different warring states of japan

Chapter 1726 No Saints, No New Kanto

Chapter 1726 No Saints, No New Kanto
Yiyin stayed in Xiaojin City for two days, and waited until Dao Shengmeng's pregnancy stabilized before heading north, bringing all the troops back to Guhe City.

The fighting stopped, but the troops mobilized by the Hojo family were not in vain.

The sage personally promised to let the Hojo family maintain the order of the Nanxia general, and Hojo Huanan immediately tore off his kind face, and remotely controlled the core elite of the Hojo family to station in Chiba Takajo and other Nanxia generals' territories.

Chiba's family has always had a good time in Nanxia. After eating the good days of eating Hojo, it can be regarded as the end.

With the help of the reshuffle of the war chaos, the Hojo army quickly occupied the key points of the Nanxia Headquarters and fully implemented the privileges given by the saint.

During this period, Yoshishige Satake finally persuaded the concubines from the north to go to Furukawa City to apologize.

Sasuke, Utsunomiya, Edo, Koyama, etc., headed by thirteen daimyos from Hitachi country and Shimono country, and 72 small and medium-sized powerful samurai families from the two countries, left the main line of the coalition army and came to the imperial front to surrender alone.

All the concubines in the east and the south line were terrified when they heard the news. Li saw that Yiyao didn't care about the Hojo family's occupation of Xiaogong City and was aggressive towards the south, so he hurriedly contacted the families on the south line.

Rijian Yiyao was annoyed that Satake Yoshinaka was so shameless that he knelt before him, making it impossible for him to kneel to look good.

The Hojo family's soldiers are on their backs, but more importantly, the bastards on the northern front should not be allowed to monopolize the opportunity to surrender. This will aggravate the crimes of the southern front.

Although the various families on the southern front line have already raised righteousness before the battle, everyone is beating the drums in their hearts. I don't know if the saint was a temporary expedient at that time, whether he will still do it in the future, or whether he will settle accounts after the fall.

Li Jian Yiyao made known her interests to each family on the southern line, and each family accepted her plan and went north to Guhe City to surrender together.

Headed by Satomi Yoshiyao, Masaki, Toki, Sakai, Marigaya, Chonan Takeda and other 28 house governors and city lords of Boso, all went to Furukawa Goka alone to bow their heads and submit to the saint.

So far, the massive Eastern rebellion has been completely quelled.

Yiyin temporarily summoned the rebel army and defeated the [-]-strong North-South coalition army in the east in just over [-] days. Hundreds of families from the four eastern countries knelt and begged for surrender outside Furukawa City, causing countless warriors to be horrified.

The majesty of the sage once again frightened the land of Kanto.

All the Kanto families sent envoys to show their respect, and even the remote and barren land at the northern end of Ou, the southern family, and the Andong family heard that they also wanted to send people to make offerings.

At this time, the most embarrassing one belongs to the Kamakura Ashikaga family in Furukawa Castle.

The political status of the Kanto general Ashikaga Yoshishi is in jeopardy. The Kanto samurai family has developed to the point where they only know the sage but not the general. She can't even keep her qualifications to be a puppet.

As the actual controller of the Furukawa Territory, Harusuke Kushita suffered even more.

The saint directly took away Guansu City, the base of her family's business for many years, and didn't even bother to say hello, but she didn't even dare to show her anger.

At this time, the inside and outside of Guhe City had been taken over by saints, tens of thousands of rebels gathered, and elite Ji warriors from various Kanto servants also arrived on horseback.

Let alone taking away a city of Sekisu, even if the saint wants to take away the head of Harusuke Kota, she has to obediently offer it up.

Otherwise, being involved in the crime of rebellion would be enough to kill her whole family, and her family and business would be ruined.

The war is over, but there are more troubles.

As the cavalry team of Takeda Shingen and Uesugi Kenshin came to Furukawa Castle, the two women talked with the saint, and it seemed that some unpleasantness had occurred.

The saint directly ordered that all the governors of the eastern families who had pleaded guilty outside the city of Furukawa should be brought back, the army should be disbanded, production should be resumed, and they should wait for punishment. This was so tough that they showed their attitude of defending the east.

The conflict between the east and the west of Guanbazhou was not resolved through this battle, but the anger accumulated by the four eastern countries was forcibly suppressed by Yiyin.

If Guandong Shisuo, which is dominated by samurai families in the west of Bazhou, continues to bully samurai families from the four eastern countries and act recklessly.

Then even if the culprits like Satake Yoshishige were slaughtered, the four eastern countries could still elect new representatives to fight to the end with the Kanto Servant.

This is like the political situation of the Tang Dynasty before the Anshi Rebellion. Because of Guanzhong's oppression and exploitation of Hebei, the people of Hebei accumulated too much anger.

An Lushan raised troops, and the people of Hebei supported them, and the momentum was like a broken bamboo.An Lushan is dead, and the Hebei people can still support other people and continue to fight the court without end.

The outcome of the war may determine the final outcome, but if the political balance is not done well, the price to be paid will be very heavy.

Due to the consumption of the Anshi Rebellion, the Tang Dynasty directly broke up the vitality of a rising empire, and since then it can only repair and go downhill.

But Yiyin's situation is even worse. He needs a united and complete Guanbazhou, and a Kanto Ji warrior group that reduces internal friction and is consistent with the outside world.

Because the political cooperation between him and Oda Nobunaga is in a very delicate balance.

Oda Nobunaga has always hoped to conquer Yoshigin, annex Shiba, and establish his own world hegemony, Oda Koji.

The Oda family now owns Owari, Mino, Omi, Ise, and Echizen Five Kingdoms.

The Nobi Plain and the Omi Basin are large granaries with fertile soil for thousands of miles. The Ise Bay of Ise Country and Tsuruga Bay of Echizen Country are also the starting point of Kinki for sea commerce in the Hokuriku Province of Tokaido.

According to Shi Gao's calculations, Oda Nobunaga already has 300 million stone mobilization power in his hands, and with the addition of business, minerals and other resources, the mobilization force even exceeded 400 million stone.

In addition, Oda Nobunaga reformed politics, and supported the military with policies such as the collection of samurai families, the separation of farmers and soldiers, and music markets and music seats, and tried their best to squeeze the potential of the territory.

The Oda family's 400 million mobilization power is stronger than the 400 million shi in the traditional sense of the samurai family, and their combat effectiveness is more fierce.

It was also a fluke that Yoshigin was able to defeat Oda Nobunaga last time.

On the one hand, it was a military success. Yoshigin managed to defeat Oda Nobunaga once on the battlefield by using artillery sneak attacks, changing the sky, and the outstanding performance of Sanada.

On the other hand, it is economically strong. Takada Yono used a crude financial system consisting of stocks, real estate, and food stamps to successfully raise 200 million shi of military funds twice in a short period of time to support the war.

Although Yiyin won, he knew best how reluctantly he won.

The price of military victory is that he must reward the Kwantung Allied Forces with a large piece of Kwantung land, and acquiesce in the Kwantung Servant's crusade against the four eastern countries.

The price of economic strength is the backlash of the financial system, and the potential of the Hokuriku Road trade route has been exhausted, forcing Yiyin to use Lilu's identity as a Nanman to seek new benefits from the Nanman trade.

Yiyin knew very well that if the current situation continued, if Oda Nobunaga turned his back on him one day and wanted to have sex with him, it would be very difficult for him to beat her again and force her to sign the castle alliance again.

Because Yoshinaga and Oda Nobunaga have joined forces, after Oda Nobunaga relieved his worries, he immediately began to prepare to conquer the Settsu Kingdom and Kaga Kingdom, and he came up with the idea of ​​​​Ishiyama Honganji Temple.

Oda Nobunaga is like a greedy glutton who can never get enough to eat and never know how to be satisfied.

Her desire for territory and conquest is insatiable, and at every moment, she is either on the way to conquer or preparing to conquer.

Being whipped by this whip called Oda Nobunaga, the poor little Yiyin donkey can't be lazy if he wants to, he must work hard.

He needs to integrate the Kanto samurai family and accumulate enough strength so that he will not be overwhelmed by Oda Nobunaga, so that he will not be wiped out by Oda Nobunaga.

Yoshihiro will be able to suppress Oda Nobunaga's capital in the future, and it will be in the Kanto Plain, which is the land of Guan Yashu under his feet now.

In the medieval island country, although it was a large island geographically, economically it was a farming economy and an agricultural society.

In the final analysis, the strength of the samurai daimyo is based on food production. Whoever can control more plains, produce more food, and raise more people will be awesome!

The land potential of the Sendai Plain could not be fully developed due to the lack of fuel in the Middle Ages, and was excluded. The political struggle in the core of the island country was carried out around the three large plains.

One is the Kanto Plain, covering an area of ​​[-] square kilometers.

The second is the Nobi Plain, which is [-] square kilometers.

The third is the Osaka Plain, which is [-] square kilometers.

From the data point of view, the Kanto Plain can be said to be the best, leading other plains by a cliff.

Even if the Oda family occupies the Nobi Plain, Ise Plain, Omi Basin and other grain-producing areas, they cannot compete with the huge volume of the Kanto Plain.

But the Kanto Plain itself has many problems, which are very troublesome.

One is that the geography is northerly, the climate is colder than the southern plains, and the yield is slightly lower.

The second is the perennial wars, which have severely damaged production facilities and affected the yield per mu.

The third is that the mother river, Tonegawa, flooded, causing large areas of downstream plains to become reed marshes, which lost the value of cultivation.

Among these three points, the second and third that most affect the output can be solved.

Yoshihiro proposed that there be no war in the Kanto region, that wars should be stopped, that the Samurai Giri Promotion Association would come forward to do charity, and that low-interest loans would promote water conservancy construction and increase productivity, which have achieved good results.

The stone height in the Guandong Plain should be more than 250 million stones at this time. As long as the construction is continued, the stone height will surely exceed 400 million stones, ranking first in the world.

Relying on this per mu yield alone, not including mineral resources and commercial interests, the Kanto Plain is enough to suppress the strength of the Oda family and achieve the hegemony of Yiyin.

Therefore, Yiyin must take Guan Bazhou.

However, the integration of the eight prefectures cannot be resolved by intensifying the conflict between the east and the west, and one side slaughtering the other. It would be too detrimental to do so.

The land is desolate, and it takes three years to re-plow the land.After a person dies, it needs to be conceived and grown, and it takes 12 years to eat and drink before it can be of great use.

If a war of annexation between the East and the West is really going to solve the problem completely, Yoshihiro can't afford it, and he doesn't have time to let him play slowly, and Oda Nobunaga is still eyeing it.

Therefore, the integration of Guanbazhou must not be carried out in a drastic way by uprooting.

Yi Yin can allow each family of the Kanto Service Office to acquire land from the four eastern countries. This is his promise of reward to the various families of the Kanto Allied Forces who sent troops to Kinki.

But after this rebellion, Yiyin must draw a bottom line for each family in the Guandong Servant, that is, to fight with words and not fight with violence.

The samurai families from the four eastern countries returned to the Guandong Servant, slowly discussing the crimes and slowly punishing them. First, the samurai families in the west will contribute money to help the famine in the east. They cannot create new hatred, but must have peace and love.

However, when Yoshihiro mentioned this aid plan for counterpart assistance to Takeda Shingen and Uesugi Kenshin, there was an uproar.

Originally, it was a plunder and plunder to obtain the greatest benefit at the lowest price, but now it has become a coaxing of money and begging the four eastern countries to bow their heads. How could the Takeda and Uesugi families accept it?

Uesugi, Takeda, Hojo and other Kanto families are samurai, but not philanthropists. When did they ever do such a loss-making business?
Even Takeda Shingen, who has always supported Yoshihiro and followed the saint wholeheartedly, did not dare to let go of this easily.

Aiding the entire four eastern countries is a bottomless pit, and the benefits are very unclear.

The people from the East returned to the Guandong Chamberlain. Can they easily plead guilty, bow their heads and admit punishment, give up their territory, and are willing to fight against the Western Wu Family?

Even Takeda Shingen felt that the sage's mercy this time was too holy and out of touch with reality.Not to mention that Uesugi Kenshin, who has always been tough, directly refused, insisting that Yoshihiro could not step down.

Yiyin didn't dare to back down either. Because he was in charge of the front line, the rebellion was narrowly escaped and quickly subsided.

But next time, can there be such good luck?
The strategic plan of the west oppressing the east, which obviously intensifies the contradiction, must be abolished and start over. This is the bottom line that Yiyin cannot back down.

The three broke up unhappy, and Yiyin simply asked Satake Yoshishige and the Dongfang people to take back all of them, so what should they do.

Anyway, they were all defeated by Yiyin, who had absolute right to dispose of them.

If the greedy ghosts in the Guandong Office refuse to compromise, then they will go and subdue the Eastern people again.

The sage's attitude is so clear, and the people in the East have confidence in their hearts. If the Guandong Chamberlain wants to go its own way, it may not have good results.

Although Yiyin has always been a hands-off shopkeeper, he respects the resolution of the Kanto Chamberlain's Great Review and allows it to operate on its own.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see clearly that the real credibility of the Guandong Chamberlain actually comes from Yiyin, a saint who doesn't care about things.

Once the sage's attitude is clear, even if the Kanto Chamberlain's big review has passed the voting procedure, so what?
This is like the veto power of the five benefactors of the United Nations. The five benefactors seem to be awesome because of the veto power, but in fact it is the opposite.

In fact, it is because the five benevolent people have enough strength to prevent you from succeeding, so they are worthy of the veto power in their hands.

Since he doesn’t agree, he can’t do anything, so let’s just give him the right of veto. Everyone votes first, so as not to fail and waste time, energy and money.

Putting it on Yiyin, it is not the five great benevolent people, but the only great benevolent person!

The Guandong Servant really wants to put Yiyin aside and go it alone, who can be convinced by each family?

In the end, it's not that you go back to your Huaguo Mountain, I go back to my Gao Lao Village, after everyone has finished their meal, they can pat their butts and go home.

Without saints, there will be no new Kanto. This is the consensus of all participants in the Kanto Chamber, and it can even be said to be the only consensus.

Can bring these entangled and even contradictory Kanto samurai families together for a meeting to negotiate, who else can do it except saints?
With Yoshinho, Takeda Shingen, and Uesugi Kenshin breaking up unhappy, Satake Yoshishige and other criminal officials happily left and went home, and the samurai inside and outside Furukawa City once again fell into the balance of standing in line.

Moving forward with difficulty in this fog, the Guandong Chamberlain finally didn't know where it would go.

(End of this chapter)

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