Akechi Mitsuhide tried his best to cater to the matter of kneeling and licking Oda Nobunaga, Takada Yono was watching it as a joke, not only her, there were many people watching coldly.

Akechi Mitsuhide has a good reputation both inside and outside Kinki. As the diplomatic representative of the Shiba family, he has an elegant appearance, is kind to others, is like spring breeze, is good at dancing, and can build relationships with all parties.

But behind everyone's praise, none of the warriors who really understand the nature of this black-bellied fox is not afraid of her.

It has only been a few years since Ashikaga Yoshiki died, and there are still many people who were actively and passively involved in the Kyoto Incident back then still alive.

Hatakeyama and Ninagawa in the center, Matsunaga and Miyoshi in the local area, Niko and Maeda in the Shiba family, etc.

Everyone knows very well what kind of role Akechi Mitsuhide played in the event of Miyoshi going to Luo and killing the general.

Except for the land turtle from Owari, the arrogant and arrogant Oda Nobunaga, who thinks he can handle Mitsuhide Akechi, who in every Kinki family does not have palpitations about this elegant diplomat with a full belly.

What was right and wrong back then, because each family was more or less involved in it, they were forced to keep silent, and the truth was covered up in history.

Even the saint was unwilling to get to the bottom of it and avenge Ashikaga Yoshiki, just because he was worried about pulling out the radish and bringing out the mud. When he got to the bottom of it, he pulled out a bunch of his own people, and finally dug out his own foundation.

Shiba Yoshigin could only hide on Ashikaga Yoshiki's grave, wiped his tears and said a few heartfelt words. It is also extremely hypocritical to only recognize Ashikaga Yoshiki's wife in this life.

People were killed, but they only dared to cry and say that I will always miss you and miss you, but they dared not come forward to avenge her, it was shameless and obscene.

But Sibo Yiyin can't help it, this world is a shameless and obscene world, and he really doesn't want to join in the same filth, he wiped his neck and left long ago.

Since he was going to continue breathing in this quagmire, no matter how disgusting the lumps of mud on his body were, he couldn't get rid of them all.

In this world, how can there be a clean person!

Oda Nobunaga came to Kinki too late, and the truth of the year was covered up by relevant people. Although she had some guesses, she still couldn't grasp the key point.

Of course, the Oda retainers followed the Oda family, and someone always knew some clues, but what is interesting is that everyone did not choose to take the initiative to tell Oda Nobunaga, but watched Akechi Mitsuhide perform.

Oda Nobunaga is too strong, her enemies fear her, her retainers also fear her.

She is a lonely strongman, except for Yoshihiko Shiba, she never cares about other people's eyes, and suppresses everyone with a superb iron fist.

Her courtiers are afraid of her and don't love her because she is too extreme.

The Oda family is located in the Owari, Mino, Omi, Ise, and Echizen Five Kingdoms, with a stone height of 300 million, and is the most powerful feudal clan in the world.

According to the tradition of the samurai family, the family business is the public property of all the retainers.

But in the Oda family, this is not the case. The Oda retainer group was overwhelmed by Oda Nobunaga early on.

When the Owari people refused to accept it, Oda Nobunaga mixed in the Mino people to check and balance.Mino Owari teamed up, and Oda Nobunaga began to rely heavily on Omi people and Ise people again.

Even among the core important ministers, big bosses like Lin Xiuzhen and Ando Mamoru can be deprived of their positions and exiled at will.

A junior like Hideyoshi Hashiba, born as a servant, as long as he is obedient and easy to use, he can fly to the sky like a rocket.

In the samurai society where seniority is considered, blood is emphasized, and the country is valued, Oda Nobunaga's meritocracy and one-man dictatorial governor are simply an outlier among outliers.

Sitting in the five countries is not satisfied, and does not want to give benefits to the retainer group, but instead PUA in the workplace every day, forcing everyone to work hard to 996.

Shibata Katsuya's territory was changed to the Echizen Kingdom, and they were forced to fight every day, and they used the old foundation accumulated by the Mino faction of the Owari faction to attack Kaga.

Hashiba Hideyoshi had just gained a firm foothold in Kita Omi, and Kitabata Xinbao was unpopular in Nanyi, Oda Nobunaga ignored them all, and forced them to send troops to take Tsu, consuming his own little capital.

In short, Oda Nobunaga's method is to constantly relocate his retainers to guard the new territory, conquer the new territory, and constantly consume the vitality accumulated by the retainers so as to prevent the retainers from having the strength to fight against him.

In this way, the strength in Oda Nobunaga's hands grows rapidly like a snowball, but her retainers are just pulling donkeys, always on the road of hard work.

Regardless of the fact that Katsuie Shibata is already the 40 lord of Echizen, and Hideyoshi Hashiba is already the daimyo of 12 koku in Kita Omi, but none of them have any sense of happiness, only a sense of crisis.

Because Oda Nobunaga does not follow the rules, the tradition of the samurai family is just torn straw paper to her, and the territory of the retainers can be changed at any time.

Win the migration front and keep fighting.If she loses the fight, Lin Xiuzhen will end up deprived of all her meritorious titles and leave naked.

In such a working environment full of wolf culture, which employee can have a sense of happiness and security?
The core important ministers promoted by Oda Nobunaga himself were all complaining, and Matsunaga Hideo, the second and fifth sons who took refuge here, felt even more uncomfortable.

Therefore, even if Akechi Mitsuhide was dancing in front of him, even if he knew that Akechi Mitsuhide had bad intentions, Matsunaga still kept his mouth tightly shut.

Matsuhisa Nagahide may have true feelings for Miyoshi Changqing. When she tried to trick Miyoshi Changqing, she still had a little conscience.

But for Oda Nobunaga, the surly master, Matsunaga Hideo has no gratitude at all, and only thinks about how to fish in this muddy water to maximize his own interests.

Most of the Kinki samurai family and Oda's retainers had this in mind, and Oda Nobunaga gradually fell into a blind spot.

Behind the seemingly monstrous power, in fact, the further you go, the more lonely you become.


All the concubines in Kinki are watching the theater, if there is one person who is concerned about the country and the people, it must be Nizi Shengjiu.

Junshan City, residence hall.

Nizi Katsuhisa put down the document in his hand and sighed. Tachihara Hisatsuna bowed and asked.

"Sir, is there any new trend in the Maori family?"

Seeing Tachihara Hisatsuna's excited expression, Nizi Katsuhisa was speechless for a moment.

In recent years, Nizi Shengjiu recruited the wandering Nizi survivors and developed well in Kinki.

The Maori family seldom operated outside the Western Kingdom, and the Nizi family revived in Kinki, and the two sides could be considered to be in harmony with each other.

But this time, the Maori family took advantage of Ashikaga Yoshiaki's signboard to reach into Kinki to make troubles, which immediately excited the survivors of Nizi's old party.

It is never too late for a woman to take revenge. It has been more than ten years since Nizi's family was broken up. Finally, the voice of the Maori family has been heard in Kinki. How can the party and people in Nizi's mountain not be excited?
Nizi Shengjiu was not happy about this.

Just now, Shiba Yoshigan and Oda Nobunaga got along well with each other in Fushimi Castle and established a cooperation mechanism.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he went to Kanto, Akechi Mitsuhide fell to Oda Nobunaga completely, destroying the newly established coordination and control mechanism in a mess.

Nizi Katsuhisa didn't think that Akechi Mitsuhide had any good intentions for Oda Nobunaga. Ashikaga Yoshiteru's body was still cold, so whoever believed in Akechi Mitsuhide would be a fool.

But the problem is that Nizi Katsuhisa really has nothing to do with Mitsuhide Akechi, especially after the Maori family intervened in Kinki affairs.

Akechi Mitsuhide is a real bastard, and she is very aware of the deep hatred between the Nizi family and the Mori family.

Therefore, Akechi Mitsuhide helped Oda Nobunaga settle down various families in Western Kinki, and isolated Araki Murashige and Xianru.

On the other hand, Akechi Mitsuhide also ignited and incited within the Kinkispor Territory, arousing the new and old hatreds of one party in Nizishan.

The Kinki Siba Territory is the largest territory of the Shiba family, with a stone height of 20.

After these years of internal political games, Sibo Yiyin's original territorial plan has been completely out of shape.

Shima Katsuo left Kanto, Toudo Takatora left the Shiba family, Otani Yoshitsugi relied on Maeda's interests, and Akechi Mitsuhide had his territory reduced due to punishment and had to concentrate on diplomatic influence.

In today's Kinkispori, the two biggest forces are Niko Katsuhisa of Koriyama Castle and Maeda Interest of Ueno Castle.

Nizi Katsuhisa and Yamanaka Yukimori, the deacon of the Kanto Service Office in Kanto, echoed each other, and Maeda's interests were supported by the blood iron alliance of Maeda Toshiie led by Owari Shiba, and the two sides were evenly matched.

As the Kinki general of the Shiba family, Maeda Mashiro is the commander-in-chief of the Kinkisiba coalition forces, and he is an out-and-out main fighter.

Military merit is the foundation of her life, and fighting hard is her daily life. I don't know why this self-proclaimed educated guy is so keen on fighting. I really think that the more he fights, the more the saint will love her?

Nizi Katsuhisa is the acting official of Kinki Shiba. Stabilizing the overall situation, developing the economy, and building the territory are her scope of responsibilities. She has always been a peacemaker.

Especially after the Kyoto Incident in which Ashikaga Yoshiki was killed, Shiba Yoshiyin was disappointed with the Kinki princesses' obedience and transgression.

Nizi Shengjiu, the acting official who worked honestly, immediately stood out from the crowd among the bastards and could be relied on.

Shiba Yoshigan simply gave the highest authority in Kinki to Nizi Katsuhisa, allowing her to control all forces in Kinki Shiba.

In other words, Katsuhisa Niko is responsible for the stability of Shiba in Kinki, and Mitsuhide Akechi helped Oda Nobunaga expand one-sidedly, which made Katsuhisa Niko very annoyed.

Akechi Mitsuhide has always been concerned about killing and not burying, and the last one to wipe his ass is the unlucky Nizi Katsuhisa.

The sage trusts him, and the king's kindness is like the sea. Nizi Shengjiu must be responsible to the king, so naturally he can't let Zhiming Guangxiu mess around.

But Akechi Mitsuhide is not a good stump, she actually stirred up the hatred of the Maori family within a party in Nizishan, making Nizi Shengjiu's rear unstable, and the samurai under his command even wanted to cooperate with Akechi Mitsuhide.

Nizi Shengjiu had a headache now.

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