different warring states of japan

Chapter 1688: The Prestige of a Saint

Satomi Yoshihiro was beating his heart, and he was so uneasy that he kept cheering himself up.

But in fact, her camp was not so easy to break through, and Yiyin, who was attacking, kept cursing her mother in her heart.

Yoshihiro is also in the dark. It is obviously only a temporary resident, but Satomi Yoshihiro's main camp is built as a standard field camp. How afraid of death is this grandson?

Surrounded by the Boso Allied Forces, Yoshihiro Satomi never forgot to make the temporary resident so impenetrable. Who is she guarding against?

The internal defenses of the Boso Allied Forces made Satomi Yoshihiro always cautious, but at this time it was a blessing in disguise, and instead cheated a lot of money.

Not to mention the layout of the ashigaru tents on the outside, but the layout of the inner formation, it is not easy to break through.

A trench was dug on the periphery. Although it was less than one meter deep, it was connected to the water source and became a moat.The towering fence is two and a half meters long, leaving only the front and rear hanging rails to communicate the inside and outside.

There are watchtowers around the four corners, and the circle of houses where Hatakemoto lives surrounds the main camp tightly. From a distance, even the curtain in the center can’t be seen clearly. How can people fight?
In the first wave of rushing at dawn, the Hojo group quickly pierced through the camp and came to Satomi Yoshihiro's main camp, but they were helpless against the strong camp in front of them, and were forced back by the arrows on the watchtower.

Yiyin pointed to the chaotic outlying camp behind him and shouted.

"Go back! Find bows and arrows and equipment!"


The Satomi army celebrated all night, and at this moment, they were thrown into chaos by the Hojo crowd. The ashigaru who bombed the battalion ran around. Occasionally, Satomi warriors appeared to organize, and they were also besieged to death by the tight formation of the Hojo crowd.

It was not difficult to find the ordnance, but at this moment, the sound of marching conchs sounded from the periphery.

Yiyin looked into the distance through the slope of the mountain, and the distance between the battalions was not far, all within one kilometer.

In the south, Mount Mama, which was broken by Yoshihiro just now, reacted the fastest. Masaki Toki and other Satomi veteran generals had gathered their troops and came to the main formation for reinforcements.

Yoshihiro gritted his teeth, his dream of capturing Satomi Yoshihiro's main camp in one fell swoop had been shattered, and he was already in a situation where he was under attack from both sides.

He ordered decisively.

"The warrior Ji with horses will follow me! The rest of us will continue to search for ordnance and suppress the enemy troops in the camp!"


There was great chaos in the camp, and the horses scattered, and Yiyin led people to snatch more than [-] horses.

Yi Yin took the lead and headed towards the banner of the reinforcements, followed by Ii Naomasa and Li Huazuo, and Ji warriors with horses rode their horses and rushed out.

Hojo Yasunari glanced at Hojo Yasunari and shouted.

"I will lead people to search for ordnance, you continue to disrupt the barracks, don't let them organize!"

"Saint! What about the saint!"

"Believe in the saints! We must believe in the saints!"


The first reinforcement army on the opposite side of Yiyin was led by Masaki Tokimo who passed through the camp.

The camp was penetrated, and Satomi Yoshihiro sent envoys to reprimand Masaki Tokimo. Masaki Tokimo was so angry that he took his daughter Masaki Nobumo, and immediately assembled more than 100 people, and rushed to increase the number of troops.

Seeing more than 30 riders rushing in front of him, Masaki Tokimo calmly ordered.

"Array array! Refuse the carbine to step forward!"

How could Yiyin give them a chance to line up, shouted.

"Archery! Don't let them form a formation!"

A dozen Ji warriors behind him straightened up and shot with the bows and arrows they had just snatched.

Bows and arrows from different sources have different materials and shoot at different distances, but they are enough to interrupt the enemy's formation and buy time for Yiyin to enter the enemy's formation.

In order to avoid the bows and arrows, the spearmen of the Zhengmu Army were in chaos, and they were instantly rushed out of the way by the warrior Ji on horseback.

Yiyin's eyes flashed, the killing mode was wide open, and he swept his spear horizontally. The point of the spear hit five ashigaru of the enemy army, and three of them fell instantly.

Masaki Nobumo, who was in the lead, was furious, and he was about to gesticulate with Yiyin immediately.

"Who is here! Masaki Shinmo asks you for advice!"

Yiyin twitched the horse's buttocks, aroused the speed of the horse, and passed Masaki Shinmo, the spear swept all the way across her hands, arms, and waist, and then returned the carbine and tapped her on the back.

I don't know which one triggered the lethal effect, Masaki Shinmo's eyes went dark for an instant, and he fell off his horse.

Ii Naomasa jumped off the horse, cut off Masaki Nobushige's head, and threw it to Yoshihiro on the horse.

Yiyin held Masaki Nobumo's head high with one hand, and pulled up the reins with the other. The horse roared, and its front hooves jumped high, attracting the attention of the surroundings.

"Nobushige Masaki has been taken by me Shiba Yoshigin!"

Seeing the death of the general holding the battle, the ashigaru people dispersed in a rush. Before Masaki Tokimo could feel the pain of losing his daughter, he was frightened by Yoshigin's declaration.

Yoshihiko Shiba?saint!
Ii Naomasa jumped on the horse, and Yoshigin shouted.

"Raise the flag! Charge again!"

Naomasa Ii took down two flags from behind the horse, put one on the back of the horse, and threw the other to Lihua Zou. The two flags unfolded and fluttered in the sun.

When Masaki Tokimo saw the Royal White Flag and Yanxin Flag, his body couldn't help but twitch.

"What a saint!"

Seeing that Yoshigin took down the opponent's leading general in one fell swoop, the morale of the Hojo people was greatly boosted, and they stepped forward, killing more than a hundred people under Masaki Tokimo's command, and ran away with their heads in their hands.

Yi Yin rushed straight towards Masaki Tokimo's formation flag, and Masaki Tokimo turned and ran away in fright.

Seeing that she was about to escape, Yiyin heard that familiar roar again.Masaki Tokimo was shot in the back, hugging the horse's head, not daring to let go, vomiting blood and running away.

Yiyin looked around angrily, and it was indeed Li Huazuo and her three-eyed gun.

Yi Yin, whose ears were still buzzing, shouted.

"How did you cross the river with a firearm!"

Li Huazhuo, who was also hurt by the roar, shouted to answer.

"Wrap it in oil paper! The gunpowder is not wet!"

Yiyin was speechless to this guy who was obsessed with firearms, and could only shake his head.

"Grass! Bull bastard!"

Just as the two were yelling, Naomasa Ii had dismounted again and pushed down Masaki Tokimo's formation flag. Seeing the main general's formation flag fall, Masaki's army had no fighting spirit and scattered in all directions.

But before Yiyin could catch his breath, there was another sound of conch shells coming from the camp in the south, and the two men who had gathered just now were coming out of the camp.

Yiyin cursed.

"There is no end! Zhu Ji, you still have the strength to follow me to kill the enemy!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The thirty or so Beitiao people, regardless of the scattered and broken soldiers, gathered around Yiyin again, and followed Yubaiqi to the south with persistent efforts.


The ones who just came down from Mount Manma were Masaki Tokitada and Toki Raharu's troops. Both of them were veteran generals of the Satomi family with outstanding achievements.

After a night of carnival, the battalions were woken up just after they fell asleep, their limbs limp and their feet limp and drowsy.

The two beat and scolded continuously, and with great difficulty they gathered hundreds of people to join the battle, only to see Masaki Tokimo's flag fall down.

Masaki Tokimo's back was blasted by the three-eyed blunderbuss, which was burning and painful. She hugged the horse's head tightly, gritted her teeth and refused to fall, and finally held on to the front of the friendly army before letting go and falling to the ground.

Masaki Shizhong stepped forward and hugged Masaki Shimo, seeing her pale face and weak breath, he shouted.

"Doctor! Get the doctor!"

Masaki Tokimo held her arm tightly, spit out a mouthful of blood, and coughed chokingly.


After uttering the last word, Masaki Tokimo passed out.

Masaki Tokada was unknown, so Toki Raiharu was already shouting a reminder.

"Array! Array! The enemy is rushing over!"

Zheng Mu Shizhong looked up, and the thirty or so enemy cavalry who were scattered in the distance chasing and killing the routs gathered again, and resolutely charged towards his own army of hundreds of people.

Picking up the unconscious Masaki Tokimo, he handed it over to Hamoto to take care of him, and they hurried back to the formation to prepare for the battle.

Masaki Tokitada, who was walking towards Toki Raiharu, suddenly found that the other party's face appeared confused, puzzled, and then frightened and terrified.

Masaki Tokitada, who didn't know why, turned around and saw the male giant in white Katsuyuki leading the charge, with two flags flying behind him in the wind.

Masaki Tokichu lost his voice.

"Royal White Flag? Saint!"

Masaki Tokitada and Toki Raiharu looked at each other, and at the same time saw the deep fear in each other's eyes, and shouted at the same time.

"Quickly line up! All Ji warriors move closer to me! Go to the front to press the formation, and the spears come forward! Hurry up!"

Looking down from the sky, Yiyin led more than [-] horsemen to charge, the horseshoes kicked up billows of dust, and they went forward indomitably.

On the opposite side of him, the enemy army ten times larger than him was trembling and huddled together like a poor prey being hunted.

The prestige of Hess can be conquered but not fought! (end of this chapter)

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