different warring states of japan

Chapter 1734 You light a fire to blow the air

The Hojo Clan's method is to follow the sage's will and play within the rules of the game without using force.

Letting the people of the East bear heavy debts and forcing them to hand over their territories with a credit agreement does not violate the sage's political requirements for stabilizing the overall situation, and it can be replaced logically.

Uesugi Kenshin nodded.

"This is a way. The sage is merciful, but he is not without principles. The people in the east are rebellious, and they will be liquidated after all.

Even if the death penalty can be avoided, the living penalty is inevitable. It is kind of us to be able to keep the family name. It is their own right to change the title and surrender the ancestral land, and we can't blame us for being cruel. "

Takeda Shingen chuckled.

"You two don't really think that a credit agreement can force the people in the East to be honest and give up their territories voluntarily, right?"

Hojo Ujimasa bowed slightly.

"If His Highness Takeda has any advice, I'm all ears."

Takeda Shingen tapped on the documents on the table and said.

"It is indeed a good business method to let the people in the East borrow money and food that they cannot repay, and wait for the four countries in the East to resume production after the famine, and then use debt coercion to seize their territories.

However, the samurai family is not a businessman, and the means of a businessman may not be effective for the Ji warrior group.

According to His Highness Hojo's idea, with this document, we can indeed gain ground in front of the sage, and we can overwhelm the Eastern crowd in the Kanto Chamber, but will the result really be as we wished?

You know, we are also right now!There is no problem with the procedure of the Guandong Chamberlain to expel the Eastern people, and the rebellion by the Eastern people is even more unforgivable, but the result?

It’s not that we have nothing to do with them. They are rogues and lie flat. The saints don’t want to shut down the turmoil in the eight states and the corruption of the four eastern countries, so we can only pinch our noses and speak for them.

The credit agreement burdened them with debts that they could not repay. They might not choose to surrender their territories and pay off their debts, but they were more likely to choose to take risks.

How can you be sure they won't play a second time when they've successfully played a rogue once?

We threatened with the credit agreement that they once again set off a crisis of political stability in the four eastern countries. Isn't this another dilemma for the saints? "

Hojo Shizheng remained silent.

Takeda Shingen has a vicious vision, and he pointed out the biggest problem of the credit plan in one word, that is, can it be enforced when encountering bad debts?
It's one thing to claim money, but it's another thing to get it back.

Satake Yoshishige, I saw that Yoshiyao and those people are all old foxes of a thousand years, and there is no kind person who is easy to get along with.

The Hojo Clan's government expects them to be reasonable and will be willing to admit defeat. It is too naive and underestimates the shamelessness of politicians.

The bigger possibility is that the meat bun beats the dog, and the money and food borrowed are swallowed up by others. They feel at ease and treat themselves like old lads, tying the territory and not leaving. What can you do with them?
The bottom line of the sage is political stability, easing conflicts, and bridging the differences between the east and west of Guanbazhou.

If the people from the east repeat their old tricks and create turmoil again, the sage will be forced to make a choice again, and will have a headache between the eastern and western martial arts.

Uesugi Kenshin was upset when he heard it, and snorted coldly.

"This doesn't work, and that doesn't work either. Just cut the mess quickly and solve it this time, so you don't have to drag the trouble to a later date."

Takeda Shingen shook his head.

"We pride ourselves on the help of saints, so we shouldn't make troubles for saints.

The sage has a kind heart, and was coerced by the rogues of the East with the stability of the political situation. We are sympathetic, but we can't get used to these rebels.

His Highness Hojo’s idea is very good. We use our credit as a guarantee loan to help the people in the east, and force them to give up their territory by repaying the loan. This is a good idea and should be supported.

However, we have to find another way to ensure that these scoundrels dare not renege on their debts, so that the credit agreement can truly become our trump card. This is the key.

In the past few days in Guhe City, I heard some interesting rumors. There seems to be some disturbance in Dali County. Have the two Highnesses heard of it? "

Uesugi Kenshin shook his head, Hojo Ujimasa nodded and explained.

"With regard to the government affairs of the Tomuzo region, the Shiba and Hojo families have not yet completed the settlement, but I do know something about the situation in Osato County.

After receiving the saint's letter, a few villages did not mobilize immediately, but were busy with spring plowing and missed the battle.

No one expected that the sage would be so powerful that he would conquer the Eastern crowd in just twenty days.

A few villages in Dali County refused to mobilize during the busy season of spring plowing on the grounds of Wu family tradition.

They originally thought about sending out troops after the spring plowing, but now that the battles are over and there is no need to mobilize, they are in an embarrassing situation.

Those villages mobilized during the spring plowing season mobilized half of the manpower in the field, and this year's autumn harvest is expected to decrease by [-]%.

These villages call themselves righteous villages, and despise the few villages that have not been mobilized as unjust villages.

In Dali County, the number of Yishi Village is ten times that of Unyielding Village. Seeing that the spring farming in Unyi Village is going well and the autumn harvest is unabated, everyone suddenly feels aggrieved.

Under the instigation of people with good intentions, the two sides fought with weapons several times. There were few people in the unrighteous village, and they were often besieged. It is said that several people died.

Warrior Ji from Unyielding Village complained to the Saint seat in Guhe City. It is a tradition of the samurai family not to mobilize during the busy season. It is unreasonable to criticize the neighbors on this ground, so he implores the Saint to judge.

but. .He was stopped by someone and failed to reach the imperial front. "

Takeda Shingen smiled.

"I'm more aware of this matter. The person who stopped the complaint was Yuya, the second-in-command ghost of the Blue Clothes, and it was she who found Naomasa Ii and found out her loyalty.

Naomasa Ii controls the supervisory power of the Tongxin Secretariat. He is upright and has always been tolerant of sand. When he heard that unjust people sued loyal people, he personally stopped the complaint.

Both Pu Sheng's Township and her were born with the surnames of saints, so naturally they would not destroy their relationship for the sake of a few unmobilized villages.

Therefore, the matter of complaints was settled. "

Hojo Shizheng laughed.

"Your Highness Takeda doesn't know.

The minds of those people in the blue clothes are not simple, they often take the world as their own responsibility, and they have great ambitions.Especially the radical ghost Yuya, who is probably the driving force behind the incident in Dali County.

The current main leaders of the Blue Clothes are all the first batch of young Ji warriors who studied abroad in Siboling and returned from their studies to take on important responsibilities.

They participated in the Miyoshi War in Kinki, made contributions to the saints, and shed blood.

Therefore, the sage has always favored them and regarded them as the pillars of Guan Bazhou's future. He hand-picked the blue-clothed people to participate in the affairs of the martial arts association, which invisibly elevated the power status of these young Ji warriors.

The first batch of foreign students came from the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River, and most of the leaders of the Blue Yizhong came from the land of Tomusura.

They are the heirs of local servants in the local village, and they can speak well in the martial arts association, so they have great influence in the local area.

This time, the rebel army in Dongwuzang was led by the blue-clothed people, who took the initiative to attack and assisted the saint in raiding the Guofutai, winning the crucial battle. They made great contributions and their influence was even higher.

The samurai family in Dali County is one of the main forces of the East Wuzang Rebel Army. After the war stopped, they returned home early to rush to plant spring plowing, and were forced to reduce their production by [-]%.

Returning to the righteous army, the unyielding village has comfortably completed the spring plowing, so the upper and lower connections have led to the disturbance between the righteous village and the unrighteous village.

The Blue Clothes have so much influence in the local area, without their support, the local servants in the village might not have dared to make such a big fuss.

And Guitou Youya has always advocated purification, asking the blue-clothed people to lead by example, obey the leader, reform their minds, and announced that they would cleanse the samurai who did not follow the saints, and establish a more pure new order of the samurai.

The radical faction of the Blue Clothes, represented by Youya the ghost, behaves perversely, and all aspects of the Wuxi Association are reluctant to negotiate and communicate with this group of fanatical lunatics.

On the contrary, Mikami Momona, the chief of the Blue Clothes, knows the generalities, works steadily, and has a good reputation in the martial arts association. "

Hojo Shizheng and Takeda Shingen spoke to each other, explaining clearly the matter of the Blue Clothes and Osato County.

Such high-ranking bosses like them have a lot of intelligence and rich channels, and they can easily understand the conflicts between the middle and lower levels. The context is clearly visible, and the background can be seen through at a glance.

Uesugi Kenshin helplessly interrupted.

"You've been talking for a long time, but it's just a few juniors messing around. Is it worth our time here?"

Takeda Shingen laughed.

"His Highness Uesugi's words are wrong.

Although the juniors are young, they have the courage to take responsibility and their ambition to stand up for loyalty is worthy of recognition.

Think about it, is the conflict between the righteous village and the unrighteous village similar to the conflict between the Guandong servants and the Dongfang people?

We are righteous, they are unrighteous, we are right, they are not.

But it turned out that they were playing rogues, and the saint had no choice but to tolerate them.

But we are clearly right, but we have to take responsibility for their sins and help them pay the price. Is this fair?

Is it reasonable that the common morality of the world is invalid in the land of Guanbazhou?
Not to mention that the juniors are angry, I am also very angry, Your Highness, are you not angry? "

Uesugi Kenshin rubbed his chin, suddenly felt a little interesting, Hojo Ujimasa smiled.

"Anger is anger, but we cannot disobey the meaning of the saint after all."

Takeda Shingen shook his head.

"The sage is wise, we can only obey and dare not disobey.

But Lan Yizhong is right, there are bad guys in the martial arts family, we can't let a small group of bad guys ruin the saint's great cause!
We can't suppress the spontaneous actions of the middle and lower class samurai, their simple morality, and pure righteousness, right? "

Uesugi Kenshin nodded, she had already understood that Takeda Shingen wanted to use the stunned young men in the blue clothes as spearmen.

Young people are motivated and have ideals, and want to change the status quo, so we will take advantage of the trend and use their youthful blood to achieve our political goals.

Hojo Shizheng smiled.

"Righteousness is awe-inspiring, and morality lasts forever.

Since the young people intend to be the first in the world, then of course we should support them and give them a broader stage to fully bloom their ideals.

The radicals in the blue clothes often say that there are bad people in the Wu family, and they need to cleanse their bodies and reform their minds.

In the recent turmoil in Dali County, some radicals also shouted that there are unrighteous people in the unjust village, and that there should be a severe punishment of killing every ten people and killing every 20 people, so that one person should be killed to serve as an example to others.

If this atmosphere of justice sweeps through Guan Bazhou, how many unrighteous people will be afraid of righteousness, lest it will harm their own families. "

Uesugi Kenshin sneered.

"The butcher's knife is raised, can it be easily put down? Killing people in pretexts will be addictive. If the people in the village of injustice are not killed, this matter will not be over."

Takeda Shingen laughed.

"The unrighteous people in Dali County have been killed, and the unrighteous people in other parts of Guanba Prefecture cannot be tolerated.

If some unrighteous people are protected by the saints, take credit money and food, and want to live up to the mercy of the saints, they should indeed be killed. "

Both Uesugi Kenshin and Hojo Ujimasa nodded in agreement, feeling that Takeda Shingen's words were justified.

Pushing the blue-clothed people to the front for cleaning and sports, the Sanqiang Fan and the Kanto Servant hid behind to fuel the flames, using credit as a knife and a net to harvest the territory of the Eastern people.

If the people in the East dare to play tricks again, just wait to be swallowed by the raging public opinion. The knife of young people is really easy to use.

A single spark can start a prairie fire, and the spark of Blue Yizhong was deliberately blown away by the strong winds of the Three Powers, and it is about to turn into a prairie fire.

Kitou Yuya would not have thought, nor would Uesugi Takeda Hojo, that when the fire of the prairie prairie swept through Guan Yashu, no one would want to stay out of it.

This great movement to purify the body and transform the mind will eventually escape everyone's control and exceed everyone's expectations.

The person who lit the fire did not know to what extent the uncontrollable fire would melt the bodies and minds of Guan Yashu.

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