Chapter 162 Desperate
"Hold the door! Hold the door!"

Shimao Katsura was fully equipped, standing against the wall to the side, listening to the second sister at home urging Ashigaru to block the door with her body.

His complexion did not change, but his face was determined.In my heart, I was extremely anxious, and everything was messed up.

The Shimane is a traditional samurai family in Kita Yamato that has been rooted here for hundreds of years.Although it is not far from Kyoto, it is blocked by Mount Kasagi, so it is difficult to admire General Tianyan.

Yamato is the origin of ancient Japan, but it originated from the ruling class represented by the emperor and his ministers. There are no famous samurai families here, and it is the emperor's sphere of influence.

Since the three generations of general Ashikaga Yoshimitsu slaughtered the imperial court, the Yamato Kingdom has lost its backbone.

Kofuku Temple has been enshrined by the imperial court for thousands of years. Taking this opportunity, it succeeded in ruling the Yamato Kingdom.

Nuns in Japan can marry their husbands and pass on to the family.What he recites is scriptures, what he thinks is profit, no different from the martial arts.

After more than a hundred years of running-in, a strange balance has gradually formed in which the priest of Kofuku-ji Temple is the religious leader, and the nuns of the Tsutsui family are the secular leaders.

Kofukuji had no interest in politics, and all the nuns wanted was land, money, and religious status, so the actual management of the Yamato Kingdom must be delegated.

After a hundred years of fighting, the Tsutsui family won among many nuns and warriors, successfully took over the authorization of the Lord, and was able to manage the entire Yamato Kingdom.

Among them, Peking University and these traditional martial arts are also included.

To be honest, these northern warriors look down on religious figures in the south who like to pretend to be gods and ghosts, but the situation is stronger than others, so they have to bow their heads.

Yamato Kingdom has a superior geographical location, surrounded by mountains, easy to defend but difficult to attack.The generals in Kyoto did not want to cause religious troubles, and the two sides did not interfere with each other.

The traditional samurai family was blocked by high mountains, and they could not get close to the shogunate. In the end, they could only submit to the Tsutsui family and serve them.

The Tsutsui family also knew that they were not convinced, and they were always on the defensive.

Traditional samurai are good at fighting, but there is no foreign invasion in Yamato, so there is no need for these warriors who can fight.And because of their disagreement, they worried that they would rebel.

There are two strong castles in the Yamato Kingdom, the Tsutsui Castle in the south is the capital of the Tsutsui family, and the Gunyama Castle in the north is said to be a defense against the shogunate, but everyone knows who it is to guard against.

As the leader of the traditional northern samurai family, the Shima family has been suppressed by the Tsutsui family for many years, and has long been weakened.

This generation's family governor, Katsumi Tsutsui, had no choice but to leave the Tsutsui family, and took himself as a hostage in exchange for the mercy of Tsutsui Junqing's subordinates, leaving a glimmer of life for the family.

As a traditional Girihime warrior, this choice is painful.It was not her wish to work for the Tsutsui family's short-sighted and brave nun samurai family.

But whether it is to be loyal to the lord's giri or for the continuation of the family, she must be patient.

Fortunately, she was indeed an excellent Ji warrior, and soon stood out in the Tsutsui family, and was awarded the title of Zuo Jin by Tsutsui Junqing.

Everyone called Shima Sukon, and the family life became easier.But before a few days of good life, the Miyoshi family tore up the unspoken rule of the samurai not to attack temples and invaded Yamato.

The samurai invasion made Tsutsui Junqing's sensitive nerves tense again.

For such an important battle, she actually sent two generals from her family to the mountain city in the northern county.

Ukon Matsukura Shigenobu leads the garrison of Koyama Castle, monitoring the northern traditional samurai so as not to cooperate with the Miyoshi invading army in the south.

Dao Shengmeng said that he was sent to the north as a general, but he lost his military power. Feeling depressed, he left Junshan City and returned home to visit his family.

But just halfway there, Zahezhong entered the central and northern Yamato, committing all kinds of rape and looting.

Dao Sheng was shocked and turned pale, and hurried back home. He had just entered Dao Village with his front foot, and a team of Zahezhong happened to kill here.

I don't know if it's luck or misfortune.

If she hadn't returned home in time, Daocun would have been overrun by Zahezhong long ago.But no matter how brave she is, she is still a mortal body, and at this moment, she will almost be unable to resist.

Could it be that I, Dao Shengmeng, am going to die here in such a useless manner?

Looking at the second sister, thinking about the shivering men and children in the house.

Shimakatsu gritted his teeth fiercely to prevent himself from showing a desperate expression, commanded the defense sullenly, and held the handle of the knife tightly with his right hand.

As long as I still have breath, I will never let you and other scum harm my family.

Seeing that nothing happened for the time being, the second younger sister who directed the ashigaru breathed a sigh of relief and went back to the base of the wall, and said to Shima Katsuo.

"Elder Sister, take your family and fight out from behind.

I took a look, and they only had about twenty warriors, not enough to enclose the whole house, there must be a gap behind them. "

Dao Sheng glared at her sharply and said.

"What stupid things are you talking about? If you want to leave, you will take someone with you."

The second sister gave a wry smile.

"Sister, I'm serious. You have been wronged all these years for the sake of your family, and I'm watching my sister.

You are in your twenties and haven't married a husband yet.Sister, my two children are five or six years old, which is enough.

Listen to me, take good care of my family, and I will die in peace.

Sister, I am incompetent. I really don't know how to support the whole family after leaving the village.

Sister, you have been outstanding since you were a child, and you will definitely be able to lead your family to live.Let me stand here, you hurry up and take people away. "

Shima Katsuki's eyes became hot from what she said.

Although the second sister is mediocre, she has a loyal temperament.She worked hard outside, and she took care of the house alone, and nothing went wrong.

Reason told her that the second sister was right.In this troubled world, people are not as good as dogs. Once the village is burned down, how can a mediocre Ji warrior take good care of the family's husband and children who are waiting to be fed.

"To shut up!"

Forcing himself to hold back the tears that were about to burst out of his eyes, Shimao Katsuyuki scolded fiercely.

The second sister is also tough.

"Elder sister, you go! Remember to find a man and give birth to a girl to carry on the family line of the Dao family."

There was still an argument here, and there was a sound of iron cannons at the door, and the two ashigaru blocking the door were hit by the iron cannons behind the wooden door, rolling all over the floor in pain.

"These bastards!"

The second sister of the Dao family angrily rushed over to greet people to continue blocking the door.

These miscellaneous martial arts are average, but the iron cannons are almost hand-held, which makes people's scalp numb.

The iron cannon pierces armor, and once the salvo is fired, it will either kill or injure, which is extremely powerful.The Dao family is also considered to be rich in martial arts, but the family lacks armaments and is overwhelmed.

Another burst of iron cannons rang out, and several people blocking the door fell to the ground and wailed, only the second sister of the Dao family endured the gunshot wound and refused to let go, firmly pressing on the wooden door.

Spitting blood in his mouth, he said furiously to Shimakatsu behind him.

"Don't go fast! Don't go fast!"

Dao Shengmeng was already in tears at this time, gritted his teeth, picked up the gun, and rushed towards the house behind him.

The Zahe people outside were chilled by the sisters of the Dao family before, and they fired guns outside, and they didn't dare to rush to the door for a while.

Taking advantage of this time, Dao Shengmeng led his family to climb over the back wall and rush out of the village.

When the outsiders found them fleeing, they were so excited that they chased after them shouting.

How could Dao Shengmeng and his party outrun those ferocious mercenaries without horses.

She gritted her teeth and ordered several old Ji warriors to continue running with the men and children, then stopped and turned around by herself, standing with a gun in her face.

Today, just die here!
There was a sound of galloping horses' hooves behind her, and she turned back in despair.Seeing twenty or thirty knights on horseback rushing towards the elderly and children, they couldn't help shouting in despair.

"Do not!!!"

Then her eyes widened.

The group of knights skipped over the young and old, skipped her, and killed the Zahezhong.

The leader was a man wearing a white haori, the first time he saw him, Shima Katsuo's already cooled heart suddenly jumped wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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