different warring states of japan

Chapter 1703 For Rena's Future

Chapter 1703 For Rena's Future

Takeda Shingen stroked Rena's hair and asked softly.

"Since mother is back, can you stay in Kai country for a while longer?"

Takeda Nobutora's eyes flashed.

"Aren't you doing very well now? Why should I come back and point fingers and talk too much?"

Takeda Shingen smiled helplessly.

"My mother is a bystander, she should understand the current embarrassment of the Takeda family better than me, right?
Linnai is favored by the sage, and the Takeda family seems to have eliminated external troubles and the family business is stable, but the internal undercurrent has never stopped.

The Kai people swallowed the big with the small, and bullied the Shinano and Suruga people too much. The conflicts in the family became more and more intense, and I was barely able to maintain a balance.

Suruga country I have decided to let go and hand over to the saint.So I can be cruel to the Suruga people, without any scruples, I will slaughter the Suruga Hime samurai who are not good for the Takeda family, so as to avoid future troubles.

But the conflict between the Kai people and the Shinano people, I have no way to cut the mess quickly.

Although I used the method of division and disintegration to defeat the Shinano people one by one, but the Shinano country is much bigger than the Kai country, and the conquest of the year can only be done with gentleness, and the independence of the Shinano people is still too strong.

Kiso, Suwa, Hoshina, and Sanada, the leaders of the samurai clans from all over Shinano, they are afraid of my ruthless methods, and they don't really surrender to the Takeda family.

In addition, Kai country is not peaceful.

Anayama Nobukun colluded with Tokugawa Ieyasu to smuggle for profit in the Suruga country.Oyamada Nobumo took too many benefits from the Hojo family, and has always been close to Hojo, and was even included in the military service account by the Hojo family.

The servants of Pu Dai boasted of their great achievements, never looked down on the people of Shinano, and tried their best to suppress and exploit the local samurai in Shinano.

Even a congregation. .Since Xin Fan's death and Xin Lian came to power, his mind has become more and more confused. Does she really think she is capable?

I knocked her openly and secretly several times, and finally made her wake up a little bit.But she would actually speak for Anayama Nobu-kun and help Tokugawa Ieyasu smuggle, she is so stupid that I am speechless.

I, Takeda Shingen, seem to be famous, but in fact, Uesugi, Hojo, Oda, and even Tokugawa, these big names around me are not worried about me.

They all know that the inside of my Takeda house is just a puddle of mud that cannot support the wall.

If it weren't for the sage's mercy to protect my Wutian family, once the group of females fight and fight for the world, my Wutian family will definitely be the first unlucky one to fall.

Strong fortresses are often breached from the inside. The inside of my Takeda family is the weakest and most contradictory among the powerful vassals. There are loopholes everywhere, so how can we be invincible. "

Takeda Nobutora listened silently to his daughter's outspokenness and revealed her heart. Naturally, Takeda Nobutorora was very clear about the hidden dangers of the Takeda family, and she, the former family governor, had suffered enough.

The shortsightedness and greed of the Kai people, internal discord, and the reluctant obedience and selfishness of the Shinano people will pull the Takeda family apart sooner or later.

It is impossible for the samurai family to have a hero from generation to generation. A powerful family governor like Takeda Shingen is rare in a hundred years. Do you still expect mass production?
The current Takeda family is ruled by the tigress Takeda Shingen, but this tiger is going to grow old and die after all, how many years can she stay in charge?

When she dies, all the conflicts suppressed by her personal ability will break out one by one, and the Takeda family will have a lot of fun.

Takeda Nobutora said in a deep voice.

"So you want to break out of this deadlock and go to Changlu to open up new territories?"

Takeda Shingen smiled wryly.

"The people in the mountains are poor and afraid. No matter how I teach Jia Feizhong, they are always eager for quick success. They can only see the small profits in front of them. They wish to move everything back to the mountains and enjoy it.

There are also 60 stones in the two countries of Kai and Shinano, but the despair in the valley cannot support the future of the Takeda family. We must go out.

Hitachi owns fertile plains, lakes and harbors, a sufficient population, and a long coastline.

Most importantly, according to the diversion plan for the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River by the Samurai Giri Promotion Association, Hitachi will be the final exit of the Tone River after the diversion. Do you know what this means?

The floods that have flooded Musashi country will be completely eradicated!The excess water of the Tone River will pass through the two countries of Shimo and Hitachi to go to sea, and become an infinite source for irrigating the Shimo and Hitachi platforms!
Musashi, Shimoso, and Hitachi will be the biggest beneficiaries of the diversion project in the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River. The total stone height of the three countries is likely to exceed 200 million shi! "

Takeda Nobutora gasped when she heard it. She has lived in Kyoto for a long time. Although she has heard a little about the water conservancy project that diverted the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River, she is far less in-depth than Takeda Shingen.

Uesugi Kenshin held the Sano collar, the Shimono portal, in his hand, and stared at Shimono country.

The Hojo clan is looking forward to taking the Anfang Kingdom and the Shangso Kingdom on the Boso Peninsula, and completing the conquest that has not been completed since the second generation of Hojo.

But Takeda Shingen had a different vision from the two of them. Takeda Shingen, who was far away in Kai country, jumped out of the traditional circle of Guan Yashu, and discovered the profound development potential of Hitachi country with the eyes of a bystander.

There are 66 countries in the world, and the total stone height is only 2000 million.Because of the diversion of the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River, Musashi, Shimoso, and Hitachi Three Kingdoms can reach one-tenth of the world's stone height, which is outrageous!
Leaving aside the fact that both the Musashi and Hitachi lands are vast plains with thousands of miles of fertile soil, once the irrigation problem is solved, the rice production here will increase steadily.

Don't look at the dazzling chaos of the island nation's samurai wars, the military seems to be the biggest attraction.But in the final analysis, agricultural society looks at food, and when it comes to island countries, it is rice.

The basis of all military operations is to see how much rice the samurai daimyo can produce from land resources for military operations.

If you have enough rice, you can mobilize enough manpower, buy the enemy's subordinates, and persist in a longer confrontation. Having more rice reserves than the enemy is the confidence that you will win the battle.

Rice comes from rice, and the most important thing for growing rice is water.There are many plains on the continental platform, coupled with abundant water resources, what an attractive and wealthy country this is.

For the Takeda family, the more interesting point is that no one is qualified to compete with Takeda Shingen for the title of this fertile soil.

Both Satake and Takeda families came from Minamoto Yoshimitsu's lineage. Hitachi protected the Satake family from injustice, and the Takeda family of the same clan replaced them, which is in line with the samurai tradition.

After Yoshigin nodded and agreed to this matter, Takeda Shingen had obtained the legal basis for ruling Hitachi.

In terms of strength, the three powerful domains of the Kanto Chamber stand side by side, the Hojo family is staring at the Boso Peninsula, the Uesugi family is aiming at the Shimono country, and other powerful samurai families have no confidence and ability to compete with the Takeda family for the Hitachi country.

Even in the end, the Takeda family will not be able to get the entire Hitachi country, and they have to share some corners and corners for the powerful warriors who participated in the war.

But as long as Takeda Shingen can firmly grasp the position of guardian of Hitachi, and can occupy the seven counties of Kita Hitachi controlled by the Satake family, it will be enough to control the local samurai of Hitachi and rule the area.

Takeda Shingen said solemnly.

"Hitachi's conquest is related to the Takeda family. In the future, I will dispatch my own bannermen and direct ministers to conquer and manage Hitachi. As for the Shinano people and the Kai people, I am not going to let them intervene."

Takeda Nobutora glanced at his daughter and said.

"If you do this, but you have to eat alone, you will offend many folks in the village."

Takeda Shingen laughed.

"That's why I need my mother to sit in Kai Kingdom for me, suppressing the ghosts and monsters in the family from moving rashly.

You have a fierce reputation, and you kill people without blinking an eye. With you watching from Jiaxin Mountain, I can stay in Changlu Country with peace of mind, without worrying about the instability in the rear. "

Takeda Nobutora sneered.

"The old man is over seventy years old, and the anger of the early years has long since dissipated. These years, he has been eating fast and reciting Buddha's name, and his practice has deepened. You actually encouraged me to have murderous intentions again? If you ruin my practice, I am not a woman."

Takeda Shingen picked up his daughter, and the mother and daughter bowed to Takeda Nobutora together and said.

"Back then, I was coerced by the retainers, and I had no choice but to expel my mother. I am still under restraint, with my hands and feet tied up, and I have suffered unspeakably.

Ever since I gave birth to Linnai, I have always had nightmares, dreaming that Linnai was forced by the retainers with knives, expelled me, and walked on my old path.

Mother, I want to leave Rena with a clean Takeda family, please help me!I implore you, for Rena's sake, help me! "

Rena was in Takeda Shingen's arms, her eyes were puzzled and she looked at her mother and then at her grandmother.

It is said that Takeda Shintora can be cruel to Takeda Shingen, but when facing Kami Rena's clear and innocent eyes, his heart like steel has to be turned into tenderness.

Takeda Nobutora reached out and touched Rena's little face, shaking his head and sighing.

"That's all, the Buddha said that he put down the butcher's knife and became a Buddha immediately, but for my little Linnai, it doesn't matter if he raises the butcher's knife again.

As long as you trust me and are willing to delegate power to me, I will turn into a glaring King Kong and watch over the unruly people and rebels in Jiaxin Mountain for you. Whoever dares to spoil the good things of my family, Linnai, will be killed! "

Takeda Shingen laughed.

"I believe in my mother, Kai Shinano's military and financial power, you can act arbitrarily, I don't ask.

You sit in Jiaxin, and I sit in Changlu, and together we will work out a safe and secure future for Linnai, so that she can live her life without any worries. "

Takeda Nobutora nodded and asked.

"What about Rena? Will she stay in Jiaxin or go to Changlu?"

Takeda Nobutora's words had a hidden meaning.

Koshin and Hitachi are far away, separated by mountains and rivers, as well as other people's territories, it is impossible for the Takeda family to hold both hands hard, so they must choose one of them as the core territory training team in the future?

Does Takeda Shingen want to use Hitachi's resources to suppress the Konobu samurai family, or does he want to completely abandon Konobu and start anew in Hitachi?
This point must be made clear.

Wherever Rena is, that is the future of the Takeda family.

Because as Takeda Yoshinobu grows up, her team must be the Ji Samurai Corps that the Takeda family will rely on in the future. Where these people come from is the core territory of the Takeda family.

Regarding his mother's question, Takeda Shingen smiled slightly, pointed to Kosaka Masanobu who was silent beside him, and said.

"Rena is not in Koshin, nor in Hitachi, but in Shiba Tongxinzhong.

The sage said that Gamo Shigo and Ii Naomasa are Rena's teachers, and let Reina go back to study with Tongxin after her vacation with me.

Kosaka Masanobu has been acting as Rena's direct minister, taking care of her life in the center for me, and she is also the future head of the Takeda family, assisting Rena in governing. "

Takeda Nobutora was stunned.

The Tongxinzhong Group is the actual center of the Shiba family, directly led by Shiba Yoshikin.

In particular, the Tongxin Secretariat headed by Gamo Ujigo and Ii Naomasa is the authority that controls the Shiba Central Committee, attracting everyone's attention.

Takeda Yoshinobu is the eldest daughter of Shiba Yoshigin, and she was educated and raised by the leader of the Tongxin group, so she is likely to become the representative of the interests of the Tongxin group in the future, that is, the power figure of the Shiba Central Group.

Takeda Nobutora was a little confused, and looked at Takeda Shingen.

Takeda Shingen shook his head.

"Mother, don't look at me, I don't understand what our saint is thinking.

Because of my relationship, Linnai is politically incapable of being the lord of the world, but the saint wants her to be trained in the center, I am also very puzzled. "

Takeda Nobutora touched his chin and sighed.

"The saint's eyes are far away, I can't see through it, but I believe his feelings for Linnai, he will not harm Linnai, we just obey."

Takeda Shingen glanced at his mother. She actually had some thoughts in her heart, but it was inconvenient to say them out.

Because Takeda Yoshinobu was the seed that Takeda Shingen forcibly obtained Shibo Yoshinobu, so it is destined that Takeda Yoshinobu will bear the original sin and cannot be the supreme ruler of Shiba Tianxia.

However, Shiba Yoshigin insisted on letting Takeda Yoshinobu, who has no inheritance rights, enter the center, and may even control the Tongxin people and the Tongxin Secretariat in the future. This political move is intriguing.

Takeda Shingen and Shiba Yoshigin have a tacit understanding and cooperation, and she has vaguely guessed some of it.

Shiba Yoshigin didn't want the future General Shiba's family to dominate, because a family's dominance meant that a certain family of gods might strangle all their competitors to death in order to ensure the succession of their own line.

It is inevitable that brothers and sisters will fight each other.

As for Yoshihiko Shiba's soft nature with fleshy palms and backs, how could he be willing to let his descendants attack each other and bleed like rivers.

Therefore, the first priority of the Shibo regime in Shibo Yoshinobu's heart must be to maintain the unity of the god-descendant group, and he is very likely to choose to decentralize power.

This is especially important for Takeda Shingen.How much fun it was for her to force Sibo Yiyin in Yantian City back then, the original sin that future generations will bear is as deep.

If Siba Tianxia is determined by the Lord of the World, then the Takeda Goddess family may be killed first because of their evil origins at any time.

Takeda Yoshinobu, a filthy heir without inheritance rights, entered the center, which meant that Shiba Yoshigin had already begun to consider the future layout of the god-descendant family.

In order to protect Takeda Yoshinobu, Shiba Yoshinobu will inevitably give certain powers to ensure that Takeda Yoshinobu has sufficient political value to avoid disaster.

In this regard, Takeda Shingen is of course happy to hear and see, and actively cooperates, but there is no need to explain these things to his mother.

It is best for Takeda Nobutora to understand it by himself, and it doesn’t matter if he can’t. This is the political tacit understanding between Shiba Yoshihiro and Takeda Shingen. One less person knows, and more security.

(End of this chapter)

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