Chapter 1607

Maeda Toshiie shook his head.

"Even if the Ashikaga congregation is useful to the sage, this reward is too generous.

After Yu Wuhu joined the battle, the sage had already dispatched two or three hundred Sibo righteous men, and now he has dispatched another five hundred, adding up to eight hundred.

Mrs. Ishida Mitsunari of the Sibazhong Foundation probably has his scalp scratched. The annual money and food are borne by the Zhongfund. The matter is so important that she dare not lose a grain of rice. "

Yiyin took a sip of his wine and smiled wryly.

"Toshika, you came from the mountains, and you are used to seeing the tragic situation of the samurai family in the mountain, but do you know the current situation of the Ashikaga Hui, and even the shogunate samurai family?
In recent hundreds of years of war, daimyo's food and drink expenses have become very simple, and the life of middle and lower samurai families is even more miserable.

The samurai men are educated, cultured and temperamental, and they are the most popular wandering men in the corridors of Kyoto, and have already produced several oirans.

For the livelihood of the family, men from the Wu family sold their bodies in the verandah one after another, and this trend has intensified.

The merchant townspeople looked at the samurai man no longer in awe, and even had the idea of ​​profanity. There is nothing worse than this.

What about Warrior Ji?Because of insufficient salary and nowhere to be an official, he could only be reduced to a wild warrior or even a beggar.They can draw their swords and kill people for a little reward, regardless of morality and shame.

Businessmen like to buy this kind of wild samurai to attack their opponents. Not only are they cheap, but they are also skilled in martial arts. With a little money and food, they can drive the samurai into thinking of them as lackeys, how sad.

Li family, these children of the Wu family did not want to be lowly, they just had no way out and fell into the abyss in order to survive.

The once noble shogunate samurai are becoming pariahs. The samurai from other places and the mountains are in a more miserable situation than the shogunate samurai.

The entire samurai class is degenerating, from the backbone of society with property and dignity, to rogue proletarians, who have no regard for shame and will do anything for money and food.

Warrior Ji is the foundation of the martial arts world. If warrior Ji can't respect himself and live a decent life, can the world be stable?

Defeating disobedient daimyos and forcing them to submit is only the first step in conquering the world.Let the Wu family have food to eat, clothes to wear, and live with dignity, which is the foundation for the world to return to peace.

Five hundred limas returned to the crowd, and behind them were five hundred families of Ji warriors who were on the verge of being broken.

The six shi a year's welfare treatment seems too much for them personally, but if they want to raise a family and help relatives and friends, it is actually far from enough, and they can only barely settle down.

Kyoto is the most benevolent place in the world, it must be stable, if you want Kyoto to be peaceful, you must ensure that the samurai here can be decent, dignified, and self-loving.

Not only do I want to give benefits to the [-] Shiba martyrs, but I also order Takada Yono to ensure the food supply in Kyoto, the prices are stable, and large market fluctuations are not allowed, leading to the bankruptcy of the samurai family.

This is a political account. Don't talk about losing money or not. It is my responsibility and something I must do well. "

Maeda Toshiie stepped back solemnly, kowtowed to the ground, and said.

"The compassion of the sage is the blessing of Ashikaga Hui, and it is also the blessing of the martial arts in the world. The Li family is sincerely convinced.

Just now, Meng Lang questioned the saint's decision, and he deserved death. "

Yiyin shook his head, he was actually not as righteous as he said, and he had another account in his heart.

Five hundred feet of Lima Huizhong, the benefits of six stones a year add up to three thousand stones.

It seems that the number is quite large, but in the eyes of the Shiba family, who control the Hokuriku Road trade route and have unlimited food stamp support, it is not a big number.

Yiyin needs the capital to stabilize as soon as possible, not only because of political problems, but also because of economic problems.

In Kyoto in the past, there was Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the back-and-forth man, who was in charge. Anything that happened was the responsibility of the poor government, and Yoshihiro could just watch it as a joke.

But now that he has become the controller of Kyoto, he has the responsibility to maintain the dignity of the Kyoto shogunate.

Especially after Ashikaga Yoshiaki ran away, if Kyoto is still in chaos, the shogunate samurai will question Yoshigin, and even vent their grievances to Yoshiyin.

The financial source of the Shiba family does not rely on land, but on the food stamp financial system supported by the Hokuriku Road trade route. The stability of the Hokuriku Road trade route is related to the stability of the entire food stamp financial system.

The Hokuriku Road commercial road is mainly divided into two parts, the nearest section and the Hokuriku Road section.

The section of the Hokuriku Road is dominated by sea transportation, and the most important thing is the safety of the three major ports, Tsuruga Port, Nanao Port, and Naoetsu.

Yoshiyin protected Asakura Kageki of Tsuruga County, which meant he indirectly controlled Tsuruga Port.

The samurai family of the Noto Hatakeyama family who controlled Nanao Port, and the Echigo samurai family who controlled Naoejin were all staunch allies of Yoshigin.

Therefore, Yoshihiro is not worried about the political stability and logistics security of the section of Hokuriku Road.

The nearest sections of the Hokuriku Road commercial road can be divided into the Yodogawa section of the Osaka Plain, the Ujigawa section of the Kyoto Basin, and the Biwako section of the Omi Basin.

It is these three water transport logistics areas that support the circulation of the recent sections of the Hokuriku Road commercial road.

The main allies of the Shiba family in the Yodogawa area are Ishiyama Honganji and the Izumi Hosokawa family. Oda Nobunaga is preparing to kill Araki Murashige and Ishiyama Honganji here to replace them.

The east and west sides of the Lake Biwa area are now under the control of the Shiba family and the Oda family respectively. As the relationship between the two families turns to joint foreign affairs, Yoshigin is not worried.

Therefore, the weakest link in the entire Hokuriku Road commercial route logistics system is the Kyoto Basin where the Ujigawa area is located.

In the past, everything was Ashikaga Yoshiaki's fault, and it was enough for Yoshiaki to take good care of the water transportation.But now Ashikaga Yoshiaki is gone, and Yoshigin has really taken over Kyoto.

If Kyoto is still as bad as ever, and the local shogunate samurai's grievances are rampant, targeting the Shiba family and threatening the logistics security of the Ujigawa area, Yoshigin will have even more headaches.

Yoshihiro is willing to help, let the Kyoto samurai get close to appreciate the Siba family, and actively protect the interests of the Siba family.

The welfare food of three thousand shi per year is actually a protection fee. Calculated based on the 500 million circulation market of the entire Hokuriku Road trade route, it is almost a negligible security cost.

Just as Yi Yin said, the stability of the Wu family requires the warrior class of Ji to live a decent life and sincerely support the new regime.

It would be a political nightmare for those in power if he watched this class gradually slip away and become lumpen proletarians.

You must know that warrior Ji is a social elite who has received a good education, knows how to write and count, has superb martial arts, and is proficient in military affairs.

They are dissatisfied with the status quo, and they can cause huge destructive power to society, far exceeding those ordinary civilians who lack education and force.

How to prevent warrior Ji from becoming a pariah and ensure the most basic dignity and demands of the warrior class is a serious problem that Yiyin, as the patron saint of the warrior family and a saint praised all over the world, must face.

(End of this chapter)

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