different warring states of japan

Chapter 1724 Only Dad is Good in the World

Soon, Naomasa Ii came over with the medicinal soup, and Yiyin personally helped Shimao Katsuo take the medicine.

There should be some ingredients in the medicine to soothe the nerves and nourish the fetus, and Dao Shengmeng soon became drowsy. He forced himself to talk to Yiyin again, and then fell asleep.

Yiyin looked at Dao Shengmeng's pretty face that never forgot to smile in his dreams, shook his head, stood up and walked out.

"Summon Hojo Huanan, Daodaoji Shengchang, Hojo Yasunari, Hojo Yasunari to see."


Yiyin rubbed his temples, sighed, and walked towards the reception room.

Shima Katsumeng's side has been appeased, and the Hojo family can't just leave it alone. The Hojo family's political sentiment is deeply rooted, and he can't favor one over the other.

Sitting in the reception room, Yoshiyin seemed to be resting with his eyes closed, but in his heart he was thinking of rewarding the Hojo family.

Originally, Yoshigin still had the idea of ​​suppressing the Hojo family.

The Hojo vassals are too thoughtful, and Yoshigin is worried that their will to follow the Shiba family is not strong enough, and there will be changes in the future.

But after the Hojo clan became pregnant, the situation was a little different. Yoshiyin had already obtained the best hand and the greatest guarantee to control the Hojo family.

With this child, the relationship between Hojo Ujimasa and Yoshigin will become stronger than ever.

Judging from the fact that the Hojo Clan is dominated by political opponents, able to suppress the vassal group and mobilize the entire Hojo family, the old guys like Hojo Genan are still very clear-headed.

If the Hojo family continues to insist on their own independence, the benefits will be far less than relying on the descendants of the gods to integrate into Shiba theocracy.

The political mutual trust between the Shiba family and the Hojo family has reached a new height because the Hojo clan was pregnant with this divine descendant.

Because of this child, the Hojo clan will definitely stand by Yoshiyin's side unswervingly.

Because of the existence of this child, the Hojo vassals will feel at ease with the Shiba family, and don't have to worry about being demolished by crossing the river in the future.

And because of the existence of this child, Yoshigin believes in the sincerity of the Hojo family to actively integrate into Shiba's theocracy, and is willing to give greater benefits.

Although the political alliance established by blood ties has flaws, it is still more stable than the pure interest relationship of intrigue.

Especially in the island country, a samurai society that deeply believed in the theory of bloodlines, noble bloodlines could bring great benefits, enough to make the Hojo family no longer hesitate and sit firmly on the Shiba family's boat.

This child came at the right time, and brought huge benefits to the Hojo family before he landed.

Originally, Yoshigin was still considering whether to hand over all the benefits of the southern part of Shimosō and the Boso Peninsula to the Hojo family.

You know, the Hojo family has already occupied Izu, Sagami, and Minami Musashi. If Nanxiazong, Shangzong, and Anfang are added, they will sit on the Five Kingdoms.

There are 19 koku in Izu country, 38 koku in Sagami country, 30 koku in Shimoso country, [-] koku in Afang country, and [-] million koku in Minami Musashi and [-] million koku in Nanxia. The total stone height is as high as one million.

Moreover, these territories are surrounded by Sagami Bay and Edo Bay. The Hojo family has wiped out all the business and fishery income in the entire sea area. This is an endless sea gold mine.

With the excellent internal political management ability of the Hojo family, sooner or later these sites will be digested, and its literal power may become the strongest in Kanto.

Yoshiyin was still a little worried about the future changes of the Hojo family, but now that the Hojo family's high-profile propagandist Du is pregnant with the descendant of a god, in a sense, he is also showing his sincerity to Yoshiyin.

The Hojo family did not change course, change their strategic line, integrate Shiba theocracy, and achieve the strategic goal of the god-born Hojo family.

What's more, the Hojo clan government is still forcing the full mobilization of the Hojo vassal group while she is pregnant, and Yiyin can't cool her heart, but wants to support her, so as to enhance her prestige and credibility.

If so, give it a go.

The concubines of Hojo were summoned and came quickly, entered the reception room one by one, and saluted respectfully.

Hojo Genan, headed by him, looked at the saint nervously, with a trace of uneasiness, nervousness, and anticipation in his heart.

Yi Yin smiled.

"Just now, Shimahime was unwell during pregnancy. I was in a panic and hurriedly suspended the military meeting. Looking back now, it seems a bit inappropriate."

Hojo Huanan kowtowed to the ground.

"Foreign ministers are terrified, it is the nature of children, there is nothing wrong with saints."

The girls from Hojo spoke in agreement one after another, expressing their understanding.

Yi Yin smiled.

"I'm glad that you are sympathetic.

But abolishing the public for private reasons is not good after all, so I asked you to come here and finish what I just interrupted.

The Hojo family has great righteousness in mind, fully mobilized, and sincere thoughts. I am very pleased.

In this battle of Xia Zong, the Hojo family made great contributions, but the Chiba family and Takashiro family had some flaws, which were a bit ugly.

Since the Chiba family and the Takashiro family are close to the Hojo family, they will be under the jurisdiction of the Hojo family. In the future, don't cause scandals such as abandoning the city and fleeing the city, and let others see it as a joke. "

Hojo Huanan said happily.

"Following the will of the saint, the Hojo family will do their best to maintain the general order of going south."

Back then, the Hojo family and the Satomi family fought in Taijo, the national capital. Because the Echigo Samurai Group launched the Kanto Raiders, the Hojo family was eager to escape and face Uesugi Shiba, so they negotiated a truce with the Satomi family.

The Hojo family obviously won the battle, but the agreement after the war was a win-win situation, with a lot of concessions.Both the Hojo family and the Satomi family withdrew from Shimosou, and the buffer area between the two parties was handed over to the Chiba family.

Although the Chiba family is a peripheral force of the Hojo family, they are inseparable after all. The benefits of the fertile land of Shimoso, the Hojo family will not be able to enjoy, and they only have a slight military advantage.

Now that the sage has endorsed it, the Hojo family can justifiably force the Chiba family to bow their heads and submit.

Yoshigin said that the public should not be abolished for personal reasons, but he erased the agreement between Hojo Satomi as soon as he made a move, and forced the Chiba Takajo two families to the Hojo family, so partial that outsiders can see it at a glance.

Hojo Huanan couldn't help sighing in his heart, only fathers are good in the world, and a child with a father is a treasure.

Nothing has changed in the Hojo family, but because the Hojo clan was pregnant with a divine descendant, the situation opened up in an instant, the eyes were bright, and they made a lot of money.

After Hojo Zhuji thanked her, Yiyin said again.

"Hojo Yasunari, Hojo Yasunari followed me in the bloody battle against the government, brave and resourceful, loyal and courageous, young people like this, the Hojo family should cultivate them well and give them more opportunities.

After all, the future belongs to young people, each generation has the responsibility of another generation, and the responsibility of young people is indispensable for carrying on the family business.

Huh, did I talk too much?I shouldn't point fingers at the Hojo family's internal affairs. "

Hojo Huanan quickly shook his head and said.

"The sage would like to mention a few more words about the Hojo family. The Hojo family is so grateful that they can't ask for it. How can they point fingers?
The future of the Hojo family belongs to young people, and even more so to the young master in the womb of the family governor. We are devoting ourselves to doing our best for the young master.

We should all the more listen to the holy words of the sages and resolutely implement the spirit of comprehension. "

The Hojo princesses kowtowed on the ground together, even claiming yes, to show their sincerity.

Yiyin smiled and waved his hands, and said.

"Get up, I just said it casually, you don't have to be so serious.

The child hasn't been born yet, who knows what material it will be in the future, if he is so stupid, if he is forced to take the position, wouldn't it harm the Hojo family?
Look again, don't rush to make a decision. "

Hojo Yasunari came out and bowed, and said solemnly.

"The young master is the blood of a saint, a descendant of a god, how can he be so stupid? He must be a wise and holy warrior, extraordinary!

I will be loyal to the young master, and my loyalty is unwavering. If anyone is disobedient and disloyal, I will do justice for the heavens with my own hands and punish them on behalf of the heavens! "

Hojo Yasunari was so excited, his face was flushed, he pulled out half of the sword, put it on the tatami and twisted it with the scabbard, half of the blade was brittle.

Because of the fierce force, his wrist was broken by the broken blade, and his hands were bloody and bloody, which was very frightening.

Hojo Kozuke at the side quickly took out the wound medicine and bandaged her. Fortunately, the flesh was only cut and the muscles were not injured. It looked terrible and the injury was very light.

Yiyin just watched her perform, and said indifferently.

"It's over, it doesn't have to be like this. By the way, Lord Daosi Shengchang.

This time we went around the Boso Peninsula together. In addition to taking back the territories of Chiba City that were taken away by the Dongfang Crowd, we also took down the small bow city of the Satomi family. What are you going to do with it? "

Dao Temple Shengchang respectfully said.

"Sage, this time you led us to the expedition, and we have achieved a lot of victories. Naturally, we will obey your disposition. How dare the Hojo family dare to overstep."

Yiyin laughed.

"What do I want to do with the territory of the Chiba family, the Chiba family will belong to the Hojo family in the future, so it's up to you to deal with it.

As for the small bow city of the Satomi family, it should also be handed over to the Hojo family. I think Yasunari Hojo is very loyal, and the military exploits this time are not small, so let her take care of it, what do you think? "

Da Dao Si Sheng Chang was taken aback for a moment, and immediately agreed.

"Hi, I would like to obey the holy will."

Hojo Yasunari, who was bandaging Hojo Yasunari, paused for a moment, glanced at Hojo Yasunari with ecstasy on his face, feeling jealous that his subordinate couldn't help being a little heavier, causing Hojo Yasunari to grin his teeth.

That was Koumijo, Hojo Yasunari's clumsy acting skills showed his loyalty, and in exchange for the control of Koumijo, Hojo Kozue was very jealous.

Xiaoyu Castle is located at the boundary between Shimoso Terrace and Boso Peninsula, and is also an important town between Shimoso and Kamiso.

The Satomi family took control of Koyuki Castle, and this became the starting point for the Boso Allied Forces to assemble and attack Shimosou.

On the contrary, the Hojo family took control of Xiaoyu Castle, which was the forward position and bridgehead of the Hojo family's counterattack on the Boso Peninsula.

Hojo Genan sighed in his heart, Yoshigin seemed to be no longer wary of the Hojo family, but he continued to increase the size of the Hojo young men who were close to him, and supported the pro-Shiba forces in the Hojo retainer group.

Although Hojo Genan, Daidaiji Shengchang and the veterans behind them have chosen to compromise, Yoshiyin still wants to add strength to the Hojo clan and find reliable followers.

Yoshigin will not pin his hopes on others, only Hojo Ujimasa and the child in her womb are the most reliable and trustworthy members of the Shiba family.

Yiyin has always had a clear understanding of this point.

After discussing with the concubines of Hojo for a while, they bowed and left, and Yiyin sat in the reception room without moving, still thinking about gains and losses.

Allowing the Hojo family to win Nanshimo and occupy the Boso Peninsula in the future is not just to support the strength of the Hojo family, but also to mix sand.

The basic situation of the Hojo family is too stable, especially the Izu country and the Sagami country have been run for four generations, and the feudalization has been completed, which is deeply entrenched.

Any political action that wants to change the Hojo family and digest the Hojo family will hardly achieve the desired effect.

But the Izu country is only 19 koku, and the Sagami country is only 26 koku, which adds up to [-] koku. The volume is actually not too large.

With a wave of his hand, Yoshihiro drew a pie of one million shi for the Hojo family, which meant that the Hojo family would expand their territory three times, and the original base became a minority in the whole.

The samurai from the two countries of Izu Sagami are either dispatched to Xinling to occupy a dominant position, or the powerful samurai from Chiba, Toki, Masaki, Sakai and other places in the new territory will enter the decision-making level of the Hojo family.

No matter what happens, the source of the Hojo Iehime Warriors will definitely become more complicated, and internal unity will be loosened.

As long as the new samurai recognize Shiba's theocracy and recognize the descendants of the gods in the arms of the Hojo clan, the transformation of the Hojo clan will happen sooner or later.

Yoshigin waited patiently, waiting for the Hojo family to grow, diluting the core Hime Samurai group that Hojo Ujiyasu had pinched together with a lifetime of business, mixed with the sand of Siba's theocracy, and finally occupied the magpie's nest.

He still can't trust Hojo Huanan and these Hojo veterans, relying on others is worse than relying on himself, the future of the god-born Hojo must be in his hands.

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