different warring states of japan

Chapter 1618 Kyoto Falls into Shiba's Hands

The return from Pusheng's township made Yiyin stunned, angry and funny.

In this shogunate, there is not a real idiot, but Yoshihiro seems pure and simple like a blank sheet of paper.

Everyone is desperately fighting for their own interests. Etiquette, rules, and loyalty are all tools that can be borrowed and bargaining chips.

Ningagawa blamed herself and pleaded for absolution, Ohakusa Gaozhong led a team to ask God for protection, Hatakeyama Takamasa secretly fanned the flames, which one is the real fool?

Even Hosokawa Fujitaka is a master of mixing mud.

If it wasn't for Yoshihiro who happened to meet him, Hosokawa Fujitaka would probably get both ends, let the shogunate group let go, give Ashikaga a little respite, and confuse this matter.

However, the intervention of Yoshihiro made the situation very different. Now the Ashikaga Muslims have the upper hand, and the shogunate group has suffered.

The Muchen Group wanted to stop the loss in time and make up for it later. The Ashikaga Hui people were worried that there would be no store after passing this village, so they must take advantage of this great opportunity to completely nail it to death.

Yiyin stroked his hair, and punched himself in the cotton, but he was still taken advantage of.

He could only sigh.

All right, you guys know how to play, anyway, I'm going to Kanto soon, you guys fight slowly.

Yiyin is not afraid of internal fighting among these people, as long as they don't break the bottom line, won't the two sides have to look to themselves to arbitrate and decide in the end?This is also the embodiment of his prestige and power.

People are selfish, especially the samurai in Kyoto, who have been immersed in shogunate politics for 200 years, they are all human spirits who are like monkeys with hair on their heads.

I raped, robbed, and cheated, but I was still a good samurai loyal to the shogunate.

Even if Yiyin really went all out and pulled them all out, and brought a new batch of samurai to the capital, the end result would be the same.

A decadent feudal ruling class does not have high-quality soil for the growth of noble flowers. It was originally a group of selfish beasts. No matter how you change it, it will be like this bird, so save your energy.

Forget it, endure the nausea and use it reluctantly, after this incident, they should calm down for a while.

Yiyin thought for a while and said.

"Let Dacao Gaozhong and the others choose five representatives to enter the atrium to present the katana, and the rest will immediately dismiss and go home without staying any longer."

Gamo's Township bowed and received the order, and hurried out to negotiate.

Yoshiyin looked at the dejected Ninagawa, and sneered in his heart.

Don't look at Ninagawa pretending to be pitiful in front of her, if she can walk out of this door peacefully today, she will be a lively leader of the vassals.

Don't you guys know how to be tempted? I'm too lazy to argue with you, you can play on your own.

Yiyin said coldly.

"General Nishikari, the vassals have failed in their duties, and the management of Kyoto is becoming more and more chaotic.

From today onwards, Ashikaga returned to recommend three Ji warriors to attend the daily review and participate in the management of Kyoto affairs. "

Ninagawa was taken aback.

"Saint, isn't this against the rules?"

Yiyin said coldly.

"The general is not in the capital, and there are quite a few Ji warriors among the Ashikaga congregation who have the identity of the public. It is against the rules to choose three people to participate in the daily evaluation and fill in the gaps.
You waited for the vassal ministers to oversee and make the capital restless, because the way of speaking was blocked and they couldn't find out the problems outside.

Adding a little fresh blood can broaden your horizons for you and other ministers, and you can also listen to other people's voices, so as not to make jokes behind closed doors, why not? "

Ningagawa was speechless, but he was very reluctant in his heart. This matter was indeed beyond the bounds and authority.

The structure of the Ashikaga shogunate is that the Ashikaga general is respected, the shogunate is in charge and assists, the subordinates evaluate and comment on major issues, and the government office, waiter office, inquiry office and other institutions are responsible for daily work.

What Ninagawa said was against the rules was that the Ashikaga Huis belonged to General Ashikaga's army and did not participate in the daily assessment and management of daily affairs.

The political struggles in the middle and early stages of the shogunate mainly revolved around the power struggle between the Ashikaga general and the shogunate leader.

The main contention between the two is personnel power, which is the power of the shogunate to arbitrate samurai disputes and appoint and remove local guardians.In other words, it is to exclude other people's people and install their own cronies.

The specific affairs of the shogunate have always been maintained by the various agencies of the shogunate under the responsibility of the shogunate group.

To put it simply, the strong one among the generals and leaders manages people, and the shogunate group does things here, and the two sides jointly form a leadership team.

After the decline of the shogunate, the power of the shogunate agencies such as servants and residences became smaller and smaller, and they were almost reduced to decorations.

The situation of the government office is slightly better, and it can still maintain basic finances. It can be regarded as a powerful authority by relying on the worship of samurai families from all over the country, and the guidance and management of the vassal territories at home and abroad in the mountain city.

When Ashikaga Yoshiki was murdered, and Ashikaga Yoshiaki was taken to Kyoto by Yoshigin and Oda Nobunaga, the situation was different.

Ashikaga, Shiba, and Oda fought against each other, and the deacon of the government office, Ise Sadakyo, was the first to be eliminated, and the whole family died.

The acting official of the government office, Ninagawa Okino, took control of the government office with the support of the Shiba family, but the group of ministers underneath was not as obedient as when the Ise family was there.

Ninagawa was very reluctant to be the leader of the shogunate. The shogunate's territory has been in its own right, and the offerings of the local samurai have basically stopped. Only the fat meat of the castle town of Kyoto is still delicious.

This time, the Dokura steward of the castle town of Kyoto humiliated and trampled on the Ashikaga congregation, which made Yoshigin angry and wanted the Ashikaga congregation to send people to participate in the daily assessment and intervene in the management of Kyoto.

This is asking others to put their hands in Ninagawa's rice bowl, and Ninagawa's mother is naturally not happy.But the situation is stronger than people, so what if you are dissatisfied, you have to be obedient.

Yoshigin wanted to rebalance the political situation in Kyoto, pull up the remnants of the Ashikaga family, and supervise the bewildered shogunate group, so that these idiots would not cause any trouble next time.

Because Ashikaga Yoshiki was murdered, Ashikaga Yoshiaki was fatuous and incompetent, and the judges loyal to the Ashikaga family in the shogunate have withered away, and now only the Ashikaga Huis are still lingering.

Yiyin is not afraid of any troubles from the Ashilima Huis. It would be nice if this group of bereaved dogs can hold their dignified rice bowls and eat their fill. For the time being, they will not expect too much and be too greedy.

Looking at Takamasa Hatakeyama next to him, Yoshihiro shook his head in his heart, this won't work.

He turned to ask Hosokawa Fujitaka.

"Speaking of the rules, the Shiba army has been stationed in Kyoto for a long time, but it really doesn't conform to the rules.

The Ashikaga Huis are members of the Ashikaga General, and now General Nishikura, the Ashikaga Huis will take over the defense of Kyoto for the General, which is also reasonable.

Hosokawa Hime, are you willing to be in charge of the Kyoto military depot to ensure the military logistics of Ashikaga Muslims in Kyoto? "

Hosokawa Fujitaka was taken aback for a moment, then kowtowed to the ground.

"The minister is willing."

After this knife offering ceremony, the Ashikaga Hui people bypassed the trouble of the relationship between the monarch and his ministers, although they cleverly used the excuse of worshiping the gods.

But in essence, he still abandoned General Ashikaga and took refuge in Yoshigin, the living god.There is no future for the domestic dogs of the Ashikaga family, and they are coming to be the guard dogs of the gods.

The Shiba army stationed in Kyoto for a long time is also one of the evidences that Ashikaga Yoshiaki's puppet shogunate slandered Yoshigin as a minister for disloyalty and conspiracy in the West.

Since the Ashikaga Huizhong sincerely serve, Yoshihiro will give them a chance.Allowing General Ashikaga's troops to station in Kyoto can be regarded as blocking Ashikaga Yoshiaki's mouth.

But the matter in Kyoto is very important, and Yoshihiro doesn't dare to trust Ashikaga Huizhong, the group of wild dogs who have defected to them just now, so he has to choose a military chief to supervise them.

Maeda Toshiie, Akechi Mitsuhide, and Niko Katsuhisa are all retainers of the Shiba family. They have no name in the shogunate and cannot take on this responsibility.

In fact, Hatakeyama Takamasa, the leader of the shogunate, is the most suitable candidate.In the absence of the general, the leader is in power, which is the operating mechanism of the shogunate.

However, Hatakeyama Takamasa has been too restless recently, and Yoshihiro is worried about her.

In the end, Yoshihiro chose Hosokawa Fujitaka as his bed partner ally, and asked her to look after the back garden of Kyoto for him.

Izumi Hosokawa's family has a very high status in the shogunate, and Hosokawa Fujitaka's own connections are also deep. This time, the distribution of food and the favor of Ashikaga Huizhong, it is very appropriate for her to watch Ashikaga Huizhong.

Yoshihiro can't let Hosokawa Fujitaka serve as Ashikaga Huizhong's pen, after all, it is Ashikaga's pro-military, and it is inconvenient for foreign ministers to serve as military chiefs.

Therefore, Yoshihiro used the reason of managing logistics to let Hosokawa Fujitaka take control of the Kyoto depot of the Ashi Lima Hui.

If the soldiers and horses are not moving, the grain and grass will go first.

Military supply is the top priority of the military. As long as the military depot is controlled, it is equivalent to controlling the range of activities of the Ashikaga Hui, which can be regarded as a safety valve.

Hosokawa Fujitaka actually doesn't want to pay more attention to things in Kyoto, because the Oda family is going to conquer Araki Murashige of Settsu country in the spring, and then Kenjo of Ishiyama Honganji Temple.

Nishijinji is about to become a mess, and although the Shiba family has endorsed it, this war will not involve the territory of the Izumi Hosokawa family.

But once the war broke out, Ji warriors were jealous, and sometimes they didn't care so much.

Hosokawa Fujitaka needs to go back and watch the battle in Nishikinji to prevent accidents.

Originally, Hosokawa Fujitaka wanted to reject Yoshihiro, but after thinking about it, Yoshihiro really didn't have any better candidates besides herself.

So, Hosokawa Fujitaka softened his heart and agreed.

Hosokawa Fujitaka thought of his bedmate, Mitsuhide Akechi, who was on vacation, and when she came back to Kyoto, at worst, he would hand over the affairs here to her, and he could trust her.

Yi Yin didn't know that Hosokawa Fujitaka had this idea in his head, if he knew, he would definitely let it go.

Akechi Mitsuhide is just using the Shiba family's foreign negotiation power, and he is already making troubles, which makes Yoshigin extremely afraid.

If that black-bellied fox was allowed to get in touch with the military power in Kyoto, God knows what big troubles would happen.

Unfortunately, at this time in public, Yoshigin and Hosokawa Fujitaka did not discuss the matter in depth, and they easily reached a transfer of power, sowing the seeds of disaster.

The two of them settled the matter with a few words, and the faces of Hatakeyama Takamasa and Ninagawa Kiyo who were present were not very good-looking.

After distributing food to the Ashikaga Hui and granting the power to manage the Ashikaga Hui, Hatakeyama Takamasa felt that he was rapidly losing the trust of Yiyin and was dissatisfied.

Hosokawa Fujitaka had been in trouble with Yoshihiro many times, but in the end he climbed up to the top branch, and now he is acting like a dog, getting better and better.

What about Hatakeyama Takamasa?

She has been crazy enough to bite people on behalf of Yiyin, and even yelled such shameless words about her own father. In the end, not only did she not even have the chance to have sex, but she was also excluded from the core of power.

There is no absolute loyalty in the world. Jealousy and resentment are brewing in Takamasa Hatakeyama's heart, eroding the foundation of loyalty, and gradually making her selectively forget Yoshigin's past kindness.

However, Ninagawa's own life is relatively simple. She has long since lost her ambitions at an advanced age, and only wants to protect Ninagawa's family business and survive this troubled world.

Yiyin was dissatisfied with her and restricted the power of the vassal group. She endured it and endured it, not daring to show any negative emotions.

As the Ashikaga Hui sent people to participate in the daily review, with the Ashikaga Hui to get the military power in Kyoto.

This declining Ji warrior group will rise again, and it will no longer be a dog in the water that the shogunate group can bully casually.

At this time, Ningagawa has already started to have a headache, how to build a good relationship with those who have been wronged?How much of the benefits of Kyoto's castle town should be given to them?
Everyone in the room was thinking about their own affairs, and the sound of footsteps outside the porch sounded again.

Pu Sheng came back, followed by five respectful Ji warriors, the leader was Da Cao Gao Zhong.

It was she who tried her best to overcome all opinions and came up with a god-respecting way to present the small sword to Yoshigin, and she seemed to become the representative of the Ashikaga Hui people's loyalty to Yoshigin.

Yiyin was sitting on the main seat, smiling as he watched them bow and enter, and respectfully complete the dedication ceremony.

Since today, Kyoto has completely fallen into the hands of the Shiba family.

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