different warring states of japan

Chapter 1601 The win-win situation between Yoshihiro and Nobunaga

Chapter 1601 The win-win situation between Yoshihiro and Nobunaga
That night, the demon king who had no blood or tears turned into a woman with blood and tears, and there was a trace of weakness in her unwavering utilitarianism.

Oda Nobunaga lay in Yoshigin's arms, sleeping soundly, sleeping soundly like a child.

In the dream, she is no longer a wild child without a mother, but a real woman that Yiyin is proud of.

Oda Nobunaga, who has feelings and concerns, is no longer the invincible big devil who has no weaknesses, but an ordinary warrior Ji who can be calculated and killed.

But even though he knew that he had the weakness of a mortal, the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven was still unwilling to give up his feelings for Shiba Yoshigin.

If it was fate for her to die because of it, she would die with love for Shiba Yoshigin too.

At this moment, she is so happy, no longer confused.


The next day.

In the meeting hall of the Fushimi Castle residence hall, the Hime Samurai of the Shiba and Oda families sit on the left and right sides of the hall.

Above the main hall, Yiyin sat in the main seat.

Under the seat were famous families inside and outside the shogunate who came to watch the ceremony, such as Takamasa Hatakeyama, Fujitaka Hosokawa, and Okinawa Ninagawa.As well as powerful samurai or envoys from various places in recent days, such as Hatano, Araki, and Isono.

At this time, everyone bowed their heads towards Yiyin, but their eyes unconsciously glanced towards the outside of the hall.

Although they had received the news a long time ago, no one could really believe it until they witnessed Oda Nobunaga bowing his head.

The conditions offered by the Shiba family were very good, and almost all the interests of the Oda family before the war were returned, but everyone is still not sure that Oda Nobunaga will lower her head for these benefits.

Oda Nobunaga is the sixth demon king cursed by Tiantai sect day and night, and the imperial mother who General Ashikaga hates to the bone. He suppresses the most powerful overlord in the world by himself.

That Oda Nobunaga, she is finally going to bow down at the feet of the saint, has she been tamed by the saint?

With hesitation in their hearts, everyone quietly waited for the arrival of the auspicious time.

Unlike the restless samurai under his seat, Yoshigin is sure that Oda Nobunaga will bow down under his seat.

To be precise, Oda Nobunaga had already knelt last night, and he licked it so earnestly and sincerely that Yoshigin's soul almost came out.

Until now, Yiyin's spirit is still in a trance.

Although the eternal 16-year-old aura hangs over him, it is guaranteed that his body is fixed in the best condition of a 16-year-old boy.

But the human body and spirit are not consistent. Sometimes the body is not tired, but it does not mean that the spirit will not be tired.

Yoshigin's spirit is very exhausted now. Last night, Oda Nobunaga came to the hard ones first, and then played the soft ones, which made him too tired after being excited.

Now that he is sitting on the main seat without yawning, he has endured very hard.

Everyone present was watching his expression carefully, so that he couldn't even twist his waist a little bit to relax his moaning waist.

Sitting majestically on the main seat, Yi Yin, who was like a divine statue, was whimpering in his heart.

Why haven't you come yet?Why is it not over yet?I'm so tired, I really want to go back to sleep.

Just when Yiyin was struggling until he was drowsy, the sound of taiko drums suddenly came from outside, which cheered him up.

In the traditions of the island country, the sound of the drum has the meaning of exorcising evil spirits and welcoming the gods. This is the prelude to the audience of Oda Nobunaga.

The sound of the three waves of taiko drums continued from far away, and then there was a sound of footsteps on the porch, and the Oda Hime samurai sitting in the hall kowtowed together, and then Oda Nobunaga appeared outside the door.

Today's Oda Nobunaga bowed deeply outside the door with a solemn expression.

The gazes of all the samurai under the Yiyinzuo were cast on her, but she turned a blind eye.

Oda Nobunaga straightened up, only one person existed in his eyes, and that was Yoshigin sitting on the main seat.

Yi Yin saw that she was busy last night, but now she was radiant, and couldn't help curling her lips. Sure enough, there were only exhausted cows and no plowed land.

This micro-expression was captured by Oda Nobunaga, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but turn up slightly.

On this solemn occasion, the two secretly transmitted some electric waves like a couple, and they both felt extraordinarily exciting.

Oda Nobunaga strode into the hall, knelt down in front of Yoshigin without any hesitation, then kowtowed to the ground.

"Foreign minister Oda Nobunaga, I have seen the saint."

Her voice of saint made everyone present relax. As long as Oda Nobunaga admits Yoshigin's status as a living god, everything else is trivial.

Yi Yin said with a smile.

"His Highness Oda is exempt from courtesy, it's been a hard journey."

Oda Nobunaga said solemnly.

"Having an audience with a sage is like sweets and sweets, why bother?"

Yiyin nodded.

"Very good.

Although His Highness Oda was reckless in his administration, his original intention was still good, but something went wrong in the execution process.

There is a saying in the sky that if a prodigal son turns back, he will not exchange money. As long as His Royal Highness Oda can uphold the righteousness of the samurai family in the future and always keep the safety of the samurai family in mind, he will be an excellent samurai. "

Oda Nobunaga bowed.

"The sage is kind, how can the foreign ministers not know the good and the bad, recalling what I have done these years, every time I think about it, I will break out in a cold sweat, I really regret it.

The world belongs to the samurai family, and it is the samurai family's responsibility to safeguard the righteousness of the samurai family.

The sage's teachings were so shocking that the foreign ministers were so ashamed that they dared not forget them again.I would like to write down a letter of confession, express my heart to the sage, and swear to fight for the righteousness of the Wu family for the rest of my life.

It’s just that governing a big country is like cooking small fish, and the 350 million shi of the Oda clan is hard to recover now. Please give me some time, the sage, to slowly correct the mistakes I made. "

Yiyin nodded.

"Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and doing good is great.

If His Highness Oda has the heart of repentance, I will naturally tolerate it and allow you to change your course slowly. "

The two people in the conversation knew in their hearts that Oda Nobunaga would never change those reform policies.

Those policies are the basis for the Oda family to strengthen their army. Before conquering the whole world, Oda Nobunaga will only intensify and will never change the current trend of centralization.

But does Yiyin care?He doesn't care.At the beginning, when he broke up with the Oda family, Yoshiyin wanted to protect his own child.

Now that Yoshigin's theocratic power has been preliminarily established, and has been recognized by several daimyos in Kanto, especially the Oda family, his child has become a descendant of a god, and his safety is guaranteed.

Satisfied, Yiyin has left the low-level interests of samurai politics at this moment, and is moving towards the high-level pursuit of theocracy.

Oda Nobunaga's iron-fisted centralization will only push more conservative samurai to Yoshigin's side. Why should he oppose it?

In the process of conquering the world, Oda Nobunaga was responsible for singing the bad face, and Shiba Yoshigin was responsible for singing the red face.

One end is hard and the other end is soft, so that those unconvinced warriors will finally be ground to bow their heads and admit defeat, and the world will be peaceful.

Yiyin was happy to let Oda Nobunaga continue to be the bad guy, and he followed behind to be a good guy, picking up cheap and buying people's hearts.

Secular rulers were afraid of being dislodged by local lords, but theocratic rulers were not the same.

Yiyin's own Sibopu generation itself was faulted, and he never had the ability to control the place through secular means.

He is now going to use the theocracy and the descendants of the gods to infiltrate the place. Instead of using violence to advance, it is more effective to use Jill to advance.

Therefore, Yoshihiro and Oda Nobunaga have reached a tacit agreement on the matter of innovation, and each takes what they need.

Yoshiyin acquiesces in Oda Nobunaga's continued radical innovation, which will help him absorb conservative samurai and further become the spiritual leader of the conservative faction.

And Oda Nobunaga can inflate his power as soon as possible through violent innovation, in order to change from quantitative to qualitative, and finally have the strength to deter other Ji samurai around Yoshigin, becoming his only one.

Both parties are satisfied, which is called a win-win situation.

(End of this chapter)

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