different warring states of japan

Chapter 1716 Yiyin is a little angry

Yiyin stretched out his five fingers, and slowly closed them to the sun in the sky.

The Lord of Kanto, the closer you are to this position, the harder Yiyin feels.

It is easiest for one person to manage himself well. With ten people under his command, he can find a way to twist them into a rope.

But the number of people has increased by one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand. .This heart is like the sea, how many people can really grasp it?

It is easy to say, but it is difficult to do.

People are not plants, everyone has their own demands, as the king, how many people can Yiyin satisfy?
The cake is so big, if you eat more, others will eat less.In the period of rapid development, the cake can be made bigger quickly, and it can also unite people and work together.

But once it enters a flat period, the cake will not grow much, or even only need to slow down to keep up with people's desires and desires, and the internal contradictions will be rapidly magnified.

The biggest problem within the Shiba camp now is that Yiyin has gradually been unable to meet the growing material and cultural needs of the samurai under his command.

Taking the Eastern People's Rebellion as an example, what Yiyin wanted to give and what the Kanto servants wanted no longer matched.

Yiyin didn't want to kill the people in the east, so he just needed to get some land.But the appetite of each family in the Guandong Servant is too great, and they want them all.

This is just an example, who knows how many things are hidden in the shadow that Yiyin can't see?

Thinking that the emperor can micromanage like playing a game and can control every link and detail is too high a view on the emperor's personal wisdom and belittles the IQ of most human beings.

The ruling class is a group, and the ruling system is functioning, and the emperor himself has nothing to say.

The wisdom of the individual and the stupidity of the group will also be reflected in the feudal ruling class. The capitalists can sell the reins to hang themselves, and so can the feudal ruling group.

Yiyin, the traverser, is actually a cowardly and powerless ordinary person. He can't dare to change the sun and the moon into a new sky for the sake of sacrifice.

Then, he can only be an aggrieved feudal repairman, within the acceptable range of the Wu family ruling group, make small bets and live by watching people's faces.

Living by looking at people's faces is not a false word, but a fact.

Yiyin is very powerful against a small group of samurai alone.But facing the entire samurai ruling group, he is just a wronged little husband.

The benefits of ruling are divided into [-]-[-]%, and [-]% belong to other people. Whether you can get the [-]% depends on other people's faces.

Overthrowing a ruling class whose instinct is exploitation requires unparalleled wisdom and talent, and more importantly, great kindness and courage to fight for everyone's recovery.

Yiyin is just an ordinary mediocre person, his ideological realm is not high enough, and he has no chance to be a great man who will change the world.

Because of his low realm, he is doomed to seem peerless. He can only continue to compromise with the ruling group in exchange for the prosperity and wealth of his family, and even walk towards absurd theocracy.

Yoshitake Satake is like a bereaved dog, but in the three views of Yiyin, who was born under the red flag, grew up in the spring breeze, and received a new-style education of equality for everyone, he himself is not a bereaved dog.

Losing the independent spirit of modern people, he dressed himself up as a samurai and mixed with the samurai, acting as an ancient reactionary leader who united a small group of people to oppress the majority against his conscience.

Even though he is a human being, he wants to bark like a dog, even better than a dog. Yiyin feels that he is a real dog.

Since they are all dogs, who still looks down on each other?

Naomasa Ii was young, she didn't know that when she was scolding Yoshishige Satake, she was actually scolding the saint she admired.

Satake Yoshishige has indeed done all kinds of bad things, but in the adult world, there is no right or wrong, only pros and cons. Satake Yoshishige is useful to Yoshigami, and Yoshigami will tolerate her.

Speaking of it, Yiyin himself felt disgusted, but what could he do?

He chose this easy road of collaborating with others, and he didn't have the guts to choose another extremely difficult road of innovation. Since he chose it himself, he could only endure the nausea.

Yoshihiro thought for a while, and said to Ii Naomasa.

"Today's military meeting is cancelled, let the Hojo army rest for a day and wait for my order."

Satake Yoshito returned, and Yoshigin didn't know if she could still control the Northern Allied Forces of the Eastern People and complete the surrender.

At a time when the prospects are unclear, it is not appropriate to hold a military meeting. It is better to wait and see what happens.

Whether it is long or short, one day is enough for Yiyin to see many things clearly. Whether it is forced to surrender, persuaded to surrender, or accepted surrender will be discussed tomorrow.

These days, under the double pressure of mental and physical, Yiyin is really exhausted.

In the eyes of outsiders, the weight is light, and the saint who killed the world does not actually exist. The anxiety and calculation in Yiyin's heart have long made him exhausted.

After Ii Naomasa was ordered to go out, Yoshigin sat on the porch and began to drowsy again.

The spring plowing is coming to an end, the weather is getting warmer and warmer, and the sun is hitting the body so warm that people don't want to move.

Yiyin sat on the porch made of cedar, and when he was half asleep, he felt someone help him put on a coat.

He opened his eyes, facing Shangli Huazuo's gaze, and smiled slightly.

"I'm not cold, I just bask in the sun."

Li Huazuo nodded, and took off his clothes honestly, this force made Yiyin wake up completely.He looked helplessly at Li Huazou who was unconscious, and could only yawn and let it go.

This Nanman girl from England is not as considerate and sensible as an island girl. If it weren't for seeing your silver hair and silver eyes poke my man's heart, I would be angry now.

Seeing that Yiyin looked at her with unfriendly eyes, but Li Huazuo would be wrong, she said.

"The battle is over, can we complete the task tonight? Clear them all at once? I can do the math."

Yiyin looked at Li Huazuo's small mouth, and couldn't help but gasped.

The small lips of northwestern European origin are thicker than those of the islanders, and they are indeed more comfortable to use at certain times.

However, isn't it a bit too much to complete the task all at once?The battle is over, but I haven't recovered yet!

The task Takata Yukino assigned to Li Huaren was once a week, that is, seven days.

Counting from when Yiyin got the news of the rebellion in Guhe City, it has been more than 20 days, that is, three missions have been delayed by the war.

Three missions. .This amount is a little tricky. .Yiyin is indeed relaxing now and wants to enjoy it, but Yiyin is a little confused whether the three missions are enjoyment or suffering.

After thinking about it, Yiyin decided to challenge himself and nodded.

"Just tonight."


Just then Yiyin was thinking about taking a good rest for a day to replenish his strength, and at night he would help Li Huazuo complete the inexplicable task assigned by Takata Yukino.

At this moment, someone entered the yard, and Naomasa Ii came back, followed by Daodaoji Shengchang, Yoshihiro narrowed his eyes slightly, not knowing what happened again.

Daosi Shengchang stepped forward to salute, Yiyin smiled and asked her to get up,

"My lord, what's the matter?"

Dao Temple Sheng Chang bowed.

"I heard that the saint canceled today's military meeting?"


"The sage summoned His Highness Satake this morning? Has the military meeting been canceled because of this?"

Yiyin glanced at Daodaosi Shengchang, dissatisfied with his eager tone.He is not the Hojo clan, and these inquiries about relying on the old and selling the old should not be used on him.

Daosi Shengchang also seemed to have reacted, prostrated himself on the ground and kowtowed.

"I'm very sorry, Foreign Minister Meng Lang. It's just that the military is not a trivial matter. The foreign minister lost his sense in a hurry. I implore the saint to punish him."

Yi Yin smiled.

"There is nothing to apologize for, you are the general of the Hojo Army, you have the right to ask about military matters.

I am very relieved that Satake Yoshinori has found her way back when she lost her way, so I allow her to return to the east to persuade Zhuji to surrender and put an end to this disaster. "

Shengchang of Da Dao Si flashed his eyes and tried to say.

"The sage's merits and virtues are boundless if he wants to put an end to the chaos of war.

But the people in the east refused to obey the holy will and set off rebellion resolutely, how could they be credulous?Satake Yoshishige is the chief villain again, if he indulges lightly, how can he convince the public? "

Yiyin smiled slightly, Daodaosi Shengchang had a keen sense of politics.

She had already summoned Yoshishige Satake from Yoshihiro early in the morning, and she smelled something unusual during the cancellation of the military discussion.

Under the leadership of the three powerful feudal clans, the Guandong servants suppressed the Eastern people to the utmost, forcing them to jump over the wall in a hurry, causing this disaster.

If the sage's punishment for the people in the east is just to hold high and lightly, the Guandong waiter will be embarrassed.

Everyone has spent so much effort, isn't it just to devour the land and interests of the people in the east?If the sage stops now and starts over, all the previous investment will be in vain.

The most disgusting thing is that the crusade against the Eastern Congregation was a land reward given by the saint to the Kwantung Allied Forces who participated in the Kinki War. Now that the Eastern Congregation is subdued by the saint and bowed their heads, how is this land reward calculated?
Only by severely punishing the crimes of the Dongfang people will it be beneficial to the Kanto Chamber headed by the three powerful vassals, and it will be beneficial for everyone to carve up the land of the Dongfang people.

Daosi Shengchang's thoughts are by no means isolated, she is only the first visitor, and when the Kanto servants come to their senses, they will inevitably gather together and demand severe punishment for the Dongfang people.

In this matter, the interests of Yiyin and the various families in the Kanto Chamber are not the same.

Yiyin wants to unify the eight prefectures under its own banner, stop the chaotic war, and develop peacefully.

The Guandong Servant's persecution of the Dongfang people is to maximize the self-interest of each family, and it is not out of public interest. They shout righteousness in their mouths, but they are all business in their hearts.

The old woman Shengchang in Dao Dao Temple was hale and hearty, with an upright face, and the appearance of pleading for the public and the people made Yiyin feel a little disgusted.

Yi Yin said lightly.

"Right or wrong, we will have our own deliberations in the future, and we shouldn't decide arbitrarily based on the words of one or two people."

Shengchang Daosi nodded.

"What the saint said is true.

Satake Yoshishige dug a dam in Nanliu Mountain outside Xiaojin City, destroying the dyke and flooding the fields for his own private action. Everyone watched and had his own opinion. It was definitely not an arbitrary decision by one or two people.

The governor of Gaocheng's family heard the tragic situation in his own territory, and he was heartbroken in front of me. He grabbed the land with his head and lamented that the people's livelihood is difficult.

This is a man-made disaster, not a natural disaster, and it is outrageous and unforgivable. "

Daodaoji Shengchang obviously came prepared, talking about justice and value, he wanted to crucify Satake Yoshishige's sins.

Yoshishige Satake is a representative figure of the rebellion of the Eastern Crowd, and if she is made into a madman and rebel, the Eastern Crowd will naturally be covered with a layer of gray and black, which is nothing.

Yiyin smiled, playing moral kidnapping with me, who do you think you are?

Yiyin, who seems to put righteousness first, is actually quite selfish in his bones. He will only be bound by his own woman, daughter, and people around him, and the three views of future generations will occasionally burst out with a little compassion.

However, if others want to tie him up with morality, they are thinking too much.

Yiyin sneered.

"Oh? The governor of the Gaocheng family went to complain to the boss? Then why didn't she come to me?
Do you think that a saint like me can't be the master?Or do you think the Hojo family is more fair? "

Da Dao Si Sheng Chang was startled, and said on the ground.

"The sage misunderstood that the Takashiro family and the Hojo family have been close to each other for many years, so the governor of the Takashiro family came to me to complain, and it was by no means belittling the sage.

In this war in the Xiazong Kingdom, the Gaocheng family is loyal and firmly on the side of the saint, and they are incompatible with the rebels.

The heart of a loyal minister and righteous man can be learned from the sun and the moon. "

Yiyin chuckled.

"Really? But how did I hear that the guard of Xiaojin City, Takashiro, wanted to surrender on the first night of the siege of Satake Yoshisho? Fortunately, this person died of a sudden illness that night, otherwise, I don't know how much trouble will be caused.

This is the news that Wuying hid from Xiaojincheng, could it be a mistake?

No, I can't wrong the loyal ministers and righteous people, and let the secrecy team investigate carefully later, and Gao Cheng's family should be cleared. "

Looking at Yiyin's smiling handsome face and his expressionless eyes, Daodaosi Shengchang's heart trembled.

She didn't know what ecstasy soup Satake Yoshishige poured into the sage, so that the sage was so firm in defending the Eastern people that he couldn't be easily shaken.

At this moment, Daosi Shengchang realized that he had made a mistake in his calculations, and he didn't know what he said wrong. Instead of being able to convince Yiyin, it aroused the saint's resentment.

Looking at Yiyin's cold, emotionless gaze, Daodaosi Shengchang began to sweat.

A sage is a sage of the Wu family, not a sage of the Confucian school. Moral kidnapping is not easy to do. He can sit and talk about benevolence, righteousness and morality, or raise a knife to kill the whole family.

Dao Temple Shengchang obeys the soft way.

"My lord, please listen to me.

Which family doesn't have one or two black sheep, send people to strictly investigate, under the three trees, why not ask for it?Therefore, it is inappropriate to deny the loyalty of the Gaocheng family. "

Yi Yin nodded with a smile.

"My lord is right, but it's not right, so let's forget it for now, I'm a little tired..."

Daosi Shengchang took a look at Yiyin, kowtowed to the ground and bid farewell, not daring to mention Satake's righteousness again, lest he really annoy the saint and punish the Gaocheng family to death.

The Hojo family infiltrated Shimogoku, and made friends with the Yuki family in the north, and the Chiba family in the south was even a peripheral force of the Hojo family.

The Takashiro family is an important minister of the Chiba family, if this is rectified by the sage, the Chiba family and the Hojo family will be disgraced, so why bother.

Temporarily unable to figure out the true meaning of the saint, Daodaosi Shengchang could only resign angrily and think of another countermeasure.

Looking at the back of the old woman leaving, Yiyin's eyes became more and more cold.

Yoshishige Satake is right, the people in the Kanto Office really need to be beaten and beaten, and find some constraints to limit them.

To solve such a big issue as the rebellion of the Dongfang people, Daodaoji Shengchang was still considering the interests of the Hojo family at the first time, and had no sense of stabilizing the overall situation at all.

You say she is as stupid as a pig?She has served four generations of the Hojo family governor, was sent by the Hojo family to Kawagoe City to sit in the Musashi Kingdom, and served as a non-permanent director of the Kanto Service Office.

If she is stupid, then there are not many smart people in the entire Kanto. The so-called stupid appearance is just a manifestation of greed, which is purely bad.

The Hojo family is bad, so are the Uesugi and Takeda families good people?Can the heroes of the Guandong Servant who count on the three powerful feudal clans to eat meat and eat soup and gnaw their bones have a good thing?

Satake Yoshishige is nothing, neither are the people in the East, and the whole Kanto servant is nothing, they are all bastards!

Yoshiyin got up, signaled Naomasa Ii to go out to inspect the courtyard, then grabbed Li Huazuo who was beside him and walked in.

"Don't wait for the night, the task is completed ahead of schedule, and I'm a little angry now."

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