different warring states of japan

Chapter 1605 The Mess of the Ashikaga Family

Oda Nobunaga left Fushimi Castle on the second day after the audience, and returned to Azuchi Castle to prepare for the next year's military expedition.

Yoshigin returned to Shiba's mansion in Kyoto, and he could go to Kanto with peace of mind only after he had arranged the recent affairs.

Shiba Oda joined forces, but the relationship between the two is not as stable as the Echigo duopolitical politics formed by Shiba Uesugi in the palace. Fushimi Castle is only a platform for the two sides to coordinate their positions.

Although the political cooperation in Fushimi Castle is still fragile, Shiba Oda has formed a new relationship with the future in mind, which has already covered the coffin of the Ashikaga shogunate, which exists in name only, and is almost a final nail in the coffin.

Even Ashikaga Yoshiaki ran away, and the shogunate samurai in Kyoto did not plan to be buried for the Ashikaga shogunate, and they all found their own way out, and the Shiba family was their best choice.


Kyoto, castle town.

A tavern was cleaned up by the concentric Ji warriors, and the guards were tight.

The boss and his wife, who were cooking and serving wine, were under the surveillance of Ji Wushi, trembling and daring not to do anything that would be misunderstood.

The food plate was handed over to the two surnames of Desong Guimatsu in a regular manner. The couple finally breathed a sigh of relief. The food will be sent to the private room by the surnames, and there will be nothing about them after that.

The door of the private room was pulled open by the left and right Ji samurai, Tokumatsu Kamematsu, holding the food plate, saluted and entered, and placed the two plates in front of Yoshihiro and Maeda Toshiie respectively.

The food is very simple, just two pieces of tofu, a piece of salted fish, and a few slices of dried radish, but they are placed in a very charming way, and they are well presented. This is already the best dish that a small shop can produce.

Yoshiyin and the other two surnames bowed and left, then raised their wine glass and said to Maeda Toshiie.

"To send Ji Qianli away, we have to say goodbye.

I won't be far away, and we will meet again when you change the title to Anju in Daye County. "

Maeda Toshiie raised his wine glass with both hands, and said respectfully.

"The saint personally delivered it to the castle town, which has already made me tremble with fear.

How can Lijia Hede get such a blessing from the saint, and he is willing to devote himself to death. "

Yiyin took a sip of his drink and sighed.

"You and I are about to part, so don't talk about unsightly official articles, I really miss the Li family back then, who dared to do something.

I remember our first time when you got me drunk and gave me to you. . "

Maeda Toshiie blushed immediately.

"Sin, sin, it's all Meng Lang's actions when Li Jia was young."

Yiyin laughed.

"Hello, Meng Lang. If it weren't for Meng Lang from the Li family back then, there wouldn't be the fate between you and me today."

Maeda Toshiie touched his lower abdomen and sighed.

"I've already got too much. I just greedily thought that if I could give birth to another daughter and half for the saint, this life would be enough."

Yiyin waved his hand chicly and said.

"It won't work this time, there will be a next time. If it won't work next time, there will be a next time. As long as Li Jia often comes to see me, I will definitely let you get what you want."

Maeda Toshiie said with a red face.

"Thank you for the generosity of the saint, the Li family is really very happy."

Yiyin said solemnly.

"The Shiba and Oda families are in harmony, and the Hokuriku Road trade route has been reopened. I have ordered Takada Haruno and Okuma Asohide at both ends of the trade route to redistribute the share of the trade route, leaving a piece for Mikuni Minato in Echizen.

However, it is not easy for them. The interests of all parties are deeply entangled. The share of the three countries is probably not comparable to the three ports of Tsuruga, Nanao, and Naoetsu. I hope you don't mind. "

Maeda Toshie laughed.

"The sage is so gracious and virtuous, how can the Li family know what is good and what is bad.

The benefits of the Hokuriku Road business route are huge, and the fact that the Three Kingdoms can stand out among the many ports and get a share of the pie is already a gift from the saints, so I dare not be more greedy.

Mrs. Takada Yono has sent a letter to ask for a letter, and she has had a preliminary communication with me. She said that she will not treat Sanguokou badly, please rest assured. "

Yiyin nodded.

"Yang Nai's work is still reliable. You are going to Ono County of Echizen Country this time, and you are going deep into Oda's house. You should be more careful."

Maeda Toshie laughed.

"Sage, Katsuie Shibata was my former boss, and he has a very good relationship with me. This time, I brought a big gift package from the Three Kingdoms to change the title to Echizen. She is too happy and won't embarrass me."

Yiyin nodded.

"I know your ability, but don't wrong yourself. If there is any quarrel, write to me, and I will make the decision for you."

Maeda Toshiie smiled and said nothing, she had already made up her mind that she would do her best to expand the influence of the saint in the Oda family, and she would not be reduced to asking the saint for help.

She changed the subject.

"I understand the meaning of the saint. The wind direction in Kyoto seems to have changed recently. You, the saint, should be more careful."

Yi Yin shook his head and sighed.

"What should I be careful about? Do these weak guys from the shogunate dare to plot against me? They just want to ask for a way out.

Ninagawa's own father came to find me. In order to win her over, I gave her daughter Ningagawa's father the identity of "United Hearts".

She knows how to sneak in, and now she has the cheek to tell me that the name is not right and the words are not right, and she hopes that her daughter can join the Tongxinzhong to serve the public. "

Maeda Toshie laughed.

"The acting official of the Ninagawa family's hereditary government office, from the third generation of shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu to the present, has always stood firm, and indeed has some skills."

Yoshigin pointed at Toshiie Maeda, wondering if she was mocking Ninagawa.

The Concentric Congregation is no longer as simple as Yiyin's close guards, but the central management organization of the Shiba family, which is somewhat similar to the political office.

Ninagawa wants to change his career and start a new career in Tongxinzhong. The timing of this speculation is just right, and he really has a unique vision.

Yi Yin sighed.

"Takamasa Hatakeyama is envious, but it's a pity that she can't show her face. After all, the Hatakeyama clan is one of the three leading families, and she is the leader of the current shogunate. She can't let go of this airs."

Maeda Toshie sneered.

"We can't forget the past glory, it will only be buried by history.

I heard that Hatakeyama Takamasa flattered the sage several times, and based on her past scandals and notoriety, how could she have the face to covet your bed, she is shameless. "

Maeda Toshiie, the lucky ones who have climbed onto Yoshigin's bed, what they hate most is the later competitors.

When Hatakeyama Takamasa inherited the Hatakeyama family, the Hatakeyama family still had two big countries, the Kinokuni and Hanoi kingdoms, with a stone height of 70 million, making them the most powerful vassal of the shogunate.

But this prodigal girl quickly ruined such a large family business. If Yiyin hadn't helped her, she wouldn't even be able to keep Hanoi half the country.

What qualifications does such a mediocre person have to be on Yiyin's bed?
What's more, Hatakeyama Takamasa was obsessed with Taoism back then, and his reputation was notorious, and even Yamanaka Yukimori was almost harmed by her.

Hatakeyama Takamasa's delusion, let alone Maeda Toshiie's dislike, let Yamanaka Yukimori find out, maybe he will get very angry.

Nizi Shanzhong has formed a party. In recent days, Nizi Katsuhisa, the deputy leader of Siba, will definitely come forward to show Hatakeyama Takamasa some color on behalf of Yamanaka Yukimori.

You must know that, as a successful person who boarded Yiyin's bed, the existence of Yamanaka Yukimori is of great significance to the Nizishanzhong Party of the Xiguo faction, and Nizi Shengjiu will definitely support this kind of matter.

Not everyone can get on Yiyin's bed, it is a battlefield for political games.

Seeing Maeda Toshiie's strong hostility towards Hatakeyama Takamasa, Yoshigin smiled wryly.

"After all, Takamasa Hatakeyama is in charge of the shogunate. Although the shogunate exists in name only, many relationships still need to be sorted out. Don't target her."

Maeda Toshiie bowed and obeyed.

"Your Excellency understands."

Yiyin shook his head helplessly.

Just now he was nicknamed Toshiie, but now he has become a vassal. Maeda Toshiie is obviously dissatisfied, but Yoshihiro can't say anything.

Hatakeyama Takamasa was indeed out of his mind this time, and he acted recklessly without seeing the political situation clearly.

Yi Yin explained.

"Takamasa Hatakeyama came to see me this time. She really has a serious business. She is speaking for those poor people and begging me to bring Ashikaga back under my command."

Yoshiaki Ashikaga from the Jiangnan Tannery Factory ran away, not only did not take care of his sister-in-law, even his brother-in-law Yoshihiro did not notify him, and ran away with a few cronies.

She walked away easily, what about the mess of General Ashikaga's house?The five-hundred-foot Lima Huihui who ate with the Ashikaga family, not to mention the arrears of wages, whose house will they eat in the future?
With Yoshigin's status as a widow of the ancestors and the elder of Genji, it's not surprising that the Ashikaga congregation immediately thought of coming to him to beg for food.

As for Hatakeyama Takamasa, after all, she is in charge of the shogunate. Now that the shogunate has no generals, she can't do anything if she doesn't want to.

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