different warring states of japan

Chapter 1708 Dao Sheng Meng is really fierce

Yoshishige Satake is already kneeling under the Kofutai Castle, how is this possible?Yiyin couldn't believe it, and Zhu Ji couldn't believe it either.

Satake Yoshishige, who united with all the families in the east, secretly plotted to set off a rebellion, tried to coerce the sage to make the princes, and was so crazy that he destroyed the dikes and flooded the fields.

How could she suddenly run to Taicheng, the capital of the country, and kneel under the city to beg the punishment of the saint.

Yiyin's expression was uncertain, Daodaosi Shengchang pondered for a while, then came out and bowed.

"Saint, I once had a relationship with Satake Yoshishige, and I know this Mrs. Bando.

May I go and have a look? "

If the person kneeling under the castle was really Yoshishige Satake, it would shatter the dreams of many people.Many people are gearing up, trying to win the favor of the saint by killing the military exploits of the Satake army.

The most important thing is that Satake Yoshi is so cowardly, Hojo Shimasa, Shima Katsuo and others will be extremely disappointed, but the most disappointed person is Satomi Yoshiyao.

It's ridiculous to say that, because from the very beginning, he didn't want to get involved in the war between Shiba Yoshigin and Satake Yoshishige, and Satomi Yoshiyao even sent his daughter to go around in the south of Shimosong Kingdom, dawdling and refusing to go north.

Satomie wanted to be an outsider, and made a choice after seeing the situation clearly, but what happened?
If Satake Yoshishige really knelt down at the Taicheng of the National Government, Rijian Yiyao must have been unable to cry, she was too wronged.

Yoshishige Satake seems to be guilty of a heinous crime, but it has not reached the point of unforgivable crime, because she has never met the saint on the battlefield, let alone gestured at the saint with a knife or gun.

The Satake family is a well-known Genji family, which has been cultivating Hitachi for 500 years and has deep roots.

With the temper of a saint who values ​​the door lintel, as long as the Satake family confesses and surrenders the seven counties of Beichanglu, Satake Yoshishige's fate may not be bad.

But when she saw Yiyao, she was miserable. Although she was avoiding the saint, but the saint was chasing Fang Zong's allied forces, she was also very desperate.

Satomie was forced to fight back. He really showed his sword against the saint on the battlefield.

The reality is so cold and humorous, the real rebels may have a way out, and the fencers at both ends of the snake mouse may have a worse end.

But Daodaoji Shengchang didn't care about these things, she hoped that the person under the castle was really Satake Yoshishige, so that this battle wouldn't have to continue.

The core army of the Hojo family has not yet arrived, as long as this battle is over, it would be great.

In that case, what Hojo Genan and Daidaiji Shengmai are most worried about, the terrible thing that the saint used the war rewards to create a large number of pro-Shiba sects in the Hojo family would not happen.

Of course, even if they got what they wanted, the Hojo vassals would still inevitably slip into the pro-Sipo route, and this result would not change.

But this state of slowly integrating into Shiba's theocracy can make the old people of the Hojo family feel a little more comfortable. The Hojo family does not have a sliding shovel to kneel and lick, so their self-esteem will not be too uncomfortable.

One day, when the old people close their eyes, the future of the Hojo family will be completely handed over to the young people.

After I die, I will sleep forever, and the Hojo family can play with you.

Perhaps, this is the unique stubbornness of the elderly, remembering the difficulties of their ancestors in starting a business, and unwilling to face the cruelty of reality.

Shengchang of Daodao Temple left in a hurry, Yiyin slowly sat back in the main seat, his mind was spinning rapidly.

Although what happened in front of him was a bit unbelievable, his reason told him that most of the people in the castle were really Satake Yoshishige.

Because someone pretends to be Satake Yoshishige, it doesn't make any sense, someone does the decapitation business, who will do something that is not beneficial?

Pretending to be Satake Yoshishige, with a few people, Qingqi ran to the National Palace Taicheng and knelt down. What is this impostor planning?

Yiyin only needs to send Wuying Caizang's security team to Xiaojincheng to investigate the front line, and they will be able to distinguish the authenticity immediately.

Originally, Yiyin was going to rest in Taicheng, the national capital, for a whole day, and this day was enough time for the truth to come out.

He couldn't think of anyone who would need to impersonate Satake Yoshishige and benefit from impersonating Satake Yoshishige.

There is only one truth, and as long as other possibilities are ruled out, no matter how unbelievable the truth is, it must be the truth.

Yiyin pondered.

Satake Yoshishige suddenly found out his conscience, and went south alone to plead guilty. .Something unexpected must have happened in the north, which made her feel desperate, so she took the risk and gambled on her kindness.

Yiyin is very clear about his image in the eyes of the Wu family, and his seemingly indecisive personality actually solves a lot of troubles for him.

Because everyone knows that he is soft-hearted, his opponents seldom resist to the end.

Preferential treatment of captives is not the Virgin, but wisdom, which is the same as Wai San Que Yi.

Never let the opponent fall into the despair of jumping over the wall, give the opponent a way to survive, and let the opponent have a fluke mentality, which is the most effective psychological attack tactic.

No one really wants to die if they can live.

Just as Yiyin was diverging his thinking and waiting for Daodaosi Shengchang's return, another person crept in outside the door.

She walked up to Wu Ying who was sitting on the tail seat by the door before hiding beside her, lowered her head and said something in her ear, and then hurriedly backed out.

Wuying hid his gaze, stepped out and bowed.

"Saint, there is a new military report."

Yiyin glanced at the audience before Wu Ying dared to speak in public, which should be a good thing.

"You said."

Kirigage Saizo bowed again and said.

"A few days ago, Mr. Shima Katsutoshi arrived at Kuribashi in the northwest of Kanjuku to integrate the Tomuzang Samurai Clan and stimulated the three Clans of Yura Nagao and Narita to promote the integration of the Rebel Army and serve as the general.

Afterwards, Mr. Shima Katsumoto reprimanded Leader Furukawa for his inaction.

General Kwantung went to Liqiao personally and planted the imperial flag in the formation of the rebels. Qing Tian helped the adults to go out of Guhe, and Yucheng's family also followed for righteousness.

Mr. Ota Zizheng of Yanfucheng also sent troops to the Zongguo, united with relatives and friends from various families, participated in the grand event, and fought against the difficulties together.

The rebel army shared the same hatred against the enemy, Master Dao Shengmeng had already sent his troops southward, pointing directly at Guansu City.

News, from three days ago. "

Yi Yin nodded and said.

"Shimao Katsuki is making a fuss, how can she be rude to General Kwantung."

After scolding him with a word that didn't hurt or itch, Yoshigi finally understood why Satake Yoshinaka ran to Taicheng, the capital of the country, to beg for mercy like a bereaved dog.

Dao Sheng is fierce, she is really fierce.

It is not difficult for her to integrate the Tobu Cangwu family.

Yoshigin has merged the land of Higashimuzang into the Kanto Shiba territory, and Shima Katsumoto is the acting official, so it is easy to choose a few future subordinates.

It is not difficult for her to integrate the three families of Yura Nagao and Narita.

Yoshishige Satake led 1 people and besieged Xiaojincheng with 3000 people. Among the besieged were the male army of the Yura family, and the father, husband and son of the three daughters of Yura Nagao Narita were all trapped in the city.

The matter of the men's army has already reduced Yuliang's Ji Wushi to the laughing stock of the entire Kanto samurai family. Shimao Katsuo only needs to use a little trick, and the trick will work. It's no wonder that Yuliang's three daughters are not crazy.

What really moved Yoshihiro was that Shimakatsu scolded Ashikaga Yoshishi so violently that the Kwantung general couldn't continue to sit on the Diaoyutai, and obediently ran to wave the flag for her.

Although the Kanto general has been reduced to a puppet, after all, it is the Kamakura Ashikaga family who ruled the ten Kanto countries in name for 200 years. Generally, the Kanto samurai would never point at Ashikaga Yoshishi's nose and scold his mother.

As for the martial arts family, courtesy is important, and dignity is always given.

As Shiba's vassal, Shima Katsumoto reprimanded Ashikaga Yoshishi for his inaction, forcing General Kanto to go to Kuribashi to raise the imperial flag in person to show his position.

This is arrogance, but also loyalty.Arrogant and rude to the Kamakura Ashikaga family, loyal to the saint, Shimakatsu Takeshi is also a loyal minister.

From now on, the Kamakura Ashikaga family's signboard may be completely ruined, and no one takes it seriously anymore, but the effect at this time is absolutely excellent.

As soon as Ashikaga Yoshiji moved, what reason did Harusuke Koda stay behind and pretend to be dead?Furukawa Territory is her territory, and Guansu City is the foundation of the Yantian family. If she loses it, she loses it. Isn't she responsible?

It may not be possible to avoid being liquidated for his mistakes after the war, but this old fox can only be forced out, and Guansu City will be easy to fight.

Satake Yoshishige made a surprise attack to take Guansu City, but the local people's hearts were not on her side.

As long as Tian Qingzhu is willing to work hard, with her family's confidence in operating in Guansu for more than 100 years, no matter if she finds someone to steal the city gate or finds some other way, Guansu City will definitely be captured quickly.

In addition, the next summary is that Chengjia is stuck on the logistics line of the northern line and the Eastern People. These days, it has been tepid harassment, without merit.

Now that General Kwantung was being forced by Katsumi Shima so viciously, Yuki's family was immediately persuaded, and hurried to work.

Harusuke Kota was worried about being liquidated, and the Yuki family was also worried.The relatives of the Yuliang family may be able to keep the dignity of the Yuki family, but it is hard to say whether it will reduce the territory.

In the final analysis, face is given by others and lost by oneself.The overall situation has been settled, if the Yuki family continues to pretend to be dead and do nothing, it will be difficult to be a good person in the future.

Dao Shengmeng didn't even look down on the Kwantung General. The Yuki family dared to let her grasp the handle. It was time to send troops and work.

Once the left and right gates of Guhe City and Yucheng City were closed, the escape route of the Eastern people was completely cut off.

As for Ota Sukomasa, this old fried dough stick is very popular in the Musashishita area, with relatives and friends everywhere.

With the support of this local snake, Dao Shengmeng, an immigrant, would not fall headlong into an unfamiliar environment and be tricked by the locals.

Don't look at Shima Katsumi who has only been on the front line for a few days, but she does everything, and immediately revitalizes the chaotic situation in the north and mobilizes everyone.

Although the information that Wu Yingcai collected was said to be three days ago, Yi Yin has reason to believe that Guansu City has fallen into the hands of Dao Shengmeng at this moment.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why Yoshishige Satake suddenly went south to surrender.

As soon as Guansu Castle is opened, rebel troops to support Yiyin will come along the Tone River in an endless stream. Satake Yoshishige will face the dilemma of being attacked by enemies in Xiaojincheng.

With the current internal hesitation among the people in the East, as long as the news of Guansu City's change of hands spreads, the coalition forces under Satake Yoshinaka will immediately fall apart, and she will be sold immediately.

Instead of being sold, Satake Yoshishige might as well ask for his surrender and turn himself in. It is worse than being tied up and offered in front of the Yoshinoshi Ginzuo.

Yiyin guessed that as soon as she received the news of Guansu City, she immediately ran to beg for a surrender, and sold the accomplices of the Eastern Crowd first, she is a ruthless person.

At this moment, Shengchang Daosi hurried back from the outside, bowed and said.

"Sage, the person at the bottom of the castle is really Satake Yoshishige. I can confirm it by having a few conversations with her at the top of the castle."

It was already late at night, and it was impossible for the city gate to open. Daodaoji Shengchang only asked a few questions at the top of the city, and he was sure that the person under the city was Satake Yoshishige, but he was actually a little impetuous.

On the one hand, she was selfish and hoped that the person under the castle was Satake Yoshishige, on the other hand, she also felt that no one would be so bored as to pretend to be Satake Yoshishige to beg for surrender, which was really meaningless.

Yiyin glanced at Daodaosi Shengchang with a half-smile.

"It's late at night, everyone go back to rest, and we'll discuss it tomorrow when we've regained our energy."

Daosi Shengchang asked a question.

"Saint, what about Yoshishige Satake under the castle?"

Yi Yin smiled.

"She wants to kneel, so let her kneel slowly. The night is long, and it's time to think about the future, so as not to miss something again."

Yiyin, who had always been worried about the safety of Xiaojincheng, felt relaxed at the moment, and suddenly felt sleepy. He didn't want to care about anything now, he just wanted to sleep well.

Now is not a good time to see Yoshishige Satake. Tomorrow morning, the Dongfang people outside Xiaojin City will find out that Yoshige Satake is gone. That will be interesting.

When the people in the east collapsed and surrendered, and Yoshishige Satake lost the bargaining chip in his hand, he was really a fish on the chopping board, and he could do whatever he wanted.

Now, let Satake Yoshinaka kneel under the city and think carefully, if he regrets it now, there is still time to go back.

Yiyin yawned, go to sleep first, and then talk when you wake up.

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