Satake Yoshishige was so excited that he left. Yoshigin was more tolerant than she imagined, which rekindled her hope and voluntarily became a useful pawn in Yoshigi's hands.

Naomasa Ii, who had watched the conversation between the two, sneered at Satake Yoshishige's back and said in a low voice.

"Despicable villain, especially shameless."

Yiyin looked helplessly at his cronies and sighed.

"You need to change your temper. After all, Yoshishige Satake is a great name of 50 million shi. Even if the tiger falls into peace, the conversation between her and me is not something you, a little warrior Ji, can interrupt."

Jingyi Naomasa bowed to be taught, but he was not convinced.

"I just can't bear the behavior of this kind of villain. Selling out the Dongfang people and then selling the Guandong servants is for my own selfishness. I have no integrity at all. It makes people feel disgusted."

Yiyin smiled wryly and shook his head.

In the end, Naomasa Ii was too good to be protected by herself. She didn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. Her world was black and white, and she couldn't understand gray areas.

The Tongxinzhong group generally has this problem. Most of them who are directly under the center joined the army at a young age and followed Yiyin. They have never seen the complicated situation in the local area, so they are not down-to-earth.

Gamo Shigo's top leader is better, and he knows how to restrain himself in dealing with people, but the second leader, Naomasa Ii, can't bear sand in his eyes.

Naomasa Ii is mainly responsible for supervision and inspection. She has been doing this kind of offending affairs since she first supervised the welfare of the Odai people.

Because she is backed by a sage, others are in awe of the inspection of the Tongxin Secretariat. Naomasa Ii has an upright temper, but few people dare to offend her.

Even a spoof generation like Yono Takada, who holds a lot of power, dare not fight recklessly in the face of Naomasa Ii.

Only through the restraint and warning of the sage, the personal relationship between Takada Yukino and Ii Naomasa puts a soft nail on Ii Naomasa.

Although Naomasa Ii is young and humble, but she has great power and strong backing. She has never suffered any disadvantages when she is young and vigorous, so she is naturally fearless.

Yoshishige Satake has been in Kanto for more than 20 years. She sits in the famous Satake family and holds 40 shi.

It's also because Yoshihiro himself is not good. Naomasa Ii is the Ji warrior he raised from a young age. The timid little girl who used to be a timid girl has become the upright one now. Yoshihiro is most responsible.

Seeing Ii Naomasa's righteous indignation, Yoshihiro couldn't help complaining secretly.

Yoshishi Satake respects villainous behavior and is selfish, but your family's Ii family is not much better.

Back then, the famous Toe Ii family was in the Shibazong family and the Imagawa family repeatedly jumped back and forth.

In the end, the Shibazong family was defeated, and the Imagawa family moved into Yuanjiang. The Ii family's repeated actions made the Imagawa family very vigilant. Since then, Ii and Yi have suffered great misfortune.

Ii Naotora had no choice but to carry the young Ii Naomasa to the Echigo Kingdom to beg Yoshiyin, begging Yoshiyin to accept this little girl as a small surname, which can be regarded as leaving a seed for the blood of the family.

Then what?Jing Yi Naotora returned to Yuanjiang Country, while dealing with the Imagawa family perfunctorily, while fighting with the local samurai who coveted Jing Yi's family business, while still secretly colluding with Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Tokugawa Makuieyasu won the Enjiang country, and Ii Naotora was treated with courtesy. Although Ii Naomasa served in the sage, the Ii family is definitely not a flawless white lotus.

Tokugawa Ieyasu invaded the Enjiang country, expelled the Imagawa family, and stabilized the local area. The local samurai family headed by Ii Naotora contributed a lot.

Naomasa Ii is such a pure child, looking back at her adoptive father, Naotora Ii, jumping up and down repeatedly, Yoshishige Satake would be willing to bow down.

Samurai society is based on the law of the jungle, the weaker they are, the more they have no bottom line in doing things, and those who have a bottom line have long since lost their entire family.

Yoshigin shook his head, and tried to persuade the unconvinced Ii Naomasa.

"Don't be disdainful, it's easy to accuse people from the moral high ground, but can you solve real problems after scolding?
You can't, but Satake Yoshishige can.

She has been operating in Changlu for more than 20 years. She has a clear understanding of the situation of the Dongfang people, the Guandong servants, and even the entire Guanba Prefecture. She has a good plan to deal with it.

The most valuable thing is that Yoshishige Satake is desperate now, so he can only become a pawn in my hand, such a reassuring and easy-to-use person, why should I not use it? "

Ii Naomasa gritted his teeth.

"She set off a rebellion, destroyed the dikes and flooded the fields, caused famine, did all kinds of bad things, and lost all conscience.

Saint, you still promise her 40 shi, what is the reason? "

Yi Yin sighed.

"You write the word Tianli on the paper, hold your Tianli in one hand, and a bowl of rice in the other, and go out for a walk.

I remember that there were many villagers and townspeople on the outskirts of Taicheng, the national capital, who had escaped from the war. In the past 20 days or so, they lived through the wind and rain, fearful and fearful, and always hoped that the war would subside.

Take your Tianli and rice and see what they will choose.

During the Yellow Turban Uprising during the Chinese and Han Dynasties, all the people shouted that the sky is dead. If each person could have two bowls of gruel every day, they would only shout that the sky has eyes.

What's the point of you and me quarreling with Satake Yoshishige's moral character?You yourself are in charge of supervisory powers, let me ask how many Ji warriors have you seen who are not greedy or not?

As long as Yoshishige Satake can complete the strategy she proposed, the scale of the famine in Kan Yashu after this autumn will not be very large and cause too much panic.

Those bastards in the Guandong waiter, when they do stupid things, they will restrain a little bit, so as not to cause me any trouble.

Stability is the most important thing. I want peace in the land of eight states, and I want the group of Ji warriors in the Guandong waiter to be a person.

As long as Yoshishige Satake can help me achieve this goal, she is meritorious, regardless of character.

No matter how bad the peace is, it is better than the current chaotic world, where we are worried day and night.

You may not be used to the meddling of politics, but that is all I can do. The beautiful world you imagined never existed.

Even if I'm a god, I can't resist the fickleness of people's hearts. I can't help it. "

Yoshiyin's emotion made Naomasa Ii's heart tremble, and she looked at Yoshiyin's tired face, feeling a burst of regret in her heart.

Asking questions but not solving them is playing hooliganism.I was just embarrassing the saint, but I couldn't come up with a useful idea.

On the contrary, it was Yoshishige Satake, who she didn't like, she really helped the saint with ideas and solved the problem.

Ii Naomasa lowered his head and spoke softly.

"I'm very sorry, I..."

Yiyin shook his hand and sighed.

"There's nothing to be sorry about. Young people should be aggressive. It's normal that they can't get used to this imperfect world.

I promised to give Satake Yoshishige the 40 Shijiage titles, so you don't have to worry about it. It's just a picture, whether you can get it or not depends on the Satake family's own ability.

The northern part of Yuzhou is outside of my influence, even if Satake Yoshishige completes her strategy, I can't give her any benefits, it's just a false name.

If she really has the ability to go to the northern part of Yuzhou to open up a new territory, then it will be tantamount to bringing my influence there, which will benefit me and not harm me. "

Naomasa Ii suddenly realized, his complexion looked much better, Yoshihiro shook his head helplessly, this aggrieved little fool finally understood.

Giyin used the Nambu family of the same clan as the Satake family as an example, and his attitude was already clear.

The northern part of Ou is bitterly cold, and the Nanfang family is located in the northern part of Oshu. The territory is vast, but the stone height is only 15 shi, and they can only rely on horse breeding and sales to subsidize the family.

The terrain in the northern part of Yuzhou is better than that of Ozhou, but it is not much better.

Just such a permafrost that is difficult to develop in the farming era, let alone 40 shi, or a million shi, is not as good as the Satake family's current Hitachi country.

The so-called family status of 40 shi in the northern part of Yuzhou is not so much a change as an exile.If Satake Yoshimoto hadn't been desperate, she wouldn't have gone to the north to be exposed to the cold and wind.

The Satake family's surrender this time has severely offended the Dongfang people, and their counterparts will help them after that, and they will definitely offend the three powerful vassals of the Kanto Servant again.

The samurai families in the east and west of Guanbashu all saw that Satake Yoshinaga was not pleasing to the eyes, and it was impossible for the Satake family to continue to hang out in Guanbashu.

Under such circumstances, Satake Yoshishige was already grateful for being able to get a family status in the northern part of Yuzhou, and was ready to take people out to build a foundation again.

Giving the Satake family a way out is also good for Yoshihiro.

The Takeda family replaced the Satake family, and Takeda Shingen was called Jindai, and went to fight for his daughter, which means that Hitachi has been the direct leader of Takeda Yoshinobu, the daughter of Yoshinobu, from the very beginning.

The Satake family is not a small family, and it is impossible to pack up and leave with a change.

The Satake family, which has been running the Hitachi country for 500 years, is deeply rooted in the local area. Many people have eaten with the Satake family for generations. Such an intricate relationship cannot be done across the board.

If Yoshinobu handles it roughly today, it will only cause trouble for Takeda Yoshinobu's daughter in the future.

Give the Satake family a way out, allow Satake Yoshishige to organize the retainers and the people to move to Yuzhou, and actively cooperate to complete the change.

The Satake family and the Hitachi country are completely separated, which is convenient for the Takeda family to take control of Hitachi, and it is also convenient for Yoshigin to use the power of the Satake family to further influence the Ou area.

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