Chapter 1737
Imai Zongjiu didn't dare to get involved in the matter of Siba's descendants, but she had to mention some things.

"My lord, several groups of people have been sent over from Shishan, but you have been avoiding them all the time.

The Master of Honganji Temple is said to be very angry, and someone has already told me that the Ichikozong may refuse to continue to cooperate with us.

I'm afraid there will be some twists and turns in the sale of shares by United's major shareholders. "

Takada Yono sneered.

"Honganji seems to have malicious intentions and wants to drag me into the water. I have given enough face to not see her envoy. If she is shameless, she must threaten me, so let her do it.

It is in everyone's interest that major shareholders advance and retreat together to maximize profits.

If Yi Xiangzong wants to act arbitrarily, harm others, and cut off everyone's money, yes, I would also like to see if she, Honganji Xianru, has the courage to really do this. "

Imai Zongjiu sighed.

"Master Xianru is also desperate.

As soon as spring began, Lord Shibata Katsuie of Echizen Province led the Oda army across the Daishoji River and launched a massive attack on Kaga Ichiku.

During the spring plowing season, it has always been difficult to mobilize. General Kaga Qili Laizhou retreated steadily and was forced to retreat to the Kanazawa Plain.

On the other hand, His Royal Highness Oda sent Mr. Ikeda Hengxing to return to Settsu Kingdom.

In the name of committing rebellion, Araki Murashige was deprived of her authority to protect Settsu, and she was once again charged with the crime of conquering the Ikeda family in Settsu as a retainer of Ikeda.

Although Ikeda Hengxing was born in the Mino Ikeda family and had no relationship with the Settsu Ikeda family, the Oda family's power is in full swing, and Araki Village is still in Settsu and killing innocent people indiscriminately, which is unpopular.

Therefore, the Settsu samurai have joined Ikeda Hengxing one after another, and Araki Murashige has been betrayed by all relatives, besieged on all sides, and the Settsu Kingdom may change hands at any time.

If the Oda family wins Settsu, they will inevitably attack Ishiyama Honganji Temple to avenge their forced withdrawal from West Kinki.

Hengxing Ikeda was originally enjoying the tax revenue of the Customs Office in Sakai Port, and remotely controlled the government of Settsu. His good life was broken by Araki Murashige and Master Xianru, and he fled in embarrassment. The resentment in his heart can be imagined.

It seems that the Venerable Master's panic is understandable. "

Takada Yono chuckled.

"Her panic is justifiable, do I deserve to be unlucky and have to be coerced by her?
The Shiba and Oda families fought a big battle mobilizing 20 people, and no one could do anything to the other, so they came to a strategic agreement for joint cooperation.

The Oda family and the Ichigo clan were at odds with each other, and the saint chose the Oda family between the two. Can I disobey such a grand strategy?
Honganji seems to want to drag me into the water, with a vicious mind and a heart that can be punished.I didn't break up with her right away because I was saving face, if she doesn't know what's good and what's wrong, ha ha. . "

The main reason for Takada Yono's disregard for Ichikozong is that the situation is different. The mature Hokuriku Road trade route no longer needs Ichikozong's maintenance.

At that time, the Hokuriku Road trade route had just been established, and there was no group of evil mages like Xiangzong holding swords and guns to convince people physically, so it was really not peaceful along the way.

That's why Takada Yono gave a lot of benefits to Master Xianru in order to get the support of Yixiangzong and ensure the stable operation of the business route.

But now, the majesty of the saint is admired all over the world, and the forces along the Hokuriku Road have been integrated into the commercial road interest group. There is me in you, and you in me.

Everyone eats at the same table, and there is no reason to smash their own jobs. The role of Xiangzong to escort the business road is gone.

On the other hand, the rise of the Oda family is eliminating the forces of the Ichiko clan, and the Ichiko clan strongholds that once occupied the Hokuriku Road are being replaced by the Oda family.

The cake is only so big, and if a big guy like the Oda family wants to enter the market, someone has to cough up a share.

The use value of the Yixiangzong has declined, but the share it occupies is very large. If the share is not taken from the Yixiangzong, should the Shibo family pay it themselves?

Besides, the Tokaido trade route will reopen sooner or later, and Takada Yono still wants to deepen cooperation with the Oda family.

The Oda family is stuck in the Ise Owari two countries on the west side of the Tokaido, and the allies of the Tokugawa family occupy the Mikawa and Enjiang two countries. Without the cooperation of the Oda family, the Tokaido trade route cannot be opened.

In order to complete the sage's task of re-opening the Tokaido trade route, Takada Yono must cooperate closely with the Oda family, and the outdated ally of Mutomune will naturally alienate and abandon him.

The Oda family will replace the Ichigo clan and become the most important partner of Takada Yono on the business road. It is conceivable that Takada Yono has a tendency between the Oda family and the Ichigo clan.

Honganji seems to be out of his mind, and has not yet seen the vile nature of Takata Yono's mercenaryism, thinking that Takata Yono must help Hitoko Zong with the trump card of the Hokuriku Road trade route.

But in fact, Takada Yono was not worried at all about Yixiang Zong's daring to fight to the death.

The lower level of Yixiangzong may be composed of suffering people, with firm beliefs and fearless death, but the upper level of Honganji Temple has long been hereditary religious dignitaries after ten generations of Dharma kings.

This group of hereditary aristocratic nuns is worse than high-ranking samurai. The names of samurai in troubled times are bitter bastards, and they will be hacked every day if they don't kill people. But which of the great nuns who have been pampered for generations is not afraid of death?

No matter how many followers died under her command, the big nun would not blink, but if she hurt a little, she would scream.

Takada Yoshino is not afraid of Honganji Temple's appearance of desperation. Don't look at the solemn and solemn master of the Dharma, as if he is ready to die for religion at any time.

But as long as Oda Nobunaga has an overwhelming advantage and makes her feel life-threatening, she will definitely surrender.

Sohisa Imai said.

"The Oda family is powerful, and the family has always been in decline. It is indeed right that you don't want to be coerced by Master Xianru.

However, the stock price of Hokurikudo Trading is now in danger, and we still need to maintain the fluctuating decline for two years to prevent it from collapsing.

If Honganji has the idea of ​​burning everything together and using the chips in their hands to smash the market, we will not be able to support it. "

Takada Yono said coldly.

"Honganji Hyunru felt that he held the trump card, so he dared to force me to submit.

But she also didn't think about it, the strategic plan of the Shiba family was set by the sage, so can I easily change it?
The sage went to Kanto without waiting for the beginning of spring, and His Highness Oda started to conquer as soon as the spring began. There was no gap in the tacit understanding between the two.

Honganji looks like she really wants to find me?Then she couldn't contact the saint!The saint doesn't want to know anything about Yixiangzong at this time!

The grievances between the Oda family and the Ichijo clan must come to an end, and before the end, the saint is unwilling to come forward.

Master Xianru dragged me hard, just to make me displease the saint.Who is she? Why should I make the saint unhappy for her?
The fish is dead and the net is broken, haha, does Honganji Xianru have the courage?
Over the years, she has not lost the benefits of the trade route. If the Hokuriku Road trade route is ruined, we will suffer serious losses, and she will lose everything.

The stocks are all traded with Sibo food coupons, and her money and accounts are all going to Sibo Bank. If she really wants to flip the table, she will get nothing.

Everyone gets together so well, so what should be given to her, I have a lot of money for her.

If she wants to smash the market and cause everyone to lose money, then even if I freeze her funds, the major shareholders will support my revenge.

Also, Honganji Temple was not opened by her alone, Honganji Temple, in the lower room of Shishan, in Qili of Kaga, how many nuns and generals have my benefits in their hands?

It seems that Hongan Temple really wants to smash the game, can those generals and nuns under her agree?
Oda Nobunaga was determined to conquer the Ichikai clan, but the decline of the Ichikai clan was right in front of him.

It has always been defeated, the stocks of the Hokuriku Road trade route in their hands, the real estate owned by Sibo, and the food stamps stored in the Sibo Bank, are all the capital to settle down in the future.

She seemed like if the Venerable Master insisted on going her own way and smashed everyone's coffins, wouldn't she be afraid of being stabbed in the back and die early? "

Imai Sohisa shook his head with a wry smile, sighing endlessly.

Yono Takada has been operating in Sakai Port for six years, and has already woven a tight net of interests that cannot be pierced by needles or splashed by water.

Although Master Xianru of Shishan Hongan Temple has boundless mana and countless followers, she is not enough to see the benefits of real money.

The believers in the middle and lower classes are fanatical, but the real upper class dignitaries cannot be coerced by their beliefs, and their interests will always come first.

With the interests at hand, Master Xianru herself couldn't see through it. How could the generals and nuns under her command do so?It is often more difficult to touch the interests than to touch the soul.

Over the years, Takada Yono has given enough benefits, and the whole family has earned enough, but the wealth they have accumulated is stored in the financial system of Sibo food stamps.

The money earned by the Hokuriku Road trade route is all distributed as dividends with Siba food coupons. It is really Siba who makes money, Siba flowers, so don't even think about taking a penny home.

Using Sibo food coupons to buy stocks, real estate, and bank deposits is better than taking gold, silver, and copper coins home and burying them in the ground to rot, right?Not only do you not have to worry about being stolen or robbed, but you can also earn a little more interest money.

But if one day, Muzomune and Shiba's family turned against each other, these conveniences and benefits would immediately turn into financial ropes to hang him.

If you can't get the money out, can it still be considered money?That's the hostage, that's the handle!

The more Imai Zongjiu thought about it, the more he felt sad for the Venerable Master Xianru. He has a specialization in arts, and this religious bigwig is just a fledgling financially.

If the Venerable Master Xianru talked with Takada Yono about the theory of rebirth and the Amitabha Sutra, Takada Yono would be stunned.

But if the two were to compete with each other in the market place, obviously the Venerable Master would definitely lose and be pawned, and the current situation is exactly the same.

Obviously, if the Venerable Master wanted to keep his face and keep his crotch pants, he would not dare to fall out with Takada Yangno, and he had to bear it.

Yono Takada's financial system with Sibo food coupons as the core, to put it bluntly, is an open grab, turning your money into mine in a reasonable way.

The reason why she is confident is actually because her background is strong enough.

Sibo Yiyin is invincible in the world and has the hardest fist, so the financial system of Sibo food stamps is the safest, most reliable, and most domineering.

Without the escort of absolute force, Yono Takada would not have dared to do such an absolute job.

Back then, in order to establish a trading route in the Hokuriku Road, she licked her face to please the Master Xianru and conveyed various benefits.

Now, the power of the Ichikozong is no longer there, and the Shiba family has become more powerful. Takada Yono immediately changed his face, kicked the Ichikozong away, and prepared to play with the equally powerful Oda family.

This is the essence of finance, bullying the weak and fearing the strong, the competition is not the brain, but the fist and the background.If the fist is not strong enough, not only can't grab other people's money, but also can't keep your own money.

Imai Zongjiu thought for a while and sighed.

"It's good that the Venerable Master doesn't dare to play tricks behind our backs, at least we don't have to worry about Yi Xiangzong's bargaining chips.

I wonder how long Araki Murashige can last?When is His Royal Highness Oda planning to attack Shi Shan?
I hope this war will not be too fierce, otherwise it will affect the operation of the Hokuriku Road trade route, and the stock price will also be greatly affected. "

(End of this chapter)

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