There are three reasons why Yiyin has the confidence to take 300 people to kill 2000 people.

First, never think of the ruling group of the island country in terms of the ruling method of the Celestial Dynasty.

In the Celestial Dynasty, the imperial power is supreme, the whole world belongs to the emperor, and the army is firmly controlled by the central government.

As long as the ruling power of the imperial court is still there, the combat effectiveness of the army of the Celestial Dynasty is basically guaranteed. It will not happen that the whole army will be defeated if a commander is hacked to death, and the armies will fight to return to their hometown.

It is possible to defeat, but it is often defeated but not defeated, retreating to the city, waiting for the strategic change of the court and a new commander.

Because the central court is still there, there are supervising troops, unified logistics, and elites dispatched from all over the country. It can only happen at the end of the dynasty that the whole army flees after killing a boss.

But island countries are different. Beginning with the Kamakura shogunate, the samurai's ruling structure was to contract production on a household basis, and the middle and lower classes divided the fields, and each took care of himself.

The majesty of the shogunate lies in the power of distribution, the samurai serve the public, and the general rewards.

The shogunate obtained the guardianship rights of all countries in the world from the imperial court, and then bestowed them on local powerful warriors in the form of public rewards, and gradually formed a hierarchical feudal rule of famous local families, prefects, land leaders.

Under this system of enfeoffment at the entrance of the village, there are many layers of relationships between the upper and lower levels. The servants at the village head may only recognize their own small warlord leader, but may not recognize the big warlord above the small warlord.

If a large warlord is defeated by a beheading operation, the mentality of most small warlords must be to wait and see, and to preserve their own strength is a priority.

Whether Shiba came, or Hojo, or Satomi continued to be the boss, there would be no major changes at the grassroots level. At most, some land would be fined and confiscated. This is the characteristic of hierarchical feudalism.

The retainer's retainer is not my retainer, the boss's boss is dead, do my shit.

Here comes the new boss. If they want to collect taxes and labor, they have to rely on the small grassroots warlords and small landowners. They don't have to work too hard.

Second, the predicament of seeing Yoshiyao in the Boso Peninsula is actually somewhat similar to that of Kenshin Uesugi.What's more interesting is that both of them claim to be the deputy commander of Kanto.

It's just that Uesugi Kenshin's Kanto leadership was recognized by the Kanto samurai through the succession ceremony of Kamakura Tsurugaoka Hachimangu.

And what about Lijian Yiyao?It's just that she yelled at the two countries while nestling in the Anfang, but no one took her yelling seriously.

Li Jian's family is a well-known family in the Anfang Kingdom, and there are constant civil strife.Satomi Yoshiyao's situation back then was not much better than when Uesugi Kenshin first inherited the family business.

She borrowed troops from Hojo Second Generation to quell the rebellion, and managed to stabilize the family business of the Satomi family.

But soon, Satomi Yoshiyao, whose wings were hardened, turned against the Hojo family and became an independent force in the Boso Peninsula that caused the Hojo family a headache.

The strength of the Satomi family is not strong, and the strength of An Fangguo is not enough to support Yoshiyao Satomi's ambitions. During the invasion of the two countries, she could not control the local samurai family at all.

Every time the Hojo family fought against the Satomi family, they could find internal support in the Boso Peninsula, and the internal support and external cooperation launched a rebellion.

The unlucky appearance of Satomi Yiyao putting out fires everywhere is exactly the same as Takeda Shingen's instigation of rebellion everywhere behind Uesugi Kenshin, which made Uesugi Kenshin exhausted.

The weakness of the Satomi family caused the samurai of the Boso Peninsula to follow Yoshihiro Satomi to send troops, so they could only fight against the wind, not against the wind, because the Satomi family did not have the prestige of convincing the public at all.

Third, soldiers are more expensive than elites.

Although there are only 300 people on Yoshiyin's side, they are all brave fighters selected by Yasunari Hojo and Yasunari Hojo.

The Hojo Young Boys have already lost all their chips, and now they are red-eyed and bet on the table as their pants.There are less than 300 people, and they must be the elite soldiers of Huang Bei and Chi Bei.

The Kanto is closed, and most places still use traditional mobilization methods, mostly farmers and soldiers.

Unlike Kinki, where Oda Nobunaga has been forced to do nothing, each family has more or less embarked on a new military system that separates farmers from soldiers.

The five-color equipment of the Hojo family is a standing army, and the combat effectiveness itself is very strong.Warrior Ji, drawn by Huang Bei and Chi Bei, is even more outstanding among them.

According to the traditional mobilization method of the samurai, 250 people can be mobilized as a backup team for 50 stones of land. Ji Wushi usually has [-] people, which is almost one-fifth of the number of the backup team.

There are about 1 Boso coalition forces besieging Taicheng, the capital of the country, among which Ji warriors will not exceed 3000. The rest of the Ashigaru peasants and soldiers will probably be in chaos when they encounter a surprise attack at dawn.

Yiyin concentrated three hundred Ji warriors to attack the enemy's main formation. His strength was not small, and he might even have a local advantage.

To sum up, Satomi Yoshihiro, the Boss Boss, is strong on the outside but capable in the middle, and Satomi Yoshihiro does not have enough prestige to let Fangzong's Wu family work hard for her.

Yoshihiro was sure that as long as he concentrated all his efforts to defeat Satomi Yoshihiro's main formation, it would probably shake the morale of the entire Boso coalition forces and force the other samurai to retreat and wait and see.

It is indeed risky to sneak across the river, but it is a sure-fire move, not to die.


Just when Yiyin was about to leave, Daodaosi Shengchang came to see him off, secretly handed a letter to Yiyin, and said in a low voice.

"On the battlefield, swords and guns have no eyes. The saint went to fight fiercely to recover the defeat of the Hojo family. The Hojo family was so grateful that they dared not hide their secrets.

I heard that Shiba's secrecy team is the elite of the Iga people, and they are omnipotent in detecting and infiltrating.

If the sage can send a security team to investigate the location of Toki's main camp, and hand this letter to her, it will be miraculous. "

Yi Yin narrowed his eyes.

"Toki? The Hojo family has contact with this person? Can this letter make her go on the battlefield anyway?"

Shengchang Daosi said frankly.

"The Toki family is a well-known Fangzong family, and Satomi Yoshiyao married her son as his successor in order to win over Toki.

Toki is also one of the main forces in the Bousou coalition's dispatch of troops this time. "

Yoshigin gasped. He knew that the Hojo family had penetrated deeply into the Boso Peninsula, but he didn't expect that even Satomi Yoshiyao's mother-in-law would be brought here.

It's no wonder that the Hojo young men sent troops without authorization, Daodaoji Shengchang was so angry that he asked them to apologize immediately, because this battle was really unjustly lost.

The Hojo family has long had internal support in the Boso Allied Forces, and they are still one of the main forces. If the two sides step by step and line up on the battlefield, Yoshihiro Satomi will definitely lose ugly.

How could Yoshihiro Satomi have thought that his stepfather's mother belonged to the other party, and Toki, one of the main forces, would turn against him for Lai, and it would be a ghost for Satomi if he didn't lose.

From this incident, it can also be seen that Satomi Yoshiyao is working among the foreign powers of the Boso Peninsula. She can't even control her own in-laws, let alone other powerful warriors in the Boso Peninsula.

There are powerful samurai families in the Boso Peninsula, and the relationship with the samurai center is very close.

The Boso Toki family is a branch of the Mino Guardian Toki family, and Toki Nori is the family governor of this generation.

Saito Dozo usurped the Toki family's Mino state property, and the Toki family's heirs fled to the Hitachi country in Kanto to seek refuge.Afterwards, the family lintel of the Toki family was adopted to the Toki family, a branch of the Boso.

In other words, this Toki, who secretly took refuge in the Hojo family, was actually the leader of Toki, a famous family in Mino.

She is the orthodox descendant of Minamoto Raimitsu, a famous Genji family, and continues the 500-year-old family business of the Toki family.

In addition, the Boso Takeda family is a branch of the Kai Takeda family.

There are also powerful local samurai families such as Masaki, Masatoya, Sakai, etc., all of whom have some connections with prefectures in various places. Rijian Yiyao has such a face that he can suppress the descendants of these famous families?

The Hojo family infiltrated the Boso Peninsula, and fought with the Satomi family for the succession of the Masatoya family. Both sides spared no effort in competing for the support of local famous families.

But no matter how awesome the Hojo family and the Satomi family are, can they have more face than Yiyin?
Yoshigin is the elder of the Genji family, the holder of the Hachiman Tai Niang Yubai Banner, the patron saint of the samurai family who descended from Bishamonten, and has a noble bloodline.

The Satomi family and the Hojo family, an outsider pretending to be Hojo's slender name, can still wrestle with each other, but they can only tremble when they see Yoshiyin, the pinnacle of the authentic and famous family.

If the Boso Allied Forces can have one Toki who is against Lai, can't they have a second and a third?
The way of using soldiers is to attack the heart as the top, attack the city as the bottom, fight with the heart as the top, and fight with soldiers as the bottom.

Daodaosi Shengchang took the initiative to sell Toki Weilai, a traitor of the Boso Allied Forces, to Yiyin, which made Yiyin very satisfied.

Finally, I didn't sleep in the Hojo Clan's administration for nothing. The Hojo Clan's current transformation has put their own safety first. Very good, this is the attitude that really wants to hang out with the Shiba Clan.

(End of this chapter)

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