very well that the Lianzhengzhong is responsible for staring at the Shibachu Foundation, and she has always tried to avoid any suspicion about the Lianzhengzhong.

Especially after Takada Yukino bloodbathed the followers of the Shibachu Fund, Ishida Mitsunari finally replaced a lot of his own people, but because of this, he became more cautious, lest he would be blamed.

It was hard for Yoshihiro to imagine that Mitsunari Ishida would come to see him specially, complaining about the problems of the clean government in front of him.

Even the cautious Ishida Matsumoto couldn't bear it anymore, what happened to the Lian Zhengzhong?Yuigahama Yui is messing around again?

Yiyin couldn't help but get serious.

"Tell me specifically."

Ishida Mitsunari sighed, if she couldn't bear it, she didn't want to speak ill of the honest government.

"Saint, since Yui Hihama gave birth to a child last year..."

Yiyin turned pale with shock and interrupted.

"What did you say? She's pregnant?"

Ishida Mitsunari was a little confused.

"Saint, I'm talking about Yuigahama Yui-sama giving birth to a child..."

Yiyin interrupted again.

"What did you say? She's married?"

Ishida Mitsunari almost missed the answer in one breath, and said with a wry smile.

"Saint, Lord Yuigahama Yui is not married, she is still single, she simply gave birth to a child."

Yiyin subconsciously straightened his waist in a half-lying posture at this time, and then heard his waist squeak, as if his waist was shivering, and the pain made him gasp.

But he didn't think about the pain at this time, it was all about Yubihama Yui having a baby.

She is not married yet?She already had a baby?Could it be that she was conceived that night?
(End of this chapter)

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