different warring states of japan

Chapter 1648 False Reporting Project Becomes a Silverfish

Chapter 1648 False Reporting Project Becomes a Silverfish

Sanada Nobushige became more and more confused the more she listened, and Umino Toshi who was beside her asked.

"Master Ching Hai thinks that something will happen to the Samurai Giri Promotion Association?"

Miyoshi Qinghai sighed.

"Fire cooks oil, flowers bloom brocade.

Who hasn't had a good time?But in this life, people will fall into the pit after all.Some people can get up, some people can't get up again.

The prestige of the sage is at the peak of the sky, and the Shiba family leads the world.But in private, it's not just a problem with the Samurai Giri Promotion Association.

If Shiba wants to win the world, there is at least one big pit to fall in Kanto, and this big pit is the opportunity for the Lord to make the Sanada family of descendants of gods come true.

The cause of unifying the world is not so smooth. I and Shiba's retainers should guard against arrogance and impetuosity, concentrate on doing our own affairs well, and wait for the time to come.

At an inappropriate time, eager for quick success and instant benefit will only get twice the result with half the effort, or even fall short.

One hundred thousand stones in Nishi Ueno is already the limit for the sage to tolerate Sanada, and it is also the limit for other powerful samurai not to be hostile to us.

Once we cross this line, we are troublemakers in the eyes of sages, and opponents in the eyes of other warriors who covet the blood of the gods.

Lord, even if you have the will to go against the current, what do you think your chances of winning are now? "

Sanada Nobushige has been persuaded by Miyoshi Qinghai in his heart, but his mouth is still very firm.

"Although there is no certainty of success, there is the determination to become benevolent."

Miyoshi Qinghai couldn't help showing a smile, the master's pure mind was much more interesting than the nonsense infighting in Miyoshi's family in Kinki.

"Success and success aside, the Xiaoban Nobuzhen in front of you is a hurdle that you can't get over.

In the eyes of outsiders, West Ueno Shiwanshi is your domain, but you should be very clear that you cannot control the entire West Ueno. "

Nobushige Sanada was silent, unable to refute.

The land of Nishi Ueno is geographically divided into two cores, the north and the south. Minowa Castle in the north has been occupied by Nobushige Sanada, while Kunimine Castle in the south is the site of Nobusada Kohata.

Nobushige Sanada is actually an intruder for the samurai group in Nishi Ueno's native hometown.

Her name is the Lord of West Ueno, and the Sanada faction is actually centered on the three Ziye tribes in the Koshin Mountains.

Sanada Nobushige was able to win the land of Nishi Ueno because he took advantage of the internal conflicts of the Nishi Ueno samurai family and took advantage of the death of Nagano Yezho to unite with the local boss Nobata Nobusada to counterattack and succeed.

Therefore, although Nobushige Sanada occupies Minowa Castle, most of the samurai families in Nishi Ueno south of Minowa Castle are not convinced by her.

It was Miyoshi Qinghai who found the two treasures of matsutake and kapok tree, and made Sanada Nobushige use huge economic benefits to buy the Nishi Ueno samurai, so he became the master of Nishi Ueno who did not deserve the name.

In the previous Shiba Oda War, Sanada Nobushige also spent a lot of effort to recruit a large number of troops of the same clan from the Koshin Mountains, and there were very few participants in the Nishi Ueno Samurai Group.

Seeing that Nobushige Sanada was silent, Miyoshi Qinghai spoke to persuade him.

"My lord, if a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it.

Sanada's reputation as the number one soldier in the world has already started in this year's Shiba Oda War, and next year's battle against the Eastern Crowd, we should not be in the limelight again.

With this year's military exploits, everyone from saints to samurai has tacitly secured your position as the master of Nishi Ueno.

Instead of going out to compete with others for territory, we should manage the West Ueno land with peace of mind, and first take these disobedient local samurai for our own use.

The so-called thousand birds in the forest is not as good as a bird in the hand. If you stare outside, you will only be hated by others, but if you keep your eyes on your own territory, you will be a responsible person who can make others feel at ease.

Xiao Ban Xinzhen has taken so many benefits from us over the years, but he has always remained indifferent, and refuses to submit to you completely.

Don't bother with the crusade against the Dongfang people, spend two years at ease, while recuperating for the Sanada people, while tidying up Nobusada Kobata.

As long as Xiaoban Nobusada is taken down, those Nishi Ueno samurai who look up to her will surely submit in awe and submission, and the [-] stones of Nishi Ueno will belong to you, the lord, isn't it a good thing? "

Sanada Nobushige sighed.

"Everyone is gearing up to carve a piece of flesh from the Dongfang people, but I want to nest in the valley of Nishi Ueno and play some boring open and secret fights with Kobata Nobusada.

Master Qing Hai, you have circled around me for a long time, persuading me not to use weapons anymore, but to rest and recuperate.

But after all, you still didn't tell me why you rejected the deal from the Samurai Giri Promotion Association?Why should the good intentions of Dazang Chang'an be rejected? "

Unano Toshiichi on the side listened comfortably, and she kept persuading Nobushige Sanada to stay calm, but she just didn't listen to this frizzy mountain wild monkey.

At this moment, Miyoshi Qinghai, the logistics manager, came forward and blocked the source of Nobushige Sanada's aggressiveness financially.

There is a saying in the art of war, soldiers and horses have not moved, food and grass go first, that is to say, there is no money to fight!Nobushige Sanada has a hard time, as long as she is not given military expenses, she will have to groan!

This method is good, much more useful than reasoning with the mountain monkey.

But Uno Toshiichi also heard that Miyoshi Kiyomi's exhortation was not only aimed at Sanada Nobushige's impetuous strategic advancement, but also that he had no confidence in the Samurai Giri Promotion Association.

So Uno Toshiichi asked.

"Master Qing Hai, my lord and I are both from the mountains, we are good at fighting and are not afraid of sacrifice, but we don't know much about management.

Master is a master of management, I am ashamed of myself, but I have a doubt in my heart, you categorically said that you hope the Lord will spend two years to subdue Nobuta Kobata and rectify Nishi Ueno.

Does this mean that after two years, the Samurai Giri Promotion Association will have a big problem?And does it mean that the opportunity that the Lord expects to give birth to a divine descendant for the saint will be two years away? "

Sanada Nobushige listened to Miyoshi Kiyomi's exhortation, but he was confused and didn't understand why.At this moment, Toshige Umino hit the key points one by one, and Sanada Nobushige immediately cheered up.

Two years later, I will have the opportunity to grass sage?Fuck!Really?
Seeing Sanada Nobushige staring at him with glowing eyes, Miyoshi Kiyomi smiled wryly. The master's thoughts are too easy to understand, and he doesn't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

Miyoshi Qinghai looked at Unino Riichi and said politely.

"Umino Hime is too modest, you just haven't been exposed to business transactions and matters related to territorial management before, but now you have devoted yourself to studying, and your knowledge is no longer what it used to be.

There is indeed a problem with the Samurai Giri Promotion Association, and it is a big problem. "

Miyoshi Kiyomi nodded to Miyoshi Izo beside him, and Miyoshi Izo took out a stack of documents and handed it to Unano Toshiichi.

Unino Toshiichi just wanted to share some with Sanada Nobushige, but the master shrank back and shook his head with lingering fear.

Nobushige Sanada felt a headache when he saw these documents. He was invited by Miyoshi Qinghai to receive business education for a few days before, and he almost didn't go crazy.

Seeing Nobushige Sanada's cowardly look, Unino Toshi couldn't help sighing, this wild monkey will never be in the limelight in his life.

Many things can't just be fooled by the people below. Even if the lord can't do it, he must at least see the good and the bad.

Sanada Nobushige kept these documents at a respectful distance, and usually relied on Unano Toshiichi.But Umino Toshiichi was worried about what would Nobushige Sanada do if he was gone one day?
In desperation, Umino Toshio had to take good care of himself, for the prosperity of Sanada Nobushige's family business, he must live a long life.

Uno Toshiichi flipped through the documents while listening to Miyoshi Qinghai's explanation.

Miyoshi Qinghai said solemnly.

"These documents are a loan plan planned by the Samurai Giri Promotion Association.

I am also not familiar with other new development plans.However, the first batch of development projects in the lower reaches of the Tone River has been in operation for three years, and I have participated in the investment, so I know it better.

The Musashi country in the lower reaches of the Tone River has a stone height of 67 stones. Due to the lack of maintenance of water conservancy all year round, the output is only about 50 million stones.

According to the plan, after water conservancy restoration and the Tone River diversion project, the local grain production will increase to at least 80 shi.

Based on this, the Samurai Giri Promotion Association plans to issue a ten-year loan project.

Based on the annual investment of 30 shi, loans worth 150 million shi are issued to temples, samurai families, merchants and other earthworks. The earthworkers can participate in materials such as gold, silver, copper and grain. "

Unori nodded and said.

"The stone height of Musashi Kingdom has increased from 50 million shi to more than 80 shi due to various water conservancy constructions. This is the most conservative calculation, and the actual output may reach one million shi.

Through ten years of borrowing, the local samurai family has obtained funds for water conservancy, and the borrowed earthwork can also obtain loan interest. This is a win-win situation, and it seems to be no problem. "

Miyoshi Qinghai sneered.

"These members of the Samurai Giri Promotion Association are veterans, and the plans they made seem to be fine.

The invested soil warehouse is proficient in business operations, and the local samurai know how to build territories, but neither side has the compound talents who are proficient in business and know how to manage territories.

Therefore, the problem was not seen. "

Umino Toshi took a breath, read it carefully again, and shook his head helplessly.

"I can't see it, so I ask Master Qing Hai to give me some advice."

Miyoshi Qinghai was a vassal of the Miyoshi family back then, and also the manager of Sakai Port. How could the Samurai Giri Promotion Association fool her eyes with these little tricks, she snorted coldly.

"Most of the funds and materials for water conservancy construction are local, and the cost is not much. What really needs to be spent is labor.

Leaders bring their own dry food for a year, and they are obliged to serve free of charge for [-] days. For the rest of the time, they need to be provided with rations.

A strong woman’s ration for a year is two stones. Heavy physical work requires extra meals to avoid sudden death due to exhaustion. At least one stone must be added. The old and weak also need [-]% of the rations of strong women.

In one year, except for busy farming and cold winter, the time that can be used for water conservancy construction is about 160 days.

Excluding the sixty days of hard labor, that is, one hundred days of food needs to be supplied, and the rations to be supplied are about one stone per person.

With an investment of 30 shi a year, at least 20 people must be recruited to participate in water conservancy construction. There are only a hundred or so villages in the lower reaches of the Tone River. How can there be so many idle people who do not do other things?

Moreover, this year, due to the crusade against the Eastern Crowd, each family still needs to obey the conscripts. A large number of strong women and civilian women have to be included in the logistics support, transporting military supplies, and there is no extra manpower available in the local area. "

Uno Ri frowned.

"Master Qinghai means that the plan of the Wujiayili Promotion Association has falsely reported expenditures and borrowed a lot of money and food that are not needed?

But why?Why are they doing this?The extra money and food borrowed need to pay interest, which is a loss-making business. "

Miyoshi Qinghai nodded.

"I'm only talking about the Edo River downstream of the Tone River. In the plan of the Samurai Giri Promotion Association, there are also new plans for the Shinagawa, Watarase River, and Kinu River.

Borrow gold, silver and copper grain worth 200 million shi every year, and the ten-year master plan is more than 2000 million shi!
The loan from the Samurai Giri Promotion Association is a charitable loan led by the sage, and the interest is only five cents. "

Uno Toshihiro's scalp tingled when he heard it, and Nobushige Sanada who couldn't understand couldn't help shouting.

"2000 million stones? Damn it!"

Miyoshi Qinghai sneered.

"There are 66 countries in the world, and the total stone height is no more than 2000 million.

These guys from the Samurai Giri Promotion Association, they want to borrow the world's total harvest of grain for a year within ten years, they are simply crazy!

Guan Bazhou has been in war for a hundred years. Wu families, monasteries, and businessmen all save their money and food, and there is nowhere to go to make money.

Now that they have the reputation of saints, they are willing to spend money to support the water conservancy projects of Guanbazhou and the development and construction of Guanbazhou.

And the interest is extremely low, only five cents a year.Borrow [-], the interest is only [-].With such a low interest rate, it is easy to make some extra money in private.

Those bastards of the Samurai Giri Promotion Association, they are using the saint's reputation to profit for themselves, ignoring the saint's grace! "

Ancient lending is no better than modern finance, nine out of ten and thirteen returns are conscientious loans.In modern society, that is 40.00% usury.

The interest rate of 5.00% was considered to be a free loan in ancient times, that is, in troubled times, people hid their money in the ground and were unwilling to take it out, so they had such ultra-low interest rates.

And everyone is willing to accept this low interest rate because they are actually using Shibo Yoshiin's credit as collateral, because they believe that the saint can unify the world and believe that the saint is doing charity, so they accept it.

The people from the Samurai Giri Promotion Association obviously wanted to take advantage of the low interest rate difference. Thinking of the charitable organization established by the sage, it really made Miyoshi Qinghai heartbroken.

Nobushige Sanada said even more angrily.

"I want to raise this matter with the saint immediately!"

Before she finished speaking, Unano Toshiichi, Miyoshi Kiyomi, and Miyoshi Izo spoke at the same time.

"No!" x3
(End of this chapter)

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