different warring states of japan

Chapter 1668 A Great Opportunity In A Crisis

Chapter 1668 A Great Opportunity In A Crisis
Japan’s Romance of the Three Kingdoms was translated by monks at Tenryuji Temple in Kyoto at the end of the seventeenth century, more than 100 years later than Yoshigin’s timeline.

Therefore, the islanders at this time may have read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but they have never heard of the phrase "Chicken and Dog in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, inserting the label and selling the head" is fascinating, and it comes from the arrogant words of Guan Shengren.

But when these words were spoken from the mouth of the invincible Sibo sage, the effect was not weaker than that of Guan sage in Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Shocked by Yiyin's rhetoric, the concubines have different thoughts.

How did they know that Yiyin was forced to retreat, unable to retreat, and could only deal with the menacing Eastern crowd to the end.

Yoshishi Ashikaga and Harusuke Kanada, they certainly don't want Yoshigin to go to war with the Dongfang people in Furukawa Castle, and the broken pots and pans here are all their property.

Harusuke Kota struggled and wanted to persuade him again.

"The majesty of a saint is unparalleled in the world, and the people in the east are naturally vulnerable.

But your status is noble, and the troops of Ancient River City are weak. It is too risky to confront this kind of rebellion at this time.

Also ask the sage to think twice, don't be impulsive. "

Yoshigin glanced at Harusuke Koda who spoke earnestly, and sneered.

"Yu Tianji, are you making up my mind for me?
The leader of Furukawa is interesting, a letter invites me to come, and a word asks me to go, interesting, really interesting. "

Tian Qingsuke was drenched in cold sweat when he heard it, and kowtowed to the ground, shivering.

"I'm very sorry! The foreign minister made a slip of the tongue, and deserves death! I'm as humble as I, how dare I decide for a saint, and I will die!

The leaders of Furukawa are united and will fight to the death to protect the sage, and they will be at odds with the rebels! "

Yoshishi Ashikaga, who originally wanted to persuade him with Harusuke Kuda, was too frightened by Yoshigin's gloomy and heartbreaking words, and shut his mouth tightly.

They didn't dare to say that, as the leader of the Tongxin Congregation, Pusheng's Township had no choice but to persuade Yiyin to persuade him.


"Okay! I have my own plan, so I don't need to say any more!"

With one sentence, Gamo's village was blocked back, and Yoshihiro looked at Kirigage Saizo and Oda Shiji.

"Mist shadows hide."


"You immediately mobilize the Kanto secrecy team to investigate the military movements of the Eastern people with all your strength, and you must be perfect!

I will give you three days to mobilize manpower, infiltrate and investigate, and after three days, I will see your latest military situation every day. Is there any problem? "


To start the frontline military situation within three days, the requirements for the Kwantung Secrecy Team are extremely strict, but Wuying dared not mention the difficulty at this time.

The sage is at the forefront and never retreats. No matter how difficult she is, can it be more difficult than the sage?If you say no at this time, then you won't have to eat the food from Shiba's family anymore.

Kirigage Saizo had already made up his mind, and immediately summoned all the members of the Kanto Secrecy Team, put down all the work at hand, and made every effort to move closer to the General Kingdom and concentrate on investigating the enemy's situation.

In three days, the nearest manpower could barely gather, and they were sent out for investigation first.After that, the number of people who come will be sprinkled on the front line.

At this time, don't think about the secrecy and safety of the Ninja's actions. No matter how serious the casualties are, you have to get the information back.

Kirigage Saizo didn't even know about such a huge plot to rebel by the Eastern Clan. She, the leader of the Ninja Clan, has committed a serious negligence for her dereliction of duty.

If you can't make up for it at this time, and you are grabbed and held by others afterwards, Wuying will not be able to hide and will peel off the skin.In the current situation, Yiyin gave her the opportunity to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds, no matter how difficult it was.

Yi Yin looked at Oda Shiji and said softly.

"Oda Hime, please tell me what you know, please."

Before the secrecy team establishes an effective intelligence network, Yoshihiro can only rely on the inside information that Oda Ujiji knows for the time being, so his tone is sincere.

Oda Ujiji was flattered, bowed and said.

"The sage offends me, and I should know that there is everything I can say, and I can't say enough.

Satake Yoshishige took the lead in the rebellion of the Eastern Crowd this time, and only she has the prestige and ability to coordinate the Eastern Crowd together.

The rebels dispatched troops and divided them into one south and one north.

The southern line is headed by the Satomi family on the Boso Peninsula, and after going out of Kamiso, it is necessary to forcibly pass through Kofudai, go north along the east bank of the Tone River, and point directly to Furukawa Castle.

Ueno on the northern line, and Hitachi's coalition forces have already captured my Oda Castle, and the soldiers are united. It should be Satake Yoshishige who leads the army himself, and will soon kill Furukawa Castle.

Saint, the Xiazong platform and the Hitachi platform are both plains that are conducive to marching. If the enemy wants to trap you in Furukawa City, they will definitely act quickly.

I estimate that Yoshishige Satake will send cavalry ahead, and he will be able to reach the periphery in less than a day.

Within three to five days, part of the coalition forces on the northern line will arrive at Guhe City, and the southern line will be farther away, but some troops will arrive within ten days.

The people in the east include most of the samurai families of the four countries. Although it is the time for farming in the new year, if they can make up their minds to sacrifice part of the autumn harvest, mobilizing 5 to [-] people will not be a problem.

Just the elite vanguard is enough to besiege Guhe City and trap the saint here.

Time is running out, please make a decision early. "

Yiyin nodded, silently counting in his heart one day, three days, ten days.

he asked again.

"You said it was part of the team? Are there still disputes among them? There is no way to form a joint force?"

Oda Shiji smiled wryly.

"Sage is wise, you also know that the land of Guanbazhou has been in chaos for a hundred years, the local martial arts are good at watching from the wall, and they have always done things at both ends. That is the instinct of each family, and there has never been such a thing as unity?

Yoshishige Satake was able to gather the people from the East and create such a big momentum, because the Kanto servant rejected all the pleadings and pleas from the people from the East on the grounds of injustice. .

But there are always some people who still want to leave a way out, so they will disclose the news to me, so that I can come to Ancient River City in advance to warn the saint. "

Oda Ujiji turned a corner in the middle of his speech, but Yiyin knew it clearly in his heart, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

Those people in the Guandong Chamberlain are too greedy, they want to swallow up all the territory of the Dongfang people, relying on their own advantages and strength, they don't leave any room for maneuver.

If you don't give others a way out, others will naturally jump over the wall in a hurry and die.

As long as the Guandong servant's attitude is a little more relaxed, the differentiation of Huairou will be effective.

If this is the case, the group of bulk goods from the East has long been scrambling to take refuge in the Kanto servants, and it is impossible for Satake Yoshishige to twist into a rope and cause such a big rebellion.

Yiyin secretly scolded the group of Guandong servants as pig teammates, but the Dongfang people on the opposite side were also a group of pigs.

Satake Yoshiaga came in a menacing manner, just to take advantage of Yiyin's lack of reaction, and directly surround him in Guhe City.

However, some people pretended to be smart and secretly left the way for their own family, and leaked the news to Oda Ujiji, which was tantamount to completely ruining Satake Yoshishige's plan.

Satake Yoshishige's goal is Yoshigami, and the suddenness of the war is gone, so what a fart!

Under normal circumstances, Yoshigi only needs to retreat to Ueno country, and the chance of survival that Satake Yoshishige planned for half a year will be completely extinguished.

But at this time, it is not known whether Satake Yoshishige's luck is too good or Yoshino's luck is too bad. Yoshino can't retreat, so he can only deal with Xiazong Kingdom and Dongfang people to the end.

Thinking about it, although Yoshishige Satake is good at wooing and uniting the samurai family, but with the 100-year-old fritter instinct of Guan Yashu samurai dynasty Qin Muchu, how much face does Yoshishige Satake have to pull these strange things?

The Satomi family of the Boso Peninsula, every time they have a movie with the Hojo family, a group of youngsters will appear in their territory, and the retainers will take the lead in defecting to the enemy, which is extremely sour.

The name of the Utsunomiya family is Shimono Guardian, but the name of the Shimono country is not clear. The Xiaoshan family has to jump up and challenge it from time to time.

Yoshigetsu Satake is quite capable.

However, there are unconvinced forces in Hitachi who have been embarrassing her. Leaving aside Oda Ujiji, the unstoppable phoenix name, the Edo family who occupies Mito is not a good trouble.

Therefore, the rebellion of the Dongfang people seems to be huge, almost going to the wild, Hitachi, Anfang, and Shangzong The four samurai families rebelled together.

However, how many of these powerful samurai families in most places who followed Satake, Utsunomiya, and Satoshi who took the lead in raising the flag of rebellion, followed them all the way to the dark with sincerity?
It is estimated that Yoshishige Satake himself has no idea.

In a crisis, there is an opportunity in a crisis.Yiyin, who had calmed down completely, seemed to see his own opportunity from this sudden rebellion.

Yoshigin wants to take advantage of the rebellion of the Eastern Crowd to regain the initiative lost by Uesugi Kenshin.

Through the menacing approach of the Dongfang people, they put pressure on the Kanto servants.It is also necessary to take advantage of the internal contradictions of the Eastern Crowds, and they will not retreat in the Xiazong Kingdom.

The more Yiyin thought about it, the more excited he became.

Uesugi Kenshin used his daughter to smash Lao Tzu's bargaining chips, and he made Lao Tzu look ashamed. He could only watch the group of women in the Kanto Office fighting, not daring to go back, in a dilemma.

Okay, I'm going desperately with the Dongfang people now, if it's awesome, you can continue to quarrel in the Imperial Palace, take your time, don't worry.

When Lao Tzu is hacked to death, all of you will be widows!

snort!I see you don't care about me!

(End of this chapter)

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