different warring states of japan

Chapter 16 Night Attack

Chapter 16 Night Attack
Everything in the mountains and fields is bleak in winter, and the withered vegetation in late autumn, not to mention a little green, has never left traces of withered yellow.

A few days earlier, there were still some, and the gangsters who were dazed by starvation gathered together and stewed them in porridge.

I don't care about the taste, I just hope that there is something in the soup-like thin porridge, as if I saw the hope of surviving the winter.

That's it, the good times of the past few days.

The vicious party members on vigil licked their chapped lips that had been blown by the cold wind, as if they were recalling the bowl of barley they grabbed down the mountain more than ten days ago.

The wheat rice in the farmhouse is not milled, and the chaff is so rough that it can break the front teeth.

But no matter how hard it is to swallow, it is still dry food. It is full in the mouth and warm in the stomach. I don't know if I will have a chance to eat again.

It is also difficult to be an evil party. The mountain wind is stronger than a knife in the deep winter night. Being left on the outskirts to stand guard is a sign of poor performance.

Although a few grains of rice were sprinkled on the cauldron on the fire in the cave, at least the water was hot and the fire was warm.

Soon she didn't need to be in trouble anymore, a hand was stretched out from the shadow of the mountain forest to cover her mouth, stabbed a scorpion in the side and back, and stirred it vigorously.

After completing this, Yoshihiro gestured to the back under the moonlight, and Maeda Toshiro ran to his side, blinking his big bright eyes and showing a smug smile on his small cherry mouth.

This skill is taught by her, and she played it very well when she taught it.

Thinking about that year when a certain battle was fought, the ancestors used this hand to get into the opponent's coach's shogunate and succeeded in a night attack, earning thousands of stones for the family.

Since ancient times, it is passed on to women but not to men. Seventy years of salary, isn't it too little, and you have to pay more.

Anyway, Yiyin rolled his eyes when he heard it, which is a bit like the technique of touching people behind the back of the special forces of later generations, but he also saw the bragging on the Internet roughly, and couldn't remember the specifics.

Just know not to touch the ribs, it will get stuck, and stir it from bottom to top.So as soon as the benefits are taught, he will probably understand.

What he cares about now is that the electronic sound of the system really appeared again.

(Successful kill, reward kill value +10)

"What's next?"

Yiyin asked Yiyi in a low voice.He is a sensible person, professional matters should be left to professional people, don't mess around if you don't understand.

"It's already sleeping to death inside, and move all that can be ignited nearby, and burn them at the door. When the camp is blown up, run out and hack one by one. You have to act quickly, there are many of them."

Yiyin nodded, this is a safe way.

The two lightly piled up all the firewood and sundries placed by the vicious party nearby at the door, lit a fire with flint, and waited by the side while tightening their winter clothes.

Yiyin thought that the value of killing really depends on killing people to accumulate, and he had a bottom line in his heart, he was not afraid that in troubled times, he would not be able to earn any money after spending all of it.I have 110 kill points in hand, so try the system tonight.

The fire gradually grew stronger, and the mountain wind at night was already strong. The wind helped the fire to billow and thick smoke poured into the cave where the evil party slept.

"Cough, cough, it's on fire! It's on fire!"

"Run away!"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

The villains who woke up from their sleep howled and struggled to get out of the hole.The two sides of the cave are full of inflammable materials, leaving only a small opening in the middle to escape.

Yiyin stood in front of the opening, and Liyi stood behind him to support him.With the powerful Ji Wushi guarding behind him.

Yiyin stabilized his mood and clicked on the system's mode drop-down menu, changing the normal mode to the killing mode.In my mind, the electronic sound came to mind again.

(You chose kill mode.

Hit in this mode is not subject to lethal or maiming damage.

Hitting in this mode will have a [-]% chance of launching a fatal attack.

Kill value -1
Kill value -1
kindness? ? ?It's a little different from what I thought.

Yiyin thought that this system should be the same as Dynasty Warriors. After opening it, I can play ten. Who knows, it would be a bit brain-intensive.

But he couldn't care less about thinking about it anymore, the killing value was consumed by a little bit every second, and the vicious party who was terrified and fled right in front of him was already rushing towards him.

Holding a knife, he slashed fiercely at the neck of the villain who ran out. The villain, whose potential was stimulated by the desire to survive, barely avoided the neck, and the knife was cut on his left shoulder. Yiyin kicked him into the nearby fire .

The imagined struggle did not happen, and the vicious party silently fell into the fire.

died?Yiyin knew that he hadn't hit her vitals. Is this the effect of the lethal attack?

Standing guard at the entrance of the cave, a steady stream of evil party rushed towards him.

For a glimmer of hope of survival, they forgot their fear of Warrior Ji, rushed up with bare hands, and were hacked to death by Yiyin one by one.

Three or four people were hacked to death, and the people behind him desperately wanted to bypass him and rushed towards the fire.

But the fire was too big, and the screams of pain from being burned by the fire continued, and then the voice became lower and lower.

The smoky gangsters let out desperate cries, accompanied by coughs that were smothered in black smoke.

One person knelt down and kowtowed non-stop, as if a switch had been turned on, and they knelt down one by one.To block the exit, Yiyin begged like a god of death.

"My lord, please let us go, please, we will leave here immediately, and we will never come back here again, please be merciful, please be merciful."

Looking at the desperate gangsters, Yiyin suddenly felt bored, turned off the killing system, and silently moved out of the way.

The villains were overjoyed, they never imagined that ordinary Ji warriors would definitely kill them all without any mercy.

Unexpectedly finding a way out, they rushed out and plunged into the darkness of the mountains without looking back.

"Why are you soft-hearted? After all, it's a man..."

Maeda Mashiro didn't intend to stop him, but just looked at Yoshihiro jokingly.

"Even if you let them go, they will still die."

Yiyin glanced at him and said.

"I know. They just sweated from the heat, and were blown by the cold wind in the mountains, and they were going to be seriously ill.

What's more, they have no food, no weapons, and they may die in the mountains before they get sick. "

"Then why do you let them go? You need to see more blood. The enemies on the battlefield are much more difficult to deal with than them. If you are not determined, you might as well give up earlier."

"As long as they don't die in front of me, I can pretend I didn't see them. They have no fighting spirit. What I need is fighting, not massacre."

"Tch, what a hypocritical and cruel house governor."

Yiyin doesn't care about the sarcasm of profit. In his previous life, he lived in a modern world where human life is very important.

Every life cannot be taken away easily, and interests will not understand him.Even for the system's killing value, I would not choose to slaughter.

In order to survive in this cruel and chaotic world, I can kill people.But I reject meaningless killings. This is the bottom line and pride of a civilized person in another world. I am different from you.

"I will kill many people in the future, many, many people."

Yiyi won't understand him, so Yiyin needs to give her an understandable explanation.With a helpless smile on his face, he spoke in a lonely voice.

"Okay, okay, I see. Don't make such a face, I just don't say it."

Looking at him stubbornly the day before yesterday, Yili felt a little distressed.Reflecting on whether my requirements are too high, this is just a nobleman, and it is not easy to achieve this step.

"No, please teach me more in the future. Thank you, because of you, I know how to fight."

Under the light of the fire, Yili's pretty side face shone with an unknown light.

"With your martial arts skills, you will really die on the battlefield. I won't lie to you."

Yiyin thought to himself, with the system in place, if he worked a little harder, he should be fine.

Compared with the life dominated by the murderers in this world, it is better to seize some initiative by yourself, but you still have to keep your character.

"Unfortunately, I will restore Shiba's family. If Shiba is not happy, I will die."

Speak the most ruthless words in the softest tone.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah a man like you is really unbearable, naive to death, overestimated!

I originally wanted to play house with you for a few days before running away, how could I have the heart to leave like this ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. . . . . . . "

Yelling at the forest for a while, Li Yi turned around and said viciously to Yi Yin.

"Fuxing Shiba's house, right? Count me in."

(End of this chapter)

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