different warring states of japan

Chapter 1586 The Truth About the Southern Barbarian Trade

The beaten Lilu yelled.

"Oh, wicked Christina, why did you hit me!"

Christina said solemnly.

"Since you have decided to stay in this country to serve Your Excellency the Great Lord, you should think about how to do your duty well, instead of thinking about such dirty things all day long!"

Lilu pouted.

"Tch, in fact, you think more than I do, don't you? I saw you falling asleep several times, and you kept calling your Lord Lord in your dreams, and I don't know what dreams you are having.

Okay, don't fight anymore, how can you serve your great lord if you are stupid.

Anyway, I know what you're worried about, Christina.I am from Holland, so what does the fanatical missionary work of the Nanban Sect have to do with me.

I am a Protestant with no interest nor obligation to serve their Archbishop of Rome. "

Christina nodded. She is an Englishman and a new sect, and she has no interest in the greedy and corrupt Rome.

"But the influence of the church is still very strong. We must consider their ideas so as not to cause trouble to Your Excellency the High Lord."

Speaking of trade, Lilu suddenly regained her spirits. Compared with Christina, who specializes in military affairs, Lilu is more familiar with the inside story of the Nanban trade, so she couldn't help but sarcastically said.

"Naive Christina, you don't really think that the barbarians are very important to Your Excellency, do you?"

Christina glanced at the complacent Lilu and raised her fist.

"Stop talking nonsense."

Lilu shrank her neck in fear, muttered something dissatisfied, and then began to explain.

"For the islanders, southern barbarians are not that important. The islands are at war, and the islanders have little interest in affecting things other than war.

The science and technology, clocks and instruments brought by the church, the islanders do not have the energy and thought to understand and delve into it.

What interests the islanders the most is actually muskets, artillery, battleships, and related military technologies.But the church is very reluctant to let this country in the Far East get these technologies.

The introduction of matchlock guns was an accident because the technology of matchlock guns was relatively simple.

Look at the technology related to artillery and long-distance ships. The church has been hiding it and is unwilling to share it with the islanders.

Because the church is afraid that once the islanders learn this, it will harm the interests of the merchants from the southern barbarians.

Without the support of the Nanman businessmen, how could the church have the resources to spread the word here and bribe the locals?
In short, I am not optimistic about the church's missionary work in island countries.

Buddhism has developed here for 1000 years. It is not the church's so-called tricks that can make the islanders abandon Buddhism and take the initiative to embrace the Communist Party. "

Christina frowned.

"So you mean that the Nanban trade is actually meaningless to the island country? Our value to the Lord High Lord will also be greatly reduced?"

Lilu shook her head.

"I didn't say that, I just said that the southern barbarian things are of little significance to the island country, but the southern barbarian trade is very meaningful.

Since the Chinese Empire and the island country cut off their exploration and cooperation trade, the island country has been in great trouble.

This barren island country has the most gold, silver and copper, but it lacks many necessities of life. It needs to import lacquerware, porcelain, silk, cloth, and even needlework and iron pots from China.

There are also necessities for war. Swords and guns need steel, rewards need copper coins, and now matchlock guns also need to import saltpeter and lead.

Before we Nanmans came to this island country, these things needed by the island country had to be transferred to the Chinese trade through North Korea and Ryukyu, not only in small quantities, but also at high prices.

The Manila colonists in Luzon once had the same troubles.

The colonies in Southeast Asia lack a lot of supplies, but if they want to import from Europe, neither the price nor the quantity can meet the needs.

Therefore, the Westerners in Manila bribed the Guangdong officials of the Chinese Dynasty, and were able to purchase a large amount of supplies from the Chinese Dynasty to supplement the needs of the colony.

The Portuguese are even more powerful. It is said that they have gained a foothold in a place called Macau on the coast of the Chinese Dynasty by bribing officials and clearing customs and trade.

With the supplies from the Celestial Empire, the Portuguese in the West could not only meet the needs of the colonies, but also earn gold, silver and copper from the island country through the Nanban trade.

In other words, although our name is Nanman Trade, the main commodities we buy and sell are not Nanman products, but resell Chinese products.

After the island country lost its qualification to trade with China due to the Japanese invasion in Ningbo, it could only continue to purchase goods from China through other means.

Whether it is North Korea, Ryukyu, or Nanban, they are actually reselling products from the Celestial Dynasty, the only difference is that the cost of reselling is different.

The reason why the Nanban trade is prosperous is simply because we Nanban people can get more supplies from Guangdong, and we can distribute a large part of them to the islanders.

But as long as it is a transshipment trade, there must be costs. In fact, the islanders have been bearing huge transfer fees, risk fees, and transportation fees.

Now that I have become the general agent of Nanban in the island country shogunate, I will naturally find a way to reduce the cost in this regard.

As long as the interference of the church can be eliminated, we can obtain cheaper Chinese goods from the colonists in Manila and the managers of Macau through negotiations.

After all, the island country, as Treasure Island, is very attractive to Westerners and Portuguese. As long as the church’s additional conditions on missions can be stripped away, I am confident that we can negotiate good terms. "

Christine said coldly.

"Then you will become a thorn in the side of the church, a thorn in the flesh, how did you become so brave? Lilu, this is not like your style."

Lilu laughed.

"Of course it's because of you."

Christina froze for a moment.


Lilu looked at Christina seriously and said.

"Because you don't want to leave Your Excellency the Great Lord, my adjutant. Without you, my favorite voyage has become dull.

There is no other way, I can only find a way to stay with you in this island country, and use the knowledge I have accumulated over the years of sailing to play business games with those fanatical Roman priests.

They will soon understand how painful it is to be a business rival with a gifted navigator like me.

So, you will definitely protect me, right?My dear Christina. "

Christina laughed.

"I will protect you, swear on my honor, whoever wants to hurt you must first step on my dead body.

I believe that you will become an excellent general agent of Nanban, Lilu, Your Excellency the Great Lord will definitely reward you generously. "

Lilu shrugged.

"prosperous profits?

That's for the future, I just want to know now, when His Excellency the High Lord will call us, I miss his handsome face, and his six pack abs.

God, he's too strong for a man to satisfy the two of us. "

Christina couldn't help but wanted to whip Lilu again, but she finally held back and sighed.

Lilu was right, in fact, Christina really wanted it too, and even thought of having a *dream and talking in her sleep.


Lilu and Christina are doomed to be disappointed, because their long-awaited summoning has been cancelled.

Yiyin had already left Sakai Port at this time, and returned to Duowen Mountain City via North Hanoi.Now he only has his third daughter in his heart, and he has no time to think about grass and wormwood.

Countless people watched Yiyin's movements, and his return to Duowen Mountain City also caused panic among many people.

Before Ishida Mitsunari set off, she heard the news that Yiyin was going back to Duowen Mountain City. She was so frightened that she hurried back to prepare all night, and kept cursing herself for being meddlesome in her heart.

If it wasn't for her making a small report about Yuihama Yui in front of the saint, how could the saint suddenly think of changing the itinerary and returning to Duowen Mountain City.

No matter what the sage wants to do when he goes back, Ishida Mitsucheng must be extremely careful and not make any more mistakes.

On the other hand, Lilu, who was eager to do something, was poured a basin of cold water. Yiyin's departure made the smug girl unable to display her business talents for the time being, and could only continue to lie down.

And Takada Yono, who also claims to be a business genius, was also taken aback by Yoshihiko's sudden departure.

It was night, and the Gaotian sisters who bid farewell to the saint sat opposite each other indoors.

Takada Yukino yawned, looked at the restless sister in front of her, and comforted her.

"Is my sister worried about Xiaozuo stealing food? No, Xiaozuo is my shadow warrior and will not disobey my orders. Without my sister present, she will not do anything superfluous, I assure you.

Even if her elder sister serves the saint with her, she will give all her seeds to her, please rest assured, elder sister. "

Yang Nai glared at Xue Nai and said angrily.

"I'm not worried about that!"

Although I don't understand why Xue Nai always insists on letting Li Huazuo be present, it is obviously a private matter between the two sisters and the saint, so she insists on bringing an outsider with her.

But Yang Nai is still very proud of herself, at least Xue Nai's heart is towards her sister, and she has no idea of ​​letting Li Hua Zuo share the blood of Runshen.

How did Yang Nai know that without Li Hua Zuo's participation, the number of times he could obtain would be at least half less.

In a sense, Yang Nai should thank Li Huazuo, it was Li Huazuo who moved Yiyin's index finger, and Yang Nai also enjoyed benefits.

Although Xue Nai seems dull, she is actually the one who understands Yi Yin best.As for Li Huazuo's refusal to receive the God's Seed, it's just that Li Huazuo couldn't think about it for a while, and it wasn't Xue Nao's order.

Looking at the restless sister, Yukino tilted her head, not knowing why.

"Not this matter? Then what else is worth worrying about my sister?"

Yang Nai rubbed his temples and said.

"Your Majesty left Sakai Port today, not to return to Kyoto, but to go to Tamon Mountain Castle.

As far as I know, the Tongxin Secretariat issued a commendation order earlier, which was awarded to Naoyoshi Hansawa, who asked and commented.

Naoyoshi Hansawa, this lingering guy, how did she catch the eyes of the saint and get the award?

Who is helping her matchmaking?Naomasa Ii?Mitsunari Ishida?Or someone I don't know?

damn it!I didn't hear any news beforehand, and I don't even know why she was awarded! "

Yang Nai's panic comes from fear of the unknown.

Naoyoshi Hansawa's status is very low, just a newly promoted Tongxin, even if she advances a few more levels, it is impossible to compare with the Takada family, the only descendant of the Shiba family.

But the problem is that the ordinary Tongxin who was driven out of Sakai Port by Xue Nai just now and returned to Duowen Mountain City was rewarded by the Secretariat of Tongxin.

This endless commendation order without even a valid reason must have come from Yiyin's instruction, which made Yang Nai feel awkward.

She didn't know how the name Hansawa Naoyoshi got into the ears of the sage, who was behind the scenes to help Hansawa Naoyoshi pave the way, and whether someone wanted to take the opportunity to deal with the Takada family.

The fear of the unknown made Yang Nai think more and more crookedly, and the more he thought about it, the more worried he became, and he frightened himself.

In fact, the answer is very simple, this is just a coincidence.

Ishida Mitsunari came here specially to make a small report, and Yoshihiro accidentally found out about the existence of the third daughter, Yuigahama Danko.

Unlike Ishida Mitsunari's downfall, Hansawa Naoyoshi took the initiative to help and sort out files for the honest government, which won the favor of Yoshihiro.

Yiyin couldn't make up his mind for a while, whether to recognize his third daughter, so he couldn't figure out the source of Naoyoshi Hansawa's reward.

This inexplicable reward order became Takada Yono's heart disease. She had done too many bad things, so she was naturally afraid of ghosts knocking on the door.

Of course, this is also the source of Yiyin's troubles. As his status gets higher and higher, his every move will be studied and over-interpreted.

Fortunately, with Shinto as a cover, Yiyin can finally sell wormwood for the sake of the god-descendant family in a fair manner, otherwise, he can only do some trivial things under the watchful wind of Gamo's hometown.

When the superior person is in his position, there is actually no joy. Wormwood is also politics, and having a baby is also politics, which is extremely boring.


Outside Duowenshan City, Ishida Matsunari, who arrived half a day earlier than Yiyin after traveling all night, just took a bath and changed clothes, and greeted Shengjia outside the city with a change of clothes.

In the distance, a group of Ji warriors galloped on horseback, guarding a young man in white, galloping from afar.When he got closer, Yoshihiro nodded when he saw Ishida Mitsunari standing respectfully by the side of the road.

"Ishida Hime, I have a whim, come back to Duowen Mountain City to have a look, thank you for waiting for a long time."

When Ishida Mitsunari heard Yoshiyin's consolation, his heart relaxed, and he bowed.

"Don't dare, this is the duty of the minister."

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and after Yoshigin dismounted, he looked at the lanterns of the castle town in the distance, and smiled at Ishida Mitsunari.

"If you don't come back for a year, the castle town will become more and more prosperous."

Ishida Mitsunari flattered him.

"This is the grace of the sage. Duowen Mountain City has not suffered from military chaos for seven years, and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

Since last year, Mr. Takada Yono started Shiba Real Estate, and many land stores came from Duoben Mountain City, attracting many businesses to buy and move in, which is the icing on the cake. "

Yi Yin nodded.

He also knows that his Duowen Mountain City has always been under the control of no one, and it seems to be a free city, but he didn't expect it to become so prosperous.

When Duowen Mountain City was being built, Yiyin led his troops to the Kanto. In recent days, all the important ministers in Sibo have avoided suspicion because of this, and they are reluctant to intervene in the affairs of Duowen Mountain City.

Nizi Katsuhisa only cares about city construction, Maeda Yili only cares about the outer garrison, and no one dares to criticize the lord's residence too much.

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